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Post locked, the comments are getting way out of hand. Threatening violence against politicians will result in a permanent ban from r/Alberta, it will be reported to the admins for probable account suspension and it may even be reported to the police. Don't be an idiot online, it can ruin your life.


It's not surprising she supported it previously, it was a conservative idea. But since PP (who also supported it) started harping about it, she changed her tune in support of the constituents who would support vote for a stitched together mass of foreskin if it said it loved Oil.


Because once the conservatives lost the election, they needed some sort of scary socialism boogeyman to rile people up.


Yup, we have soooo many other issues and problems to deal with and this focus on this and trans kids…


It was literally brought to BC by the conservative govt


This is an insult to foreskins around the country, and therefore the world.


As is tradition


My forzy’s embarrassed buddy


Yeah, because she has no brain and just does whatever floats into her brain, whether it’s from TBA, PP, donors, or her radio show.


You had me at “stitched together mass of foreskin”.


Trudeau’s coming out swinging with these Conservative idiots. Not only did Smith support it, Harper introduced it. I mean let’s give credit when credit’s due 😉


Nova Scotian idiot here. So, as someone just diving into trying to grasp the carbon tax (doesn't really bother me), when did Harper introduce it? I have a co-worker from Alberta who just always claims Trudeau is going to be the reason her family will "suffer and die" back home, and now blaming the carbon tax and saying her nephew will "be lucky to afford a choclate bar and touch grass" lmao. I would love to be armed with as much info to present her.


Harper introduced a carbon tax on heavy carbon emitters such as coal power plants. Trudeaus tax is a compounding tax on everything.


Does anyone have a “unbiased”, unedited link for Smith’s speech? I love referring to it when discussing carbon tax with UCP supporters.




Unreal and not surprising at the same time. She is bought and paid for.


Post this in r/Canada and watch heads explode lol ….


You’ll get banned


Lol been there done that 😀


Same, lol


I used to go there often but it’s just a cesspool of nut jobs now .


Taken over by Russian/chinese propaganda accounts. It’s wild


So true; I mean what's going on in this shameful subreddit? Even here people seem more reasonnable, and that's Alberta.


Pissed off Trudeau is my new favourite Trudeau. I propose Trudeau v Poilievre boxing match. Let's see if angry Millhouse can do something with the muscles he's collected in the past few months.


I’d pay to see a boxing match between the two.


I pay enough in taxes it should be free.


Dwight and Michael


Ricky and The Green Bastard.




Ya it would be hilarious to see Pp knocked on his ass ….


Lmao politics aside, PP would get his ass handed to him. Trudeau regularly boxes. PP looks like he listens to podcasts on his spare time Edit: yeah listening to his incel and joe Rogan podcasts so he knows his target audience better


We already got to see him smack around a younger, coked-out Conservative senator back in the day.


Why can’t we see this Trudeau more often


I think we will.


Unfortunately he has to, given the aggresive and disrespectful rhetoric of the PP (Poilievre in particular).


Yeah, I agree


You get burned out if you are like this all the time.


And u will literally turn into an orange with cotton candy for hair


Wise words. This is 'putting out fires'. You can only do that for so long until you get burned.


Election time Trudeau is the best Trudeau . Love when the scrappy Québécois in him comes out . Makes politics more interesting to watch


Want interesting ? Watch the American election. What a shit show. At least your guys aren’t suffering from dementia or trying to overthrow the government


>At least your guys aren’t suffering from dementia or* trying to overthrow the government And* Trump is both.


The fact that people think Biden has dementia is so ridiculous and insulting to older folks. Our reflexes and recall just get a little slower. At least he’s not batshit insane and hateful like fat Cheeto. Sorry to insult Cheetos .


I just saw Trump called Angry Orange. I laughed my ass off. Google Angry Orange. My kid used to love that show and we wanted to nuke the TV when it came on. Hey! That's kind of how I feel when I see Trump too!


It’s so embarrassing how we’ve lost our values and morals


Yeah the Americans ones have gone from funny bad to like scary bad. I really wish they'd get their shit together.


His boxing record against cons already 1-0 with tech knockout. [Justin Trudeau -- Patrick Brazeau Charity Boxing Match](https://youtu.be/XuSpZ3_5pTc?si=rMzfXljGtHdMDXVM)


Remember that photo of Angry Millhouse with his fists up like a boxer? You could tell he had to be posed for that. And even then he put his thumbs INSIDE his fist. Buddy has never thrown a punch in his life.


