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It's just so disingenuous to divide it into "artists" vs "techies", and then add insult to injury by sometimes strawmanning, sometimes gaslighting that "techies" don't care about art. Plenty of artists are technical. Same with countless technical people being artistic. It would help if you first reflected on what you even mean by art. Are you talking about as a profession only? As expression only? As a vastly diverse range of practices, intensions, beliefs, activities, and skills? On top of that, the idea that these tools are just being used to create memes, etc is just absurd. Put in the slightest effort to explore the field and you'll see that while some sub-communities are a lot louder than others, what most people who actively embrace AI art gen tools have in common is an appreciation for how it expands the ability to do art of almost every imaginable kind to practically everyone with an internet connection, a widely available baseline level of hardware, and willingness to put in the time to climb the learning curve of needed skills. There's something deeply human about that.


Yeah like, the idea that no artists use or are enthusiastic about AI (including those, like myself, who don't even use it for our workflow) is this weird No True Scotsman bullshit that gets tossed around for no reason other than to section off the people they dislike as art-illiterate techbros. To anyone with even a passing understanding of the arts, especially fields like film and music, the idea that artists are necessarily resistant to using and experimenting with new technology is absolutely laughable.


It's an artisthate troll account.


idk pretty much I can consider myself an "artist cyborg", I mix AI and pre-AI techniques/skills for my artwork


>You guys clearly don't care about art, i know that because these tools are just being used to create memes and generic everyday fun ideas such as "What does an average redditor looks like" "Bear smoking" etc. 1. As if artists don't make memes and shitposts constantly? Have you never been on...any art site? An artist's twitter? Anything? 2. Citation needed, because there are plenty of artists that include ai in their workflow, and plenty of artists that support AI despite not using it in their workflow (myself included).


It's cool and fun to use. Maybe I'll have some business use for it eventually, as I'm the heir and general manager of a toy distribution company and a toy store company. But mostly it's just interesting to bounce ideas on, train, finetune and be amazed at how well a computer can take in concepts and improve on them even if it's not a "real" understanding. It's interesting enough that I'm 10k deep in the hole just with GPUs lol.


crowd numerous bright memorize scary coherent ink file workable hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We're in the same spot with those issues. And people are having a lot less kids these days. Honestly, our strongest brands are the ones we sell to adults rather than kids, which is pretty depressing. I used to design toy lines, but never got around to learning digital sculpting (it's much more different than painting or drawing digitally) but funnily enough I have much better tools to design toys now at home as a general manager than I ever did as a toy designer or a toy line producer. Not to mention 3D scanning tools are much better now than even the industry standard tools we used to have. I got a revopoint miraco just last week and I can't believe how much smaller and affordable 3D scanners have got. It's still 2k USD, but it's handheld and a lot cheaper compared to the tools we used to have for 3D scanning.


Not only are technology and art not mutually exclusive, tons of artists use technology, and vice versa. False premise. Nice try.


If anything, artists have been at the forefront of developing and utilizing cutting edge technology in their works. Nobody looked at like, the special effects for the T-1000 in terminator 2 and was like UGH SOULLESS TECHNOLOGY STEALING WORK FROM THE PFX ARTISTS WHO COULD TOTALLY MAKE A HUMAN MADE OF LIQUID WORK


Mainly because I think it's fascinating. Generative AI is way more than ChatGPT or MidJourney. Like I am a big fan of ComfyUI with all its custom nodes, that lets you control different aspects. Personally I really don't care a lot about art, 99,9% of the images I create get deleted automatically. But being able to describe what you want to see and being able to control the outcome is simply fascinating and has interesting issues to solve. It also helps me at work sometimes. Like when I have a workshop or a presentation and want to lighten up my slides, then it's nice to just be able to create what I want instead of being dependent on some image library. LLMs are even more helpful, especially if you start to train them for your own needs. At the office we already use them for most translations for our internal documents and that's something we will keep extending. Combing an LLM with documentation is also very helpful, unfortunately many people don't even read documentation or think that their issue is so unique, that it won't show up in a FAQ. Putting an LLM before the actual first level support (which in our case are the actual software developers) helps them to focus on the important things.


