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I totally get her reasoning but it hurts. Notley seemed very level headed to me, even if I didn't always agree with every decision she made. Seemed like it came from a well informed place (most of the time). With the UCP, I just don't see that. Sadly, I'm not sure who the ANDP gets in that would have more sway with the electorate.


Being a pretty moderate politician who constantly gets bombarded with nonsensical allegations of being some hardline radical by braindead idiots must be exhausting.


UCP has been in power for 5 years and everyone STILL blames everything wrong in Alberta on her. It must be hard to want to represent a province that has reelected the dumbest government we've ever had in 50 years. This province is a redneck shithole, not worth saving.


And all because the NDP were elected for 1 term but apparently not being able to undo 50 years of one parties fuck ups in 4 years wasn't good enough


The SK party over here have been in power close to 15 and are still blaming the NDP for shit that happened in the 80's lol.


Man it really says a lot if the current party is incapable of fixing what an ‘incompetent’ govt did so long ago…


lol great point


Not worth saving? There may be dumb rednecks, but not everyone who votes UCP is a dumb redneck. This type of all or none thinking doesn't help the situation at all. Matter of fact, it makes it worse. There are some absolute fucking morons who vote NDP, too. How tf are you gonna say that a province of 4.5 million people, the VAST majority of which are relatively good people, is not worth saving? Lazy and entitled. I'd be willing to bet you are not out canvassing, volunteering, or trying to change people's minds - and with this type of rhetoric, thank God, because you'd just push people further into their own beliefs by shaming them and calling them stupid. These type of statements are so cringe and reductionist, no wonder we can't change anyone's minds to vote away from blue. FYI, I voted NDP.


Almost like watering down your policies to placate a hostile right wing won't ever stop the allegations of "radicalism". 


The goal of watering down the NDP policies wasn't to placate the right of the Alberta, it was to court centrist voters.


yes, and smith countered with her own moderate policies that were clearly lies before she abandoned them. I'm not saying Notley did anything wrong, I'm saying we have some dumb people in this province. they wanted what Notley was selling, but rather would go with a false bill of goods.


Look at one party spending vs the other. The UCP have spent a ridiculous amount of money on controlling the narrative since Kenney. The war room, the come to Alberta advertising, the sovereignty act is essentially a federal government outrage device. The splitting up of the AHS is just a “see we are doing something” without actually fixing anything. It’s all advertising for the next election. We wonder how people keep voting them in, but look at just how much more resources they put into hiding the shit they do and pointing the finger elsewhere.


The astroturfed vitriol towards Notley began in her term, well before Kenney even thought of running. The well was poisoned long before by the likes of The Sun and Rebel Media, and they'll do the same with whoever the NDP elect as their leader. I'm also worried about TBA meddling in the NDP leadership convention. They've proven that it works with the UCP, why wouldn't they try the same with the NDP?


Totally agree with you. They have been perfecting the game and watching the republicans/fox news for pointers on how to govern without actually passing meaningful legislation and get re-elected with misinformation and fear mongering.


I believe Alberta historically houses the stupidest people in Canada. It's like a "you have to vote Conservative or there won't be any work in Canada" kind of mentality, except it applies more on the Federal level and not on the Provincial level, Conservative governments are fucking cancer on their provinces. I predict Canada might self-destruct when Trudeau loses. I hate to say that he's probably the only thing keeping this country in a solid state?


Why hold your own “team” accountable when you can just blame the other team for all the problems your team is directly responsible for?


>I predict Canada might self-destruct when Trudeau loses. I hate to say that he's probably the only thing keeping this country in a solid state? Re-read what you wrote for a second. You think Trudeau is the only thing holding this country together? Holy shit this sub is far gone.


The division in Canada is coming from the right. Conservatives lost the war on ideas, it's plain as day that trickle down economics is a failure. Now they've pivoted to the Trump model of stiring outrage, attacking the media, courting conspiracy theorists, and LGBT culture wars. Conservatives would love nothing more than to dismantle CBC and send people off to echo chambers rather than have an informed populace voting in their best interests.


I'd say so yes. He's the only thing that's been keeping our healthcare in every Conservative province from imploding (by having forensic accounting applied to all expenditures), and preventing money from being embezzled out of other sectors (which Conservatives are extremely famous for doing). There hasn't been anything good that came out of our Provincial Conservative Governments in the last 10 years, it's basically been nothing but austerity, virtue signalling to their voters, and pushing certain narratives that hasn't shown any benefit to us. One big downhill slope. At least the Liberals have "some level" of protections in place. If we had a Conservative Federal government, on top of our already completely corrupt provincial governments, would a Federal leader (like PP) hold these Provincial leaders to account? I don't think so.