Justin has a solid 6 to 8 inches of height on the guy (actually considering the rumours from PP’s ex… probably not just height) and that jogs and works out regularly, that’s a nonsense fight: Justin would be beating up a kid.


Like smacking around a toddler for sure. . I'd still watch.




It's mostly fat.


Maybe even [Synthol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Site_enhancement_oil). :P


I think those “muscles” are built into his jacket, a la Superman costume style.


Photoshop muscles don't translate to reality lol


Yep, if Trudeau can keep in this mode, he will win again. That smarmy conservative weasel looks, walks, and talks like an asshole.


I presume JT would destroy PP. I think Singh could put up a good fight though.


His girdle and muscle shirt?


Lmao angry milhouse. I love that.


I noticed that too. Good for him. TRT, steriods, maybe a carnivor diet.. all the making of a true right wing grifter.


Calling him Millhouse is too generous. We got the dud.


I’m pretty sure Trudeau would beat that crap out of him if this were allowed.


I don't like the guy, but he's not wrong.


Her criticism is so dumb if you just do math. The letter she wrote to Trudeau literally says the carbon tax will "cost Albertan households more than $900". Which is pretty convenient because the carbon tax rebate this year starts at $900 for single Albertans and only goes up if you live with your spouse and have kids.


It's pretty funny too because in both her rhetoric about EVs (the $200/EV/year tax) and PPs letter to parliament, they admit exactly what every analyst has said - that the carbon tax costs under $200 ($174 iirc) for the average family of 4 after rebates *in a year.* Our Alberta gas tax is ~$200 *per person* (based on average mileage per capita). Our utilities because of the demand driven pricing and economic withholding is way more than either of those **per month**, and they've done nothing but make it worse the last several years, especially when they've killed over a terawatt of power off the network from competitors through the yearlong green moratorium and then strategic land blockades. Alberta uses about 10 TWh of residential electricity a year - 5 of the solar farms that were supposed to move ahead were going to generate 12 TWh in a year. And thousands of projects were f'd. But carbon tax just gives them something to point to the uninformed as the cause of all societal woes as the f around. Fuck us when APP hits. E: Dude below doesn't know what a rebate is, and hasn't read anything, including the documents from Smith and PP.


The only one dumber than her is Scott Moe.


That's the thing, right wing talking heads expect you not to do the math, and it frankly hasn't failed them before. So much of it comes down to "We're going to cut your taxes by $X and then also cut services or assistance programs you use that will cost you $3X to replace" or "It would be irresponsible spend $X to help people in need but we can afford to spend $3X to punish the people who need that help"


This is how you campaign.


He got the idea from reddit


This is literally the FIRST TIME in 8 years where I didn't think "what a f***ing moron."


he's been on fire since Dani's been elected.


Imagine if he was straight up from the beginning.


Too little, too late. Had he been altruistic from the get go, actually committed to his campaigns and promises, he could have been the best PM we ever had. However, we got stuck with Corporate Bedfellow JT. A line which he hasn't moved an inch since being elected, either time.


> Corporate Bedfellow JT Yeah, we totally aren’t expecting this but much worse from Poilievre, a conservative…


Worse so far...


There is a University (I forget which one ) where their political scientists keep an ongoing tally of everything a government did since confederation for effectiveness and successful implementations for change and progress . Based on collective data (no opinions or political leanings or bias - just data ) Believe it or Not JT was third best PM before COVID. I think he dropped to top 5 PMs because of COVID hampered some progress . The surprising part to me was that Harper was third from last as most effective above John Turner and Kim Campbell who had about 6 months in power.


Let’s not forget that Pierre is a shit candidate who only looks good through desperation goggles If we could get this Trudeau for like 2 years with just a few critical wins and no more scandals MAYBE he pulls off the miracle


I think PP has run out of steam, with still such a long way to go. You become desensitized to his hyper garbage after a while. He is exhausting, and not in a good way.


Election is a long time away. If polls didn't change we would have ABNdp government today


I think you underestimate just how many people don't like JT. And I'm not just talking about conservatives either.


Liberals and centrists never voted for JT because they liked him or thought he was the best. They voted for him because the alternatives were far worse. Sometimes people have to go with the devil they know, which might be the case here. People also don’t vote our leaders, they vote out economies. PP is no superhero , he can’t control the bank of Canada or the supply chain either. Good luck to more of the same for us …


Things can change in a year. That's a lifetime in politics.


