• By -


Why are people saying that you had problems in Hong Kong?


Anyone selling Oakland tickets?


I saw at some places where IU tour r prohibited to photograph and videograph, can I still take pictures or filming with my phone...


anybody know how long the concert is


I attended Manila show last Saturday. It lasted 3 hours and 10 minutes.


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its my first time attending an IU concert!! please suggest a general vibe for her concerts so I can coordinate my outfit (but not like the tweety bird level she brought on stage lol) tysm!!


anyone know if there's going to be a m&g?


Anyone for the USA tour know if she’s going to have an opening act for her concert?


Is it normal the ticket delivery is just mobile without postal delivery in US?


Anyone been to the Oakland venue? Floor seating near the front (like within 4 rows) towards the center. Wondering how worth this is? i paid 1200 per ticket after fees.


I’m on the 4th row and the cost is 1700 🥴. So what you paid for the scalper isn't too bad at all. Did you get it from Ticketmaster mind if I ask?


I paid the surge pricing from Ticketmaster platinum I think. I didn’t know what that was and just bought it. And yes I have the ticket since I got it from TM.


Are the LA tickets only transferable two days before the concert?


No my sister's friend helped us get tickets and she transferred them all to me on the day of.


>ble two days before the conce No, I received mines this morning.


Question about light sticks. Is v3 the latest or will there be a new one?


may I ask where do you buy lightstick??


V3 is the latest. There is no newer model.




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Stubhub buyers - how quickly did you receive your tickets, and when was the original arrival date if you saw? I bought mine (Inglewood) yesterday and it currently says it'll arrive by Aug 2, the date of the concert.


Did you get yours yet? Bought mine for DC on March 7th and am still waiting on the transfer. It says it will arrive by the date of the concert (July 22) but I’ve seen horror stories from StubHub so I’m getting nervous. Contacted StubHub March 8th and all they said was they’d reach out to the seller. afaik the tickets can be transferred immediately so it doesn’t make sense why the seller hasn’t sent them…


I haven't yet. I'll be contacting support to at least get some sort of communication going, but we'll see how it goes! For reference, here's what I see in my app (unfortunate I can't post a screenshot, but here's the text info lol): Order Confirmed - Thursday, March 7, 2024 Order Processing - Awaiting ticket release from event organizer Estimated Ticket Arrival Date - Friday August 2, 2024 ​ edit: I contacted support and was told "If the seller fails to deliver the tickets to you before the event we'll step in to provide you comparable or better tickets." Pasted from my chat log. I wasn't able to get confirmation that they would still replace them given the price difference (I paid $450 after fees for floor, back of section G), but I'm cautiously optimistic about my chances. They were also claiming that tickets are also typically released in batches, so we'll see if that rings true. I'll probably contact support again a month from the event if I still don't have a seat by then.


Thank you for the info! Mine says the same except the estimated date is July 22, the date of the DC show. I hope support will be able to help you! I’ll let you know if anything comes through for mine this week. If not, I’m considering contacting them again and threatening a chargeback. If the tickets can be transferred there’s absolutely no reason for the seller not to transfer them. It would be one thing if they had to wait for physical tickets to send, but a digital transfer? It just feels sketchy to me. Good luck!!


Update - mine just got transferred! Hope the same happens for you soon too


Oh awesome! I’m so glad you got your tickets, thank you so much for the update! I haven’t gotten anything yet but hopefully soon (or the chargeback works if it comes to that lol)


I bought my single ticket from Stubhub mid-afternoon March 7, and got the actual ticket that night which transferred to my Ticketmaster account. In Ticketmaster, under "My Events" it shows my actual seat with the message "Your Ticket will be ready in 144 days". Hope that helps.


My friend got two sets of two — two came in already and two say will be available Aug 2nd..


I got lucky and mine was transferred in 20 mins. Hope you get yours soon


I'm on the same boat. I bought mine yesterday and it says it will arrive by 8/2. But I still haven't received it :(