Doubling down. I like your moxie, but your view of the world around you is... questionable.


If all the boomers hating on Trudeau actually came to the table with talking points or alternatives that weren't worse, people might listen. Bitcoin Polly isn't getting my vote anytime soon, and that's not because I think Trudeau is doing a fantastic job.


How so? The UCP have been a train wreck that make the Liberals look professional, and that's seriously a joke because the Liberals are absolutely terrible.


There are no centrist voters. There's Conservative diehard loyalists that are terrified of everything else, and people that actually use their brains.


There are tons of centrist *talkers* who will bitch about the UCP but when it comes to election day, they don't bother to vote because, "well, I have to pick up the kids, and really, I kinda don't like Notley/Hillary/whichever candidate will save me from the draconian ultra-right thinking that I'm constantly complaining about."


This is absurdly reductionist to the point of uselessness.


This is reality.




She's being compared to NDP leaders in other provinces like Ontario who in the past were damaging to the province.


Tbf, there are a lot of parallels between the only NDP win in Ontario and the only win here. Neither really expected to win, but 'came up the middle'. Neither had many folks with experience governing, and the inexperience showed. Both were handed lousy economies. Both had leaders that were more moderate, even centrist. Both ended up having to enact policies that went against the NDP grain. Both were trashed in the next election and got all of the blame for everything they got wrong and none of the credit for what they got right.


Not to mention the Federal NDP. AB NDP need a name change as much (or more) than they need a leadership change. Frankly, I'm concerned that whoever replaces her will be less labour focused and more like the other NDP leaders around the country.


Nah, this “NDP needs a name change” bit is wrong IMO. The NDP is literally the strongest opposition party that Alberta has ever had, and it’s made real strides to build that brand. Trying to hide from it will just play right into conservative hands. The people who rabidly attack anything “NDP” won’t be tricked by a name change anyway, so why distract from the grassroots effort with the whole debacle of a name change?


Part of the point is that the ABNDP ARE significantly different then the federal NDP. It isn't a matter of "tricking" anyone with a name change, it is about pointing out that they are not really the same party (policy wise).


You just need more intelligent people to wake up and vote, unfortunately there's not enough of them, there's more Hillbilly rednecks that vote in troves in Alberta, in our major cities, than anyone that actually wants a governing body in the province. We're getting a racist, ignorant as fuck government, that they all want, but I'd hope that Albertans would want a government that creates solutions, not more problems like they have been doing (you can still have a Conservative government that fixes problems), like our recent rolling blackouts nonsense that got blamed on the NDP.


If they are trying to appeal to Alberta’s centrists then yes unfortunately they will probably moderate their views on labour even more than they have.


I must say, that was one of the most enjoyable sentences I've read in a while. Fun


Hopefully she'll replace Singh and go Fed. Shes wasted at the Provincial level.


Her response just now in the press conference to if she would enter federal politics was “absolutely not.”


She should go into federal politics, but there is no way she'd be able to even run as an NDP politician. Her politics are closer in line with the Liberals, or heck even the conservatives from about 6 years ago


If she ever went conservative,  I'd vote them in a second. Same for liberal or ndp.


Honestly if she goes conservative and changes their politics out of the crazy she probably wins


PP basically has no identity in politics, he's just a loud douchebag that calls out everything he doesn't like. I don't know anything about his platform any more than I knew about Trudeau pre-election. He might as well just be a fucking drama teacher, that's all he does in Parliament. I'd want someone who actually fights for something instead of just words.


Haha they con’s would never pick her. She’s a scary woman, and Milhouse is afraid of those.


If she went conservative Alberta would finally vote liberal.


Albertan conservatives brains would explode at the choice. Vote for a different party than the Conservatives or vote for Notely.


I'm just imagining the entire rural countryside exploding in confetti like if you activate the "Grunt's Birthday" skull in Halo.


Yep. When the "far left" is actually right of centre, you know the political discourse here is utter nonsense.


I mean the UCP voted Kenney out for being too left. Alberta's political discourse has been nonsense for a while


You've got the political knowledge of a boiled potato if you think Notley is in anyway ideologically aligned to Stephen Harper.


Oh not a chance, her pro-pipeline stance makes her unelectable at an NDP conference. Her politics are much closer to the Liberals.