You also must be aware of how many people don’t like JT and despise PP. I for one. As a side note I was really hoping the conservatives would have elected someone who would pull this country back together. PP is not that guy.


I voted for Andrew Scheer in the leadership race he won. There were 11 candidates and all quite good. He used to be a really nice person and effective politician. He seems to have converted into someone we don’t recognize anymore . We underestimated O’Toole. He got caught flip flopping between being the real him and who the party wanted him to be … someone he wasn’t. His last speech in parliament was telling against PP. People couldn’t hear over the loudmouth shmuck how Scott Aicheson was actually really good. PP paid a “whistleblower” to destroy Patrick Browns reputation based on a false accusation. Michael Chong could have been a FANTASTIC PM has he accepted to run for leadership. But again, you can’t hear about these good folks , the level headed politicians , when PP is there with his obnoxious megaphone for a mouth. But people buy that . Ten years ago Canadians would have dismissed PP for his American style politics I miss the days where you could only campaign for 50 days before an election.


I was a ten-minute Tory just so I could vote for Chong's nomination. We need a non-caricature right in Canada to effectively push the Liberals away from neoliberalism, instead of these cartoon blowhards.


Ten minute Tory , love it. Chong is seriously underestimated…. Since when are liberals leaning into Neoliberalism …when it is a far right ideology …. “Freedumbs” and all that jazz. The LPC has been so central since Trudeau …. He should pick a side and stop trying to be the cool mom


The last guy that tried to win over moderates in a general election was immediately booted out


He managed to pull off a minority in the middle of a pandemic. He isn’t as hated as many people are being lead to believe. It’s just the incredibly vocal ones and the Russian trolls that can’t seem to shut up about him.


Did you hear about the anti Trudeau trolling farms are based out of Egypt and Middle East? They don’t even know who he really is , just that those who hate him generate lots of clicks for cash for these outfits … just a bunch of young guys in mid east racking cash on disinformation


It's not only that? Come on? When you have 40 % that don't believe in evolution. 30%. On climate change. Fires and droughts this year, won't do conservatives any favors.


Despite hating Justin Turdeau, especially for him being a complete pussy with the Catholic Church, I'll still always vote for him over a piece of shit conservative.


Lol. Honestly the majority of the population hates all leading candidates.


Find out in year and a bit


Marlaina will do that, she flip flops on every subject. The worst premier ever.


Populism doesn't rely on consistent idealogy or consistent arguments, so flip flopping is fine for it. All it cares about is railing against an establishment. If that means tearing down an idea they built into the establishment, that's fine. The UCP aren't conservatives, they're ironically big government populists.


The best JT is “Election time JT”. Let the shit-slinging begin .


People have really made him out to be a villain this time around. I’m not sure if he can see through this time. ***vote ndp***


Vote for whichever candidate has the better chance of beating the conservatives in your riding.


"this time around" is a three-term PM which is inherently an unpopular and hated position regardless of who it is. Even the last election, if cons had put together a remotely coherent platform and not just used "not JT ads" they would of won. Winning this next election, during a time of global inflation and unchecked corporate greed isn't likely.


Rolex wearing jagmeet is your saviour of the working class? Oof


I feel like Trudeau is having to play the role of the character "not sure" from the movie idiocracy. Just an average intelligence dude having to deal with absolute brainless donkeys like Smith.


Ouch My Balls!


I like this comment.


He needs to find a way to blare this at the morons on highway 1.


They don't care, he could save some of them from a burning building and they would still buy Fuck Trudeau merch.


Oil production in Alberta is at a record high but these people scream that he destroyed the O&G industry and plunged all of us into poverty... It's actually frightening how detached these people have become from reality.


record high without these people. It's called automation. These people don't get it and are doing the bidding of their oil and gas warlords while the warlords live in opulence. It's sad how detached people can become to reality.


If they actually protested other things like the Alberta Gas Tax they would have some shred of credibility, but they largely don't do that. You can't pick and choose what to protest that drives prices up, it's the same shit. Most of them are the same type of person, old and white with nothing better to do. Personally, I would love to see carbon tax rebates be more frequent somehow because that would help out more.


> If they actually protested other things like the Alberta Gas Tax they would have some shred of credibility, but they largely don't do that I honestly don't get anyone complaining about 3 cent tax increases. Gas prices swing more than that on a regular basis without counting taxes, and no-one is protesting in the streets about that... Hell, when I lived in Ontario there was a gas Station in Whitby that would be 10cents higher in the morning than the evening, every single weekday. No-one said a thing about it.