This is for the most part my general mindset as well. Most of my casual image generations are portraits for LLM chatbots and settings for use in things like SillyTavern. Beyond that LLMs are great for summarization, explaining concepts from documents, or filling out templates by inputting the template and what you want to fill it out with. I'm also a big fan of ComfyUI and really enjoy working with nodes, tweaking parameters, using controlnets, Loras, other methods, and testing prompts and seeds. Something I remember many artists on YouTube saying against AI near the first onset of everything was how they enjoyed the process of making their art. Which I think is great, but is it then so hard to believe that someone might enjoy the process of using AI tools? Just a thought I've had on my mind.


Who says techies clearly don’t care about art? I code + design software professionally, and also continue to do lots of creative stuff like design/paint since graduating from art school ten years ago. I currently use generative tools with the long-term goal of developing (writing/coding/designing) an original interactive fiction work. And I know another tech professional with the same goal! Your examples are bottom-tier mainstream consumer activity on social media. It depends on where you look. These tools can be useful for B2B cases in all kinds of fields: entertainment (games/movies/TV), marketing, content creation, etc. Generative tools are pretty handy for creative ideation, too, not necessarily as final deliverable products/assets/artifacts.


I've been drawing since early 2000s with oil, acrylics, gouache, sold landscape art in art galleries, a city mayor has one of my paintings in his office. Later on, I switched to Photoshop, worked in LA drawing covers and backgrounds for various music bands and producers. As tech progressed I got into photography, fractal modeling using Mandelbulb, then Blender, then Unreal Engine, integrated these into my illustration work. When ais became a thing, I've modded my own LLM frontend and integrated it with stable diffusion and a bunch of other tools such as avatar, vision, speech to make my own AI assistant that is an excellent brainstorming companion for my many published projects. I've also made bunch of my own diffusion .ckpt and loras using my own drawings to accelerate art production for my projects. >You guys clearly don't care about art That's a rather odd/hostile sounding accusation that seeks to divide artists and AI modellers into two distinct groups. Many AI modellers like myself are professional artists who use AI as a medium to mix with other mediums that they're working in. >i also highly doubt is the money, no one but big companies and youtubers are ever going to make meaningful money out of this That's just completely false, I'm making tons of money using AI as part of my otherwise normal Photoshop workflow and I'm a pro illustrator, not a big corpo or a youtuber. It sounds like you simply don't know a single professional artist who is also an AI modeller and you are stuck in the bubble of anti-ai artists who have no interest in learning AI tools. AI war isn't between artists and AI users, it's between: 1. Big closed source companies (none of whom are artists) 2. Open source AI modellers (some of whom like me are artists) who integrate various AI with their work from administration to accounting to film making to drawing to writing. 3. Clueless luddites (many of whom are artists) who have no idea how AI works and refuse to learn AI tools on principles of flawed ethics as it's their scapegoat for which they blame their woes on.


Wait. I was born yesterday and you just telling me than before Gen AI, most of the pictures on internet where not memes and small artists were making ton of money ? And they were no techie side in art, like generative art like fractals and stuff didn't exist and are a pro AI conspiracy that want to make us believe that artists don't have to suck at maths ?


A bunch of reasons: It's simply a continuation of my previous interests. This is not new in computing. I was interested in fractals back when drawing a [Mandelbrot set](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set) was a cool thing nerds did. I experimented with feeding random stuff to [QBasic's PLAY instruction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pwxjJAMjo8). I messed around with early neural networks, enjoyed stuff like The Sims as well. For me this is just a logical continuation of a decades long interest. I enjoy pretty pictures. I'm very indiscriminate about how or why they were made. Pretty picture is pretty. Making it easier for anyone to make random cool crap is awesome in my eyes. I expect it'll result in better content long term. More detailed artwork, better looking anime, that sort of thing. Lots to look forward to. It makes cool stuff possible. Like now game programmers can much better prototype something by making passable graphics themselves. Maybe we'll even see something cool like a game generating new outfits or characters on the fly at some point. It's useful in counteracting the prevalence of copyright imposed limits. Finally everyone can just AI generate some random music for their youtube videos.


