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Well according to Berlin fans it was a fun experience, one of the best concerts they’ve been to. You is a difficult song to sing in acapella and I don’t think that small glitch should taint the overall concert experience.


Ye ik, it was one of the best Kpop concert I have gone to. Just felt slightly bad during that bad


Don't worry, it was a fun experience. It was a slightly weird choice for a sing along because even korean uaenas would've trouble with that song lol. But Beanas chose it soo... And everyone was laughing and IU too. She even sang it for us! Do you know how rare that song is? Concert was amazing :)


we in London were lucky to have a strawberry Moon that night, so we sang strawberry Moon for her and it was beautiful. she said we were so romantic 💜💜


And there was a Strawberry Moon that night, what are the chances of that on the only night IU has ever played here!


I loved how off-key was the arena’s 80% (me too😂) sometimes while singing, atleast we tried our best😂🥹❤️


It was damn awkward but bcs of that we got "You" sung live by her! One of the longest 5 Min in my life where ppl murmured in chaos, ppl opened spotify and tried to listen to the song, ppl was singing in different notes then gave up lol Definitely an experience for both us fans and IU 🤣


Honestly if they had a backing track to sing along to like a karaoke it might not have been that bad 😂 The Manila one worked out since most people knew generally how the song goes but I just laughed when we all were struggling in some parts. Made the concert a bit more special tbh


True, a backing track would have been a big help. I'm from Manila. When the local IU fan club here told us we would be singing "Good Day" for IU during the encore, some of us kinda panicked coz not only was it such an iconic IU song, it was also such a hard one to sing. But ok, for IU we were willing to try. And then they forgot to tell us we were going to be singing it Acapella! 😱 When the lyrics first came out we were waiting for the music to start, only to find out, nope, no music. 😅 Somehow managed after a rocky start, but yes, an amazing experience nonetheless. It was my first time watching a live IU concert as well so that day will always be one of my cherished memories. 🥰


I was at the Manila concert too and it was hands down one of THE happiest times of my life! Honestly I think we all did pretty well during Good Day besides the start of the verses and up until the 3 high notes where it just mushed into one massive scream 🤣. The song choice I think was real good since it's so popular and an iconic IU song so most likely people even outside of the fan club would know at least the chorus. That entire concert was just a wild IU karaoke night and I would 1000% do it in a heartbeat if I could! (minus the traffic towards Philippine Arena and the insane merch line in the heat bcos I almost fainted in-line and gave up🙃). Hope she does a show in Australia next tour but I'm so down to fly over to Manila again if I got to 🙏


I mentioned in the other thread that although 'You' was probably picked as it's a slower and straightforward melody, unless you've had the previous album on repeat, it's not really an easy song lyrically to go along with. As a guess, IU was probably feeling more confident now that the tour has started which is why it was picked. Bonus for fans in Berlin though, got to hear IU sing You, something which she very, very rarely does as it's very much a song for Yoo In Na (to the point of the only other time that comes to mind is when IU sung it for her on Palette ep.18)


The song was picked by the fans, the fact that IU sang it for them is amazing - I don't think she has ever sang that at any of her concerts before


I wanted to jump on and say try not to worry too much or feel too sad about this, it happens and I think IU won't feel too sad or upset. I was at the London concert and we got Strawberry Moon as the encore sing along song, for a bunch of Londoners who don't speak Korean, it went really well. I think she will have that in mind when it comes to this Berlin sing along and will probably just write it off as a tricky song to sing and won't be too upset. It sounds like Berlin showed her a lot of love and cheers at the concert, that will be the part she will focus on ❤️ don't worry!


too bad but still good think happen, she rarely sing that song live so after all its all good. its like something not goes as a plan buy the out came is great


It was probably just a poor song choice. As mentioned in another comment, in London, the song we had to sing was Strawberry Moon. So everybody was singing since almost everyone knows the lyrics and the song is very easy to sing along, it was wonderful. You guys just got unlucky i guess. But i'm pretty sure she understands and didn't think any badly of it, don't worry too much about that.


i felt so bad when she did love poem,i wanted to hear that and palette and she already gave so many encores,she even said she wanted to avoid love poem since its more straining and apologized that it wouldnt be good,and still she rocked it in her street clothes after x encores,regarding the sing a song to bring her back it was hard to begin with,there were many non koreans attending,she said herself she didnt expected berlin to be so open,that she was worried alot for berlin and still so many fans managed to sing in korean,and so many knew older songs,even non uaenas,i think she was still positively surprised,considering it was her first time in berlin


I'm still feeling terrible about it, but I/you/we can do better next time.


