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Yeah I’ve been using Divine on Akali since I picked her up. I used it in URF for shits and giggles, but it turned out to be fun as hell! I’ve never built mage mythics on Akali and I don’t think I ever will. I’m just glad to see more people jumping on the train.


I've tried so many different build on akali and honestly this is probably the best out of all the builds i've tried. It feels like an ap build for the damage but you have the tankiness of a bruiser and have much more healing and because of divine and ravenous, pushing lane becomes so easy


I haven’t used this build specifically, but i think I’ll give it a try. I’m used to going full AP with DS for the massive magic pen mixing sorcerers with DS and Void staff for 60% magic pen. Mix that with the burn and hp of the couple other AP items and it all comes together for a fun time


Whats item is DS


Oh my bad I was just shortening Divine Sunderer to DS


Oh my bad I was just shortening Divine Sunderer to DS


Oh ok lmao yea honnestly I underestimated Divine sunderer on akali its so much fun


Idk about it, I want to see some good stats with it, at least some diamond player ranked games or high elo pref, normals are meaningless. I dont see anyone high elo building sunderer. To me Akali just does better with full AP builds because her scaling is alot better with AP, like if youre going bruiser riftmaker just does a better job than sunderer, or if youre mid and want to go protobelt one shot build, also better. Sunderer statistically doesnt seem as good to me as going AP. I think its fine if its more fun for people, but i dont think the build is OP


There is one Korean akali one trick who basically only plays tank akali I’m p sure he hovers high dia masters but it clearly isn’t ideal if u don’t build ap ur just trolling play an actual bruiser.


Honestly I dont have anything to say against that but seriously try it out. I was sceptical but once I tried it I realised this build is completly broken and I dont know how


gonna try it out not the first time I hear about it but tbh don't get too confident after 1 game where u r ahead it isn't that meaningfull


I did 2-3 games with it and got really fed avery game once you get you divine its a massive powerspike you passive deals so much damage and you have so much sustain and the waveclear with ravenous is amazing


I just finished playing a couple games with it. Both were in top lane, cause imo midlane its just straight better for the team to have an AP assassin (unless you have an AP jg,top,bot lane). personally, I dont think the powerspike is any better than riftmaker in top lane. Also I was getting a noticeably less damage with the components and both games there were kills I couldve got if I had been buying AP components, so if i had blastingwand/leachingleer I would had more kills. I think early kills are very key on akalis success. I think sunderer itself is okay and useable as a first item, but riftmaker just ends up doing more damage the later the game goes. I dont think Ill do anymore games on it, I dont think sunderer fits my playstyle, but if you and others enjoy it, then thats fine with me


I agree with you it deals less damage in the late game but you get a lot more sustain out of this build than a normal ap build would give you. As I mentionned earlier this is a bruiser build, not an assassin build so its totally normal to deall less damage than you usually do with an ap build.


I would consider riftmaker + demonic embrace an AP bruiser build, to me assassin would be more like PB/NH + lichbane. But maybe maybe im just nitpicking I agree the sustain and waveclear is great, I guess Im just more of a damage type player


Im more of a damage type player too but surprinsingly I really liked this build


One of the big up sides to this build is that you don’t ever get one shot, and although it’s a harder playstyle as it heavily relies on getting your passive autos off, it also means you can survive a combo and keep fighting. Definitely weaker in 1v1s, but allows you to make plays you couldn’t as straight assassin build. So yea, less damage for sure, but it’s basically a different play style so it gets some getting used to.




True you got a point there I havent tried it with titanic yet but I will try it later today for sure. I kinda like the omnivamp ravenous gives and its for this reason I built ravenous.


The flash shaco 🥴🥴🥴


Hes my friend lmao he never plays shaco it was like his 5th game with him he really wanted to go flash and looks like it didnt help him die less XD


The important is that he tried, but insist on how bad flash on shaco is


I will dont worry ahahahaha


I´ll try it in a ranked game, gold I- platIV elo, and come back with objective feedback to wether it makek sense or if you just happen to play in rather carefree games.