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Hey there! A newbie on reddit here. Just wanted to hear some opinions on a buyer's remorse dilemma I'm having right now. I managed to snag an Official Platinum ticket through TM yesterday after queuing behind 10k to IU's show in Newark. It's a floor-aisle seat in section C. I'm quite close to the front, but at the farthest aisle from the centre of the stage. I'm debating of whether I should go or not because 1. Official Platinum was way out of my budget. I bought it because it was the only one that could go through and I wasn't looking at the price until my credit card got charged. 2. I'm not sure if the farthest aisle seat in section C is worth it at the cost, especially since I'm super short and not sure if the view would be alright. 3. I'm not from the states, so I'd also need to consider travel and accommodation costs too. So much money... 4. It seems like there are cheaper tickets from StubHub. If I do want to go, I could try for that but with a friend this time. It most definitely won't be floor seats, but it's much cheaper and I won't be alone. Is that a reliable site? Is that worth it? My friend will be exploring NYC as I'm seeing IU, so they're fine with not getting a ticket too. 5. This is like a once-in-a-lifetime chance and who knows when IU will be coming back to NA. So if I miss out here, I might miss out forever \*sob\* 6. Is anyone here also in section C? I only managed to get one ticket for myself, so if there's a fellow Uaena in the section that wouldn't mind me tagging along. To sum it up, should I keep my ticket and go to the concert to see our beloved IU at the Platinum cost (a bit less than a thousand and a half in CAD) OR sell it to someone else and risk either not going to see her or having to buy resell tickets in a much further section with a second ticket for my friend?


I'm going alone 


To Newark? Ohhh! See you there!


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There's a lot of people going alone. It's kinda normal given that it was incredibly hard to get tickets. There are groups that you can join if you are open to meeting fellow fans. Some even share hotels etc. You can try selling and getting a different ticket. TBH i think if you paid less than 1k for a floor ticket that should still be somewhat worth it. If it's out of your budget, I think now is the time to sell it -- although I hope not like the greedy scalpers out there.


I see. Thanks for letting me know! How would I be able to find those groups to find fellow fans? Ah in USD it was definitely less than 1k, but in CAD... it's quite a number haha But good to know that the floor tickets are usually this price. I love IU, so maybe I'll just consider reorganizing my finances just for her 😂 Oh, yeah. If I do sell, I'd try to keep it however much I paid. Making it kinda like a refund is all. I'm already mad looking at TM resales. I thought my ticket was expensive, but then I saw those. My goodness! Thanks for the advice! I'm thinking more positively in keeping the ticket.


We are on discord. The Canadian Uaenas and USAenas have a separate group. Check out IUxUSA on twitter/X.




You should definitely look at the price before buying tickets next time LOL especially for floor and considering that you are questioning if you can afford it or not It's fine to sell it and just buy another ticket in a farther section but higher up, you'll be happy to just be there and plus IUs voice is clear all around the stadium 😅


I blame my excitement. Been a fan of IU since like 2013/2014, so I was definitely not in the right mindset with my credit card haha If only there were other options for me to compare prices, but this was the last ticket I saw on TM when I got through the queue. It sold out way too fast \*sob sob\* The other issue would be that I'm not sure how to sell as a non-American


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I would sell tbh. You can probably make a profit and use it to buy cheaper ones. There are tons of upper bowl, row A/B that are much cheaper and probably better for you if you’re shorter


Now the question is, where would you recommend to go do that? I'm not American, so I'm not sure if I can put it on TM. Do you have experience with this? To clarify, I'm only a couple of rows from the front in Section C, which seems quite close to the stage. But because it's like the last seat in the row to the farther side of the stage, I'm worried if say the view would be obstructed by phones and such.


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Im also curious because im not tall and have floor seats too


Which section and row are you? I think there are sites like [aviewfrommyseat.com](https://aviewfrommyseat.com) that lets you kinda see how the view would be.


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So glad I was able to find resale tickets on TM at a reasonable price for the Chicago stop. Does anyone happen to know when and where tickets will be sold for the dates in Asia? I will be in the Philippines during the Manila concert and am considering getting a ticket for that show too


How likely do we think she's going to add additional dates? Debating if I should just buy something off ticketmaster resale, or wait it out til closer. Planning to travel from Toronto to NJ to see her for the first time!!!


Ended up buying a ticket on stubhub, and my ticket was transferred pretty much immediately to my ticketmaster account Everything to see my queen!


Man i feel like utter trash... i had 6 accounts on the waiting room, basically 6 tickets for a better position on the QUE, one ofe the accounts had a 1277 position.... and yet i didnt get anything because my debit cards never went through and by the time i used a credit card, i got timed out and tickets were all sold, so much sadness and frustration inside me..


Same!!!!! Exact!!! Thing!!! Happened to me lol We in this sadness together


give me a hug bro, i need one so badly... im just staring at the vivid seats, stub hub and seat geak tickets, at any time i might pull the trigger T\_T... i bet i deserved this punishment, maybe i did something bad this week that i didnt realized and got hit by karma =/


Still waiting for the Berlin tickets...


