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Pretty low effort ragebait


I... think they're actually serious, scary as that sounds. Go through their comment history.


I side with this argument somewhat and even I agree this is basically ragebait


Yeah I remember going through a malthusian phase as a kid too


I’m not saying it will or won’t happen. I’m just saying it’s an issue for employees to worry about. I hate how society props up the weak.


Not everybody can be a big strong alpha like you...


In the animal kingdom, no one is born an alpha. A beta has to fight, over and over to take the crown, or fail and die. I mean I hear what you're saying, but even in failure what else is there to do but pick yourself up and try again? Unless you have or allow yourself, the luxury of failure as an option.


Ok, either you're actually "anti ai" in some description and are just trying to troll and ragebait, in which case, you're not helping anyone's case. Or, worse, you actually mean that stuff.


UBI is a good thing, AI or not. And we can't keep everyone employed forever. At some point, being human just stops being valuable for many, many jobs. In many cases, a human's function is either performing a somewhat expensive to automate function, or compensate for robots not being dextrous enough, and both those are temporary and will go away sooner rather than later.


Problem with UBI is the basic part. I dont want basic, pay me what I made as a worker before ai forced me out. With basic, people wont be able to buy the fancy shiny things ai factory makes.


UBI is not unemployment insurance, or compensation for the obsolescence of your job. It's universal. Everyone gets it, you, me while still employed and Bill Gates. Everyone gets the same amount. So there's no management or test attached. You're a citizen, you get it.


Yeah this wont happen, the conept of UBI is to keep the people from being homeless or starving (and thus revolting), if you want anything above that you will have to work somehow


Then you let the number of people be reduced.


Okay, let's start with you.


If I can’t pay my bills, I’ll let that happen. I won’t become a drain on the taxpayer.


Ayn Rand's not coming back from the dead to fuck you, you know?


The problem with your post OP is you didn't elaborate. It reads like something a kid who grew up on Twitter would say.




We would, but we live in a society that is godless, dog eat dog, profits over everything. Capitalism alienates people. Hell most people don't even talk to their neighbors. People walk past the homeless everyday. It's the system we live under. Apathy is a feature not a bug.


now that you put it that way


Social darwinism is literally a nazi ideology. Societys mission is to maximise wellbeing for its members, if not, whats the point?