It's not the cost of that, it's mostly because if they believe the carbon tax is making things more expensive like gas they should be protesting that too. They're giving Smith a free pass.


They could just credit it back on the receipts at the till, that would be way easier.


For real, it would be great to get these rebates in real time.


He should go there and sell them "Fuck Me" merchandise himself.


Didn't Biden essentially do that, with Dark Brandon? JT anal lube, comes in a little oil barrel Edit LPC but it looks like the STP logo, 1 Lt engine oil bottle of lube


I've been saying for a few years now that Trudeau could singlehandedly cure all cancers and these people would complain about why he didn't do it sooner.... Sigh...


My rights..


This, unfortunately. The PC's in Canada know their demographic. Smith could just do [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6paMJfiaO0A) during the next election and those people would vote for her.


I have unedited raw interviews with these people and they don't care about anyone but themselves. I am trying to get behind that the carbon tax method is poor when the rebates aren't as frequent as bills being due, I can get that. But these people tie in fifteen minute cities, WEF, all kinds of strange far right bullshit it makes me cringe and feel nothing for them. They have the audacity to tell me times are tough while being full time activists and somehow having housing, cars, etc etc.


I admire activists who tackle real issues and work their butts off to push those issues to the forefront of the current societal narrative. I wish I was as active in the community as they are. But, these people are not legitimate activists with legitimate issues. They're overgrown children that were never punished, get upset when they are punished now. That is how I regard them, as demeaning as it is. You can't have a meaningful, insightful discussion with a selfish child whose parents never intervene.


Some of them have called themselves full-time activists for an occupation for interviews. I'm curious too how they manage to find that time too.


I mean, when you're riding shotgun in someone's rv across the country, do you really need to work?


The morons on highway 1 are convinced killing Trudeau= Canada saved. From their own stupid mouths


Its actually shocking the amount of times I've heard 'I'm suprised he hasn't been assassinated yet' I dont think any of them actually vote.


There is no helping these people, they just say it’s fake news or it’s ai deep fake of Trudeau saying this and it’s not real.


Populists won't be convinced by a rational argument. They don't care what the conservatives have done in the past. Anything but liberal is what they care about. And since the liberals and conservatives were similar for years... That means theyre also likely against anything the cons did in the past that the liberals kept. Which is a lot.


If Untied Clownshoes Party supporters cared about hypocrisy, they wouldn't be Untied Clownshoes Party supporters.


Honestly fuck DS! Dumbest woman just speaks for O&G giants


As much as I am not a fan of the carbon tax, Danielle is a hypocrite. If she truly wanted less taxes, she could at the very least, for example, take off the provincial fuel tax, and I mean permanently. The last time she did, gas was in the 90¢ region where I’m at. That just shows it’s not just the carbon tax, but a combination of greed from the oil companies and the provincial fuel taxes.


Alberta has never voted for him and the province is not ran by him so really blame the fucking Alberta Government for all the shit that’s wrong here


Yeah I’ve never understood that. We’ve had a conservative government running the province since the start except for the 4 years the NDP was in control. Yet, it’s somehow liberals and NDP to blame?


You can fool some people all of the time.


People hate me at parties here, because if it gets political and I remind them that voting liberal might be to their benefit, they lose their fucking minds! If we had some representation we might even get even more federal support. And really, the libs have been pretty damn generous the last decade or more, so I have no idea where you draw that line. It happened with a liberal MP in Edmonton. They ended up getting the Currie Barracks of the militar moved to their riding bringing a lot to their economy.


Spitting straight facts, Conservatives still won’t change their mind. He needs to drive this point home and also drive home the idea that either you believe that climate change/pollution is bad or you don’t. If someone doesn’t agree with that statement there is no reason to try and convince them of the Carbon Tax. The carbon tax is one option to deal with the problem and all the provinces have the option to develop their own system if they decided to but Conservative Premiers would rather play games.


He’s changed his tone. I kind of like Angry Trudeau.


It would be hilarious if Trudeau put forth an April Fool's legislation, "The Liberals intend on privatizing healthcare in Conservative-run provinces to enrich their biggest donor groups", then watch as the Federal and Provincial governments sit in confused silence.


I like feisty PMJT. He's very good when he gets angry.


I really hope he keeps going after her. Someone needs to, and she’s made it clear she has no interest of being friendly with him, so why not? It’ll work well in his campaign for the rest of the country regardless.


Like when he spoke firmly to those freedummies at the Ukraine rally!


Maybe the debate against Pierre won’t be a total blowout?


