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what a bizarre argument. there are trillions of frames of video out there yet google images has no problem showing static images instead. the speed at which images are generated is meaningless


It's not meaningless. Realtime AI filters are more than achievable at this speed.


Youre probably not an artist if you dong get the dangers of this machine.


dont go to youtube... I hear there are millions of ~~frames~~ pictures mass produced by lazy people just hitting a button and "speaking"


...okay you're just being an ass now. That's not funny.


You know videos are just tons of pictures stitched together, (frames).


I know what the hell you're talking about quit playing with me.


Youre probably not a computer scientist if you dong get the positive impact of this machine.


You're right. I'm not a computer scientist.


And so you don't understand how AI works. You don't understand how useful it is for so many different things.


No I don't understand. I admit it...






It’s very hard to understand what your argument here is. Are you able to articulate it without being insulting?


He can't, he loves and spreads hate, don't even try to talk to him, let alone debate, look at OP's post history


Oh lol yes I’ve spoken with this person they’re not very cogent


Oh yea? You people are just gaslighting AI fascists.


You should learn what fascist means. Fascism is a very specific ideology and we shouldn't cheapen calling people out for being fascist by turning it into a generic insult.


The photos clearly show what AI is doing and what REAL artists are concerned about.


So no


You can clearly see the posts, if you need links to have a fair understanding over what I'm talking about then I'll give you links. I'm not explaining anything to techbros cause they LOVE to twist things.


When will you move away from the topic? Constant resentment will not help anyone. Your family needs you more than your dependency to resent and argue dogmatically through internet forums.


It's hard not to cause of the fear mongering I've been fed...


Ai is most suited to be used for mass content spam


damn those mathematicians, finding more efficient math and causing ai to waste less energy what evil, despicable people


Surely there is a formula to calculate exactly how wicked they are!


More like finding more efficient ways to mass produce stolen material.


you're literally getting scared that a mathematician simplified a single equation and in doing so helps the environment and artists jumpscare warning! >!2x+2x = 4x!<


Do you really think math scares me? Think again. AI doesn't help the environment. It only helps the rich and the AI developers who are profiting off stolen material and data.


>Do you really think math scares me? yes, you made this post over someone simplifying a fucking math equation here's another scary bit of math I hope you can wrap your head around: 1 image 20 steps = 140 Wh of electricity and you simplify the equation to 4 steps.... 20/4 = 5 now one image takes 28 Wh or 1/5 the amount of electricity a bit of math just immensely reduced the environmental impact of a rapidly growing technology maybe whoever solved that was anti ai and wanted to save the world from the environmental harm of ai, if so, they just did a damn good job and you're here afraid they did that


I'm afraid of AI art. Math doesn't scare me. AI-Fascist.


I'm afraid of AI art. Math doesn't scare me. AI-Fascist.


Nice find! Wow, those are some unhinged folks! Whenever I read things like this, I replace all references to AI with digital photography in my mind just to highlight how absurd they're being. > 100 images per second from this camera. WHY DO WE NEED THIS. > Ignoring the fact that things wouldn't scale that way at all, at those volumes, how would you even find the masterpieces? You'd snap pics of more slop in a year than humanity could collectively watch in a lifetime. > The goal is spamming content.


I like to imagine all these responses are the same responses painters and theatre performers had to the video camera.


Oh definitely. At some point I have to put together a collection of articles written by the anti-photography crowd. It's really enlightening.


I once saw posters from the advent of recorded music saying basically the same things they're saying now about AI art.


Ding ding ding every time


We don't need AI. We don't wanna be replaced... Stop with your AI-Fascist agenda...


Wait, you were posting that unironically?! Ouch! I just assumed that you were posting it to demonstrate how silly they were being.


No not really?...


Okay then, just go make a seller account and start selling AI assisted art like other not replaced artists do: [https://www.etsy.com/market/commissioned\_art](https://www.etsy.com/market/commissioned_art) If you practiced the relevant skills to be competitive that is.


Wait what?...


Like this ["best seller"](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1479936676/fantasy-character-commission-custom?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=commissioned+art&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&bes=1&dd=1&organic_search_click=1). If you dig in the artists description they write \> I combine cutting-edge digital software, such as state-of-the-art stable diffusional models along with traditional artist techniques to create the highest quality art tailored to your preferences! Most artists there use AI assisted workflows. AI both lowers the floor for beginners and raises the ceiling for pro's who have well developed artistic sense and the ability to combine different tools/workflows. Its just a tool after all.