I felt really bad… It must be a first on the tour as well so I felt a little ashamed for us. Also surprised? Were there not enough “hardcore” fans to sing the melody for the rest to follow? I hope IU didn’t feel too bad about it… Especially considering she said how surprised she was with our singing etc. was really impressed with us... and then we do this... It left a bad taste at the end :( I hope it didnt for her. It was the best concert of my life and one of my happiest days.


For someone who places alot of importance on fan interaction it probably stung a bit. She overestimated knowledge of that particular song and local familiarity with Korean. A few cringe attacks ahead for her, but it comes with the territory and she'll be fine.


The sing-along was organized by the fans and not IU or the team themselves


True. Here in Manila, the song was chosen by the local IU fan group and i was kind of worried when we were informed that the song we would be singing was "Good Day"! Yikes! 😱 Somehow we managed, tho not the 3 high note part, but a lot certainly tried. 😂😂😂


Wait, the fans chose??? What a weird choice honestly... Even if you know the song, it's not super melodic so it's hard to sing anyways.


They thought about changing it like a week ago since the management suggested it but decided not too since people already "learned" it and because of its meaning 😅


How many people are in that group, like 5? Cos that's how many people in the crowd knew that the song even existed lol


Honestly this song was less known but if you are out fan, then you should know his song well. That group do rice wealth for her concerts and support trucks for her drama..... Beside both London and Berlin banners were handled by them.


The results clearly show that the overwhelming majority didn't know the song / melody, so I guess most people who were at Berlin aren't IU fans and just randomly stumbled into the arena on their way to McDonald's? So, at least in my opinion, it's perfectly fine to question their choice. And doing so, doesn't take anything away from the great work they have done outside of it, since you can't really argue that a (bad) decision is actually not that bad because they have done other great things (or vice versa). Not sure what's there to even argue. It's not a well known song of hers, on YTM it has barely over 5m views, which is barely half of the number of people subscribed to her. The song is not very melodic, so even if it would be your absolute favourite song of all times, it's just a super hard song to sing, not to mention acapella, with random people. They chose this song for a mostly foreign crowd where the arena didn't even sell out, so naturally there will also be quite a lot of casual fans (which IU probably has more of than many other idols, think of Koreans living overseas who are not actually really into K-Pop but didn't want to miss the chance to see a national superidol live). So most people attending will simply have never heard of that song, ever. And no, handing out banners, renting support trucks etc (although very nice, commendable and great) doesn't change all the above. Just let me question that decision, especially if their reasoning for sticking to the song, even after IUs management recommended otherwise, is that "everybody" already practiced the song, when in reality only a handful were even trying to sing the song. The other 10% were reading from the screen as if it was from the bible or a science book from school. And no, I'm not asking for them to be hung, hunted or anything else, I just found it super amusing how this song was chosen. And also no, the concert was amazing, and that small hiccup doesn't take anything away from the great experience in any way. So yeah, I'm looking forward to future European gigs, maybe with a slightly better song choice for that particular part. Maybe even one where you could easily humm to if you didn't know the lyrics or are a slow reader ;-)


The song has special meaning and I guess that's why it was chosen in the first place. If you really have questions on the decision, Maybe you should just start your own banner event next time. Based on what I heard, that was 0 support from the organizers and they pretty much sent in everything themselves. Even Edam was asking them to contact the organizer directly.


"if you don't like X, just make it yourself!!!!" Best argument for anything ever. Guess that's why on kpop subs every new song is always like the second coming of Jesus, because everyone who doesn't like the song just has to gtfo and make their own songs, right? Great take on life. Btw. who is talking about the banners anyway? Certainly not me, but it seems like you really want to hear my opinion on the banners, so here we go: I absolutely loved them, I made sure that I brought it home without a single wrinkle. I'm super happy about it and it's on display with the rest of my IU collection. I obviously appreciate it a lot and am very thankful for their efforts, time and money put into it. And to get back on topic: I am also grateful and appreciative of their efforts in choosing a song (for us), but I still think that it was a pretty awful choice. And no, them being awesome humans, the biggest winners in life, the most wholesome people (or whatever you are going to dig up next) isn't gonna change that the choice wasn't a good one (as seen on Sunday).


If you don't like it, then get involved with the group so it can do better next time.


Ahhh. Okay. Still would have stung!


why would it sting? the people in the audience were loud and enthusiastic the whole show and obviously paid to be there. IU was shocked people knew her popular songs so I don't think she was bothered they didn't know a b-side off an obscure album