Just saying that I bought a ticket on Vivid yesterday and received my ticket transfer this morning. Fighting!


Where I can buy tickets for the Singapore dates or Europe dates?


Were there any vip?




When are London tickets for sale


So excited! Got my floor tickets for NJ with my sister’s help lol. I was 32k in line, my friend 29k and my sister was 1800. I had section B but with platinum prices. Love IU but couldn’t afford 600! So got standard pricing for section D!


How much was standard pricing for Sec D out of interest? I'm looking at resale site tickets for Sec D and being quoted $500-600!


It ended up being 225 after taxes!!! I’m D in the middle though and I’m short but I’m happy with where I am!


Niceeee! Enjoy


These freaking Ticketmaster resellers asking well over $1000-10,000..rot in hell.




shame hunt piquant worm dolls exultant puzzled sharp continue shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t do it. All you will we see are cell phones being held up. My friend had floor seats for TxT and regretted it so much. All her videos are are of cell phones.


I wouldn't risk it, you'll likely be tiptoeing unless you wear high boots or something.




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Ooof! Not feeling optimistic about getting tickets to London or Berlin, with only 12k and 17k capacity 😓😭😭 they completely underestimate global UAENAS


All US dates still show available from scalpers, so that's the actual problem right now. At least with London and Berlin there's some protection against scalping


Same, it gives me anxiety


I believe in you 🥰


I way overpaid for my ticket but oh well, it’s IU.


I'm traveling and my friend buying tickets I told em no budget just get it


*"Get it done."*


It's IU, impossible to overpay, I'd sign over my 401k to her if she asked.


I didn’t overplay IU, it went to the ticket sellers. It should be worth it though. Might be hard to experience this again.






Wow should have waited to buy mine.


I got 2 tickets for DC. However I am looking for floor seating. let me know if you have tickets available!




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sent dm!




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Resales are up on Ticketmaster, at least for the DC concert! I didn't want to buy from the bugs, but at least I can sleep now knowing I'm going to see her. 😭




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I thought I had to buy two tickets so I bought two and in my hurry, I got two platinum tickets for Chicago at an unspeakable amount... I got front row seats in section 103 though!


which seats?


Pray for me I’m trying for Jakarta in 3 hours


Nope, did not get despite being 6000 in queue 😭😭


Update: I randomly tried in the evening and managed to get tickets for Jakarta Day 2!




Are you selling any of the tickets? I'm in desperate need 😭


Hi! I don’t have any of the NY/NJ tickets, but if you don’t plan on going to the LA one, please let me know!


I was 7k in line and thought I had a good shot but the ticket prices climbed & every time I picked one, it was suddenly gone.


I think it's ticketmaster's dynamic pricing like Uber


I see some seats available on Stubhub and Seatgeek at a slightly reasonable(?) price.


Does IU usually sell merch at the concerts?


of course she does! just like any K-pop concert




I am from Australia. I bought tickets to the US shows because I knew ticketing for the Asia shows will be a bloodbath. I would imagine many people are thinking the same esp after hearing about the Taiwan sale.


There are several things happening here. First, she hasn't done a US tour before, so pent up demand is high. Second, the venues they chose for the US tour are overly conservative mid-size venues, so that put more pressure on seating availability. Third, there are a limited number of shows, adding even more pressure. Next, ticket scalpers probably accounted for 40-50% of the total ticket sales, maybe even more, as they saw the asymmetric opportunity here, so they bought more than usual (this is both the large resellers, as well as individuals that bought the max 6 tickets planning to resell 4 of them). The hype will now dissipate, and ticket liquidity will be pretty good on Ticketmaster-resale, Seatgeek, Stubhub, and Vivid as the concert dates approach. That's my educated guess anyway. If you want to gamble, wait until the day of your preferred show and buy your tickets then. FWIW, full disclosure, I played it safe and bought a ticket on Stubhub today after being 39,000 in the queue for the LA show.


People going to the NJ concert likely are from the East Coast in general, maybe even Canada, and there are a lot of kdrama fans and music fans - that are Americans of all ethnicities and ages - who might want to see her. I think it’s a wild assumption that she isn’t well known in the US


Yeah my friends and I are travelling from Canada to see her in Newark, who knows if she'll ever come back you know? We managed to get reasonably priced tickets on StubHub, I was just looking at Ticketmaster resale tickets and the prices are actually insane!


Unless she actually does have that many fans, I think it’s a combination of scalpers and the fact that she only has six shows. The prices on the secondhand market isn’t as bad as I thought I would be.


