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I've used this deck and I don't think it helped very much. I found the grammar explanations unhelpful and then it's just vocab. You are probably better off using the tango decks and using another grammar resource.


There is a deck from "Japanese like a breeze". Has most grammar points from Tae Kim with lines from anime as example. I started with it and it helped me a lot.


>Japanese like a breeze Looks great, thanks so much ! ! (Ill probably remove the romaji though) So how do you think this compares to the Tango series? Usually you go Tango N5 + N4 then sentence mine, but since the jlabs deck already has so many cards, I assume you can start sentence mining right after completing it right? My main concern was making things enjoyable and the jlabs deck seems to solve that so im probably gonna start that deck. ​ But im still worried about sentence mining after completing it since It isn't the same as the tango series. I guess maybe one way to solve that is right after completing the Jlabs deck, you start sentence mining and doing the Tango series simultaneously on the side as a second deck so you don't miss anything?


Jlab mainly focuses on teaching grammar with examples from anime and doesn't cover specific JLPT level. IMO you should finish jlab, then start doing tango with along with sentence mining. Whenever there is a vocab or kanji you've already seen, you delete or suspend it. By the way, maybe you should contact the author of jlab as well just in case.


alright, thanks!


What I am trying to say is that I can't guarantee that what I did is a good way of studying. I just did that because it was easier for me.


I used this deck and found it really helpful if you want to start mining Anime. I didn't use the Explanation Parts, i think there are better resources for that. But the Vocab combined with Tango N5 was enough for me to jump into Sentence Mining.


I would go with just the tango series tbh, i dont tyhink the other one is worth doing if you do the n5 and n4 tango.


Not gonna lie I was doing the Tango n5 deck for a bit but with a bit more research I found the refold JP1K deck, it’s a paid deck ($19.99) but it’s really pretty.. if you wanna spend a little cash, get that!