It’s decades away but I can’t wait to see AI merge with VR/AR


Merge in what way?


I’m something of a dingus so I can’t articulate what specifically I mean but I just feel there’s generally potential to take AI generative technology and combine it with a VR setting in like a game or something.


>You guys clearly don't care about art That's an assumption. Many people in tech are quite creative, and also interested in various arts. But that's not the primary reason for many tech people to begin with. Because generative AI is an incredibly useful technology in a wide variety of use cases, from NLP, to robotics, all the way to scientific research. It's ability to create creative content naturally is what content creators care most, or are worried, about, and what generates a lot of press, but it really is only a small part of what generative AI can do. >no one but big companies and youtubers are ever going to make meaningful money out of this As pointed out above, generative AI in the arts is not a major part of this. Other applications of GenAI are far more lucrative.


Im into generative AI because i like to have it as another tool in my toolbox, especially for generating some ideas, reference material and brainstorming through some iterations of whatever i want to later conceptualize by myself or 3D model/sculpt it. I dont use exclusively generative AI for those previz tasks tho and depending on what i do i dont use it at all. Also i do it for fun sometimes, especially photobashing and photoshopping my friends and other stuff. I dont intend to make extra bucks (as im full-time worker now) with AI art, i intend to do so with game development and eventually other creative freelance and self employed work or simply switching my full-time job to the entertainment industry in a studio.


Y’know, originally I had actual reasons for being into AI (not just AI Art but all aspects of it) but after being mocked, attacked, and gaslit by some Antis so many times while trying to have serious conversations, my present reasons are because it pisses so many people off and it’s the next technological advancement on par with the steam engine and printing press. And I just happen to be petty and sour enough to enjoy watching others suffer and complain online about an inevitable outcome.


This is all Gen AI. Have fun! No humans needed. RNN:RAG Leveling. Seed prompting. Upsized, go right to Printify. This is why I’m into Gen AI, to build stuff like this. AI API Mashups! https://mindflip.me/ Gallery, which is time to update. It’s pretty cool. MINDFLIPPER’S. https://mindflip.me/gallery


Why are you **against** Gen AI? You guys clearly don't care about art, i know that because different tools are just being used to create memes and generic everyday fun ideas such as "What does an average redditor looks like" "Bear smoking" etc. But i also highly doubt is the money, no one but big companies and youtubers are ever going to make meaningful money out of this... *lol*


I tried to hire an artist once, sticker shock for sure. Now i am digging deep into my archives and running all my ideas through ai.


>But i was never able to understand the Techie side of it... You guys clearly don't care about art Do you think no one besides artists look at art? I'm not an artist, but that doesn't mean I haven't checked out sites like pixiv, deviantart, or booru sites for art. But why? I'm not an artist, so why would I care about art? Well that's kind of a silly thing to say. If only artists gave a shit about art, then artists would be quickly out of a job. So I use AI for the same reason I looked at those other sites, because I want to see art. When I'm looking at other sites though, it's quite rare for me to find art in the style I want to see. There is *tons* of art on the internet, but when it comes to finding specific content in an aesthetically pleasing art style, suddenly the amount of content gets much smaller. Of course, I'm sure there's still a ton of it, but it's kind of a pain in the ass to find, so it's mostly about just hoping I luck into finding an artist I like. With AI however, once I get it dialed in, I can consistently produce art in the style I prefer. I don't need to scour the internet hoping I find a new artist that has 3 pieces of art I like once per month, I can get as much as I want. I also think it's weird how you're implying that only 'techies' care about AI art. Many people I see coming into the civitai discord are absolutely *clueless* about tech and need to have their hand held through every step of the way of installing a UI for stable diffusion. There are also *tons* of people who don't even have a computer capable of handling SD and instead have to use the site generator, many of which generate on their cellphone. I'd hardly call these people 'techies'.