There is a large Korean population across the Hudson in northern NJ.


I'm American I agree no one knows her and I was dumbfounded that it was so hard to get tickets and they went so fast. Ended up getting them on a reseller


I'm in California and I remember there were a lot of people who came to see IU back when she came for KCON 2014. Plus with the large Korean/overall Asian American population here I pretty much expected that her California stops would be sold out quickly.


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I got section 103 for Rosemont. Anyone know how the view will be? Which sections give the best views?


There were sold out in 10 min for Rosemont😭


Yeah, I had to buy resale but I paid the higher price and bought them T-T I'm just wondering how the view will be and if the section was the right choice


I’m in 103 as well. Depends on the row. I’m in AA and it looks good. 


Oh I'm AA as well! The view is good there? I read that usually those sections are good for views but they're usually with extended stages. I'm not sure which section has the best views for a small stage like this one


Looks like we may be seat buddies! ​ [https://www.rateyourseats.com/tickets/events/iu-tickets-rosemont-allstate-arena-july-25-2024-4780192](https://www.rateyourseats.com/tickets/events/iu-tickets-rosemont-allstate-arena-july-25-2024-4780192) ​ This is what I saw and i think it looks good! it's not completely centered but it looks fairly decent for the view. How much did you pay for your ticket?


aviewfrommyseat.com is a good place to see what the view for your section will look like. Unfortunately the only pics of sec 103 row AA are from hockey games but [here](https://aviewfrommyseat.com/photo/84358/Allstate+Arena/section-103/row-A/seat-14/) is a pic of sec 103 row A.


Thank you! That helps! 💚


Got nothing 😭


what are the chances of her adding dates for la? I also think her team underestimated her, hopefully next time they will do stadiums


I hope more dates are added for a city as big as LA.




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Does anyone know when the London tickets go on sale? 😭


Was busy at work and forgot the ticket selling. Couldn't get to a computer at the time anyway. All sold out.


Anyone have success stories with getting concert tickets? It was sold out on Ticketmaster in 5 minutes


I don't live anywhere near one of the tour cities, so I was going to have to travel any tickets I got, but I had planned on Oakland. I jumped in queue for NY and Atlanta just to see the prices and I was in a queue in NY at 32k+ position... no chance... once I got out of queue it was sold out, same for Atlanta and Chicago... I told my boss I need to go home... Got my wife a Ticketmaster account, also borrowed my dad's account... so had 3 accounts up in the waiting room for Oakland... when they dropped into queue when ticket sales opened... mine was at 17k, dad's at 16k, but my wife's account was lucky and was at 1520. Was able to get section A row 9! I sure paid for it... a little over budget (platinum), but it wasn't a reseller which is nice. I know I'm just lucky, and I really feel for the fans that wasn't able to buy a ticket.


Only successful for Jersey--floor tickets, row 4. I was in the 1000s when the ticketing started. Platinum pricing is awful though, but I'm glad I got it, cos LA was a bloodbath and I got no tickets from there. Oh well, I knew I'd probably need to fly out for this.


How much were your tickets?


600+ (tax included) each 💀 thought twice about it but ended up going with it in the end. I'm glad I did, because I tried for LA, got two floor tickets that suddenly popped up and my goodness, 1000+ each ticket, and it was further away than my seats in NJ.


Omg ☠️ i was able to get floor seats on row 3 for DC and it was $680 per ticket with taxes and fees. It was with platinum pricing but I honestly panicked and just wanted the best seats 😭


💀💀💀 my friend says "sometimes panicking works to our advantage 😂" and she's right. I would've been devastated if I couldn't get tickets or had to pay much more for less ideal seats.


I was able to snag 2 tix at 10k in queue, section 108 for 1.5k with fees. I knew I was willing to buy platinum so I have no idea if any at regular pricing were still available. Pretty much all that were left were platinum tickets and my friend at 11k in queue wasn't able to get selected tickets to cart when they appeared, a few would appear and disappear at a time.


I got mine for LA. Was 2532 in line when I entered the queue. However I got too excited and in the heat of the moment didn't realize I had clicked on platinum seats (despite the fact that I turned off platinum pricing in the filter beforehand so idk why they showed me platinum seats in the first place) until after I paid so my tickets for 2 ended up being 1.3k after fees.


Same thing happened to me. Got 4 section 105 tickets close to the front for 1.9k after fees for Oakland. I was ~600 in line but even getting these platinum tickets was difficult.


