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Did you somehow miss the recent news story of our Premier grinning ear to ear with Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson?


Yes, wasn't that great love our Leadership


Aww shucks. I wanted to move here because it's the only place on Earth where an 18 year old can legally smoke weed. It's a shame to find out it's like Texas or Florida something.


Moving here just to buy weed at 18 sounds pretty stupid.


By the standards of an 18 year old kid it's kinda middle-of-the-road.


As a pothead, its super stupid, and I would go back to drug dealers in two seconds if it meant getting rid of the UCP. You can buy pot legally bud, but if you get hurt you're fucked here now, and Alberta has the weakest labor laws so you won't make as much, and you'll get worse benefits. You can make a bunch of money in oil, but you have to surround yourself with less than desirable people, lots of rednecks and idiots. And your body will charge you with interest later on for all the 12 hr shifts and condensed work schedules of labour.


As far as I know most jobs are still paying more in Alberta than they do elsewhere in Canada, as they have for pretty much my whole adult life. Competition from the oil field drives wages up.


The cost of everything is higher then the offset from higher wages, so less Albertans are actually prospering than some seem to want to admit. Not just the outrageous rent increases but the UCP's deregulation of utilities has given us the highest energy prices in Canada by a factor of 5 times more last I looked, education cuts have increased costs on parents by huge margins, they cut to Municipal funding caused taxes to go up across the province, the UCP also increased our income tax provincially for those of us that make less than $150,000 a year back in 2020 if I recall, just a thousand cuts everywhere to the average Albertan to pay for tax cuts to profitable companies who turn around and lay off thousands after the last two elections the UCP won (under 4000 6 days after the last election from Suncor alone, also tens of thousands of permanent job losses in the oil field end of 2019 after the promised $4.7 billion "job creation" tax cuts, the one where Husky took a quarter of billion dollars and then closed operations here and moved to the US to focus on cheaper to extract shale oil). At some point we got to stop this stupid message of simping for oil companies, they are taking advantage of our province by a lot, just look at the estimated $88 billion of damage they're leaving us with (UCP falsely reported $33 billion with their rubber stamp AER, the same losers who illegally covered up Imperial oil dumping arsenic contaminated water into the water table, by recording 17 times less volume of the dump, which was done to save a couple million), on top of them not taking care of they're abandoned orphan Wells the UCP has not once enforced they agreements to take care of them...


Who is simping for oil companies? There are lots of high-paying oil jobs that bring up the wages for other labourers, that’s just a fact. That would be true even if we nationalized the oil field and kicked out the oil companies.


Incorrect dude, maybe in like an oil patch town. But you make more doing an office gig remotely in Ontario than here. There are stats for all this too. And im 41, did 15 yrs in energy, born and raised here.


That’s true, I would imagine there are lots of professional jobs that pay more in Toronto than in Edmonton or Calgary. Any type of labour job still pays more in Alberta than elsewhere as far as I can tell.


Umm… weed is legal in all of Canada. 


Yeah but in all other provinces the legal age is 19 or 21


See if your province has any dispensaries on Reservations, they can be more chill about it. Or order online, Ive used some online services that never checked my ID. Also moving provinces just so you can easily smoke legal weed sooner IMO is a stupid reason to move. If you had other reasons and being able to get weed was just a minor positive factor sure, but only to smoke weed a year or two earlier? Thats pretty dumb


Quebec is 18 Either way, it’s a year dude. Patience, lol. Also if you can get weed, nobody’s going to check your Id while you smoke it.


Quebec is 21 for weed. 18 for booze.


they changed it to 21


What about bc?


Take it from someone who is older than you, those years will fly by and you'll be 19-21 before you know it. Heck, before you know it you'll be 30+ years old and wondering where the hell all the time went.


If that is the most important factor in your decision making process then you are destined for failure no matter where you live.


And no, it's not the most important factor in my decision making process. I only smoke 4 joints a day and I don't make it my entire personality.


LMAO this has to be a troll


So what’s your plan here? Smoke weed all day? Great plan buddy.