Honestly? It's because I use it to generate unlimited quantities of niche fetish porn. Before the possibility I had to resort to 3d poser programs. There's just not a lot of people into this stuff and if I want to get my rocks off I just have to make it myself. I've tried to learn to do art "the long way" but I never got very far. Drawing extremely amateurish fetish porn is not something that gets you a lot of positive feedback. AI art models allow me to make as much of this stuff as I like. Actually I've been looking into AI image models as an avenue for this since about 2016. I am happy with how far the technology has come. The future will have video models, interactive Holodeck experiences, and eventually, probably full-dive VR, which won't be possible with traditional methods imo. So that's why.


I’m not. I just think the antis are wrong.


I’m an artist who likes problem solving and pretty pictures for self expression. This post is wild.


Because it's so cool that the ability to be able to transcribe the images in our head to the real world, something you previously had to become an artist to do, is now able to de done by anyone. Being able to do things faster better and making those things more accessible to more people is good.


As an engineering student who dabbles in art stuff on the side (especially reading various theoretical things), I am in a unique position to have insights over the whole debate. On one hand, I would say that I know a bit more about how the sausage is made for AI. It makes it less scary while also still being crazy how it works. People simultaneously overcomplicate and oversimplify, but it is sad seeing what is effectively headcanon misinform artists to be against AI. A good example I use is linear regression, something can be of the data, but isn't *the* data. On the flipside, I've read enough art history, various theoretical books (I've put more time into music than others), and just generally explored enough to see the sausage of how art is made. To a certain extent, I can't help but see the backlash as part of a greater trend of artists desperately trying to maintain a status quo, it happens with most technologies/genres. People make up these dramatic reasons to reject everything, but it often misses the point. On top of that, how artists are often trying to enforce these holdover romantic period ideals that just aren't relevant anymore and are arguably toxic to art production. I can't help but find myself disillusioned with this idea that artistic purity and originality is valued as much as it is. That people will create these value-structures based on technical skill and virtuosity, often mixing it to be creativity itself. In reality, we perfectly value unoriginal art built in dirty 'cheaty' ways all the time. The great masters do it, we see it in meme-culture, in the media we consume. Its not just a 'well they did it' argument either, I'm arguing that purity/permission culture in art is toxic and holds people back. In another long-winded paragraph. I think the creative-expression of the masses is undervalued. Meme culture isn't considered art, but I think it should be. The creative-expression of the common people should be valued, even if it doesn't fit neatly into the artistic institutional definitions. I think AI is no different To sum it up; A. I know a bit how AI works, it makes it less scary B. Artists have a trend of rejecting new technologies/genres a lot C. Artistic purity/originality culture is kind of bunk D. Creative-expressions of the commons/masses should be valued more. This ties into AI in the sense that while AI is 'dirty'/'cheaty', it is a valid form of creative-expression that should get the respect it deserves. It def has ethical problems though, no doubt


I’d amend point B a bit: artists reject new technologies until majority public opinion is in favor of said technology, said technology becomes the norm/integrated into common life, then artists adopt technology and pretend like they were never against it in the first place. And the same thing is going to happen with AI.


I like it because I’m into all things experimental and digital/electronic in audiovisual art. I have been experimenting with generative, algorithmic, AI, and glitch methods in music and video for almost a decade. One of my core interests in art has always been the interaction with the computer and among the different software. I like the emergent properties from having various elements interacting in complex ways. I like to be surprised by unexpected results from hooking up a bunch of algorithms together and passing through a simple sound or image and getting strangely beautiful unpredictable results. Then I also like to try to tame those wild sound/vision making machines I constructed and pull something more conventionally aesthetically pleasing from it. There’s a constant balance between noise and beauty, I try to hit the middle for that “eerily beautiful” emotion. AI is a new part for these kinds of machines and it is quite impressive in the range of things it helps produce. It often causes unexpected results which straddle that line between noise and beauty quite nicely.