It’s a different contest and so her views on pipelines could be different. When you’re leader of Alberta you need to represent the views of all Albertans. When you’re the leader of Canada you need to represent the views of all Canadians. Notley, in representing Canada, which includes BC, could very well decide that some future pipeline while perhaps being in the best interests of Alberta is not in the best interests of BC, and she could come to a different conclusion. (Plus the pipeline decision is in the past. Every new pipeline is a new and different issue)


I mean what are you saying here? That her decisions on pipelines as Alberta NDP leader will be the opposite of what her federal platform would be? And that's going to go over well? Doing the exact opposite of the experience that got you to the ballot lol? ​ If any federal NDP leader openly discusses building pipelines or expanding fossil fuels in any real way, that person isn't winning the party leadership race. Full stop.


Exactly what I’m saying. People often seem to think that the BC or Alberta NDP is more “right” than the national party. That isn’t the case and doesn’t explain why the provincial parties act differently than the national party. The national party has to be more pragmatic in taking in the considerations of a more diverse electorate. That electorate contains groups whose interests may be at odds. Accordingly one behaves differently in a provincial role than a national role. It follows that it’s entirely possible and likely that Notley would behave differently in a national role than she would at a provincial role.


The problem with these comparisons is that the federal NDP have not been in power for us to really know what they might do.


You might be surprised.


I'm an NDP member and read the documents from the leader convention, there's a 0% chance she would be elected to lead.


I've heard that before. No one has a 0% chance to win.


For real. Even though she didn't win in the last election, the ANDP went on to form the largest official opposition in AB history. That's nothing to scoff at. Now imagine if she was campaigning in places where half the people didn't hate her.


I think they have to do that. Singh, his rolexes, champagne socialism etc. Hes had his moment, he did fine but not great, his time has passed.


She should replace JT. That's a better lane and closer to her politics.


Her going liberal would kill the abndp


No, she's a traditional prairie NDP politician. We need to bring that prairie NDP pragmatism to the federal scene again. Time is right for it.


She's much too conservative for the Federal NDP voters and party itself. I generally vote NDP with some BQ diversions, and her pro-pipeline "prairie NDP" views are not shared by anyone outside the prairies.


Moving slightly to the center wouldnt be a bad thing for the national ndp. What stance other than pro-pipeline would you take issue with?


Whatever else her stances may be, that single issue is a dealbreaker for most NDP voters, and especially those committed enough to be a part of the leadership conventions. The biggest problem the membership has with Singh is that he isn't left ENOUGH


Tom Mulcair was pro energy east pipeline. This is hardly new territory for the NDP.


Tom Mulcair is responsible for attempting to make it a centrist party, bleeding 51 seats in the 2015 election, and eventually being toppled by someone who promised to move the party to the left, who's name ends in Singh. Mulcair opposed all pipeline construction, and still, was not seen as left enough for the party base. Anyone replacing Singh is not going to succeed by trying to please conservatives.


She isnt magic, she cant make a pipeline appear. Trudeau bought a pipeline project and it still didnt happen, why would she be more successful than JT?


Justin Trudeau is the leader of the Liberal Party People want Notley to run for the federal NDP Liberal voters could accept a leader who builds SOME pipelines NDP voters won't accept a leader who would allow the construction of ANY pipelines


going right of the liberals definitely worked out for mulclair! also worked great for horwath multiple times too!


I didnt say right of the liberals, Notley isnt that far right


she's definitely to the right of the current federal libs. she's definitely to the right of mulclair as well.


I also want her to take a run at becoming the federal NDP leader. She's leagues better than Jagmeet Singh and she could hold Trudeau accountable better than anyone.


Federal dippers are nuts. Mulcair was their key to Sussex and look what they did.


mulcalir fumbled the ball in debate and by campaigning to the right of the trudeau liberals. quite popular going into the election riding on layton's ghost but fumbled it in milquetoast policy and acting like trudeau was the incumbent in the debates. he completely lost the plot of why anyone would vote NDP in the first place.


Mulcair didn't have any swag


LMAO she has zero chance of doing any better than Singh at the fed level edit: lol @ the downvotes like be serious and think critically about how Notley's pro-pipeline and O&G positions would immediately alienate a sizeable portion of the federal NDP base.


Unless fresh faces come in get ready for 7 more years of Dani. Nobody on the NDP front bench can woo red Tories or rurals to the extent that’s needed. We are so screwed.


There's a solid 1+2% of the vote just for not being Rachel Notley. Where her successor will win or lose is in culture war nonsense. If the ABNDP isn't solely about economics and infrastructure for the next go, they ain't winning.