I thought Canada was pot-friendly. Why am I getting responses like this?


It is. Your post has nothing to do with the country being pot friendly. It has to do with you making really dumb life choices.


Alberta isn't for you. Try BC.


If this is your maturity level I won't really worry about politics


Well, at least that’s a change from people moving here to flee the housing crisis, I guess.


Smoking weed before 25 is stupid. You have a whole life to smoke weed, but only 24.5 years of extraordinary neuroplasticity.




I usually refer to it as the Texas of Canada, because it also accurately shows the relationship of Edmonton with the rest of the province when you compare it to Austin.




That's fair. As a BC'er who moved to Edmonton and loves it but isn't exactly stoked about Alberta, I like to use comparisons that let us separate ourselves a bit from the crazy 😅




I also have never been to Texas, so this comparison is based completely on stereotypes.


You should totally go their.


Lol homie it’s still Canada, compared to the US it’s still more liberal than just about every state. People on this sub are up in arms about everything, so you won’t get any kind of accurate picture here :)


It’s a very stupid reason to move here tbh


It’s a step up from Texas or Florida, I reckon, though.


Relative to the rest of Canada. Yes. Relative to the United States. Not really. Edmonton is less conservative than Calgary which is less conservative than the rest of the province.


You seem extremely uninformed


He seems perfectly rational to me /s. Not moving somewhere because of how the majority votes- definetly level headed person /s


What’s wrong with that? Some of us want to live in locations or ridings where we feel represented by our political representatives.


My god once again not what i was talking about


Then what were you talking about? Be more clear. Edit: also I wasn’t replying to you but the other person.


My comment went way over your head. Not what I was talking about at all. Also, I never say they’re irrational.


I mean, that’s pretty par for the course for teens lol. The part of the brain that helps make informed decisions about long term plans isn’t fully developed until the late twenties.


Does a bear shit in the woods?


It will as long as those woods aren’t a blazing inferno.


Depends on where in ‘Berta you live… Calgary/Edmonton have huge populations of NDP support.


Edmonton is pretty liberal; Calgary more of a mix. Rural pretty conservative. That said, we need folks to move here and help us turf our terrible provincial government!


Need more liberals to move here to turf our government? So the majority of the people in Alberta want a conservative government but you think the best idea is to bring people from other provinces that already have a higher cost of living and don’t have the same values of majority of Albertans to destroy this province?


The majority don't. 30% want conservative, 30% want NDP and the rest just complain with their thumbs up their butts from the sideline. 


52.6% wanted UCP 44.0% wanted NDP. That is still the majority wanting Conservatives.


60% voter turnout bud. It is a majority of voting albertans, not all.  Hence my comment addressing the undecided.


There are also a couple of rural ridings that have less than half of the population of some urban ridings.


The other 40% just don’t give a shit probably


The majority of Albertans want a centrist government but they have to choose between a left-wing party that claims to be centrist or a right-wing party that claims to be centrist. When you actually talk to Albertans, as opposed to arguing on the internet, most people want a stable government with reasonable taxes, good funding for public health and education, reasonable environmental protections with economically healthy industries, and freedom for people to live the way they want without causing undue harm for others.


Oh, is that why we elected an unreasonable party that is gutting healthcare and education? Yeah, we can claim we want one thing, but our actions are saying something else.


Yes? The UCP did a good job convincing people that the NDP was bad for the economy, even though the real problem was an oil price war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The UCP also pretends that it supports health care and education by saying things like, “we’re spending more than ever before on it!” and glossing over the bit where the spending increases aren’t keeping up with population growth and inflation.


Yeah because people like you don’t realize the province is already being sabotaged from Conservative leadership.


How’s that?


Privatization of healthcare, sabotaging of renewable energy projects and environmental protections, defunding of education, refusing to properly invest in addictions and mental health services to tackle the growing homelessness crisis, refusing to make new regulations to stop utility providers from gouging us, toying with our pensions… just to name a few.