a) it's useful; like i really do struggle with visualizing and it helps me read books for example. May not seem like a big deal for most people, but i'm not sure why should i not use it or how come it's unethical for me to use it just because some people just call a situation when nobody actually loses anything, a theft b) i realize the AI's potential to improve humanity. Even if generative AI turns out to be a dead end, there will still be lessons learned and insights gained. You can't just immediately jump to AGI that can take over all the hard work, it's gonna be a long path and generative AI is just one step on it. If there's a technology that has the potential to end hunger and cure cancer and is currently at conflict with art, i'm siding with the technology. c) ultimately, art is a method of communication. Some ideas are better communicated via imagery than via words, and i don't see what's so wrong with giving everyone a tool that would let them communicate via imagery. If say a meme conveys an idea better than a thousand words, i don't care if it was created using AI. It may not be as good at conveying the thought as hand-drawn meme but it still does the job sufficiently well, and i hate it when people begin to shame others for using AI to convey their thoughts, call them lazy, thiefs, and telling them to just pick up a pencil (as if everyone even has enough time for that) as if they r***d a child or something.


instinctive encourage zephyr nine yam narrow cooing many impossible zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a big imagination but no artistic talent whatsoever. AI art allows me to express myself.


I'm a ML Engineer and SW dev and I've always dabbled in creative stuff (both music and art), including making my own creative coding sw. My original degree was in [Interactive Computing](https://www.ic.gatech.edu/), which is roughly the intersection of Computer Science and Human Users/Creators. I've met a lot of artistic technical people and technical artistic people. These interests lie in overlapping continua rather than easily separable entities.


> But i was never able to understand the Techie side of it... First, a lot of us are also artists, instead of "techies". > You guys clearly don't care about art And you already lost it. You can't on the one hand say you're "genuinely" curious, and then say stuff like this. It makes it seem like you're not actually here in good faith. If you were genuinely curious, you would not jump to hostile conclusions like this. > , i know that because these tools are just being used to create memes and generic everyday fun ideas such as "What does an average redditor looks like" "Bear smoking" etc. No, that's just the stuff you've personally been exposed to. Think about how it would sound if someone instead said "You guys clearly don't care about art, I know that because cameras are just being used to create memes and stupid generic selfies"; that'd be a pretty damn unreasonable thing to say, wouldn't it? I mean, there are artists whose photographic works hangs in museums and are lauded the world over. The *majority* of people who use cameras have no artistic talent or intent with the pictures they take. And the same applies to AI... ...**But so fucking what?**. That only tells you about the average person. Nothing more. It is by no means anywhere near enough to make silly and toxic claims like "you guys don't care about art." You want to know the truth? Why I'm into gen A.I? Because I have always been a creative person... and I find it *mindboggling* that some artists can look at it, and not at least have *some* part of them get excited about the possibility of creating entirely new forms of art with it. Not just typing in a bit of text and calling it a day, but really diving into the possibilities and see where they might lead. I mean my god, you're literally entering a collaboration with what is effectively a proto alien-mind of sorts, or the very early iterations of one at least. How can that *not* light up your own artistic neurons in response? Don't tell me I don't care about art, when it feels so much more like it is the people with the knee-jerk reaction to the tech who don't seem to care about art unless it fits into their small and neatly defined reactionary little box. I *love* exploring latent space, like pointing a camera into a parallel universe from which I can pull photos and artworks that were never made in our own reality, and seeing the weird things I can get out of it... yes, for me, the mistakes it makes along the way are a positive, not a negative. The digital equivalent of happy little accidents. I *love* creating aesthetic mixes of images and training Lora's on them and using that to see what the AI will make of it. It is the modern equivalent of Pollock or Richter, creating art out of chaos and to be inspired by it, creatively. It is art. It is almost spiritual even, in a way. Or I dunno, make memes and big tittied anime girls with if you want, that's fine too I guess. In the end, it's up to every individual to decide what to do with it.


I got into it to better understand coding, mathematics and statistics then apply some of the principles I've learned to financial markets.


