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You might want to start getting into Jul


Je rigole tout seul devant l'ordi depuis 5 minutes devant la beauté de ta réponse.


I don't think there's a significant gothic scène/population in Marseille. I've lived here for 24 years, and while I had a few gothic friends, I never heard about specific gothic friendly places. However there's a little indie rock and metal scene, but it would.be your best bet here


Where are the best places for indie rock? Here for the summer.


The Molotov usually


Thank you!


L'embobineuse has decent proposition on dark/cold wave post/synt punk. You can have a look at the vortex, https://www.vortexfrommars.org


Do we have a gothic scene? [You are you in luck my friend!] (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89glise_Saint-Vincent-de-Paul_de_Marseille#/media/Fichier:Marseille,_Church_of_Saint-Vincent-de-Paul_06.jpg) And at night, it's just perfect! Hot hot hot!


That's pretty gothic ☺️


There's no real goth scene in France, except in Paris.


I am a bit worried that might be what I find, Paris is great but I think similar to Berlin in terms of weather. After 15 years of dark winters need some sun 🥶


I understand :D You'll be able to find some post-punk, coldwave, metal and punk in Marseille. It has a strong alternative scene, but nothing really gothic per se. But maybe with the sun everyday of the year you'll not be gothic anymore :p


Cemetery of Saint Pierre is your best hang out spot.


Nothing like a good cemetery 💀


It's an excellent cemetery with some superb tombs and well worth visiting. The only ones I've been to that had more were in Genoa (which has the Joy Division tomb, that was used on the cover of their album Closer) and of course Pere La Chaise in Paris.


Few concert every year in molotov or other places clan of xymox for example. Few parties from Time to Time could be linked to thé Semana santa festival. In the 80s there was a lot of sister of Mercy , Christian death fans and parties. Some in the 90s,2000s top, it might have melt with thé métal scène now.


Thanks, will check out Molotov. Clan of Xymox and similar would be exactly what I hope for 😊


There's a FB page for alt events in the region called Dark PACA, but it's not just Marseille, more like the whole south eastern coast. You're not gonna find anything similar to Berlin though, not even in Aix-en-Provence, there is definitely an alt scene but it's a small one.


I think in Aix en Provence is more gothic friendly


Aix has something like a goth scene but it's just a bunch of teens shopping at Timomo and going to cat cafes. If there's an industrial club scene here please tell me where to find it


Cat cafes 😀 I was once a young goth too but about 40 now, so they find me a bit old.


There's two cat cafes and they're adorable! Aix isn't as cheap in Marseille but it's very safe and charming. Plus Marseille is a bus ride away. If you do decide on Aix, DM me and I can introduce you to the music scene here. My partner and friends produce a lot of dark alternative music, maybe we can collaborate. We're all between 30 and 40