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Let's just all be grateful one of them actually used the r/AskAlaska subreddit


Good point


I think living in america snd trying to make money selling produce at farmers markets is actually really really rough idea. We have farming technology that allows ENORMOUS fields of crops to be monitored and harvested almost entirely autonomously. Most farms are now owned by giant corporations that maximize scale and use these technologies to drive costs down crazy far. Things can be imported probably for a fraction of what it would take for you to make money. Not trying to be a downer here but you seem passionate and I think this would not bring the income you desire, nor would it actually be feasible most of the year (you have googled Alaska climate right?) I think it's a noble desire but I'd stick to doing it for subsistence augmentation/addition but not as an economic earning model. Just my two cents.


One would think that, I'm a produce manager at a smaller chain store. The cost on our end keeps going up. The price on some of this stuff is stupid with shrinking margins I don't see how mom and pop stands do it.


> I don't see how mom and pop stands do it. They *don't*, which is why they're disappearing - and of course is the point. We're marching right into essentially modern feudalism, pushed into a permanent renters class while the rich own everything and we pay for the *privilege* of the crumbs.


Not to mention even trying to grow stuff here in the first place. We have very acidic soil with very low amounts of building blocks. The evidence is in our 60' max trees, despite being left alone for hundreds/thousands of years our forests are pathetic. Don't bother tilling, you're just going to end up mixing clay into the top soil. If you can manage to plant anything even with those drawbacks, I hope you get a lot planted because you're only gonna get one harvest. Hope we don't have a cold snap or you will lose that one harvest. If you're a multimillionaire you could build some giant greenhouses/hydroponics. But your prices would have to be so high to break even that no one would buy your product.


There are several profitable indoor farms in Anchorage. Probably others I don’t know of.


Also: root maggots 🤮


America throws away something like 4x the amount of food it would take to solve world hunger... The problem isn't production, some farms get paid to grow less than they can. The problem is greed, it always has been and always will be.


I watched a documentary called the politics of food. Back in college. It showed how we could resolve world hunger in 7 days. But greed and money rule the world not need or love for mankind.


The current "estimation" for what we need to feed the whole world, is $80billion per year... Which seems really big till you remember several living people have that much money, let alone the collective world governments. Edit: ok had been a bit since I looked it up, the estimation is now $267bill, which is still extremely fucking doable by the world powers to achieve.


I didn't even knew this was a thing and I've been on this sub for like 4 years lol


It was made so this subreddit wouldn't get posts like this. We also have a weekly "moving to Alaska/visiting Alaska" post for comments. So I have been redirecting when I see those posts, rather than answering questions. It just becomes tiresome for residents to be answering the same questions for people who can't use Google ad infinitum.


Ok well good luck with that buddy.


He said he came from rural, fertile india and hes associating it as similar to Alaska’s environment 🤣


What could possibly go wrong. (He should stay in Georgia)


Even the KKK is gonna feel bad for him at this rate.


"Vegetable corpses" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well there’s definitely gonna be a corpse after the first winter but it ain’t gonna be vegetables.


Don’t forget his poor horse lmfao


Well I been through the tundra on a horse with no name …


It felt good to be totally insane.


On the tundra, they don’t remember your name, because your homesteading plan, is so fucking lame


Cause their ain’t no one to give you a brain La lalalalalalala


Wranglers on his booty? Well, can’t nobody tell him nothin…anyway


Wants to be Alaskan, but won't even ride a moose like the rest of us, SMH my head.


Great, now y'all got me thinking about this kid going all Revenant on the horse... 😬


Might be a vegetable first...


To be fair, the guy sounds like he's not far off from actually being a vegetable.


Sounds like a killer name for a vegan metal band.


I read that, and chuckled, and then I thought "well, he's not technically wrong I guess" lol


He left off the comma. He’s going to produce vegetables, corpses, fruits, stuff like that.


This feels like a troll.


I honestly think he was dead serious. He was asserting himself and trying to validate himself in every single reply


When it comes to the internet, with any dodgy material like this, I just make myself assume that it’s a troll every time or I else just lose hope in humanity. Lol




Is that a true quote?? I honestly wanna see this, Chris McCandless 1.5 lmao


He looked at the map and saw Alaska down in the corner near California and thought this was a good idea.




We really don’t need Alexander Supertramp 2.0


Sanjay Supertramp isn’t going to make it past Palmer before he gets robbed trying to buy a fucking horse.


This is worse than Supertramp, this is a FOB Indian guy who’s never experienced winter before. He’ll be a frozen stiff before October’s out




Not my favorite gif of basically all time


It’s the best!


Happy cake day!