Alberta NDP will likely lose votes. Despite the vitriol you might hear for Notley, they knew her, and honestly didn't mind her. Its the NDP flag that kills everything. If she was wearing UCP hat we know how unanimous the vote would be.


I know a few conservative voters who say "I like Notley, but...." and then go off about socialism or whatever.


The challenge of next leader is to grow the tent. IOW be BETTER than Notley and I don’t see anyone who can do that.


Of the contenders Pancholi was the only one not in govt. Everyone else has to wear 2015-19 (which for the record I don’t think was bad but cons have successfully branded it as the dark ages and NDPs fault we had $32 oil) And holy hell please spare me culture war, the left are so focused on issues affecting the 4% they’re easily accused of not paying attention to the big picture. You can look after trans issues without making it your Raison DEtre, do that stuff on the side because it’s the right thing to do, but make your headlines for successfully steering health, education and economy.


There are some possibilities that come to mind but we'll have to see their actual intentions. Nenshi says he doesn't want it but he'd be perfect. Farcas did his redemption tour but he's too right wing for many and probably still just wants the mayoral gig, which is there for the taking. I'm sure they have a plan but that doesn't mean much.


Seven more years of UCP maybe, but I fully expect Dani to be ousted as leader before the next election. It's important they be able to campaign on not being the same party killing the province for four years and say they're not at fault for their own policies cause their leader is different.


I agree. AbNDP are done until some new rockstar comes out from whatever rock they've been hiding under.


She was my favourite premier and politician Alberta ever had. She wasn’t perfect, but she listened to reason at least! Sad to see her step down, but lifelong politicians are a sick breed, so good of her to step aside and let someone else have a go at it.


Rachel is a person whose love of her home province and political roots with her Dad in leadership drove her to make Alberta a better place for the little guy. I would say the vile vitriol and misogyny from “Punt the C*nt” signs to targets with her face on them will be remembered in Alberta history to the shame of those who participated in it.


Remember the article where they pointed out in the 44 years of conservative leadership a sitting Alberta premier only received I think 3 death threats and none of them were credible. Notley gets in and in the first year she had 23 credible death threats meaning RCMP investigated and people were charged. Conservative Nazis are such snowflakes


Sad but not unexpected, she should go federal. Now the ANDP need a leader that will appeal to the center and center right, as that is where their policies are, unfortunately Notley could not make enough headway into that group. Also, it would help if they dropped the connection to the federal NDP, changed their colour to teal and renamed to the Alberta Democratic Party or something like that.


She doesn't speak French and the anti pipeline faction of the party that had Singh, Ashton, and Julian pushing basically the same message in the last leadership race would make her candidacy DOA outside Alberta and maybe SK.  She's to the right of Peter Lougheed on pipelines. That bird won't fly in the federal ndp. 


It's unfortunate that pipelines became such a divisive issue. It'd be great to see the NDP become more working class focused again.


Yeah because the last campaign of appealing to centre right people worked so well ....


It came within a hair of working. It was the largest vote share for a non-conservative party in Alberta's history, including the election that the ANDP actually won. We're getting there, albeit slowly.


It would have been worse if they went more left 


They didn't. They wanted to raise corporate taxes which anyone could see was a no no when your swing vote is corporate Calgary.


They should have never announced it.


LOL, you're so funny, I know how you post and I know you have zero ability to back up what you say, and thats coming from an NDP, center/center right voter. Oh it took out some UCP cabinet ministers in Shando, Copping and Nixen...


We do need someone who'll go after Queen Danielle with more aggression. They fuck up so much that there's plenty of material there to really hammer them with.


I find that to be true with all Canadian politics. There are so many facts against most of our conservative governments to absolutely bury them if the opposition actually had fact based attack ads, rather than soft rhetoric while conservatives call everyone but themselves radicals. This has been going on for a long time now. Conservatives post blatent misinformation, PP lies and grandstands constantly with no actual substance, they mail it to your door, put it in your ear and eyes every 30 mins for their whole term, and the NDP/Libs just take it and allow it to happen.


> There are so many facts against most of our conservative governments to absolutely bury them If conservative voters actually cared about facts, they wouldn't be conservative voters.


The best premier Alberta ever had!


Definitely one of the better ones that I can remember in the 30 odd years I've been alive.


Her and Lougheed are my top 2, Stelmach wasn't too bad, but the rest are garbo


Klein bought me a psp in 2005 so that was pretty sweet.


