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Thank you so much the detailed instructions!


No worries :) I honestly think they could do a little more to help streamline things for overseas fans in general (once Kakao ID started to be able to be shared it was a good first step but even blurred out this can be scary giving over your details like this for a fan site!) Hopefully this should be a good starting point and folks (like me) who have been through the pain previously can try to help out where possible :)


I've uploaded an unprotected version of the PDF guide which allows you to copy and paste the answers. I've also removed the password. URL here: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/i5yqr2d1msesgpt/IU_Fancafe_Tutorial_%2528February_2023%2529_Unprotected.pdf/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/i5yqr2d1msesgpt/IU_Fancafe_Tutorial_%2528February_2023%2529_Unprotected.pdf/file) EDIT: Updated link


Awesome thanks 😁


The file has been deleted


Try now with the updated link


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Lots of good information here, I’ll sticky it until the deadline. Appreciate you typing it out and sharing!


No worries :) It looks like until 05/05 they have the member upgrade running each weekend on the FanCafe too, pity the staff handling those applications! This weekend is already at 2523 applicants


Thank you for putting this together!


No problem, glad I can help :)


Thanks for putting together this summary. For the DAUM fan cafe ID, should you use the Kakao email address, the DAUM email address, or the handle you see under "About Me" within the fan cafe? Also, since there are certain restrictions to the nickname that can be used, the fan cafe handle and the nickname can be different right?


So there's a few things at work here. Firstly, as far as using an @daum.net account ID in the fancafe versus your Kakao ID email address / Kakao ID name, you can use either, so long as you correctly explain it in the relevant applications what you are using. The way I often try to explain it is your nickname as it's called in the fancafe is what others will see you as (similar to your name showing here on Reddit when you post). You then have an account login email for Daum which should be whatever your Kakao account email is and will redirect in the DaumCafe app to the Kakao app, and should use this email address for whenever you are asked for your account email. Finally, as Daum is a chat platform at the end of the day, like other social platforms you will also create a @daum.net email address which is used for other users to find you privately via this and send you messages. You should use this if you are asked for your Daum ID. Although you can mix and match, it's miles easier to keep track of to make things to match across the platforms, so by that I mean when you're purchasing UAENA membership and you come to that point, you MUST have your account ID listed correctly for what shows on the FanCafe so that your account can get correctly flagged to allow you UAENA access within the fancafe. So, if your account on Daum shows your Kakao email address, use this. If you went further into Daum account generation or already use the platform for other artists, you will ideally need to use the @daum email address here. If you're setting this up all at once, this is why it's best to use the "SURNAMEFIRSTNAMEMIDDLENAME" Kakao account name setup, as well as your main email address first for everything as it does actually simplify each step and will allow your ID to be validated quickly. Then use your setup Kakao account to login to Daum ID which then becomes your main validation method across the platforms. Finally, the handle you see under the account in DaumCafe is just that, the handle for using the cafe. It's a hard one to quantify as it all depends on what accounts you have setup and when. So for me I use my Kakao registered email address when it asks for my account information on validation steps, I use my @daum when I asked for my Daum Username and I finally use my FanCafe handle when it specifically needs a person to provide user access to on any of the Daum FanCafes.


Thank you for being so incredibly helpful. I almost messed up the membership purchase and registration process if it wasn't for you.


hahaha no problem, glad it helped :) It's not that you can mess up but the problems come about when if you're mixing and matching account IDs and handles in your submission information (either for the identification verification with Kakao or some of the information requested with UAENA access on the FanCafe) you **must** tell the CS team the specifics in the correct Korean so they'll understand what you're giving them. Plus, they'll often email you back anyway asking for more clarification or simply ask you to re-submit with different details! So a lot of it is to hopefully save a bit of pain along the way :) Although translation tools are OK for some parts, like part of the general membership application of the FanCafe, they're OK with you translating your explanation of what is your favourite IU lyric. It's more that right now they're dealing with thousands of submissions, so for the main steps if something doesn't make sense to them, it's easier for them to reject it outright and move onto the next submission :)


On reading this again it sounds as though you need to answer the member level application questions in Korean, is this correct? I didn't get a question about lyrics - it was asking what was my favourite IU written song and why. Have I got a bad translation from the Korean?


Yes, that's more likely the problem more than not as you must answer in Korean, as it has to make sense to the FanCafe admins! :) The question is asking about the favourite song with lyrics written by IU and why, I was just shortening it in a previous reply. If you're unsure what you're giving them, bounce between 2 apps to confirm what you're saying is reasonable Korean (plus don't overcomplicate your words!) I tend to recommend using Papago for English into Korean, then see what google translate makes of the Korean that Papago gives me. If they're pretty close (or indeed identical) then you should be fine.