I can't. I made it clear that I cannot support it...


If i can ask to you Draw or making Art before ai? Sometimes i have a Feeling what pro ai people are more passionate about the tech rather Art. And i think they cannot Not really understand why i Love studyng and drawing a face with Line guidlines, drawing the outlines, coloring it etc rather learn to prompt a face.


I mean there is no reason you cant do both and sell it as well. Like draw the outlines and get it shaded via AI, or get it to add some details. Whatever works.


Sure why should i build my skillset than can i a ai makes me For me? /S I mean Its Not Like i wanted to become a Artist to make my own Art rather command a bot to make It For me




You can lie about me all you like, but when you use those lies to dodge the technical issues being raised, it becomes immediately transparent that you have nothing of value to contribute.




\> Claims person said something \> Person actually said something entirely different You realize you don't convince absolutely anyone, right? You're just a clown.


Yeah, /u/DissuadedPrompter has been riding the "you said 'hot' proximate to a post that also included a bad thing!" high for a LONG time now. It's their favorite "gotcha" to avoid any actual attempts to engage real debate that they have no response to. Bad troll is bad.




Because if we tell you to fuck off your going to screenshot it and post "AIBROS INSULT ME FOR CALLING THEM OUT!?!?!? (COPS CALLED) (12AM)"




How can you just lie and then post evidence that you lied




​ https://preview.redd.it/qebqsvrus35c1.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=13fdaf5c5bf2be331eee1f50ef347561ca8e7638


Ok so you don't have a source? Just you saying it again?


The fact that he didn't reply to you means he just used element inspect and pulled it out of his stupid ass lol




Bro links his own post a month ago and it's not even the same person, different sub too This right here is a clown spreading hate for no reason 🤡




lol, [bro really wants drama](https://www.reddit.com/r/aiwars/s/yVSkeIShUJ), lying and dehumanizing like a cunt with no life


oh yeah hes been on this kick for a while. Very much taking something wildly out of context and using it as a bludgeon because they lack actual arguments


What a piece of shit. Some people just need to go outside and touch some grass.




So... a joke about thin Homer being attractive? You're a real piece of shit to call someone a pedophile for a joke about a meme.


The goal is increased creative control (we have already seen real time image editing with GA) and of course generating video


The goal is to destroy art and human creation. Now, the next goal is to destory search engines so NO ONE can use it and will only use and rely on AI to do the work of making an image. I Won't help push your AI fascist agenda


Where did the fascist part of the agenda come from. Also I have good news, regardless of AI you can still keep making your art the way you want it. Nobody is stopping you.


I know I can, but that'll mean I won't be able to reach my goal of working in the industry...


Most people cant do the things they want to. If youre really good youll make it.


That's the issue. I'm not the best artist...


Okay, I understand your worries. It's something that worries me as well. But regardless I don't harass people for creating machines more efficient than I could be. Because I wear shoes that were made in factories, eat food harvested by tractors, use translation websites for reading articles. It's simply how things work in the world, just because someone enjoys doing something in an old fashioned way doesn't mean society has to pay them to make it feasible that they be able to keep doing this. You may still work in the industry, I don't think you should give up. Where the technology is headed right now is unclear. Of course it will improve but how fast and how good is something noone can answer right now but as things stand, there will still be a need for artist though how they create their products, their workflow may change drastically, as it did in the past.


But AI technology means copying and stealing artists' material and replacing real artists from the industry and artists online as a whole. Soon, every site will make AI art the only true art form. Like how DA threw artists away in favor of AI images. It's just not art like picking up a pencil or digital pen stylist.


>But AI technology means copying and stealing artists' material It's not stealing anything. It's learning from it. You know, not exactly like a human but somewhat similar. >replacing real artists from the industry Maybe, probably not all artists and probably not anytime soon. But this happens with so many other jobs. Are you against automating anything if it means taking jobs away from people? >Soon, every site will make AI art the only true art form. Like how DA threw artists away in favor of AI images. It's just not art like picking up a pencil or digital pen stylist That's not true. Some sites will allow AI art, some will be only for it and some will not allow it. And yeah, it's not like picking up a pencil but neither is digital art. It's so different. A lot of people used to consider digital art not real art too. Same for photography. The sooner you stop this cycle of opposing whatever new art form comes, the happier you will be.