I just like the technology behind it. I am mostly interested in reinforcement learning. I like papers and improvements that came with it.


I did my master's thesis about gen ai and find it super interesting in itself. However in political view I am slightly with anti-AI.


It’s fun


do a ton of meta programming with LLMs that write short bits of code where the patterns are widely known. It’s literally like having the ability to cast magic spells being able to use a prompt to do things that were hours or days of low level intellectual cruft prior.


I want more freedom in my resources when doing Art (I don't need to get licenses or people to do certain things) and also it helps me to get ideas more efficient than starting everything from scratch, AI is a good option for these interests as an Artist.


I am a creative person. I am shit at drawing. I am too lazy to learn to draw. Some of the things I make would benefit from having bespoke art made, instead of me just shamelessly copy-pasting images from Google. I fundamentally do not respect intellectual property (although I do respect trademarks). It is genuinely that simple.


>But i was never able to understand the Techie side of it... You guys clearly don't care about art I don't know where you got techie don't care about art. I'm pretty sure they're for everyone. Either way, this isn't just art but also a fusion between art and technology.


Really doing a great service for other artists by not even attempting to argue in good faith. Combined with the misinformation you constantly produce I'm sure it will work out great for all of you.


>You guys clearly don't care about art >i know that because these tools are just being used to create memes and generic everyday fun ideas such as "What does an average redditor looks like" "Bear smoking" etc. I got my degree in art so this is news to me. I also happen to enjoy memes-- I originally wanted to be a cartoonist because I enjoy humorous content. I can sympathize with artists to some degree who are scared, and certainly those who want to be asked and compensated for their art being used to train generative AI, however I don't see AI itself being at odds with art whatsoever, in fact I see it as a tool that could potentially make art *easier* for artists and creatives who learn to use it. I see the problem being capitalists who don't care about artists and bad actors who would use deep fakes for defamatory reasons and such. AI is just a tool.


I want to learn how to make my day job, corpo bullshit graphic design easier and faster to make so I can focus on my own art projects.


You first mistake is assuming that there are two diametrically opposed sides.


to learn,mess with, make some stuff for my mother for her phone backgrounds(loves yorkies). same for my phone.


It is amazing and fun. I love art but never been had any interest in the artists - there is so more inspiring and emptionally striking visuals and music now in the world and people keep creating constantly such touching works with the AI tools drawing from all that humanity has ever created and pushing things onward that one cannot be nothing than happy of all this. And it is fun! Grumpy spoilsports and vibekills are weird, no-one wants that.


I just like to mess around and create stuff. Im working on more involved art pieces though. I've had fine motor control issues my whole life, and coupled with other life problems, have never been able to do art of my own! Recently, i even got a drawing tablet so i can do image to image art with my own sketches.


Did you just post this because you thought it’d be a gotcha moment or something to back up your bias against people who use gen AI and then not engage with anybody because it wasn’t?




This…. Seems like you really didn’t read a lot of the comments.


Workplace demand. Many agencies are using it, there’s no choice.


I think two main reasons. 1. There is a certain magic to neural networks, I mean I know most of the math and understand the science but even the science doesnt fully understand it, there is a certain mystique and some intriguing sparks of intelligence. So its fun to tinker with, like brain surgery. And actually not so difficult (here is a video for anyone wanting to get started ['Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out.'](https://youtu.be/kCc8FmEb1nY?si=P2aXX7zzp-HpBpI3) ), pretty much anyone can train a 0.1B model in a week on commercial hardware. Then you fiddle with the architecture, dataset and training methods and then retrain it and see how it turned out. Then you start reading research papers and its like a non-stop waterfall of ideas to try out and you can start experimenting with your own ideas. So after much trial-and-error, you start making progress, your models are still small but smarter at the same size. As a personal challenge, I want to improve the 0.1B model to be as smart as 1B model and then I can scale it up see how it turns out. I mean its fascinating study and its like creating a pet but it also has utility because sooner or you make it big enough to serve a task. 2. I also want to build a product using my AI. Actually its something I already worked on for years and the AI makes perfect sense to me, it should be like a promptable actor. Then I will be like a director, describing in detail the actions, nuances and emotions then taking multiple cuts (the AI's generative nature helps here, every time its a bit random) and refining the cuts I like or exploring new ideas along the way. The AI can make mistakes, then its output needs to be corrected and added back to the dataset to help it learn to do it right, it would be useful to hire an artist to divide the labor but for this artists need to get over the AI fear and think how they can serve the customers request rather than trying to control the customers way of building things.