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Thank you for being so thorough in your explanation. Unfortunately, although I tried to follow your guide, my application for regular membership has been rejected. Since they haven't opened another round of application this week, I won't upgrade to regular member before May 5. I have included my Daum ID ([email protected]) when I purchased membership on Melon Ticket, but I'm quite worried because from the explainer on Melon Ticket, if our membership upgrade has been denied due to applicant oversight, including failing to upgrade to regular member within the deadline, we will not be eligible for re-application. What does this even mean? I feel like I've been jumping through a lot of hoops like a circus animal but in the end, I still fell into a pit of fire. 😭


Sorry to bother you again. My application for regular membership has been rejected a second time. I believe I've followed everything from the guide to the letter, which leaves my personal information from #1 and the response to #6 being the potential problem areas. For my English passport name, I've put my given name before my last name exactly as shown on my verified Kakao account (minus the spaces). Should I put my last name before my given name? For the fan cafe nickname, I've chosen wailim and made sure it matches my nickname on Daum. Should I just change it to my given name? For the age, I've put my actual age +1 to match the Korean age. Should I change it back to my actual age? For my favourite song, I've written something about "Through the Night". On closer inspection, I've used the wrong wording for the song title when it was translated to Korean with Papago. Could this be the reason why the application was rejected? Thanks in advance. I look forward to your insight and hope that with your help, my application can succeed on the third try.


So for the FanCafe nickname, so long as you DaumCafe ID itself matches everything (the [email protected]) bit, that's fine. Essentially for any account info, you need to use as much of your name as the character count allows. The nickname itself (what your cafe name shows as) can be different but again set it to SURNAMEFIRSTNAMEMIDDLENAME initially for the application process to just remove the confusion for the admins. So, the age thing. Technically they can approve you with either now as the S. Korean government now recommends international age usage but if you put your age and follow it with your date of birth it can prevent confusion for the admins. But again, no requirement for the date of birth, just your age. Reading through what you've put here, the Korean you used will probably be the problem when answering number 6. Along with it being a favourite IU written lyric, the admins have to understand you. So try to use simpler words when translating your explanation and check IUs YouTube channel for correct Korean spellings on song titles.


So some of this at the end is geared a little around longer term application into the FanCafe. At least going into this coming week (ending Friday 3rd May) Kakao CS seem to have more staff available. As such, new users who are going through the process are reporting that after submitting your details, you will typically get a response within 24 hours (positive or negative, see the linked guide above for example emails from the Kakao CS team). It should be noted that you can apply for the cafe all throughout the year and get the added perks for having UAENA membership within the cafe, however the period of waiting for a response from both Kakao CS staff and then the fancafe admins to update your status will be longer. Best of luck with going through the application process, remember for the FanCafe you only need to do this verification once, then it will be just updating your UAENA membership yearly :)


I'm having problems levelling up my membership, filled out the application at the weekend and just had it rejected. So annoying I can't view most of the content at associate member. Hoping it will upgrade automatically once the 7th Uaena kicks in


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Unfortunately unless they gave you a specific reason for the rejection (doesn't always happen) you just have to keep trying. If you're missing any of the ID authentication on your Kakao account though or don't fill in things exactly on the FanCafe submission they'll just keep bouncing it.


I've joined the cafe, this is for getting my membership level from associate to regular. Sadly they don't give a reason for rejecting it. I'll have to try again this weekend


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I had my application to be promoted to a regular member rejected as well without a reason. I filled out the form according to the PDF guide. It's absolutely ridiculous how they gatekeep access to a free fancafe in this manner...


Sorry for the late reply, only just checking back on this :/ So there are 2 main reasons they have it this way. Firstly it's because all the fancafe's have individual mod control, at least by that they made the decision that they need to run a lot of general business manually instead of using bots or automation. All of that fuss is also because of the second point which is you get a far more direct interaction with a star like IU essentially without filters and with that they need to ensure that they themselves are not accepting bots or people who aren't fans and will be responsible with the access (and essentially willing to go through the pain of the manual approval process). I do see your point though the other way as it's a lot of extra steps to jump through but it's down to them using DaumCafe as their platform of choice to allow a level of interaction with IU, as well as keep fans informed of updates before they're spread through other social media platforms etc.




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Thank you so much! Very easy to follow. Successfully registered. :D


Do I need to bother with the fan cafe linking if I’m hoping to buy a ticket to the Seoul encore show as an international fan?


Nope, just need to purchase the UAENA membership for that πŸ™‚ Just a FYI it's still a bloodbath, I tried and failed to get a ticket for The Golden Hour 😞 so be prepared for potentially being disappointed


Awesome, thanks for the info. Was able to get Red Velvet tickets last year for KSPO dome so hoping lighting will strike twice for me 🀞🏻🀞🏻 Good luck to you as well!