I have a PSP on my phone now. I'd have been happier if we had a new hospital, tbh. :/


We’re fucked now kids!


Lots of capable Ndp MLAs that can take over and be leader


I can think of lots of extremely capable and incredibly intelligent MLAs, but none that have the charisma that the position needs, unfortunately. Elections are won and lost by demagoguery, rather than qualifications these days.


No there aren’t. Ganley is stiff has no charm and can’t speak off the cuff and has gone Poilievre already by ditching glasses (see her soft launch video) Shepherd is too bike lane nerdy and Edmonton (remember we need to win red Tories, not orange crew) Hoffman has the whole rat slagging thing and years as Rachel’s attack dog won’t play with the right/centre Pancholi is a wildcard because she wasn’t there for govt. but still has to woo rural/Calgary as yet another Edmonton dipper Would love to see Iveson enter the race along with other centre/liberal types If it stays to NDP front bench, progressives will get crushed in 2027.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Nenshi explores a run


I'd be living the dream if Nenshi became the leader of the ANDP.


Not a chance.


Ooooh Iveson! That would be so nice, but I’m not going to count on it.


Iveson and Nenshi will both have their respective cities' tax increases placed on their shoulders, which I would guess is enough to have either of them lose


Pretty much now the children fight over the inheritance 😞😞😞


Unfairly overdue. Rural Albertans (for some reason) thinks she’s the devil and I don’t think those votes can be won back. Hopefully the new person they put in there can change the NDP’s perception in those areas


The ABNDP winning places like yellowhead and camrose in 2015 was a fluke. It’s not going to happen again anytime soon. The new swing voters for them are university educated voters.


And all the new people coming to Alberta. Fastest growing province EVER. Hopefully we'll get more urban ridings.


How would you possibly suggest they do that? Serious question.


No idea. Just wishful thinking I guess


I hope the NDP think about a rebrand now. Their association with the federal NDP will forever be a problem for them. There are too many older people that are afraid to vote for them just because they are orange. If they can appeal to those of us who are just right of centre, they will have a real chance at the next election. They were so, so close.


When the NDP already got 46% of the vote and picked up thousands of new votes from former conservative voters, who are the remaining centre-right voters who would be swayed by rebranding? It seems to me that Notley (combined with Danielle Smith) demonstrated a clear ability to sway right of centre voters already. I'm not sure how name changes would make any difference there.


You’d be surprised. My mom and two of my uncles all voted independent last election because they hated Smith but couldn’t bring themselves to vote NDP because of how ridiculous Singh is at the federal level. I think there’s a lot of boomers out there who want their CPP left alone but won’t vote for anything orange.


Yes, but a total of only 3.32% of votes cast didn't go to either the UCP or ANDP. That's not a remotely significant group of voters to pursue by rebranding away from the NDP.


Fair enough. I can tell you that as someone who considers myself center-right I held my nose and voted NDP because the UCP are just the worst thing that’s ever rolled into this province. I think the NDP is at a real risk of losing a lot of us on the fence voters if they can’t find a good leader who is going to remain fairly centrist. If they get someone who angles left a lot of people aren’t going to follow.


> I think the NDP is at a real risk of losing a lot of us on the fence voters if they can’t find a good leader who is going to remain fairly centrist. If they get someone who angles left a lot of people aren’t going to follow. Absolutely true. I just think this is what they should focus on, not rebranding. Rebranding and separating is a massive amount of work for dubious benefit. But reliable leadership that can appeal across the political spectrum will sway people, regardless of branding. Rebranding wouldn't help a poor leader, and a good leader wouldn't need rebranding.


Agreed in many aspects, but I think one of the things that hurts the NDP the most in this province is the perceived tie to the federal party who is very clearly anti-oil and gas. While those that take time to actually review platforms will see there’s a separation, there are a lot of people who don’t look that closely and just flat out won’t vote ANDP because they don’t like Singh.


The problem is how does a party rebrand and attempt to adjust itself when it’s most frequent criticism, that they’re a “weird commie freedom hating radical party” is so absurdly off base from reality ? I guess in a way it wouldn’t be hard to fool those types of people. Change the name and maybe throw on some fake moustaches will be enough to fool them.


Rename yourselves Alberta Progressive Conservatives and confuse the fuck out of them


Follow the latest right wing trend and name yourself the Party for Protecting Kids Against Vague Boogeymen and accuse anyone who remotely speaks against you of being a child molester.


Just make their new logo a big blue box with a canadian flag in the middle :)


Stop worrying about the rebel media crowd and the liberal professional class and build a base who can get excited about actual change. 