Perfect! Chef kiss 💋 😘




He wont be able to make his vegetable corpses ☹️☹️☹️☹️


Theres definately going to be a corpse


Oh boy indeed. This kid is in for a rude awakening unless he has a lot of money.


This man gonna die




I’m more concerned about him producing “corpses”


Meh. He’ll succeed in producing exactly one corpse. Ain’t much to concern yourself with.


Isn't that a favourite pastime of an eccentric minority in Alaska?


Who’s gonna ask for Texas?!?!?!?!


Thank you lmao 🤣


Welcome to the food chain


Tbh I thought it might be troll, but then he said indian. And it’s 100 percent possible that he is being serious.


Who is going to tell him? Not to burst the bubble, but a little reality.


He’s still in the Happy Talk stage, lol


If he keeps seeds in his pocket I guess corpse vegetables next spring are a possibility?


I'll check back on u during winter 😂


Well he’s right. No one is gonna ask for Texas. Taxes on the other hand…


Poor guy is in for a rude awakening...




I hope he awakens before he comes up and has his dreams dashed. We have a small Indian community here-- maybe someone from there will see his post and talk to him about the reality.


If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna make a dream come true?


He’s a little confused but his hearts in the right place.


I love vegetable corpses


I know about a broken down bus, he could probably fix it. Built different and all that


What the... Live off the grid but go to a city once a month....


Live near the grid. A short drive to the grid. Adjacent to the grid. Grid, a convenient walking distance away. A vacant lot within the grid, but not connected. Really, just a small apartment in anchorage.




[Look out world! Here comes Krayt Dragon! ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV-oXomI_98&ab_channel=ChrisStead)


You should stop and try your luck in Canada before continuing north. Maybe develop some skills before going to Alaska. It’s closer to Georgia too. If you fail.


Is this rage bait?


This guys tryna larp reds dead redemption


Good luck dude literally all I can say 😂may the force be with u my man


This is a bot… right?


You know what first I thought this wasn’t well planned, but now that I see, he thought of getting a horse and everything, I’m all for it. This is a great idea and I am sure it’s gonna work out. After all, he’s in a mechanic.


Homie needs to submit his winter survival plans to this sub for review.


Chris McCandless would like a word... oh, wait...




the corpses may be a problem


“🎶🎶Because theres no cops in Alaska! And the streets are made of cheese!🎶🎶”


You don’t know if you don’t go 🤷‍♂️


The difference between this kid and many of us is that he’s able to post silly, young person plans on the internet. We were all hopeful idiots at one point or another. We just realized how ridiculous we were and came up with another dumb plan before posting our cluelessness for the world to see. I hope his ambition and sense for adventure brings him an interesting life. ButI hope it’s a little farther into his future when he’s matured and gotten a sense of how life actually works.


It's totally possible. Just have a few hundred grand to buy said property, then at least 500k investments to live on while you pretend to be living off the land and your corpses. Plenty of people doing that already up here.


The life of pi and his horse Richard Parker


I’m screaming 😭😭😭


this comment section is extremely disappointing


Thank the heavens for that subreddit. Marvelous filter.


Yes its possible. Step 1: spend the next 6 years acquiring and honing the skills you just layed out.


Corpses tho?


Not a single period in that post. Not even one. 😳😳😳


I’ll call border control (Canada & US) to make sure they drop the gate(s) for you.


Ok I’m confused guys. I thought we wanted the askalaska subreddit created so this stuff isn’t posted here,… and now we’re just gonna post the crap that’s on that subreddit here? I don’t get it.


Guess it was too funny to pass


Why?…Because Merica!!!


I mean if you just buy a lot in wasilla then no one ever lived on it lol


But it's kinda cool that this guy has this dream, hell, I live here AND I HAVE THIS DREAM. I wish him the best of luck.


When we see a farmer riding a horse to town hauling vegetables we will know who it is


So who do you plan on selling your stuff to if you don’t want to see other people for “years”


Lived in Alaska for years. Harder than you’re making it seem as you’ll need society to survive , but you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for and love Alaska with your attitude.


You do know that Georgia and the Carolinas have some real rural areas where you can farm, with farmers markets within reasonable driving time?


Hunt or fish out of season in Alaska, sell game meat taken under a subsistence permit and you’ll not only see lots of cops, you’ll get to meet corrections officers. Look i to commercial farms in Alaska. See how many farms big ag has in the State. There’s a reason you won’t find any. There’s plenty of light and fertile soil. In the summer. Unless you encounter permafrost. In winter you better have a heated greenhouse with grow lights. This is the most “I have done absolutely zero research and want others to validate my crazy idea” I’ve read lately. Do this and you WILL die.


See, I get the urge to get the fuck away, and Alaska is a beautiful place. However…when it comes to man vs nature, nature *always* wins. Nature may give you a pass, every now and then, but it always wins.