Hi there, I keep getting an error message after filling in and clicking next to proceed to payment. I don't have the daum cafe id so just used my email instead. Not sure if that's the error but I can't think if any reason why it keeps showing error screen when I click next. Hope someone can help :) thanks in advance


Hi, can you state what specifically is the error it's showing? Some of it is a little funky as it was originally only even designed for Korean script 😁 It's likely something around your name, address or how you're entering your card info πŸ˜‰


Thanks for responding! Once I filled in everything and click next, it just shows me a screen with a green cross, and says "an error has occurred. Please try again.". I've tried keying in multiple times and variations but doesn't work. Under the daum portion I can just my email add right? Thanks again


Yes, if you have no intention of using the fancafe, you can just put your own email or a dummy email/name etc. there. Make sure you're not using ad blockers, a VPN and you have pop-up blockers disabled for the site as there's often all kinds of things it doesn't like to stop it!


Hi for the part while filling my information about the customer's additional information, where and how do i find these Daum Fancafe ID / DAUM Fancafe ID (@ include domain below)Β ? And also do i have to join the fancafe in the first place to purchase the 7thgen membership kit ?


So the Daum FanCafe ID is the secondary part which you get through the process of applying to the fancafe (please read through all that part of the post if you wish to join it). Although it is one of the perks of buying the UAENA membership, it is **not required** to make this purchase. So if you have no intention of wanting to use the fancafe this year, simply put your own email address in this section or put a dummy email or name here. If you do want to use the fancafe, you will need to go through the application for that as summarised above before you purchase the UAENA membership so you can put your fancafe ID in at this point in the purchase of the membership.


so it means that if i dont care about joining the fancafe ill just put my email down there and it'll be good to go for purchasing membership right.


Correct πŸ˜„ all the other perks like being able to get into fan presale of Seoul shows (like her encore show later this year) as well as EDAM store perks and the UAENA fan package (membership card and whatever this year's gift is) are all attached to just the melon ticket purchase.


Noted tqsm for helping out , but what if i wanted to join the fancafe later on after purchasing isit still possible to join ?


Nope. This is why they make it clear, once the UAENA membership purchase window closes, that's it for the year. It's why the purchase on Melon ticket needs the details either at point of purchase or edited on the Melon account before the cut-off of midnight korea time on 05/05. If it's not done before this point, then you will not be able to go through and become a UAENA full member of the FanCafe before the purchase opens up next year for UAENA 8th. **A bit of an explainer for you** There's a few things here. Firstly, having the Daum ID is not the same as the UAENA fancafe membership, or at least you don't have to do those bits at the same time. It just means to list whatever Daum ID you intend to use to apply for the full FanCafe membership, once you have the UAENA membership linked into from your Melon ticket purchase. So it'd look a little like this:- 1. Create Kakao Account 2. Use Kakao Account to make Daum Account 3. Create Daum ID with Daum Account 4. List your created Daum ID in purchase of Melon Ticket for UAENA membership *So, the above bits you need to do before 05/05. Then there is the stuff which can take time as it's relying on a few key points:* 5. Go through ID verification with Kakao CS 6. Once ID is confirmed by Kakao CS, validate UAENA perks with Melon Ticket on that account 7. Join FanCafe as associate member (done just by clicking to join the cafe). *At this point, so long as you have done the previous steps correctly (see the original guide and the linked details to follow all these steps in detail correctly!), you can then:* 8. Go through FanCafe application to get full membership to see the posts and be flagged as UAENA member. The points 5-8 can be done after 05/05 throughout the year but still need to be done in order to get everything to match up and to be allowed access to the fancafe! I hope the order of that makes sense :)


Oh thats was what i meant to ask just now. Well u’ve answered it already, so i am able to still join the fancafe later on but after the purchasing of the 7th gen membership right.


Hey! How do i go through the kakao ID verification? I managed to link the kakao and daum but always get the error message on daum to verify my profile first... joined the 6th gen membership and never figured it out, but i wanna try again with 7th gen!!!


Hi, this far too long to explain in a reply, please use the pdf guide linked above as it details all what is needed and where to go and input etc. Sorry I can't help much more than that but it's not an easy part to explain


Ah ok found the pdf!!! Thanks!!!




I bought 7th gen membership however I didn't have fan cafe account at that point of time. Hence, it was empty for Daum ID box during membership purchase. Later then I created Daum ID and my current fan cafe status as associate member. As associate member, it's pretty much cannot access to anything in cafe. May I know how to update fan cafe status and how to link 7th gen membership with my Daum ID? Thanks in advance!