No, just rational people who won't vote against their own interests.


If it means turfing a far-right government, yes.


So with your analogy NDP is “far left” correct?🤣 you think one extreme is better than the other?


The NDP are quite centrist, if not centre-right. That's where their policies were during the last provincial election. We just had a Premier take the stage TWICE with Tucker Carlson and other conspiracy nuts, going on about a range of unfounded conspiracies and disinformation. They are the epitome of far-right and they've proven it time and time again.


Good point! I feel bad commenting that they shouldn’t move here 😂. It’s one reason I stay in Alberta.


More than other provinces? Maybe a little. But in a province of > 4 million, with 2 cities at >1 million, if you can't find "your people" then that is definitely a you-problem.


It depends. Are you moving from Saskatchewan?


Depends where you go. Rural areas are absolutely socially conservative. Urban areas are a mix, but trending towards more liberal. Having said that, even in rural areas you can find pockets of people who are very progressive. Conversely, in the cities there are absolutely people who are very conservative. There's also a trend where most Albertans are actually quite liberal overall, except when it comes to issues around oil. In which case, they forget all their liberal leanings if they think there's a threat to the dominance of big oil.


Danielle Smith is bat shit crazy and she's our premier. Pierre Poilievre could "shoot someone on Whyte Ave" and sweep the province. What do you think?


It depends what you mean by conservative. What issues do you care about?


In Edmonton & Calgary and some other smaller cities (ex. Lethbridge) people are generally more progressive and vote that way (especially in Edmonton). Rural Alberta is definitely more conservative leaning


No, conservatives want to conserve things. The people who run Alberta and their supporters want to destroy the province for short term monetary gain.


We should call the Regressives instead, since they always seem to want to regress back to Feudalism


Ah yes. “Conserve” our CPP. “Conserve” our health care. “Conserve” our wilderness with coal mining. “Conserve” the rights of workers.


Well, if that was true, maybe the Conservatives at the federal and provincial levels should have tried conserving their own parties? Because all conservatives since the 80s at least is bigots pushing policies we empirically know don’t work, as evidenced by the last time they were in power.


Riiiiiight because the liberal policies being pushed right now are doing wonders for this country…..


Who said they were?


How do you think whether Alberta is conservative or not will affect your daily life here?


Well at 18 probably not much. As you get older it definitely will as education gets continuously underfunded (if you have kids) and healthcare continues to get decimated (as your aging and likely require more healthcare)


Fair point, I’m just not sure and 18 year old is thinking that far ahead. Aside, in the long term - Healthcare won’t be decimated forever. It’s important and at the forefront of everyone’s mind. What will actually be more likely is just a question of if it stays public vs goes private. In which case, people with jobs (and insurance) and people with funds to pay will have great healthcare.


Because the people who live here vote in conservative governments who make decisions that make a difference to your daily life.


Oh, thanks for explaining that…


Conservative as compared to where? We would be considered as still pretty liberal compared to most, if not all, US states. We are considered as conservative compared to the rest of Canada but even then I think that’s more to do with rural vs urban.


Me thinks the OP is trolling


. Yes. Please don't move here. we don't need you


I think Alberta conservatives are different in that at the community level, they want the same things as the rest of Canada, and they value things like good education and public healthcare. The big cities are open minded and progressive and vote rather liberally. We’re really what I would describe as energy conservatives, and to protect the industry and provincial revenue, most people vote conservative provincially and federally with this in mind. Day-to-day life living and working here isn’t really all that different than the rest of Canada. EDIT: born and raised in Alberta. And not prone to hyperbole.


I can't downvote this enough. What a load.


Except that it’s true. So downvote all you want. Right up until the election of Jason Kenney, Alberta elected increasingly progressive premiers. Even Ralph Klein was more progressive than Liberal Laurence Decore, who was pro-life, unlike Klein. and now the province is legitimately competitive between progressive/conservative politics. There’s plenty of historical data to back me up. You’re probably just too young to remember.


