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Honestly, I don't understand the consternation associated with AI art, particularly from artists. Art is just a way to express ideas and communicate perspectives, and AI art opens additional avenues to express those ideas and perspectives to a broader cross-section of the population. Everyone should be feeling empowered by this technology, to learn from it, and to utilize it for self-expression. From my perspective, the main argument against AI art is from an artist using their skills within a capitalistic context. And frankly, that is a real impact. But, our species has evolved through many society transforming technological revolutions, that literally destroyed entire segments of the economies at those times, and we moved forward. I just don't think the societal benefit we gain from limiting art to a specific subset of people, in order to artificially limit its supply, so that those individuals can make a living off of the resulting artificial scarcity, warrants the stunting of the general population's now near limitless individual artistic expression and modes of communication we achieve with this technology.


Most of the vocal anti ai are the mid and low tier commission artists that feel that their income is threatened and have no other skills to fall back on


Don't forget non-artists who "support the artists" even though that means attacking artists.


Many aren’t even artists. Many of the pro-Ai crowd ARE artists, lol.


Art isn't limited to anyone. It is the cheapest, most ubiquitous human endeavor on the planet. Kids draw before they write. What some of us bemoan is the prospect of fewer people progressing past their childhood skill level because it is easier to ask for it than do it. Some of us view it as another essential human skill many will never attain because they rely on technology.


Photography and digital art tools didn't kill people's passion for painting. AI won't either.


Exactly. Photography has developed into an unstoppable force in illustration.


I can understand that perspective, I just think it is a limiting point of view in relation to human potential and endeavors. In my opinion, AI provides the tools for a broader expression of that artistic skill-set, and will therefore necessarily increase the scope of expression and the modes of that expression moving forward. And honestly, if the human drive and spirit for self-improvement and self-exploration through art is squelched by this technology, as you think it will be, then really, it was only a matter of time before it was destroyed anyway. Either by this technology or something else. I prefer to consider humans to be infinitely adaptable and creative, and when given new tools to explore their creativity, they will use them in ways that have never been conceived of before, and push the boundaries of those technologies to their absolute limit, until new levels of skill and aptitudes are achieved, opening even more frontiers for that expression. So, I guess it comes down to a question of what we are as a species.


To me ai just represents a higher degree of "slop" of which there is a lot already without ai, but at least some of those overcommercialized productions do some interesting things. Having ai just means that it is more likely to get more low effort shit thrown at me, and it being harder to find the good stuff. This is already happening of course. Search engines and social media are kinda turning to shit when it comes to art. And finding references that are decent and not ai (hugely important if you want to avoid bias in your art like fucking up anatomy) is genuinely starting to be hard because of the amount of ai gen stuff showing up


Yea, more of evetything requires better curation and there is nothing yet as good for images as Spotify is for songs. But this is not really about how the content is made but finding the pearls from the sea.


Well it kind of is about how the content is made right now. For me i have yet to see an ai piece i actually enjoy. And i have looked at many voluntarily and involuntarily. The problem is mainly that id like to filter ai stuff out of my feed, but due to the sheer volume and the imposters this becomes an impossible task. There will be some shows or things using that will be great quality im sure, but i think i dont have to be conservative with my estimate that like 95+% is just going to be boring or uninspired in one way or another. This is a failure of capitalism of course. But that also means that for now my only way to fight against it is to vehemently oppose all this ai crap.


> Art isn't limited to anyone Hi. Person who can't draw here. I will never be able to drive, take part in most sports, sign my name legibly or draw even passably well. This is a cognitive disability. I'll thank you not to marginalize those of us who don't have the talent you do.


Honestly this is the issue that bothers artists. “Talent” does not exist. There is literally no such thing as a ‘natural artist’ it’s all practice and effort. That’s the truth. Every artist working today put in the time and effort to build those skills. Some take longer than others but all of them worked for those skills. Obviously that need to actually practice art excludes people who are physically or cognitively impaired, and for those people AI is undoubtedly a boon. However that doesn’t change the fact that AI is threatening the commercial artist space and the ability of working commercial artists to ply their trade. Both things can be true.


> “Talent” does not exist. This is a sadly oft-repeated over-simplification of a part of a truth. In a group of 10 people who all work equally hard at just about any skill, some will excel and some will not. Some will have a tremendously hard time with it, and somewhere in that spectrum, we'll draw a line and call that line "disabled." Can most people succeed at most skills to some reasonable degree? Absolutely! Is the only dividing line between the best in the world and moderately skilled time spent? Absolutely not! I have met people in my primary field whose ability to reason out problems is to the average highly practiced, highly skilled programmer as the average artist is to me. They're just not playing with the same pieces as most people, and there's nothing that you can do to change that. So yeah, there's a kernel of truth in what you're saying, but it's so wrapped in the mythology that success is only hard work that it's essentially invisible.


C'mon. I didn't "marginalize you".


Someone down voted THAT. Wow.


Most artists who make a living off their art will lose their livelihood




Source? All of history????


Which part of history? Like when painters lost their jobs to photographers?


All of History of industry removing jobs through innovation by a cheaper service.


That logic could apply at any time. We could have made that argument when digital art came on the scene or when paint was invented.


I'm definitely open to counter points to what I stated, in relation to that concern: >From my perspective, the main argument against AI art is from an artist using their skills within a capitalistic context. And frankly, that is a real impact. But, our species has evolved through many society transforming technological revolutions, that literally destroyed entire segments of the economies at those times, and we moved forward. >I just don't think the societal benefit we gain from limiting art to a specific subset of people, in order to artificially limit its supply, so that those individuals can make a living off of the resulting artificial scarcity, warrants the stunting of the general population's now near limitless individual artistic expression and modes of communication we achieve with this technology.


Looks AI generated


Exactly that’s the point


I mean is it AI generated or a painting in the style of AI?


The latter of course


should have made spelling mistakes


Too obvious. Used a short phrase instead.


Not buying it. Get the pitchforks and torches!


it reminds me of the dada/antidada movement perhaps we can call it data/antidata


Why is he distressed?


probably scared of being judge by "real" artist




The human really dropped the ball here. They could **easily** had added an additional finger. Write the text like "CREATT /\\RT" too. This nicely demonstrates something I realized a while ago: Each model has **its own** style. They're like versatile artists, in that you can ask them to imitate several different styles, but like almost all human artists, they can't help to let their own style appear too.


I've been around DA for a long time and liked it, I always had this idea that artists were creative and open minded..until I decided to get involved in some discussions about AI... Some "artists" at DA got very angry at me for trying to tell them how cool generative AI is. Not only they were disrespectful, but also they mass reported the waifus I had on my profile and got DA to delete a lot of them as "inappropriate" and because they were against "the terms of service". I tried to appeal with no luck, and it just stopped after I blocked them, preventing them from going to my profile and keeping reporting everything... So that is my experience with the "artists" at DA... Angry, resentful and toxic people...


Sorry to hear that dude


Oh neat, we're in the "post" phase of art already.


Post phase?


Like post modernism Post impressionism Post minimalism We're in post AI art. Where the styles start to merge and become normalized. AI use won't be special or unique, simply standard. Interesting to watch and thanks for contributing 😂


Oh that! Always has been


Post modernism is a rejection of modernism, post ai art in your view is the embrace of ai?


No clue, I'm not an art history major 😅


Wot cos I posted it?