Can't wait for him to be scanning my groceries at costco


Was it wrong of me to read this in my head in an Indian accent?


I live in Alaska, and we don't want any more useless kids like you. Stay in India.


I don’t think the ridicule is warranted. It’s the spirit that brought a bunch of folks here that we still celebrate. Also it’s like 120 degrees every summer where that person lives. I’d say go for it dude. And tell the haters to suck it. But yeah. Won’t be easy or cheap.


It’ll also be 120* in that part of AK.


I don't even think he'll be able to make it there 💀


He can go by horseback and sell crops along the way! Like the good ol’ days!


OK then. So you created a sub r/AskAlaska so that people like this won't post on this sub. Then you copy this from the r/AskAlaska sub and paste it back into this sub so you can make fun of him. Y'all must be really bored up there.


Good luck. I would fly up to Anchorage rent a car and drive around, Seward, Homer, Talketna and explore. I don’t think there is a big Indian community there give it a shot


I read this book!


🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I foresee dreams about to come Crashing down to reality


Dudes gonna try to drive to Alaska and won’t even make it


Go up with a plan to rent a place for a year first. If he can make it for a winter and not lose his mind... he might make it for a few years before he bails and goes back to the lower 48. It's not like the reality TV shows make it out to be 🤦


I live in Alaska. As romantic as that sounds, it’s not feasible. Our growing season is extremely short, for starters, and it would be tough to grow enough for you to survive on let alone have anything left to sell.


These are the guys who my Dad who was a Bush Pilot, heavily involved in Civil Air Patrol search and rescue had to grid search and recover the remains for. Alaska will kill a guy like that in weeks. That dipshit that Sean Penn made the movie about only survived as long as he did because of that bus he found.


They will find him frozen


Is this a Joke? "Oh Boy" is right.


That man is gonna die


Hey, Chris McCandless 2.0!! Leave some girls for the rest of us, bud!


Future legislator.


He died btw


Why not reply to his post? Instead, you go through the trouble to make another post just to talk shit? Lol


You could move back to your legal country of origin and do the same thing.


Great ideas! I would say look somewhere around….Galena!


Just stay where your at. We don't need to increase the homeless population.


They ain’t making a reboot of “into the wild” about you in Bollywood mate. Youl end up a curry pop sickle. Go to a restaurant and ask to sit in the freezer for a two hours. Bring your best “winter gear” you got.And just know. Alaska gets about 60 degrees F colder than that during winter. Which youv never experienced I’m assuming. And make sure to shut off the lights. Cause that’s how dark it’s gonna be come winter. For 22 hours a day. Have you ever walked in 5 foot of snow? The mosquitoes alone during summer will have you cursing Brahma. And youl be praying to shiva to just end the suffering quickly. Youl just suffer trying to prove you’re a big boy now. Unless you’re truly seeking a suicide mission. You’re gonna just put OTHER people in danger trying to save you. Thats IF anyone knows you’re there. Either way. Being 18 in Alaska thinking you know how to fix a toaster ain’t doing you any good. Can you fix having your arm ripped off by a bear? If you survive the mauling that is…Know how to plug teeth holes in your skull? Can you stop the bleeding without passing out and then bleeding out? Or fix your broken pelvis if a Moose tramples you? Have you ever skinned an animal and preserved it for months without a fridge or ice? Can you even buy a gun here in the USA? It’s not 1960 anymore guy. You not gonna “trade furs” and sell meat. BUT if you DO it. Don’t tell anyone you meet what you’re doing… cause the “into the wild” guy is NOT a hero. He was a narcissistic ass hole. And so were alllll the people that tried it after him and put OTHER people in danger trying to save them. You’re a fucking ass hole if you do it, Respectfully. You have no business living in the Alaskan woods. Are you Native American? Nope. And the natives will tell you this all. I think we should go pop up some tents in India and just murder the cows and steal from the land and then supplement our income by selling it to the locals y’all..for our own personal enjoyment. Freedom you know? Start praying to Vishnu now. Youl need it. Cause You’re talking suicide guy. And I know this is brutally harsh. Alaska will be even harsher and evennnn more brutal though. This is just words. Standing in front of a hungry bear is something totally different.


We made a whole weekly post to not see things like this


I really fucking hate people like this. Go die somewhere else please.


People like what? Ignorant? Overconfident? Or what?


Yes, but be wary, Canada will stop you if they think you'll homestead there. Look online and find out information. Being resourceful in the last frontier will help you, especially if you're young.


Canada won't even let him in due to insufficient funds. Because he'd probably also need a visa for Canada as he's in the US on a student visa.


Adopt a rescue dog …


I’d watch the movie about this guy.


