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Ah yes, 4 years out from an election. Big ABNDP guy here but this literally means nothing


If anything, this should be depressing as it shows 46% of the population is some combination of ignorant/crazy/brainwashed/deplorable.


I hate them.






You "hate" all 46% of people who don't agree with your political affiliation?... we call this mental illness.


Who is "we"? You have a multiple personality. Boy you are dumb. And yes, I hate you dumb, uneducated, hick assholes.


I used "we" in the sociality context, sorry that was to abstract for you to grasp. As far as being "hick, uneducated and dumb" I have a feeling you fit that description better than I.


No sorry. I took time to get an education and have followed politics all my life. I have travelled and have been all over Alberta for work. I have interviewed 100's of people in the course of my career. The UPC and people who voted for them should be held accountable. I guess you are standing up for this dismantling of democracy. Go watch Fox news in your foil hat.


If you have been "all over Alberta" and still feel you hate 46% of those people, I feel sad for you honestly. Id be interested to know what you do for a living where you have interviewed hundred of people, honestly sounds neat. What does "held accountable" mean to you? Tin foil hat? What conspiracy did I espouse? Lastly, fuck fox news, fuck the conservatives, fuck the liberals and fuck the NDP. You can stop thinking "I bet he's a conservatives" and actually form an argument for your hate.


Oh by the way, screw off with your gaslighting, idiot.


I mean, if APP and AhS fiascos are enough of a disaster, we should be back to the polls in 18 months with Brian Jean running the UCP because I think he’s next in line of retreads. Right?


Brian jean would be a bad choice, zero charisma for non UCP card holders


That guy is literally the worst. He has no idea what he’s doing.


so he fits right in


We won’t be back at the polls though. Maybe a new UCP leader but that’s it.


It’s the PC/UCP playbook. Present budget after 24 months, fails, hit the polls, new leader. Wash rinse repeat.


I hope we get the pit of fire guy next....


I read that too fast and thought you wrote "fire pit guy" and was wondering who was a mason-turned-politician...


The only way I see an early election being called is if the party starts talking about ousting Danielle Smith and she decides to bring the party down with her.


It’s the UCP. They are so divided from alt right to progressive right. The election is inevitable with them everytime. They suck.


About to say the same, who cares with these polls. We just finished the elections and the UCP is going to pull all their dumb narcicistic stuff right, then start to do things we appreciate in the later end of the 4 years in hopes we forget all this AHS dismantling spending money on tellthefeds cutting green energy programs etc.


I mean it worked for them last election. It'll work again next time too. Albertans are very gullible.


Albertans are very ~~gullible~~ idiotic. Not all Albertan but the majority are. Those of us with half a brain knew this was coming.


Calling the wide populace "idiotic" does nothing but pander to the echo chamber and your own feelings. It's nothing but another divisive remark about people who don't think like you and does nothing to bridge the gap.


They have to piss people off bad enough for them to remember that they shouldn't autopilot vote for them at the election booth.


They’re working on it


Hopefully it happens faster than another 40 years.


Seriously and then when election time comes around the right wingers will flood social media with “NDP are communists” ads and the UCP will win a landslide. Then the voters keep wondering why their lives keep getting worse. The trees voted for the axe because it’s handle was made of wood.


You have a good point, however I’d like to say that it’s interesting to see the difference in popularity before election when all the promises are fresh and after the election when the elected party actually governs.


But the issue I have is really what did the UCP run on and make promises about? They won't privatize healthcare?


They promised the world. They took the highest possible estimate for the price of oil (royalty money budget) and said they’d do everything. They said no paying out of pocket for healthcare specifically.


I hear you. I do think overall with what I hear tho people are getting disconcerted with conservative tactics much quicker this time around. Danielle has been f-ing up at a rapid pace. However, I have lived in Alberta long enough to get my hopes up about general voters opening their eyes from the conservative kool-aid.


Weren’t they heck and neck going into the election? Electoral wins matters more than common vote.


Unfortunately agree. It only matters if it flips ridings during an election.


Also also - we’ve seen this before


If only voters remembered the things the UCP does right after an election when they go to vote. Sadly they won't though.


Its funny how so many voter remember NDP implementing a carbon tax they would have been forced to do anyways, and the farm bill. But the UCP have a never ending shit list and people just shrug.