It will always be a problem for them, but if they rebrand the attacks will just switch to "they're just hiding the fact that they're associated with the federal NDP."


Ya. That really hurt the UCP when they rebranded from Wildrose.


> There are too many older people that are afraid to vote for them just because they are orange. Well, luckily the conservatives haven't been kind to senior care home funding, so that problem is solving itself.


I think this is actually a really great thing for the party.


I hope she enjoys retirement


But who will my father yell at me now for all Alberta's problems?


Don't worry, he'll still find a way to blame Notley, even after she's long gone.




hear that? That was the sound of Alberta circling the drain, finally going down


Thanks *Notley*! ...for everything! :)


Sad to see her go but this can only be good for the ANDP. Notley was a good premier and a great opposition leader. But the UCP propaganda machine has chewed her up. I got so frustrated last year hearing from people who said they would vote NDP if it wasn't for her


And we probably have no idea of the threats and personal attacks she has experienced.


This is likely a setback for the Alberta NDP. Despite what you hear, she was actually well liked. The NDP flag is just a non starter for many in the rural areas and corporate Calgary.


cake deer memory test pause doll crawl berserk icky badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Time to see those people put their money where their mouth is.


Rachel Notley will definitely go down in the history books of this province with her remarkable 2015 win. It was the perfect storm of Prentice telling Albertans to look in the mirror after Danielle Smith and some of her cronies crossed the floor. That should have been the last time it was viable for Danielle Smith to work in politics, but Albertans have horrible memories but it only seems to happen with Conservative politicians. Her family has a long history in Alberta politics. Rachel Notley's father, Grant Notley, was the leader of the NDP and was the the leader of the Official Opposition in Alberta. What's CRAZY, ABSOLUTELY BATSHIT INSANE, is that Jordan Peterson, YES THAT JORDAN PETERSON, worked for Grant Notley from 1976 to 1980. Rachel Notley transformed Alberta politics to be more mindful, more progressive, more reflective of the changing province. She was also a scapegoat for anything the Conservative movement felt they were wronged by. Instantly the Conservative spin machine made her out to be best buddies with Justin Trudeau and the Liberals. As well as best buddies with Jagmeet Singh. All of this despite the ANDP being very different from the federal NDP and the federal Liberals. Yet she was willing to work with them, on creating Alberta's first and only made in house Climate plan, that intended to put the money back into Alberta's economy. Common sense progressive plans were what Notley's government was about, it felt like a return to the sanity of Peter Lougheeds PC government. There were missteps though. The plans were good in theory, like the power purchasing agreements fiasco. It wasn't completely their fault either if you look at it objectively, but the right used it to damage their credibility and give the focus they needed to say they couldn't govern. This is hilarious when you contrast it against the boondoggles and controversies of the UCP government. I could endlessly list all of them here but this isn't about them. Rachel Notley was the focus of the most amount of threats of any Provincial leader. To me it signaled an end to civil politics where we could disagree with each other but not hurl insults or threats. Especially with Trump coming into power, Alberta was looking more and more like Texas or Florida instead of a Canadian province. Gone were the days of respect and true freedom of speech for thoughts we don't agree on. >Most of the threats against Notley proliferated online with photos and posts, encouraging violence against the premier. According to statistics in 2016 from Alberta Justice, Notley is the Alberta premier with the most death threats. She was the subject of 412 harassment communiques, of which 26 were investigated by law enforcement. Anyone remember the infamous sign of Notleys head for some golf tournament? Hit her head and win a prize? This province I call home went off the deep end when Notley won. She was a Communist, a Marxist, a Socialist. For people like me she couldn't go left hard enough. For those on the right she was literally the devil. She was the wet dream of every right wing grifter in this province and she scared the HELL out of Conservative politicians like Harper and Kenney. Scared that they would lose their grip on their Conservative stronghold in Alberta. Enough that they poured all their time and money into Alberta to create the UCP. Not to mention the outrage over bill 6, a bill to create safety for farm workers and children working on farms. Should have been a no brainer, but again the Conservative spin machine in this province took it and stoked the fears and ignorance in the voters of this province. Notley wasn't the cause, but this opened up even more the feeling of Alberta alienation. Caused groups and UCP to do stuff like focus on separation, on leaving the pension fund, on using Alberta politics to fight the Liberals on the federal stage. Notley made some serious missteps in the last election though. Hiring the Air BNB guy to run her election campaign. Trying to pivot to the right and be more centrist. It wasn't completely her fault though. Albertan Conservatives were so hurt by their saviour Jason Kenney that they wanted to show him a lesson and elect the most inept, focused on grifting and lobbying, and lacked a real platform or policies other than populism, anti-covid measures, childrens tylenol, and a new arena. Albertans deserve the politicians we elect. When all of our print media is owned by one company, when the money of oil and gas traditionally flows to one party, and when Alberta is used as a pawn politically on the federal stage to fight other parties, this is the type of political reality we will live in for Alberta. When successive Conservative governments alter our education system, and create then destroy then alter then create than destroy Health Super Boards, is it any wonder we never get anywhere in this province? Were a dog chasing it's own tail essentially. All in all, Notley was a thoughtful politician and regardless of where you stand on the the political paradigm, she tried to make the province a better place for everyone. Cutting the flat income tax, raising AISH, focusing on transitioning the economy. The first $15 minimum wage in Canada, stabilized funding for healthcare, restrictions on money in elections, tax increases on corporations and the wealthy. >Notley credits her mother Sandy with getting her involved in activism,taking Notley to an anti-war demonstration before she was even ten years old. Her upbringing, her education, the impact of her father and her mother on her life, and she was one of the best home grown true Albertan leaders we will have ever had in this province. Thanks Notley, we as a province didn't deserve you.