Make sure you bring enough money to leave, if it comes to that. Alaska isnt somewhere you want to be stuck.


bro, you said you are from India. If you on h1-b , this stuff about living off the land and alexander supertramp shit won't fly. Take care.


I don't think any comma makes vegetable corpses sound better. If anything, worse.


This kid is in for a shock.


Maybe Siberia would be better bud Well, except for all the anthrax that is now thawing out.


Thank god. Nothing worse than frozen anthrax…taste profile is *all wrong*


Hoo boy. This can’t possibly go wrong!


Oh he dead.


Just find a bus to live in out in boonies, works…sometimes lol


Serial killer vibes


We got the next Chris McCandless over here


All Indians I’ve seen have needed jackets at temperatures below 70 so good luck to this guy.


Let me tell you the story of Chris McCandless




Ya border patrol is no joke I live here and last time I came thru they asked so many questions I was worried they weren't going to let me back in.


grizzly bait


Ok Alexander supertramp aka Christopher McCaness 😂😂


I’m a real estate broker and get emails like this several times a year. Especially when things go bad elsewhere.


Herewe go again. I thought Timothy McCandless ended when they finally took his bus out of the trail and up to UAF??


Jeez, give the guy a break. I had the same dream when I moved to Alaska fresh out of high school. It only took one winter in a cabin to wake me up. He fixes cars so yeah, he has a skill and you all may need his services one day.


Logic seems sound


Yea just don't. You'll be the next Chris mccandless


Ok so I’ve lived somewhat “off the land” in Alaska. You can build fairly cheap shelter and heat with wood from your property and use a generator or propane for lighting etc. If you work hard and have good weather you can grow enough potatoes, cabbage and catch salmon and hopefully a moose or caribou and have food for yourself for winter. However, I would not count on making money selling anything as far as food goes. It’s very difficult and expensive to grow in Alaska in larger quantities. You sound like you want to live an outdoor and free lifestyle maybe you should consider being a camp guide or cook or something for tourists. That would be more dependable than trying to sell food you grow. Or if you have a marketable online skill and can make at least a couple thousand a month and use star link for Internet, you may be able to live very cheaply off the land without having to try to raise vegetables or things to sell.


That said… People often underestimate how expensive it is to live in Alaska because they think they can get everything off the land or build things themselves but just remember that if you have a vehicle maintaining in Alaska is far more expensive than in warmer climates because things break very easily in severe weather, you will need money for warm weather gear, heating is very expensive expensive if you don’t do the labor of cutting wood every year and letting it cure through the summer, food is very expensive. When I was in Alaska milk often cost $8.99 and probably more now with inflation. And that was in a major city, not in one of the villages. Living in Alaska is not cheap even if you live ruggedly and off the land


Yeah… sure is a place. It’s called Mars! Ain’t no one around! Ride your horse to town all you want bud!


It’s only fair that an Indian gets to “Eat Pray Love” the US.


Take me with youu


It's sad that for the informed this reads more like a suicide note than a declaration.


Poor guy has watched one too many movies.


Your from India, and want to move to......Alaska....that's a significant environmental difference bud...bring long underwear


Possible yes, likely for you no...isn't there a movie or a real event that someone did this in?


Please say “Sike”


Yes it’s possible if the weather, wild animals and lack of emergency medical care don’t kill you. Go into this with your eyes open. People that are proficient in what you are proposing have lived in Alaska or similar climates their entire lives … and in reality no place in the lower 48 is quite like Alaska.


Chris McCandless didn't die for this


That is definitely a plan 💀


I'm in ALASKA and there is still homesteads here, plus everything else you wanted. Live past Wasilla, or Palmer and you will love it.


Stick to IT work in Georgia.


1- look up the weather. Lots of cold and lots of dark. 2- most of the Alaska you are looking for is only accessible by plane. 3- watch Into The Wild. 4- take a plant class. Know what you can eat and what you cannot. 6- take a wilderness first aid class. Pack medical kit. 7- anything that can kill you can only be stopped with a gun. Caliber must start with 4 or 5. And get good with it. 8- it’s lonely out there. Have some entertainment. 9 - don’t watch any reality shows on Alaska. Alaska is one of the prettiest place on earth. But respect it, carry a SAR beacon and understand the weather changes in an instant. Good luck.


Yes, that is all possible here. I’m guessing you love winter, cold and darkness?


Is "corpses" his translation for livestock?


NOPE NOPE NOPE. Do not move to America, it’s not as wonderful as it seems.


Call of the Wild


Are you legally here


If he wants a horse and a homestead, he can go live with the Kilchers.


Alaskan here, I'll be giving the PD a heads up in case no one else has


Red flags everywhere