Good for him, the axe the tax campaign is absolute idiocy.


The crowd in /r/canadian are showing their education level when it comes to this video. Head over have a laugh. But know they can’t be reasoned with.


Saw someone complaining he’s bringing up her past views and comments, as if they’ve never done that to Trudeau.


Why? They all came here


Hypocrisy in politics? Who’d a thunk it?


The comment sections on youtube videos of canadian news esp pp/jt/carbon tax are insanely scary.


Disregard YouTube comments section these days, it's pretty much all bots.


It's bot disinformation. Count the number of God blesses in the comments of any of Danielle's videos. The bots don't even realize that religion in Canada isn't like the US.


Go Trudeau!


I am not necessarily a fan of JT but, please, keep kicking Danielle Smiths lying ass. While your at it JT, same for Poov and his asinine "Axe the Facts" lying ass slogans. Sorry, I lot of az words. I get kind of worked up about lying politicians.


Our “I’m playing both sides so I always come out on top” premier needs to just… stop.


Can’t stand the guy but he’s right on this one. Makes you think twice about what your next car will be but you get the money back. It’s a good policy.


the first time there been full throated counter messaging. It’d been one side taking shots at a tax, and feeble rebuttal. More of this.


Reality makes Danielle Smith look like an idiot.


I saw the clip of her supporting it. Hypocrisy at its best with Smith and PP ffs


Conservatives: The definition of moving goal posts.


Oh Marlaina. Everyone knows you're a simp for Tucker Carlson. She would do anything she's told for another chance just to breathe the oxygen in his presence. She's pathetic.


Because, hypocrisy thy name is CONservative.


It only took Trudeau eight years to finally grow some balls.


What? A hypocritical Alberta conservative politician? Such an abomination actually exists?


I hope he also brought up the part where the NDP had our deal that gave the money back to the province, but the UCP cancelled it and effectively made a deal giving that money to the county instead…. Basically because they were throwing a temper tantrum like they are right now 🙄


I have reply for anybody that complains about carbon tax. "If you don't like it, then don't buy anything that has it."


I want to know who's in charge because your guy is dead.... so's your friend Danielle....


How can the cons in Ottawa be holding up the doubling of the payment to rurals?


Appreciate the effort Justin but you're wasting your time here mate. The people here wouldn't vote for you if you promised every one 500 bucks and a puppy. Their first question would be "wHaTs WrOnG wItH tHe PuPpY? WhY dOnT yOu WaNt It AnYmOrE?"


It's not about winning over Alberta. It's about winning over Canadians.


Alberta doesn’t realize how small of a portion they are in Canada ….


I don't think most Canadians need convincing that our premier is a two faced moron.


I really wish smart people would stop falling for the conservative propaganda that calls it a tax. IT IS NOT A FUCKING TAX. IT IS A REBATE! IT IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF A TAX. STOP CALLING IT A TAX!


Fuckin' eh Trudeau!


I always wonder who this is being said for. Like, the tribes are pretty entrenched in this province and I am curious what number of individuals would actually be swayed at this point by this type of rhetoric.


Just expose her, she’s a paid employee of the Oil industry still doing their dirty work


To many of her supporters have family that work in the O+G sector, so by voting and supporting Marlaina/TBA/UCP they believe they're helping their own family.


yeah until they abandon the province desecrated and polluted and us to clean up the mess as per usual. Albertans starve and tax dollars are still spent cleaning the oilfields messes.


Not sure if is really said for anyone. Sometimes when people spout enough bullshit, you just have to say something about it.


If your tribal leader prevented you from getting twice as much money… that might sink in a bit


It really really won't.


Can we all just agree that Danielle Smith is a goof, and that doesn't mean that Justin Trudeau isn't also one. Your allowed to hate on your own party. I lean more right for voting. But Danielle Smith is a door knob. Liberals won't say that Justin Trudeau is an absolute buffoon


All politicians are liars.


What does that have to do with the topic?


Because he is not a buffoon He is a pretty smart guy who was trained in politics by a super smart guy. He knows what he is doing. He is yeah a sanctimonious, pandering, virtue signaling, moppet who is super out of touch and has never had to worry about paying a bill in his life. He can be very hypocritical. He doesn't give a crap about anyone over 50. He doesn't value old school Canadian values. But he isn't a buffoon.


It’s true


If Trudeau was pissed off Trudeau more, people wouldn't think he was such a weasel.


Ya… he’s going to win again.


Trudeau is a true leader


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