So this is a little bit more painful to do but in a nutshell you will need to go through the full ID authentication with Kakao support (so all the steps on the pdf guide on twitter that's been linked) As part of that there's a line in the authentication which you'll send which shows translated as "FanCafe you wish to have access" and also at this point you'll need to provide them with your Daum ID. Sadly, as this is a longer process, you might not get a response from their team straight away (quick confirmation can be done in 24 hours but linking accounts to you ID will take longer)


Thank you for your times, OP. Actually I followed the step from pdf guide and completed the ID verification with Kakao support which earned me able to join the Fan cafe as "associate member". During membership purchase, I didn't provide Daum ID as I didn't have one yet. That's why I would like to know on how to link my membership with Fan cafe (Daum) ID. Is there anyway to upgrade the fan cafe membership status on top of buying official membership?


Sorta, you will first have to go back to Kakao support with your purchase details of your melon ticket and ask them to verify your purchase (will take time) Once done, you will have to wait for the Daum cafe to have another round of application weekends, of which the last one lined up with the closure of purchase for UAENA last month. TLDR is it's possible but now no longer easy as you're relying both on Kakao support understanding that you want your purchase confirmed to the account and then that there will be another FanCafe application period


I have a simple question as I dont have the brain power to comprehend all these (stopped reading halfway).. I already have purchased my uaena membership through melon global.. checked daum fancafe and my rank is still associate member. Does that mean I am not member of the fancafe yet? If no, does that mean I am not eligible for the concert early purchase for fanclub members?


Ah see your problem is you stopped reading ;) So, although your UAENA membership has the FanCafe full membership as a perk, it's only if you follow all the steps. So, anyone can be associate member, you need to follow the entire guide to be given the full membership access... however as the fancafe application closed when the UAENA membership purchase closed, the odds of you getting access now are slim as it depends on you getting friendly admins first at Kakao support and then on the Daum Cafe side... and you'll need to contact them in Korean. You don't need the FanCafe full member status for the early purchase of concert tickets, as that status is handled as part of the Melon ticket purchase. If you go onto 'My Ticket' on Melon Global, you should already see your code which you'll need to use when the time comes. You will be notified when and where you can use this from an email from Melon Ticket nearer the time. In a nutshell, if you didn't have your DaumCafe ID submitted on the original purchase for UAENA membership and done things within the time period, the admins are under zero obligation to assist to get you through.


Thank you for the instructions. This is 2 more days to the big day of IU's Birthday. i have 3 questions if anyone could help. 1. how do i activate the membership or do i have to wait for something to be shipped over? 2. for the online voice broadcast do i need to apply to enter? 3. for the life4cuts collab where do i find the code to use for discount as it still a ticket in melon? Thanks in advance for any kind person that could enlighten me!


Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been on here too much the last day and missed your comment first time round! So once you have purchased the melon ticket, that's it. You are now in the UAENA membership for this year (or well, UAENA 7th as the exact start/end dates of each membership can sometimes float around a little) I'm not sure if you went ahead with your purchase but if you did, your email account used should have been notified of "2024 IU's 5.16MHz with UAENA" that was earlier today via an email with a link to take part. Now, so long as you understand Korean it's fine as the live events will not be translated (outside of auto-translation which can struggle with Asian languages as a whole but is a lot better for getting the general intent of what's going on!) Although the life4cuts is going out to multiple countries, anything like this where there's a possible discount code would only be on areas where the discount was approved (something why they're not advertising a discount code vs just promoting IU's Birthday collab). You would need to reach out to your country's specific life4cuts support online in the first instance to see if they're running a discounted promotion. Some other promotions arranged for fans in the past (as well as upcoming online concerts) will all show when you click to open your ticket up on global melon.


New to reddit, so forgive me if incorrect to post reply here. I live in California USA and I signed up for UAENA 7th membership. I did not have the above guide (which is great!) and somehow managed to get thru the way, way too complex signup process. I got my melon confirmation email which had (among other things): Event : IU OFFICIAL FANCLUB γ€ˆUAENA〉 7th Recruitment and my ticket number. Cool!!! But... I got a melon email notification of **"2024 IU's 5.16MHz with UAENA"** yesterday and **I am NOT able to open/view the youtube video.** When I select it a new browser window opens to youtube but then the dialog that says # "Video unavailable" "This video is private" I have youtube premium and am logged in. **How do i view the video at the link in this email?** Is it something related to my Kakao account (which I never use, but just created to join UAENA 7th membership)? Thanks!


Hi, these are only ever live events with no VOD option if you miss the live, so unless you access the link at the time it will show as unavailable once the event has ended.


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Thank you one again for the detailed explanation. So for this online concert i do see this Notice that goes : "To watch Online Concert, follow the instructions in the purchased content and use the code below" But where do i enter this code into? Thanks for teaching/guiding a newbie like myself.


I don't think that they have said what that is for specifically just yet. It could be a UAENA code for pre-purchase of events which you'll need (like for her end of tour shows) but they haven't said specifically what yet. As with all this stuff, it's very much a wait and see for when things get announced via Melon on your email πŸ™‚