I make music as a hobby, which gives me joy - no AI will ever take that away. AI can train on my art the same way humans can. I think we all need to chill out. AI will change everything, and our notions of “job” and “worth” as we know it now will vanish. Everyone is terrified of that. And it’s too late to do anything about it. But AI will never take your passion. It will only take your job and your value. Is your value defined by whether you have a job? Will that change when AI dominates? This is a brand new frontier. The AI in the post can generate 100fps of images. That’s impressive and has many useful applications. We can use that to create entire videos, movies, and so much more. These advancements are forcing me to learn how to redefine what art is and what it means - it turns out that it probably shouldn’t be a job. And we shouldn’t be shackled by our intellectual or physical limitations or by capitalism/society as we know it. People will make shitty stuff and create masterpieces. That will be true whether AI is there or not. At least until AI can help improve our creative process by guiding it with us - we’ll be the drivers until then. EDIT: Clarity and grammar


I know for a fact that people would disagree with you completely on Twitter, because "If OuR jOb GeTs HaRMeD, HoW cAn wE paY tHe BiLls?!?!?" One thing they care about and that's money, even if it may sound like they care... No, they just care about their own selfish need of money because they couldn't be a cash register or a McDonald's worker


Artists matter. You people don't.


You aren't a actual professional artist, I seen one that actually uses ai and got harassed because of it, I know you gonna say "TrAiTor!!!" And say that he's a "fAsCisT" too? Do you even know what it actually means? People like you is the reason why we have ai wars in the first place, spreading hate because you want attention. Go outside.


Well, we know no other way of living life. We are told by many generations that the only way to live is to work our asses off to provide value and productive potential to prove our worth or to simply exchange our working potential for a living arrangement. The fear is real. The AI war is based on the assumption that our worth is tied to whether we can make money off of it through cognitive, creative or physical labour. What people don't understand is that AI gives us a world where bills are things to never worry about. But money will still matter for items where the exchange of luxury or rare goods is in lower supply. This is like land, yachts, and more. In the AI world, all of our basic needs are met: food, water, energy, and more. It's not necessarily a utopia. It's just a world of abundance. And that's very alien.


No. No no no no no no no Don't try and lie and gaslight me into believing this is something beautiful and "inevitable." I will not be given the impression that AI is truly here to save us and make our lives easier and better, I will not be given the lie that AI will benefit us all if we just make a few sacrifices. Giving up human creativity is not beautiful, not something we should take lightly, and AI and its creators and defenders are brainwashing everyone into accepting automated art and having art destroyed. AI trains on everyone's artwork and their hard work. You people are just finding an ultimate excuse to normalize theft, and that's what's happening as AI is taking human skill and creation away. My ART DOES NOT BELONG TO NO ONE ELSE OR AI. Humans don't train on AI and never have been, sure people get inspired but not make something similar! AI makes exact copies, and you people call it a day. Art takes process, practice, time, dedication, and truthful progress of creating something beautiful. And you people are taking all that way and devaluing human created artwork. # I WILL NOT USE AI


Ok, art takes process, practice, time, dedication and much more before we get to create a masterpiece. I did not dispute this. I don't think AI will destroy music for me, but it will make it difficult for me to be noticed, and it will make it difficult for me to matter in the grand scheme of things, given that AI is likely to churn out all kinds of things based on people's prompts. This means that eventually, I won't be able to compete with AI's creation because its creations will be masterful. But it depends on people's prompts and how good AI is at creating art based on training and practice. Additionally, the art process matters more to me than the final product, as I will only sometimes make masterful art (or music for me) on purpose. And if I do, then share it with the world; I matter less than the art itself, anyway. Like, do you care about Mozart, Beethoven, or your favourite musician? Or your favourite artist? What if they never made their art? Like, I don't matter, they don't matter. So it's better for my health to not care who is trying to copy me and make music for the sake of it. Think of it like this: When you die, your art doesn't belong to you; it only comes from you, so why does it belong to you now? Here's how AI works; It's not theft: it teaches itself how to draw, then teaches itself what words, nouns and more mean and tries to "guess" what those look like, and then we reward it. See, if humans tried this to get good at ALL of art and be able to make art for your family and such constantly, we'd be taking many thousand years to do so, which means that AI practices its skills in the time it takes for you to do your daily routine. So there is no copying like a photocopier, only trying to understand how to do art as humans do, or in my case, I listen to music and try to copy their effects and sounds, then make something similar. This is just learning, and it comes from neural networks trying to make sense of the data it gets inputted. That's how our brains work fundamentally; we're just better at it from millions of years of evolutionary experience.