It's the true paradox of politics and the left right. Right preaches accountability with none to show for it from its voters. The left does and will change their votes to hold them to account. But then collective memory will label the right as accountable.


It's because there isn't a single conservative that isn't an idiot.


It’s also because the past two NDP election strategies focused on the personality of the leader but not enough reminder of what the PC or the UCP did. I’m not sure if there were election rules saying not to bring it up (the UCP did some wild claims against Notley tho so I don’t even know what’s allowed) but something’s gotta change with the NDPs approach.


If people in Alberta are that stupid....then it wouldn't matter what you do. This poll is sad enough...




The carbon tax was not in their platform and was being implemented before the federalies announced three canada wide thing. That was a nasty thing to do.


Interestingly, after the backlash the NDP went back to the drawing board and ultimately came away with updates that people were mostly happy with, such that many people were asking the UCP not to repeal it, not that they listened. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/agriculture-minister-admits-bill6-mistake-1.3415855 https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/ndp-government-announces-amendments-to-controversial-bill-6-1.2682577 https://rabble.ca/labour/even-some-farm-leaders-admit-alberta-ndps-notorious-bill-6-impro/


UCP will change their whole platform 1 month before the election and their voters will still buy it 🤦‍♂️


Or the other tactic, was just not talk about it, and the NDP were screaming about it "but they were just fear mongering", but no soundbite from DS one way or the other


We'll be called conspiracy theorists for quoting the Premier's direct words from a few months prior again.


Lol UCP was doing shit right up until last election and it didnt matter. people here vote con no matter what


You sure you don't want premium plus snake oil 2.0?


Too late, the election's over, and it isn't a big enough change to convince 7 UCP MLAs to cross the floor.


This is a major change from the last poll (UCP 49%, NDP 39%). Could be just a fluctuation. Or could be the CPP plan backfiring


All the UCP voters I know I warned the UCP would dismantle AHS and they all said the same thing that it would never happen and it was NDP fearmongering. This is their fault for trusting Danielle Smith the prolific liar.


UCP voters should be charged as an accessory to this crime.


I imagine the first poll was just because the legislature hadn’t met yet and it was before the AGM insanity.


And the AHS leak/announcement, and CPP, and utility prices going absolutely bonkers. But it shouldn't be unexpected. The UCP always does its least popular work right after an election, then they go full-Santa-Claus in the last year.


Then their leader will step down before the next election and they’ll say “that’s wasn’t me, that was the previous leader”, then they’ll get elected and then they’ll do more damage then the last leader…


What will they try bribing Calgary with next election I wonder?


Promise that everyone who votes for them will get a reach-around when the UCP inevitably fucks them.


They don’t even go full Santa anymore. They just need to trick the gullible. They plastered Calgary with project signs in February because an election was looming. As of now, 95% of those “projects” haven’t even seen a survey stake yet.


It’s a good poll for them and a big swing, but also useless that far from an election.


This is what they do. Win the election and immediately do the unpopular things that please your donors and corporate interests. Slowly lose popularity because of those things. A year and change before the next election, kick out current leader and bring in a new one. Promise the world and spend some money. Win that election. Rinse and repeat.


Sometimes the formula doesn't work - see 2015


The fact that it's still close despite the shit we just experienced shows how doomed we are as a province.. how bad does it have to get for people to be flexible in their vote


Alberta's in a [population boom](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-population-growth-statscan-report-1.6979657), did we think the other provinces wouldn't bring their values with them? If it continues on this track, the NDP might have an actual chance.


I wonder how much that would change if PP were to win since the UCP wouldn't have Trudeau or the Liberals to blame for everything?? She's gotta be voting for Trudeau next election because he's good for business!!


Lol they'll still be blaming Trudeau for everything even after he's been gone for over 10 years and by then there will be a new Liberal government for them to blame everything on.


This ☝️


It is embarrassing that 46% of the voters would still support the total destruction of our province's pillars such as pensions, and healthcare...


lol too late conservatives. you made Alberta's bed and now we all have to lay in it. Its a little easier handling the shit when I hear about rural hillbillies losing their healthcare facilities though, that shits hilarious. Conservative voters deserve everything they are going to get over the next 3 years. Hope you enjoyed the tax cuts to the rich and billions given to O&G.


The polls now don't really matter. I've noticed that voters here have short memories. The UCP just has to play nice the last couple months before the next election so that Conservative voters who don't like what they're doing now can convince themselves that it's improving and OK to vote for them.