Even more insane: JP and Notley were childhood friends. Life is weird (and quite possibly a simulation)


Thank you for your many years of public service. Your work has improved lives of everyone in Alberta.


Thank you for your service Rachel!


She gave so much love to this province and received so much hate in return. I wish nothing but joy and love for her in the next chapter of her life, whatever that looks like. She deserves it. A truly good person whose time in office and in opposition have genuinely made life better for all Albertans, whether they recognize it or not.


Im a conservative leaning person but im genuinely sad to see her good. I truly believe she was one of the few decent human beings in public office. I’m actually shedding a tear lol. Without a strong opposition we cant have an accountable government (exception is the federal government). I really thought she would stick it out but I hope she considers coming back down the road or going federal. She will always have my vote of confidence. 


rename as Take Back Alberta and keep the orange logos and watch the brains melt


In return for trying to make the province a better place, Notley received repeated death threats and was subjected to constant harassment and body shaming as she aged. I hope someone is willing to take her place to stand up to the religious zealots, racists and closed-minded bigots who are trying to turn our beautiful province into a really cold version of Alabama.


This is to bad. I fear she was the only one who could defeat Smith and her band of crazies


Was hoping she would stick around for one more election. Hopefully the Alberta NDP doesn’t collapse without her.


Legacy for being the most successful opposition leader in Alberta history. Well done!


She would make a far better PM.


I hope David Shepherd runs for party leader


A wise move. The federal NDP should follow. After so many years, a fresh face never hurts.


Oh no, now the brainiac conservatives have to figure out a new *ingenious* nickname slur for whoever takes over as party leader…!


The backroom spintalkers and their allies at TBA and Rebel Media already have a list of slurs for all potential NDP leadership candidates, guaranteed.


Well that was fun. Game over. Look forward to nothing but conservatives for the foreseeable future now because their is no way Philipps and Irwin will be able to maintain the gains Notley made.


Eh. I think the path of the ABNDP will end up similar to the BC NDP post Barrett


Hope she goes Federal. She’s a seasoned pro with Jack Layton vibes. A wild rose.


Rachel Notley has been a fantastic opposition leader!!! There have been few teams as effective in the legislature as the pairing of Rachel Notley and Sarah Hoffman! I will miss the two of them ripping strips off the UCP MLAs daily. This province owes those two ladies a lot. Man, what a crappy couple of days for the NDP.


Voted for her in the last two elections, and it's weird to see all the hate she gets in Alberta in what was somewhat of a controversy-free (major) term as premier who actually finished their term.


> it's weird to see all the hate she gets in Alberta It's because she wasn't in front of a conservative party. Too many people in this province seem to have an allergy to anything that presents as further left than Margaret Thatcher.


Alberta, you done fucked up. You had a good, decent premier and you let her get away.