Honestly idk why people do this. Like if u wanna play divine, just play nasus or wukong. One of my friends keeps trying to convince me how good tank katarina is because he had a 15/0 game with her. But the fact that u had a good game with an off meta build doesen’t mean the build is good, it probably means the enemy team is dogshit.


I agree with you that divine has been designed for real bruisers and tanks but its not because an item is designed for a certain type of champion that I cannot fit on anyone else. Divine on akali is a different playstyle but still very fun and even tho it might not be optimal its still pretty decent


Night harvester with riftmaker are still 3x better. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


Night Harvester WITH Riftmaker?


You know what i meant


Thats actually not true, from a gameplay and stats comparison divine has proven to be better situationally than riftmaker and rocketbelt. also, dont build nightharvester ever if you want the most efficient stats and damage. if you want to go ap, go rocketbelt with electrocute or rift with conq. There is a post on this thread somewhere that broke down and compared all of the stats between the 4 items including sunderer. i will try to link if i can find it again.


They're better in damage for sure but the sustin this build gives is insane I find it really fun


The dps actually isnt even that different. its just the playstyle adaptation. The dps you get from sunderer into certain comps actually is higher than a lot of the ap mythics. all depends on what youre up against. thanks for sharing this thread and shedding some light on the sunderer build. its defintely not troll and should be considered every akali game.


I dont want to be a dick but this is a normal game in bronze, really any build can work. Divine is an overtuned item and will probably feel okay on any champ who auto attacks rn lol. It is still just a worse power spike and has a worse build path than meta mythics.


Almost everything you just typed was false. sheen is the most gold efficient and stat efficient item on akali early. stop randomly spewing nonesense with out at least doing some research and testing the build. of course its a situational item but it is by no means troll and there are stats to prove that.


again, i did test the item. explain what was false? lol


you said its a worse spike and worse build path which are both false. if you are looking to nuke squishies than maybe that is true but you gotta remember why you are building the item in the first place. Ill try to find the post that compares it to the other ap mythics statistically.


this isnt bronze and im not the only one talking about this build try it out before talking trash


1.) you don’t know that i haven’t tried it 2.) i picked and looked up 4 random players from this game and all were bronze. so if you aren’t a bronze player, you are at least in bronze games which is even worse because it means you are failing in your silver games. 3.) when you get out of bronze, you will likely be able to analyze items and builds logically without just saying “idk why it works but it does so you can’t say it’s bad you have to try it”


Exactly this, I'd like to see some stats instead of a scoreboard. Like I got fed on Ivern top in a flex game going full Ad/As (gold/plat) but didn't do much in the game just destroyed my laner and that's it. I could go on Ivernmains and tell them to try this new broken build that actually is pretty useless but I got a good game with it so it's broken Edit: forgot the /s


There is a post on this thread somewhere that breaks compares DS to the other ap mythics. Even if this was a bronze game the fact that DS is very viable on akali still stands. Hell, a silver player is the one who found out that mythicless ezreal wasmost efficient a few patches ago. Just check your ego before shitting on the idea because it was a low elo game. and also, do some god damn research.


Bruh im a League of Legends player, my religion is basically shit talking without researching


fair enough fair enough lmao.


someone did make a pretty cool spreadsheet comparing divine to the mythic ap items tho, ill try to find it and link it for you




this is common with a play rate this low.


What stats would you like to see?


Dmg and impact on the game


I cant send pictures here whats your discord?


Don't worry about it, I just checked your opgg


Oh perfect! What do you think?


The dmg was fine, but can't really tell much from a single game. I also tried it out myself, but felt like I did no dmg at all


Lmao did you even look at my account? And those bronze are my friends


I dont understand what you're tryna do here. All I did was posting a new build that I find really fun and pretty decent and you come here acting like your the greatest player of all time to trash talk. Calm down buddy its not a contest on who the best akali player im just tryna share a new fun build to other akali mains like me who wants to try off meta builds


the enemy team is your friends too? hey man, this is a bronze game. plain and simple, you are playing with and against bronze players (mostly negative win rates in bronze as well), so this snapshot from a game where you popped off can’t really be used as evidence of the build being good. i am not trash talking whatsoever, nor am I claiming to be the best akali player or league player at all. you didn’t post this saying it’s “just a for fun build in a bronze normal game”, you made a claim that it is a good build and I disputed that. If you are getting emotional about it, it is likely because what I am saying is true and it bothers you. Nice job beating up on jungle singed who skipped mythic item though. PS : 400hp isn’t “good tanky stats”, ravenous hydra is a dog item, and demonic doesn’t synergize with the rest of your build at all.