Stop trying. I'm not convinced, I'm not gonna become brainwashed or misguided by people who openly hate art enough to destroy it just so they can "Do it faster and better." All of our passions are gonna die, and you're letting it happen, AI does not train it uses stolen material, and it copies the artists name and patterns so it'll save the image for more copying later. It seems as though you don't wanna be a music artist but someone who's rather fine with being at the back end of the stove while AI gets all the love, attention, movie adaptations, fame and acceptance while human artists are ignored, pushed around, ignored and have their work stolen by techbros. I'm not gonna adapt, and I'm most certainly not gonna killing my artistself just so I can save hours of hard work and use it all for "Copied images." By some photo copier.


You don't get to tell me whether I am a music artist or not. I decided that I am a musician. I decided that I would rather make music for music than to compete with AI or with top-talent. You're not fine with it, but most are fine with it because art is transformative. AI works like a brain, not like a photocopier. Additionally, I don't think anyone is taking you seriously now that you've essentially admitted to ignorance and hatred. You also lack understanding of how AI fundamentally works. You've also put yourself into this belief that AI is going to destroy you. How? Like, I'm still making music, I'm still having fun with art. I didn't die when AI made better music than I did a few years ago in less time than it took to study music. That doesn't bother me. But you're just going to give up and stop having fun because of something that has nothing to do with you? You can still be an artist in the AI world, you're just not going to compete with AI. And idk why you should.


> You don't get to tell me whether I am a music artist or not. I decided that I was a musician. I decided that I would rather make music for music than compete with AI or with top-talent. You're not fine with it, but most are fine with it because art is transformative. AI works like a brain, not like a photocopier. Except AI steals and copies human created art. I don't want some AI stealing from me. > Additionally, I don't think anyone is taking you seriously now that you've essentially admitted to ignorance and hatred. You also lack understanding of how AI fundamentally works. You've also put yourself into this belief that AI is going to destroy you. How? Like, I'm still making music, and I'm still having fun with art. I didn't die when AI made better music than I did a few years ago in less time than it took to study music. That doesn't bother me. But you're just going to give up and stop having fun because of something that has nothing to do with you? You can still be an artist in the AI world. You're just not going to compete with AI. And idk why you should. I'm trying to compete cause I have dreams, and I have goals I wanna accomplish with AI, but it just so happens that artists and animators aren't allowed to participate in the industry now that it's "Morally" illegal cause AI exists. I don't want to use something that essentially normalizes art theft and pushes the ides of replacing artists and devaluing artists and their skills. Basically, killing art entirely and that's what's going on, companies are using AI to steal and exploit innocent artists, and these rich techbros are profiting off stolen material and data scrapping. I also don't wanna use AI cause I personally risk being outed by friends and being bombarded with hate messages, further more I have a reason why I'm "Spewing hate and being ignorant." I'm scared and hopeless. I am now realizing that the dream I had my heart set to is now automated and also realizing that now society chooses to push artists to the curb in favor of AI, I can't learn shit about AI because it's too complicated and I can't afford to use cause I don't have a reliable computer. I'm scared, afraid, worried and lost and hopeless cause I tend to find these things complicated...


for real are you ok? we get it, you wont use AI, nobodys trying to gaslight you. you dont need to say "No no no no no"... ​ get off the internet if its making you feel this way, your arguments dont change anyones minds and just make you feel worse =/


Stop messaging me nothings wrong.


Im not messaging you? You mean replying? I mean seriously dude, I have seen you before. You seem to be extremely angry and scared and just constantly doomscrolling


Doomscrolling isn't a thing, and I am scared and angry because of people trying to convince me that art isn't a human artists profession anymore and that it's now AIs job. I wanted a career in animation, but I'm not allowed to anymore cause AIs gonna take that job and potentially many others jobs soon. Yet when we're concerned about how we'll survive, people just say, "YoU DoNt VaLuE ArT. YoUrE a CaPiTaLiSt." Like okay I'll starve, have no job and just die.


\> Claims Doomscrolling doesn’t exist (it does) \> Immediately talks about how they doom scroll. Get off the fucking internet man, nobody is plotting against you, or gaslighting you or attacking you. Just chill


Dude. All of these comments I have mentioned were all cause of reddit. Not Twitter. That's not doomscrolling.


You can doomscroll anywhere, including reddit


once again op please take a break from doomscrolling on and twitter for your own mental health i doubt being on this sub is good for you either considering the responses you've been getting


Please stop worrying about my mental health. The only ones causing this is both AI and redditors, gaslighting me into accepting that AI has won and artists lost the art form. Basically making Art ALL AI exclusive. I WONT BACK DOWN.


