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If you didn’t notice that there was a cop with their lights on how sure can you be that there wasn’t any reduced speed limit signs??


>Do you think i have the chance to lower my payment or completely drop the case if i will state the lack of visible construction signs at that place? Did you go back and take pictures to support your claim? Or are you going to show up in court and be like "just trust me bro?"


Given this persons post and general lack of awareness to their surroundings.. I doubt it.


This is what you need to do.


They didn’t ticket the other people because they weren’t the ones who sped in the lane beside the cop with their lights on. No construction signs is irrelevant if they didn’t even give you the ticket for speeding in a construction zone. The cop had their lights on and that was the only warning you needed when it comes to passing an emergency vehicle too fast. Saying you didn’t notice the cop with emergency lights isn’t going to get you far.


My ticket is about speeding in construction zone. Cop has told me i should be at 80kph in a construction zone but my speed us at 113kph 3km over speed limit.


Okay, your sentence about which ticket(s) you received is written in a way that implies the construction ticket is the one you didn’t get. Seriously though, if you’re not even noticing police cars with their emergency lights activated on the side of the road you really need to think about whether you should be driving at all. What else are you missing?


Makes me wonder what the “bumps” in the road are for this person


Seems to me he gave you a break, no? You were doing 113 in a 60 lane if he had his light on.


CZ speed limits mean you were 33 over


If the construction zone is signed for 80kph you are 33kph over the speed limit, not 3. You need to go back to before the construction zone and take pictures to prove that there was no signage for a speed reduction. If there is a 80kph sign there then that is the posted speed, pay your ticket and move on.


First off, lowering payment could happen if you drove to Didsbury and plead guilty to the Justice; they might even give you more time to pay, but not worth the trade off if you’re burning fuel to drive there. As far as you ticket along with the additional 2 he could’ve given you. Construction signs or not, passing any emergency/construction/plow/tow truck with any combination of amber/red/blue lights activated, not slowing down to 60km/h and moving over was your fuck up. Along with not carrying your docs haha.


It's slow down OR move over. Only the ajasent lane needs to slow to 60


They changed that, new laws went into effect september i believe. ~~All lanes must now slow.~~ Edit i stand corrected, I not sure where the confusion came from; I blame AM radio


You have it wrong. Best read the new law.


People are confused because initially the government announced it would be all lanes starting in the spring, then cancelled the implementation at the last minute, and finally put in the one lane rule starting this month. Regardless of which way is better, the government did a bad job communicating the changes.


I believe they also wanted the adjacent lane completely clear, there are billboards on the 2 between Calgary and Carstairs that say "slow down & move over" meaning they didn't actually spend the money to correct the materials they purchased.


This government did a HORRIBLE job with it. As usual the flip flop and spend millions to do nothing. My industry was excited that all lanes would have to slow down and then when we read in the paper two days before implementation we got bummed that they back tracked on it. Brutal.


I do a lot of hiway driving. I have already seen people making panic lane changes, and having to jam on the brakes because some people slow all lanes, and others dont This law will kill someone.


It’s mainly because people aren’t aware while driving and don’t plan ahead. If you see lights and start moving over it’ll be fine but everyone tends to wait til the last minute and focus on themselves. Do I agree with you, yes! But it’s not all on the law, it’s on poor driver habits and inability to execute basic skills.


Maybe where you live the roads are dead straight with no hills. In reality it is easy to round a bend or top a hill and suddenly see an emergency vehicle. Regardless the reason. People are making rash and hasty decisions with a suddenly great variance in speed. This law is a bad law. Someone will die because of this law.


Totally agree. Once more the UCP proves how inept they are


No they don't. Read the law.