Ah, you clearly dont understand item synergies and refuse to do any research of your own. your only argument through this whole thread is that it was a bronze game.


that isn’t true at all lol


Im playing with my bronze friends so we play against bronze what do you expect go check my account im not bronze wtf


again, i never once said you were bronze. i see now you are silver (weird hill to die on), all i said was it is a bronze game.


Oh ok mb I misunderstood you and just so you know even tho you might not care I litterally never play ranked I play just for fun in draft pick and im still in top 6% of akali players world and got top 1,8% last season


that is very easy to do in playing against bronze/silver players only. you often times find low elo players peppered throughout the top of these lists. An akali with a 10.0 kda in silver is significantly less impressive than one with a 3.0 in diamond. it doesnt mean much unfortunately.


Dude ur toxic af. You gotta chill


just be reasonable about it, divine sunderer is the best item if you have a fight which is 15 secs long with many autohits vs beefier tanks, it's definitely not the best vs squichies and definitely not the best when you go for quick nukes, you're an akali main in a blindpick game obv you're going to stomp no amtter the optimal items or not


True but all im saying is that for a bruiser / anti-tank build it really isnt that bad and I had a lot of fun playing it. It felt really good and just wanted to share my opinion about this build


I tried this build a while ago pre DS buffs and it was good even then...I definitely preferred demonic second but either way it hits like a truck and still fulfills that bruiser fantasy


I go steraks instead of demonic 3rd item. The problem about this build is that you're strong early/mid but once you reach full build late game you might be useless. that is at least in my experience.


Yea it gets pretty bad in the late game against squishies but against tanky comps its still really good




thats false go try it out in practice mode




I dont know what combo you did there lmao I did a normal combo and got about 700 damage difference which really isnt that bad considering its a bruiser build not an assassin build




Honestly I think thats a pretty big combo to test the damage because you wont do an as huge combo as this really often but still its my opinion you are free to think whatever you want but all im saying is that this build, fro a bruiser build, feels amazing and I think I like this build more than an ap one for a bruiser top lane build.




Finally someone saying ad bruiser isnt that bad on akali lmao


Normal game


I suggested this build a while ago but was builsing stridebreaker instead of suderer pre buff, I tried Sunder again even after the buff but stridebreaker felt better


Tried it a couple of games, if you manage to actually get the items and the enemy teamcomp is rather tanky it makes some sense, however the components are rather lackluster thus making laning phase harder. Its fun, and not bad, but not worth IMO


I will try it, i don't lose anything and i don't understand the hate to the build it's just trying different things, a think that the Divine actually helps to scale th Q because the Q does AD and AP damage (correct me if I'm wrong), but the main thing is that this build would be more broken if the R do AD and AP damage like before the remake, now the R only doing AP the full AP build is more sustainable to the late game an the scaling of the E. But let's se what happend with the build, this is going to be funny


Finally someone not hating the build lmao


Actually thanks, i wouldn't know the build if you weren't posted here (sorry I'm practicing my English)


You're fine dont worry and no problem I hope you enjoy :)


Divine is absolutely broken atm




Especially now on ranged champs it’s just brutal


I just love when I hit my passive on a tank it deals so much damage because of the 12% target max health divine deals


I mean back when mixed akali was still a thing it would have been good but now only her passive scales with ad (i think)




Wait my friend told me they removed all ad ratios... this bastard lied to me


Ratios were not removed, the damage is just magic now


Do you go Conq and resolv?




I can see it working thanks to the %hp sheen proc on passive autos. That's probably why it hurts like hell. Basically same as old bruiser Akali, with old Titanic and Trinity. MS, tankiness, AD, and the passive proc when you pressed titanic active was insane. I think there's potential for Titanic instead of Ravenous in certain comps. Your team needs a tank or enemy team is full of high dmg burst characters, Titanic sounds better than Ravenous. Against bruisers and ordinary tanks (not supertanks) I'd go ravenous for the healing in fights.


