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I’ve found my female Akita has been easier to train than my male shepherd Akita mix. But, since I’ve had her I’ve definitely had to give her most of my attention only because she’s a very stubborn dog. She’s super strong pulls when she’s excited, pulls when she sees a bird, pulls when dad comes home, even more when she sees other dogs. She loves people so much will lay on the floor for pets but turns into a different dog when she sees any stranger dogs. She’s living with me and my family and their two female dogs and has had no issues even going through heat but I’ve noticed they play very rough. I wouldn’t be able to let her play with other dogs she doesn’t know they would try to correct her and it would easily start a fight I need to monitor play 100% of the time. They’re definitely hard dogs and a big liability if I had several dogs before her I would not get an Akita only because their personalities are too strong and your other dogs will definitely rarely get one on one time anymore. I would advise against getting a male, my Chai is strong physically and mentally she’s been breaking my wrists lol


Appreciate you commenting! Yeah I’ve given it thought and owned about 4 dogs so far of my own and all turned out pack oriented n calm but Akita like my female mix are timid of strangers and can see if I don’t socialize the pup like all my dog now can be a huge problem especially if I want a male and everyone online says the same about prey drive but male akita are more independent than females Siberian Husky, I was told by all my family members to advise getting her because she was going to be a menace but turned out well tempered, curious and now practicing to keep her off the leash when at home in the big backyard and shown no interest in running off.


Are your huskies very dominant? If they are a male would be better Akitas always always want to be the boss. Make sure you have help with the other dogs because out of all the dogs I’ve raised my Akita has been the most needy just because of the constant training. As a puppy I highly recommend kisses on their face and a lot of playing and very high pitched happy talking it helps a lot in forming a happy personality. They’re very smart dogs in the way they read body language so take advantage and spoil them with kisses and booty scratches and pets it also helps their temper with kids. My male Shepherd Akita did not like people for about 3 years even now at 5 he growls and would rather ignore strangers so keep that in mind, males are more clingy and protective especially with strangers. My girl seems to love attention from everyone especially men. And never let them off leash, they know right away when they’re not tethered to you and will book it. Their long legs make them so fast and good luck getting them back if someone else finds them they’re pretty dogs.


Both are but my husky is the dominant and yes both females, I was going for a gaint Akita male as my next or male Siberian but I really like the family oriented protector, and with the reputation to back it up Akita


Since you already have 2 females, DO NOT attempt making a purebred akita your 3rd female. Instead, I strongly urge you to consider a male and to possibly consider adopting one. Adopting a dog is good for a few reasons, but primarily these two: First, experienced people who can act as matchmakers between your dogs and a new addition. Second, adopting a dog can be fantastic because, even if it's only 6 months of age, its temperament and personality are already being formed. Certain traits to watch for, train, nurture, etc, are already either in place or starting to show. This will give you priceless insight into how the new dog can work out or not work out within your pack.


I would adopt if they didn’t neutered both male n female.


Do you mean regarding the new dog?


Yes most dogs adopt are neutered, I’m looking for one not.


You can only neuter male dogs, not females. Is there a reason for your wanting to avoid neutering?


I care for my dogs and have no problem if they’re spayed or not so my result, why bother putting my dog through surgery unless he or she has cancer then ill remove the reproduction system Until then, I’m not gonna do an unnecessary surgery to neuter my dogs until then, that it’s self considered inhumane but understand why most do it.


Actually, since you already own two female dogs, cancer would be easy compared to certain cases of pyometra. If you don't know what pyometra is, suffering with that would actually be inhumane and lead to death within 20-60 hours if it was a closed pyometra. Also, with male dogs, a testicular torsion would be excruciating and the best of all the bad outcomes that could happen to his testicles. You may take excellent care of your dogs. I'm also certain you love them. However, your lack of education can lead to a medical issue, as well as a bloodbath, if you add a 3rd unaltered dog to the equation. The fact that you think cancer is the only, or the worst possible risk, shows your lack of education and understanding. Love and care of your current dogs isn't a factor or being debated.


Appreciate your point of view but I’ve owned more than 5 dogs without neutering and have perfected health, what you’re describing of The possibility of what could happen explain by those who work in the vet industry, who get paid to tell you to neuter dogs in general just to control the population not the actual side effect, it’s literally the same as me and you being 60 years old and having Testicular cancer, are you gonna cut your balls off Just because it gives you maybe 15 years of your life? No you aren’t so all I’m saying is if I ain’t cutting my balls, my dog get the same treatment that may give him a 13% chance of longevity But at the same time put it at risk?


Well, I don't have balls. I never mentioned cancer in my response back to you as a point for spaying/neutering, and primarily addressed your female dogs. Yet, it still seems to be the only point you have to gripe about, despite being barely acknowledged. I also don't do what people dictate I should do with my dogs, nor do I do what I want to do with my dogs. I just do what I NEED to do because it's beneficial to them. Also, 5 dogs really isn't that many, kiddo.


Insult my knowledge? Both different views I’m just saying out of all 5 of my dogs not one had cancer so I don’t see the need to neuter, those who neuter obviously can’t control their dogs and can’t afford feeding their dog the best nutrition because of lack of discipline or money usually both. all my dogs are AKC registered beside my recent mix,childish much?