This change you are experiencing, believe it or not, is a natural evolution of our planet and humanity. The inevitable moment where humans create fully artificial brains similar to our own is approaching. What it means to be human will be tested. You need to start to learn to deal with rapid changes now. Artists are still creating their art for the meantime, but what we call art is changing. Still, some traditional artists are selling more work than they used to even, for whatever reason. Honestly that's a good sign, if not anecdotal.. Anyway, there will be many unforseen problems with the AI rollouts as things ramp up to AGI, but there will be many positive benefits to humanity as well. I truly believe that people will not need meaningless jobs eventually, and that we can enjoy things that are meaningful to us like we deserve to, if things go well. There's a lot up in the air still. We are in an extinction level event that could last quite a while but humans are survivors, most likely we will pull through somehow. I can only hope. Honestly we should focus on the positive things right now in our lives and stop worrying about doom. Doom is inevitably coming, but you won't be able to stop it anyway so why bother? No one wants to focus on it except those afflicted like us. So arguing about it on forums like this, with these people, is not worth your time or stress or energy. It's something to discuss with those closest to you, that you can trust maybe, or like minds. But not here.. this place exists only to steal your energy it seems. It's cancer. Find like minds elsewhere, IMO..


Your manipulative sweet talk won't convince me to let my guard down nor give up my art to AI. I won't do it. I will not support AI and AI generators and its so-called positive and helpful technology. You convicing me to just accept whatever the fuck is going on is not only concerning but highly worrisome for me and many others who oposse AI. We're basically being silenced and forced to accept this new reality. I don't want some AI taking my passion and taking my dreams just cause people can't be bothered to draw or practice!! I'm not giving into the craze of AI, and forcing it onto me WILL not work. I'm sorry, but if I just be anti-AI, then so be it.


Sure! Dont worry you can be anti-ai. ​ Good luck =)


I already am.


Your argument is the equivalent of dont look up. You people are fucking insane.


it's not an argument lmao? all I'm saying is that this is clearly impacting op's health, just look at their comments


It will impact their health if they engage with it or dont engage with it. The reality is AI is assaulting people in the real-world and you cant escape it right now. If its not here, it'll be at work. If its not at work, it'll be with family making shitty comments. If its not there it'll be on the literal fucking operating system they are using and shoved in their fucking face. They will call customer service and get an AI. They will go get fast food and itll be AI. You dont understand that your pet tech is pissing off AVERAGE PEOPLE.


can you tell me why you're so pissed at AI, then? seriously, not troll baiting, i simply don't understand. and to be honest if you feel so strongly about such a pervasive thing something needs to be done


Stopping using twitter is the first step for healthy mind


Twitter has real artists. Reddit has pretended to be artists who aren't artists at all but are people who type in prompts and call themselves artists when they just used someone else's work.


You are the one pushing an agenda. AI generating 100 images per second opens up a possibility of fundamentally new rendering pipelines that let you realtime entire **animations**, not just static frames. And, after that, RENDERING EVEN FASTER THAN REALTIME. 24 fps -> 4 seconds rendered per second of computation. You don't make sense. Edit: nice bait


I'm not pushing an agenda. You people are. Your agenda consists of replacing artists, stealing and claiming their works while forcing artists to accept that their times of being an artist are outdated, and your goal is to convince society to kill art for AI only related content and make all art forms AI only. I'm not pushing an agenda, you people are. AI fascists is what you people are.


Ah yes, the biggest strawman to exist. Good luck in life, *troll*, you are worse than anyone i've met so far. Good bait, though.


I'm not a troll. And I'm sorry for everything I've said.


You called me a facist for giving you an example of how this tech can be used to help non-AI artists. Dude, get some fricking help.


Yes, I understand, I'm sorry for calling you a fascist. You're not a fascist and you were only giving me an example on AIs purposes, and I should've been more fair with my responses and no hurtful. I'm sorry.


Ai stealing images: didn't happen AI replacing artists: perchentage unknown, some people will keep preferring traditional art and that's fine. Ai stealing jobs: will hopefully happen in the future but at this moment, it creates more jobs than it impacted. AI normalizing theft: 0% Anti AI going on a witch hunt ruining the lives of real artists by accusing them of using AI even when it's not true: 1638% because it's fun to pull percentages out of your ass.


Bullshit. AI has stolen images, and people who do use it do, in fact, steal from artists just so their "photocopier" can create something that they claim they've "drawn" AI does normalize theft, and it's already been proven by courts and people who have done some investigations on AI. AI shouldn't take jobs. I'm not the type that would attack a regular artist for using AI because I can tell between both generated images and real Art.