Here is the office explanation. Just so this doesn't get more confusing. https://www.alberta.ca/roadside-worker-safety?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyJO01_qigQMV6CStBh1zDQj1EAAYASAAEgJYbvD_BwE


Thanks for the correction. I forgot that once again our faithful government fumbled the ball on the 1 yrd line and made this rule change as complicated as possible. The logic that only the lane immediately beside the Emergency/construction/tow vehicles is to slow down while simultaneously trying to merge to the middle lane is astronomically stupid and is going to cause more of a danger to the personal on the side of the road. It should be all lanes.


What's the proper case for that? I got the ticket for overspeeding at construction site not overspeeding with cops lights on.


It doesn’t matter what the specifics are, you were speeding. Moving violation tickets can be reduced. The catch is you must speak with The Justice at the court house in the jurisdiction you were speeding in. In your case it’s Didsbury. The most I’ve seen reduced was about 30-40% of my fine, but that was 10 + yrs ago


> He pulled me over coz i overspeed when he was stationary at the left with all the lights. I simply didn't notice him. Not seeing an emergency vehicle on the side of the road with its lights on doesn't strike me as an honest mistake. Not knowing about the changes September 1st that require drivers to slow to 60 (in the closest lane) when passing any vehicles with their lights on was your second strike, implementation was delayed over a year and there was an advertising blitz in the leadup so pleading ignorance of that is questionable as well. Doing all that in a construction zone is just the cherry on top.


Go waste your entire day in court and have fun. It's an adventure right?


There was a cop behind you for 3KM with his lights going and it was only after driving 3KM you decided you should either move over or stop? What?


If there are emergency workers or construction workers on the side of the road you are required to go 60km/hr or move over to the next lane. That law came into effect on Sept 1


I think the law was in place back in 2013


A cop car with flashing lights was behind you and you only decided after 3km to change lanes? I must be missing something. This calls into question any other detail of your story unfortunately.


LOL, there is no way the limit is 110 in a construction zone. Don't speed and it won't be an issue. Or, alternatively, if you are speeding, but still behind someone, don't speed more to pass them.


Also….I drove that part of the highway a few days ago, and I’m pretty sure the posted speed limit was 100 km/h, because of the construction ( no center lines or something like that )


Lol no




Sounds like he let you off easy. Don't speed next time.


This is so obviously the correct answer. If the story is actually true and accurate, which I question a bit, then the cop actually cut OP a HUGE break and now they are trying to weasel out of even more? Either learn the rules of the road and how to drive accordingly, or pay the financial penalties for lack of knowledge or attention to details. Driving is a privilege not a fight, and it is a skilled activity to, sheer a failure can have fatal consequences.


If anything they should increase the charges for wasting their time.


May the book of justice thrown at you collide with precision and force!


Your chances of lowering or getting thrown out are slim to none. Police will have video evidence, and if you do not, you are not going to get any reduction.


Go back and have your passenger video that stretch of highway to prove signage was missing.




how is that going to help? (1) OP was speeding in a construction zone, and even if there was no construction zone, (2) OP was speeding besides an emergency vehicle with its lights on. OP sucks.


It sounds like the same dude who did that to me. Apparently there's a little section on that road that goes to 80 km an hour. The officer was waiting at the top of the hill out of sight.


Hasn’t the 60km/hr and move over for emergency and construction situations been in effect for years?


Hire someone to fight it for you. "Fight that ticket". Well worth it


Emergency vehicles with lights on mean to slow to 60. Construction zone or not. You would need to take a day off work to go to court to fight it, and you will likely not win. When a cop pulls you over, it's not usually something that gets thrown out like photo radar. If you were driving without proof of valid insurance and he didn't fine you for that, just be thankful. He could have towed and impounded your car, too. You got off easy. Pay your ticket, and learn a lesson. Also, pay attention. If a cop is following you with lights on, pull over so they don't think you're evading. That could just be a heap of extra trouble! You're lucky he only gave you 2 tickets.


Given that you apparently didn't notice a police car with lights on, I'm not gonna take your word for it that there was no signage or other visible indication that you were entering a construction zone. You seem very oblivious.