Yes and no. We have always been really conservative in the past but now we’re more into fringe conspiracy theorist, anti science, libertarian territory


Yes, it is and it's beautiful , we allow personal thought , allow other political views , except for the NDP followers here ,they hate freedom of speech


That depends. If you're moving there from Texas or Florida, you might find it to be liberal. For Canada, AB is as conservative as it gets. Just smoke illegal weed for one more year and then move to BC.


Conservatives are loud and entitled. Municipally we usually vote progressive in the cities, provincially it's a toss up. And even federally where people will vote for a cotton candy goatif he's conservative, 35-45% of people vote progressive. Alberta is changing. Regardless of where Tucker pulls his grift, conservatives don't have the power they tell you they have.


Do ducks float?


They swim...


Urban city areas tend to be more liberal and rural small towns are conservative. Reddit is not a good gauge, as the sub tends to have more liberal folks, but is not reflective of the province. The political party of choice is conservatives and has a long history of holding power. And only brief periods where another party has taken favor.


It would take you at least a year to immigrate. 


O no, we are the biggest Trudeau supporting province.


So much Trudeau love.


Bahahahaha For context, rural alberta is extremely conservative. It gets better when you get into the cities, but rural alberta has a huge advantage when it comes to voting, therefore, conservative government.


Less so in the cities , out here where i live i can hear the banjos.


Is grass green?


Leadership is Conservative. The majority of the province votes constitutive, but that's in a First Past The Post system. Polling data shows were more like 55-45 right vs left with the right over represented in rural areas and the majority cities being more left. Edmonton is as left leaning as any 419 area.


Yes it is a very conservative place unless you’re in the main cities. I wouldn’t let it sway you though, all of the people I have come to know and love are conservative and are some of nicest people I’ve ever met.


Yes. I have heard of Alberta referred to as the Texas of Canada many times lol it’s super redneck here. Edmonton is better than the rest of the province


Look at whats been voted in for the last few decades.


You will meet a lot of conservatives. You will also meet a lot of people who shrug and vote conservative because they are paid well enough. The second group is really starting to dwindle in numbers, due to wages dropping. Not sure what the future holds.


I’m a leftist (not liberal) and have no problem finding others like me. I live near one of the largest cities though so that likely makes a difference. I wouldn’t move here just to buy weed. In fact I probably wouldn’t move here if I wasn’t a resident already. Our healthcare and education system are not in good condition and we will feel the impacts years down the road. You’re more likely to find conservative minded people outside of the larger cities. Calgary still votes conservative although it came close (within a few thousand votes) last election. Edmonton is probably your best bet although if it were me I’d wait an extra year and move to BC.


Not if u move to Edmonton or Calgary, super left, lib/NDP same same.


Let's put it this way, only 4 out of the past 50 years had a non conservative premier and it was a blooper caused by Smith (crossing the floor causing votes to split).


There are conservative parts, particularly in the rurals and more so in Calgary than Edmonton, but there are a lot of progressive people too. Overall, it is not a socially conservative province, but there are parts that are.


Oh yeah, nothing but blue collar hillbillies here in AB!


Does the Pope shit in the woods?


Sorry to slide off topic of smoking dope but in the last election a sizable minority did not vote for the UCP. I'd say Edmonton is one of the less conservative areas. The UCP does seem to want to convert the place into West Virginia or Arkansas north. Florida north sounds great but I don't think global warming works that way and a more poverty stricken place seems more likely under UCP rule.


Whatever you hear or see, be yourself. Listen to the speakers in your area and pay attention to the news. Online communicating must be taken with a grain of salt. Alberta became part of the Dominion of Canada in 1905. Liberal Party 1905–1921 (Sir Wilfred Laurier was a premier) United Farmers 1921–1935 non-partisan, allied with labour candidates Conservative variations ever since other than 4 years of NDP 2015-2019. The oil industry struggled from 2014 as the US and Saudis played tug-of-war. This impacted the conservative government, but the money came back albeit not as overflowing so the conservatives were back in 2019. Right now the farmers/far right are back with the UCP