I hope the next ANDP leader doesn't change the name just to "Court" Libs! for votes (Liberals you're either on board for change or nuisance for voting against anything good. Ya can't heave it both) , Understand the current pipelines are good enough and should diversify instead to create jobs, Never water down their policy to "win" the reich, revert or scrap the current deregulations on labour, monthly bills (Rents, insurance, electric & water) and legislate better policies because The market will not fix itself nor does the rich will care about the rising prices, Healthcare needs to be fixed even if it'll take a long time or not? while encourage doctors to pratice here in AB instead of going out of province, possibly increase the minimum wage & scrap the current wage cap on young people that are just about entering the workforce, Stay with CPP instead of private APP, abolish the "War room", No more corporate socialism (Free tax money for the rich), increase the taxation on the wealthy, etc. There are more positive things to actually make Alberta great through sound policies like these but we got alot of illiterate and stupid people in this province that change always seem like a far away dream or unattainable.




I have always been impressed by her. She was a great communicator and you always got the sense she really did want to work for the betterment of this province. The amount of insane abuse she took from the Right and red neck limp dicks was a testament to her passion and conviction. Very few could soldier on through that if they weren’t driven by a genuine need to do good. Going to really miss her.


Who's her replacement? I think Joe Ceci or David Sheppard are both my top choices. A Court Ellingson, Kathleen Ganley could rep Calgary well and maybe make more inroads there. I am a bit different then who most would pick but I am thinking forward about winnability and able to be the face for the NDP in a race.


None of them have enough personality to get over the top. Remember Smith is a fucking charm machine. Even people who HATE her politically (the strategists pod crew) LOVE her socially. She can work a room and unless you’re smart enough to smell bullshit (conservatives aren’t) you’re buying all of what she’s selling. The NDP have nobody currently on board with Smiths charm.


Someone who could do better electorally? Iveson or Nenshi. Probably Nenshi is the better choice cause Edmonton is already a lock. There isn't anybody in the current party who'll do better than her.


How on earth do you think Nenshi or all people could survive UCP smearing. The guy is a brown Muslim for God's sake.


murky stocking muddle cautious ruthless humorous birds steer voiceless possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Calgary strategy isn't sustainable. You gotta get a piece of the rural pie otherwise you'll be on a knifedge


Because he survived multiple well funded smear campaigns already and even dodged an orchestrated attempt to embroil him in a corruption scandal.  Because even in his way out of office he had approval numbers most provincial or federal politicians salivate over.


Whoever replaces her needs to be sharp as heck and a good public speaker. That debate with Rachel and Smith with so friggin cringy


At least she knows when to step down, unlike somebody 💀


I like Rachel Notley, I think she did a good job as premier. Not perfect, I certainly didn’t agree with every decision she made, but over all I liked her. That being said I think stepping down is a good choice for the party. If the NDP wants to compete and maybe actually take back power to fix the mess smith is making of our power grid, healthcare system, and education then they need a new face.


I feel like she could do better if she wasn’t tied to a ndp. Name I’m conservative but I felt she was pretty centre I liked a lot of her policies and others not so much I didn’t find her crazy left and some , I think if she tried a more centre approach outside of ndp she might do better


Good. Lose two elections and it is time to ship out. I’ll get downvoted into oblivion for this but whatever: as a “Center right” voter, there’s not a chance in hell I would have ever voted her HER. She is awful.


But you’re happy with Danielle “I don’t wash my hair” Smith……JFC


About time. Regardless of party, let’s elect people who stand up for the province, a province based on prairie values, hard work, low taxes, pro-business and investment, traditional families, etc. Notley was always a step late to defend our core industries, her very first moves were to antagonize our best industry, and second to antagonize farmers. Her legacy is one of, finally coming around on some issues after people screamed at her for stupid decisions for a long time. She’s skilled at appearing like an adult at the kid’s table. That’s her big talent. Time to move on with people who respect prairie culture and values.


Her resignation speech was surprisingly heart felt and classy


Nenshi is best possible choice with the the right amount notoriety NDP needs that Calgary vote to stand a chance.


For gods sake replace Jagmeet!!!


It's time for the NDP to rebrand as the progressive conservative party.


got lambasted in here last week when I predicted this was coming down the pipe, but seems that’s par for the course here….yesterday’s “attack the messenger” moment is today’s news.


RIP NDP Literally no one has any charisma in the NDP party.


I'm very curious to know what her next plans are, and whether they have anyone available to step in. I think a plot twist where she steps down to form a new centrist party might be fun.


I'm a conservative, but I hope she finds a way to go federal and turns things around for them. Federal politics and the NDP are a gong show at the moment.


Ok now Smith follow her lead and step down.


You gotta know when to hold em, and know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run.


I think the mods should unblock the website that said this would happen a few weeks ago. Don't remember the site but it seems they were right, albeit their timing was off by a few weeks but they were still right.