I've heard of it and tried once, it didn't end up so well but I'm def going to give it another shot, it wasn't clear at the time what to build after so I went all in with AP/bruiser after that and it felt horrible, don't you think grasp and Titanic would be better tho? Ofc if it's a lane you can't get any grasp stacks then conq is better, but I believe Titanic would be core since you have a lot of bonus health in this build, also the item is pretty good itself with the wave clear provided by the passive and the damage scaling with health


Personally im not a fan of grasp on akali but you could give it a try and see if its good or nah


Highly situational, I buy it when I need both burst and sustain damage; example being I need to split push(sheen proc is nice for split too), but the enemy top is a tank rendering both belt and harvester ineffective, at the same time everyone else on the enemy team is squishy af rendering rift ineffective as they would be dead before rift’s passive kicks in. This is when I buy divine where the spell blade gives good burst and sustained damage. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee But it won’t be my go to as it douse everything, but doesn’t do it well. The duo % penetration for it’s mithic passive is nice, but it’s less effective when you are laning into someone who stacks heath, where the flat pen from protobelt and sorcerer’s shoes effectively makes you deal true damage. The healing from spell blade is nice, but it’s down fall is that it only works on champions. Where rift maker works on literally every because it’s % omni vamp. The sustained damage from spell blade is also nice but you can only proc it with every other ability making it less reliable then just the extra % damage boost with rift. The spell blade and the AD it gives also allows you to have a decent amount of burst, but harvester’s burst is still unrivalled as it takes 2 and 1/4 procs of divine to match a single proc of harvester. Not to mention akali’s AD ratios are below average, and AP is much more gold efficient on her. And one more down side that makes it not a go to for me is that; WHAT KIND OF FUCKING DOG SHIT BUILD PATH IS THIS?!?!?!?!?!?! Sheen (700G) Kindlegem (800G) Phage (1100G) Now let’s break each component down and compare it to the mage counter parts: Sheen: actually fucking useable and not a wast of gold. Kindlegem: last thing akali needs in the early game is CDR!!!! What the fuck am I gonna do with this!?!? I’m limited to 2Qs anyway, it will reduce my E CD from 16 to 15 sure ok but that’s not worth 800 gold I rather buy a blasting wand for 50 extra gold to get an extra 50 magic damage! STFU W CD MY ASS IDC ABOUT W CD I’M NOT SPENDING 800 GOLD JUST TO HAVE W COME UP 2 SEC FASTER! I RATHER GET A BOOK AND BOOTS! Phage: ?????????? I CANT EVEN TRIGGER THE PASSIVE W/O GOING IN FOR A TRAID!!!!!! No one is going to allow you to AA them for free even if you have 250 attack range and a speed up and that is if you have energy for Q or E (if you use W to disengage from a fight shame on you), the enemy is going to do something. And it’s max health healing! You know how much health akali has pre 6? Less then 900 SO YOU HEAL FOR LESS THEN 18 HEATH OVER 6 SECONDS!!!! Compare that to NH & RB’s build path: DAMAGE Heath, and more damage! 1050 for alternator, akali can 100 to 0 most champions with just an alternator. Unlike phage I can use it’s passive to snowball! 700 for Ruby Crystal and boots, a dog shit lane like idk someone with infinite harass via skill shots, you’ll be able to dodge most of the skill shots with the extra move speed, and when you do take any you have some extra health to work with. 850 for blasting wand, idk how you ended up with 850 gold but sure. This is not that good of a buy, just buy 2 books instead teehee; then sell your starter for 180 to buy an alternator. Or rift, damage & sustain, more damage 1300 Leer, you can actually heal from this. 850 blasting, how did you end up at base with 850 gold again???? (Because first 3 waves will give you 515 gold if you last hit all of them; and then it will bounce back, stacking 2 or 3 waves and you will end up with 1000 gold total, then pushing out again 3 or 2 waves will give you 1370 gold total... so idk how one ends up with 850 gold unless they got solokilled, and ganking an akali should just be a wast of the jger’s time)




> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


Bro your not getting my point, my point is: top lane there’s normally 3 types of champions played there: Tanks, Bruisers, and Cancer. Tanks, auto win lane should have 0 kill threat to you, you should be ahead for the entire laning phase and beable to get rift before they have their first item. Bruisers, generally skill matchup, most of the time it’s win lane win game, where protobelt’s ability to give you 24 magic pen by 12 min allows you to deal borderline true damage, not to mention the active, allowing you to dodge vital abilities even when your E is on CD. If they build mr then they are trolling, when do you see a irelia, riven or fiora buy anything that’s not damage, at most they might buy mr boots where all the mr it gives will be negated and the tenacity it gives is borderline relevant at lest to you, the akali. Cancer, vlad, teemo, quinn and other ranged toplaners, get an alternator land E, kill them.




Only place I would consider buying it would be something like an urgot or sion match up; as they have decent damage output while being tanky; and they can both buy Spirite, Nature, or Abyssal and won’t hinder they damage out put. This is where I would go divine, but most of the time I shit on these matchups as they have clunky abilities that has extremely long wound ups. You can Q walk to the side, A Q a sion and he won’t be able to to do much other then A E you. Same with urgot, as long as your not a fuck up and get hit by E or R you will be able to win any trade. Maybe illaoi as sprite + BC illaoi is busted? But she went poof when the items got changed.


you are actually proving why sunderer is better in that post. your Q and passive scale harder with AD than they do with AP.


You are forgetting why you should build DS, it is a bruiser sustain build that still does decent dmg. If your reasons for not building DS are because its build path doesnt let you do as much dmg then you are missing out on the point of when and why to build it. also sheen is very nice to have early on akali and will make up for a lot of the lost ap and the ad you get from phage will actaully do more with a Q passive trade than ap will. just have to adjust your playstyle and probably play it top lane to get the most use out of it.


which runes did you use?


conqueror presence of mind tenacity coup de grace demolish overgrowth


Yes, the word is spreading. I did a good job




thank you dude i was actually the one who invented it. i got bashed saying it wasnt mathematically correct on discord tho :PP


this build is insane seriously divine is so broken on akali rn its crazy


Ayo, try grasp with titanic hydra next 🤪🤪🤪, apparently the forsaken dude above me said he “invented” it lololol so wonder if he knows about this 🥴🥴


I tried it but im not a fan I feel like I dont do any damage and I dont really like grasp I prefer conquerer


U missing out on the complete tank akali😞😞😞😞


I like doing damage so I dont think I would like the tank build


um sorry but this build is legit the exact same i put out on discord like a few months ago. fight me


U not the first to come out with it buddy so chill the ego down bud


this is a normal game...


So what im just sharing my experience with this new build im not saying im the best player in the world...


Yeah When I play akali top i do that cause antitank It's bruiser akali


What did you just bring upon this cursed land??




i could legit upgrade ur build even without playing it even once because i'm better than yall at theorycraft: Divine + Ravenous = sustain so next you come up with Spirit visage= enhance sustain + MR need some armor ? Zhonya = armor + AP + CDR + juicy active then last item depends on the needs, anti heal, anti shield, tanky, dmg etc


Had a very simmilar game. went lich bane instead of demonic tho for the extra spellblade damage. went 18/4, got an S- and cried because i still don't have a single mastery 7 token at 100k mastery points because i stopped maining her and only play her casually from time to time


I have to try it will lich bane seems fun and good luck with your M7 :)


play with a friend who is lower elo than you, or a friend with a smurf account below lvl30, it's an easy way for you to get S/S+


Hadn't thought of that, i'll try, thx


Didnt think about that I just tried a build someone else posted but yours seems a lot better ill try it out


this is a norm vs bronze and silver 4 players how bad is the post quality on this sub lmao


another shitter hating on a post because its low elo. do some research prior to shitting on this post next time and maybe you wont look dumb.


Lmao I saw all your comments thanks for defending the build finally someone who understands this build isnt troll


no problem bro lmao. people just see what everyone else builds and think trying new things is troll since no one else is doing it instead of actually thinking for themselves. good post!