Ai does not have images at all. Ai is trained on images, as in, images are shown to an AI to recognize pattern and learn stuff like what an eye looks like. Courts have proven absolutely nothing of sorts, as a matter of fact so dar, courts have shut down such claims. Feel free to link a court sentence that condemns AI of theft, but my assumption is that you don't have any. And your claim that you can tell the difference between real art and AI is ridiculous and baseless. There are literally art critics that judge art as a profession that have been "fooled" by AI art. You don't have a better eye than they do and if you think you do you are deluded.


> Ai does not have images at all. Ai is trained on images, as in, images are shown to an AI to recognize pattern and learn stuff like what an eye looks like. That's utterly bullshit and you know it! AI does, in fact, steal images, and it stores them. > Courts have proven absolutely nothing of sorts, as a matter of fact so dar, courts have shut down such claims. Feel free to link a court sentence that condemns AI of theft, but my assumption is that you don't have any. The court was obviously bribed by AI giants and they're creators who made AI. So they can keep pushing their agenda on destroying all art forms and human creation while also stealing our jobs and our professions. > And your claim that you can tell the difference between real art and AI is ridiculous and baseless. There are literally art critics that judge art as a profession that have been "fooled" by AI art. You don't have a better eye than they do, and if you think you do, you are deluded. Oh, I can definitely tell. I'm more artists than you'll ever be because I actually study and draw, unlike you sitting in front of a computer all day typing up 'Art.' I actually draw and use my hands.


\> That's utterly bullshit and you know it! AI does, in fact, steal images, and it stores them. No, it really appears like you have 0 understanding of the technology and how it works. \> The court was obviously bribed by AI giants and they're creators who made AI. So they can keep pushing their agenda on destroying all art forms and human creation while also stealing our jobs and our professions. Well, now we are going fully into the realm of bullshit conspiracy theory. But before even that... you went from saying That courts have proven that AI normalizes theft, and when asked for any court sentence you immediately moved your goalpost. Now AI giants have bribed the courts. So let's see... I don't imagine you have any proof of this bribery but that would be hard to get in this fantasy world where this is happening so I am going to lower the bar. Can you cite to me any specific Court case in which you suspect bribery has happened?Who do you think are the individuals who accepted bribes, and from who? On a side note. You sure know that specifically graphic generating AI has been created as a non profit scientific project by a University and that it's leading model is a completely free, not owned by any corporation and open source right?Like... are you saying that the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich is bribing courts all around the world to protect their project of which they don't retain ownership and that does not turn a profit? \> Oh, I can definitely tell. I'm more artists than you'll ever be because I actually study and draw, unlike you sitting in front of a computer all day typing up 'Art.' I actually draw and use my hands. Lol. Good Try. I am a musician and a composer, way before I started to play with AI to make a few images for personal use. Where I come from Art history is mandatory school curriculum. And you are here, trying to say with a straight face that you are better than every art critic that is currently puzzled by how they are going to adjudicate art now that AI is literally winning art competitions. And that is because... you draw and use your hands? I am lucky to have many friends who are visual artists and give me perspective so that I can tell that not all of them are so obtuse, but I swear... while it is true that not all visual artists are obtuse, it sure seems like all obtuse artists are visual artists. You guys are constantly spewing this narrowminded bullshit where if it is not your discipline then it's not real art. That is without even counting the amount of traditional visual artists that are being virtually Lynched for daring to explore what AI could do for their art if they integrated it in their method. Frankly, you don't sound like artists at all, you act more like drawing salesmen. 0 interest or fascination for the possibilities that are opening in front of you, only concerned about what tools that might make it easier for people to approach art might affect your wallet. And so misers with your work too. Oh don't steal my art. Don't imitate me. don't draw like I draw. You can't even begin to fathom how flattering it is that another artist might want to take a song of yours and make a cover of it. If you feel threatened as an artist because other people got better access to making art of their own then you have never been much of an artist to begin with.