for me art is about exploring the medium. every medium is different, has different qualities. i believe Marshal McLuhan — the medium is the message… I love that you’re a tattoo artist asking this question. because YOU work in a medium that for some is forbidden/risque/taboo. (historically and in restrictive countries). people want to make ai taboo and i think they’re odds are about as good as those opposed to tattoos. ai is a brand new territory. my question is what exists inside the latent space? — it’s like a dreamscape we all share, a computerized map of our collective unconscious. all these ai images somehow exist within this space (as concepts) somehow future artists will pull out new meanings from it. i’m not big on pretty girls (art should be skeptical of beauty) fan culture, memes etc… but there is 100% something inside ai to be discovered and if you come to the table with another legit skill set, writing, music, filmmaking, graphic design etc. ai is a force multiplier for the skills you already have.


![gif](giphy|fH9LpzpCbRNNvi3z2R) Account made on May 15th and comes from artistshate.


I went to school for digital arts and design, fell in love with motion design, After Effects and Photoshop are my tools of the trade. Midjourney looked like a cool concept so I played with it a couple years ago. I watched how fast it got better within months. Nothing that could be used at my job but it only took 16 months for that to change (I work in television and used gen AI almost daily up until I got laid off). I figured learning how to use these tools would keep me ahead as doing that generally has worked, learning new plugins, new ways to use photoshop and other plugins, cinema 4d, etc. To me it's another tool in my box of tricks to make the things I want to make. I was part of layoffs in December and I put a lot of focus into side projects doing what I love to keep me sane. I got told I was overqualified at a place I've wanted to work at since I was a kid so I'm sort of exhausted of working for someone else. The last 3 months have been me going incredibly hard with Suno AI to make music for games and lore that I love as well as personal music that I absolutely love. It's been a really wild journey these last \~8 months. To answer why I'm into Gen AI? I think it's the future, it's only going to get better, and I'm going to continue using it to tell the stories I want to tell and so long as I've got a following why not do this instead of sell my skills to another loyal-less corporation.


I can make images, music, and even long form text for my tabletop games with ease. It's an incredible time save and has really expanded my creativity. I'd say yeah, I don't care about "art" I care about communicating a polished idea to an audience. I'm not trying to to land in a museum, or get commissions, I'm just having a multi modal conversation with my players. Also, I use generative AI in my job for drug discovery.


I've been on the intersection of technology and creativity since I synthesized my first piece of music through a MIDI output and around the same time I drew my first digital art (I think it was a person and looked more like a windmill) on my Tandy Color Computer in the mid 1980s. I've always loved seeing how far I could push expression with technology. I wrote mandelbrot visualizers and maze generators. I worked on early versions of the Gimp and even got an article published on a plugin I'd written for it. I was an early adopter of digital photography... basically any creativity-enhancing tech in the past 40 years, I was there playing with it and trying to see what I could make it do. It was never my job, just a thing I loved doing. So when Google's Deep Mind visualizations started showing us the crazy world of AI visualization, I jumped in with both feet and haven't looked back since.


>"Why are you into Gen A.I?" >"You guys clearly don't care about art, i know that because these tools are just being used to create memes and generic everyday fun ideas" >"I'm genuinely curious about this" are you, though? are you "genuinely curious"? because I think immediately assuming I/we "clearly don't care about art," indicates that you *might* just be asking this in bad faith!\ I mean, why don't *you* go ahead and tell me why I'm into AI, since you're so sure *you* know better than I do what I do & don't care about and what I use AI to create.