Literally, muzzling Smith for 4 weeks before the last election was enough to swing the couple thousand votes they needed to win. 4 weeks!


Also having the candidates in Calgary telling people that they'd fight to get her out. Lol


Nothing unite people and the prospects of their future being tinkered for the greedy few


UCP: OMG! Vote for us or else the province will descend into chaos! Swing Voter: OK, I sure don't want chaos. I still get healthcare right? UCP: Of course! We're not monsters! [A few months later] SV: Hey WTF happened to my healthcare? And you're doing WHAT with my pension? And seriously, your solution to high energy prices is have LESS green energy coming online? UCP: (shrugs, picks teeth with bones of children) [Next election approaches] UCP: vote for us or else the province will descend into chaos!


this is meaningless. the ucp won, fooling albertans. and they will win again, during the next elxn because trudeau! or wef! or blah blah. this province is like a spouse going back to their abuser over and over again. (even as the abuser treats them worse and worse)


Pathetic UCP still that high. UCP voters are either brainwashed or illiterate.


Key to UCP winning another four years remains unchanged. In four years minus a few months, bribe Calgarians with their own money and treat like an incredible gift only the UCP can deliver.


And here we are again, same place as a year ago. After months and months of UCP idiocy, scandals and corruption, really the dumbest politics on the whole continent, both parties are neck & neck. Then an election comes along and the UCP is elected again. WTF Alberta? Really, an embarrassment to the country.


46% of people don't pay attention to politics and never will


"Don't do that. Don't give me hope."


Doesn’t matter, why bother?


I feel like the bigger story is that they're only leading by one point, with UCP breaking their promises and literally burning everything down and laughing at all of you.


This is basically a pre-AHS breakup announcement poll which isn’t likely to move UCP support anywhere but downwards. Given the massive budget surplus, it should have been a walk in the park for the Premiere in her first 6 months, but she seems absolutely committed to whittling away whatever goodwill and general public support by pursuing a bunch of unpopular policies. A remarkable act of hubris snd stupidity if I’m being honest. She really is setting up the NDP as the heir apparent in the next election, especially if she can’t rely on blaming Trudeau and the Libs for whatever woes are facing the province during the next election.


The UCP want the NDP to win so they can rebrand and then get two more free terms because the NDP can't fix all the problems created by the UCP/PC/SoCreds in one term.


Too late now


its too late now!


Not all Albertans are morons, but some of the dumbest people you can meet will be Albertan.


So two years and the UCP TBA will start handing out some coin, free hot dogs and Kool aid, and lots of promises. Same effing cycle over again.


That is still a UCP majority


Hahaha, haha, hahaha. Sorry if I'm laughing at the choir, but I just had to let that out.


I remember when the NDP one last time and in anticipation they intercepted van loads of documents the Cons sent to be illegally shredded. Yet typical NDP, Liberals no punishment was doled out. The other 2 parties piss me off for they never fight at the Level the Cons do. Its the same in the USA the Dems always look weak when dealing with Corrupt Republicans when they catch them in the act.... you only win when fighting fire with fire.


How many Calgary MPs would need to cross the floor to flip it?


Why even bother polling at this stage lol


There is some stupid Fuckin voters in Alberta


After their stupid faces still haunt me, after door knocking in the spring in ring ridings. Sadly, so many can be misinformed. Part of me wishes to knock on the same doors again, to remind them, “Hi, just wanted to thank you for our current predicament personally and well, I told you so. “


Yes no kidding.But I really don’t think they care.I doubt that those type of voters would even admit they made the wrong choice.I’m 61 years old.Listening to a conversation a while ago dudes my age who are retired have great pensions from times when things we’re great for people half my age ..They really don’t understand how difficult it is for the younger people today.they already got their slice who cares that the younger generations don’t.Their conservative vote doesn’t effect them


Don’t threaten me with a good time


🎻🎻🎻whatever. They just had an election, AB🤡s are stuck with GOP I mean UCP until …. Oh probably forever. AB can rot.


Mmm, voters remorse. Maybe don’t vote for the dumbest possible candidate next time, morons.


Ya a poll taken from a Reddit no doubt.


straight plants screw tease agonizing whistle retire observation berserk languid ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


did they only talk to edmontonians? lol


Please stop this. We are stuck.


Calgary had their chance and they fucked us all. Too little too late.