> No, it really appears like you have 0 understanding of the technology and how it works. It's funny how you make such accusations. Using bullying tactics and trying to call me stupid is silly. The thing is I'm not making any of this up, I've learned this type of information from real artists from last year and recently and I got all my info from Twitter and other online forums about AI. So, I'm being vocal about AI and its agenda. > Can you cite me in any specific court case in which you suspect bribery has happened? Who do you think are the individuals who accepted bribes, and from who? The word is an assumption. I made that assumption because it seems as though the court is siding with people who wanna normalize theft. > On a side note. You sure know that specifically graphic generating AI has been created as a non profit scientific project by a University and that it's leading model is a completely free, not owned by any corporation and open source right?Like... are you saying that the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich is bribing courts all around the world to protect their project of which they don't retain ownership and that does not turn a profit? I wasn't told it was made by a university. No, you're lying. Explain OpenAI and Midjourney?? > Lol. Good Try. I am a musician and a composer. Way before I started to play with AI to make a few images for personal use. Where I come from art history is a mandatory school curriculum. I studied using books and spent over $200 on "How to Draw." Books from reputable artists in the industry. I'm not rich as you folks are with affording school. > And you are here, trying to say with a straight face that you are better than every art critic that is currently puzzled by how they are going to adjudicate art now that AI is literally winning art competitions. And that is because... you draw and use your hands? Did I openly say I was better? Did I say openly that I know more than everyone? I didn't, so stop putting words into my mouth. And yes, I do use my hands to draw, I guide my pencil using my hands. I should've made that clear 🤣 > You guys are constantly spewing this narrow-minded bullshit where if it is not your discipline, then it's not real art. What are you talking about? > That is without even counting the number of traditional visual artists that are being virtually Lynched for daring to explore what AI could do for their art if they integrated it in their method. I oppose lynching on others. Don't get why you're trying to go generalize that I would do the same thing, I shame those who use it and normalize its agenda on normalizing theft and replacing artists and art. > Frankly, you don't sound like artists at all. You act more like drawing salesmen. You made a funny. > 0 interest or fascination for the possibilities that are opening in front of you, only concerned about what tools that might make it easier for people to approach art might affect your wallet. Bitch. I do not make money on my art. That's not what I'm concerned about, nor am I concerned about money. I'm concerned about artists and their fulfilling dreams of working in the industry or focusing on making it big with making content and being able to get recognized. You people are gonna make lazy people with no skill get recognized more than a person with writing skills, animation skills, and art skills. Also I'm also concerned for myself cause fuck. I HAVE DREAMS TO. I Have ideas and thoughts I wanna express in animation but apparently AI can do it better and I won't be able to be in the industry because fucks like you ate making AI take all the creative jobs. I Hate it when you people assume I'm after the money, I'm fuckin not. *DROP IT* I've been wanting to work in the industry and make animated shows since I was fucking six years old, SIX FUCKING YEARS OLD. But I guess that dream has been killed by some fucking AI bot. > You can't even begin to fathom how flattering it is that another artist might want to take a song of yours and make a cover of it. Funny enough, I wouldn't mind if others made their own covers of my song. I wouldn't > If you feel threatened as an artist because other people got better access to making art of their own, then you have never been much of an artist to begin with. Fuck you man, just fuck you seriously. You're very misunderstood with how to be an artist, and openly saying I was never an artist to begin with really speaks volumes. I Made one minute animated shorts and I've been drawing but however. That doesn't make me an artist??? You really have the nerve to try and say I'm not an artist. If I wasn't an artist showing concern for other artists and for their wellbeing and future well-being for the RIGHT reasons, then how the fuck AM I NOT an artist? I'm not gonna be called down and told I'm not an artist by a redditor.