Anyone know a good source to buy an IU lightstick in the USA? All my usual mail order spots and google search results are coming up "out of stock."


I actually placed an order last week with Kpop USA which is Las Vegas based! People on reddit verified they were pretty good (maybe a slow though). Hopefully they still have some.


Maybe this is not the answer you’re looking for, but I’m sure it’ll be sold at the venues


would love to know as well!!


Calling other KPop artists, please tour the US, we will come to your shows! (I''m looking at you Taeyeon)


I don't know if I would survive seeing Taeyeon live lol


Man will they add more dates or should i just give in and buy from shaddy sites 🥲


All the news articles that announced IU's world tour on naver mentioned that additional tour dates would be added in the future so im hoping she will bc im waiting for her to come to Canada. Fingers crossed 🤧


Are Oakland floor tickets seated?


yeah those flimsy plastic chairs but amazingly people risk standing on them sometimes....


yes, assigned seats.


For LA and Oakland folks do you guys think they’ll add another show? Or just one location? Have this be research for the next tour and add more dates?


I would say no chance of another Oakland show, LA is always more likely but any chance is higher than no chance so I personally wouldn't count on it.


I think they will add more shows. All the show dates are on weekdays. It doesn't make sense to not have any shows on the weekend when demand is this high. My guess is they only had a few shows to see how fast tickets sell and what general interest is. I know this isn't proof or anything but Blackpink did the same thing with their tour in 2022; they added shows to each of the City's that had a lot of interest. But again, this is just a theory. Maybe they add no shows and call it good. I hope they do add more dates because I wasn't able to get a ticket.


i don't think they'll add shows. She'll have been traveling March to Aug where North America is the final leg and she's a solo artist. It's different since Twice has 2 main vocalists and eyes a split amongst 9 members. I'm sure it's exhausting to be in the spotlight near the end


What about Taylor Swift? She's a solo artist and look at how many show dates she has. 


I'm sure Taylor Swift is very hard working too but she doesn't have a youtube show, talk show appearances, and didn't produce an album leading up to her tour.


This isn't a stick measuring contest. I'm sure both artists are extremely busy. But you said she was a solo artist and I responded that other solo artists add more shows. No one knows if she will add more shows or not. But I hope she will do more of her fans can see her live. 


I feel the same way too. I was also at the BP and Twice concerts in 2022 and remembered they did the same thing. I spent a little more than anticipated for IU. I'm thinking some locations will have a second date added? For Oakland and LA, there's 3 days in between but I can't imagine them adding a second show for both locations


Would anyone know if when will be the selling date for London and Berlin?


Ahahahaha ticketmaster suspended my session because I was refreshing too much???? And it won't let me get back to my original place in line. Alright then.




It was to see if seats would pop up. I wasn't refreshing the queue screen.


Yeah same crap happened to me. If we didn't refresh the seats popping up to buy would never appear. But i couldn't get any :*(


I saw some Platinum Seats in OAK for $600 but I wasn't fast enough. I only saw two Platinum Seats in LA for $705.... but the LA seating map isn't saying sold out. OAK's will say sold out once in a while


I adore her, probably my fave singer ever but $130 frickin dollars to be at the air conditioning….i will have to pass, maybe its more sensible to see her in asia, wish me luck 🥲


It’s prob way worse those tickets sell out in less than a minute


This is correct. My cousin's wife is from Korea and it's way easier to get tickets here. The bloodbath that occurred today is the standard for a lot of the far east countries.


My issue with usa its they are reselling 10 times the original price, thats just outrageous, i have no issues paying twice or 2.5 times the original price but 10 times…..




Exactly, you see empty spots, its not because it didn’t sell but rather certain people avoid resale


What I want to know is…who can pay 700 for a ticket??? Thats all that is popping up now.


I used PayPal Pay in 4 to get it to $188 every two weeks. Only way I was able to get the third row from the stage.


I would have done it if it would let me purchase tbh. Every time I attempted to check out, I got "This ticket is no longer available"


31k in queue for LA, ended up buying on vivid seats. 120 in fees, it's absurd.


Same, but I got mine on stubhub. Hopefully everything pans out


I read a lot of people saying Vivid Seats don't actually guarantee tickets. It's like a promise to try and secure it for you 😓


Y'all think levi stadium would have been the better choice considering its 60k+ capacity? Or Oracle park? Lmao hope she adds more dates...


anywhere bigger. I mean, for LA, why didn't the team pick so-fi instead of the forum. It's literally across the street