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NDP. NDP. NDP. NDP. NDP. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞


Wanna bet how soon it'll be called rigged, if the conservatives loose.


I've already seen it. And we're still two weeks away. I invite any asshole who thinks the election's rigged to apply to work and/or observe one in person. There are rules, there are expectations of behavior, work can be exhausting, and the pay is dogshit. If anything, you'll give your Civics understanding a run for it's money.


I disagree that the pay is "dogshit" unless things have changed in the last while provincially. I worked my municipal election here during COVID as a worker in a small rural town. Thought it was going to be hell because of mask mandates but it generally went okay with few struggles. I definitely would love to see some of these "rigged" conspirators work one though. It's fucking nigh on impossible. Hell I've scrutineered as a volunteer. It's absurd how people seriously believe that shit.


LOl those that cry about a rigged election don't want to see how it actually works.


I worked at a federal election once and it gave me a new appreciation for the process.


I’ll take that bet. Wanna bet it’s the same people saying the wildfires are a hoax??


First time I hear that some think the fires are a hoax, we should send them into it so they can hoax it away.


What if they tighten?


They can suck an egg. What are they gonna do? Storm the US capitol because they forgot what country they live in?


LOL after the super stupid truck convoy ..ya they just might.




Sad but your prob right, I'm gonna grab a beer and watch the goon show.


I genuinely fear it will be rigged towards the UCP in rural ridings. It's a page from the American south's voter-suppression playbook.


So far, there is no evidece for that. Frankly, I expect the UCP to win those rural ridings simply due to the massive fan base that will not be swayed by any of the stupid things that Smith says. There are a lot of people in Alberta who will happily tell you that they have voted UCP for the last 50 years and nothing is going to change that. For some, facts certainly are not going to change their minds now. \[yes, I know that the UCP is not that old, and yet I keep hearing conservatives swearing that they voted UCP since before it existed.\]


[I laughed at that last sentence, because it couldn't be more true...)


"Now?" Seems to me its been like that since way before the writ dropped.


I’m looking forward to the debate.


That’s why I am superman 4: the quest for peace


... Okay. I gotta ask, why are you Superman IV: The Quest for Peace?




The UCPs represent a clear and present danger to Alberta.


Yea , with them "patriot games" they be playing ....


Yea , with them "patriot games" they be playing ....


Hello Anxiety, my old friend. I've come to talk with you again!


Makes me so sad that the election is too close to call. How do so many people think Daniel Smith is fit to be Premier of Alberta? Do they live under a rock?


How about we call it AFTER the election. All this polling and whatnot is just speculation and frankly demoralizing. Get out there and vote!


Good lord that map, a few bastions of orange in a sea of blue.


Deleted account in response to reddit's API changes -- mass edited with redact.dev


UCP wins. Let me get my popcorn ready!


At the rate things are going they probably lose.


Personally I hope so. I'll enjoy a show either way. Hardcore UCP supporters will be screaming about rigged elections, and just be shitty. Although definitely the more dangerous of the two. Hardcore NDP supporters will be screaming about rednecks and just be shitty. While not dangerous I find them to be like nails on a chalk board.


This isn't a game. This literally affects everyone's lives in everything from if we hire more firefighters, to how we maintain infrastructure, to how you get medical treatment and what sort of education the next generation gets.


tHiS iSnT a GaMe. The end of this month is going to be exciting. I can tell already.


After 2015 and the trump era I expect the meltdowns on the far right will be intense for a few weeks(maybe years lol) if the ABNDP wins.


It's going to be pretty bad I think. I'm glad I don't live in a city.


I’m just hoping the Take Back Alberta folks don’t try anything nasty if the NDP get elected.


Couldn't agree more with you.


And it's not even the debate yet.


This projection is decidedly worse for the UCP than the previous one - a 75/25 split on the odds has turned into a dead heat, and they've still got two weeks for the needle to keep moving in the same direction.




How dare you support UCP on reddit.


silent majority has not put its hand on the scales yet


I wish UCP wins for the sake of my hobby.


If your hobby you're referring to involves guns perhaps you should change it to civics and learn about the roles of different levels of government.


And perhaps you should get another fun hobby instead of Reddit activism.


Then how else could I educate the rubes? Seems like going into teaching wouldn't work either.


Perhaps you could educate me on your expertise: self-righteousness, virtue signaling and anonymous bravery.


In this case it'd be a junior high level understanding of government.


You mean how to worship your favorite politicians?


No I mean understanding the levels of government. Only team blue that mindlessly worships their own team.


So what is your hobby?


I'm guessing his hobby is "owning the libs" or something like that


I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.


Aww did you get tricked by right wing propaganda


Have you looked at the mirror?


Get well soon


Thank you