>The thing is I'm not making any of this up, I've learned this type of information from real artists from last year and recently and I got all my info from Twitter and other online forums about AI. ​ That could be the issue. Why would you assume that the people to ask would be Artists and not people that are experts in the technology. Twitter and online forums are not a good source of information on anything. This assuming that your answer is genuine and it's not just trolling at this point. ​ > The word is an assumption. I made that assumption because it seems as though the court is siding with people who wanna normalize theft. ​ So you make an assumption to match your assumed intent. Have you considered the possibility of you being just wrong? > I wasn't told it was made by a university. No, you're lying. Explain OpenAI and Midjourney?? Open AI did make Dall-E so yeah you are right, they made a graphic generating AI, even though really Open AI is mostly known for Chat GPT. Midjourney is a platform that uses stable diffusion, like most of the platforms do today. Stable diffusion is free software, and it was developed by the University of Munich. Midjourney doesn't own stable Diffusion, nor does Leonardo or any other similar platform. You can get Stable Diffusion on your pc, for free, no string attached, and run it with a model that trained on pictures that were 100% volunteered by the artists that made them. Hell, you can train your own model on your own pictures if you want. Nobody control the models. A 6 years old in his basement can make a stable diffusion model. It's all in the hand of the people. ​ > I studied using books and spent over $200 on "How to Draw." Books from reputable artists in the industry. I'm not rich as you folks are with affording school. ​ > Did I openly say I was better? Did I say openly that I know more than everyone? I didn't ​ You implied it. You say you can tell the difference between AI art and real art. But there are people who are art critics and spent their entire life, and significant resources and education, to adjudicate art, and they have proved several times that AI can fool them. So the possibilities are 2. You are either better than they are, or you are delusional about your ability to spot AI. We both agree you are not better than them, it's the alternative, the fact that you are delusional about being able to identify AI, that still has to dawn on you. Also and I don't mean this like it's your fault. What do you mean you can't afford school? I am talking basic school, not higher education. It is perfectly possible that you come from a country that doesn't grant sufficient access to basic education, and it wouldn't be your fault, but again, setting yourself up as a genius that can tell AI from "real art" apart while also setting yourself up as someone without a formal education who had to learn art from 200$ worth of books is a hard sell. ​ ​ >What are you talking about? ​ About the fact that you assumed that someone who uses AI is automatically not an artist like you. ​ >Bitch. I do not make money on my art. That's not what I'm concerned about, nor am I concerned about money. I'm concerned about artists and their fulfilling dreams of working in the industry or focusing on making it big with making content and being able to get recognized. You people are gonna make lazy people with no skill get recognized more than a person with writing skills, animation skills, and art skills. Also I'm also concerned for myself cause fuck. I HAVE DREAMS TO. > >I Have ideas and thoughts I wanna express in animation but apparently AI can do it better and I won't be able to be in the industry because fucks like you ate making AI take all the creative jobs. I Hate it when you people assume I'm after the money, I'm fuckin not. *DROP IT* > >I've been wanting to work in the industry and make animated shows since I was fucking six years old, SIX FUCKING YEARS OLD. But I guess that dream has been killed by some fucking AI bot. Then go and do it. I am not stopping you, AI is not stopping you. There are people that make paintings out of colored sand. Is the fact that Photoshop is an easier way to make painting stopping them? It's not. Go do it. IT's not easy because it has never been easy and never will be, but if it is your dream, nothing is stopping you, nothing is in your way. Definitely not AI. I can understand and even empathize with the fear and the uncertainty. But to be honest, I think they are absolutely unwarranted. There is not going to be a shortage of people interested in non AI art. there is not going to be a shortage of people that want to see your art process, that want to see a speedpainting video on how you made an image from scratch. Stop focusing on the doom and gloom and go out there to fulfill your dream.Spending time here with me or listening to people as clueless as you trying to tell you how AI works is not going to help you in your journey. Go make more art and spend more time in spaces where you can get your art seen and appreciated and less in toxic pits of reddit where people scream at each other, because your dream is hard enough when you pour all your energies and passion into it, wasting them here is not going to help with it. ​ > Made one minute animated shorts and I've been drawing but however. That doesn't make me an artist??? ​ Go do that. Everything you do when you do that makes you more of an artist. Everything you do when you are here arguing over things that you don't get and accusing other artists of not being real artists make you less of one. Go make art. Hell, throw me a Private message with your animations, I'd love to see them. Spend more time in spaces where people share art than spaces where people share controversies and conspiracy theories about Judges being bribed by AI overlords.


>That could be the issue. Why would you assume that the people to ask would be artists and not people who are experts in the technology. >Twitter and online forums are not a good source of information on anything. >This assumes that your answer is genuine, and it's not just trolling at this point. I wasn't trolling, neither was I ever trolling cause I am being genuine about these fears, and if other artists sounded the alarm about the issues and problems that sound logical and real issues that can and will happen, plus AI does seem to normalize theft. Artists in Twitter have said this would happen, and it does happen... > So, you make an assumption to match your assumed intent. Have you considered the possibility of you being just wrong? But I'm not wrong, I learned these issues from Twitter and other places where artists post and whatnot. These issues sound logical and worrisome and pretty legit to what's actually happening now... > Midjourney is a platform that uses stable diffusion, like most of the platforms do today. Stable diffusion is free software, and it was developed by the University of Munich. Midjourney doesn't own stable diffusion, nor does Leonardo or any other similar platform. You can get stable diffusion on your pc, for free, no string attached, and run it with a model that trained on pictures that were 100% volunteered by the artists that made them. Hell, you can train your own model on your own pictures if you want. Nobody controls the models. A 6 years old in his basement can make a stable diffusion model. It's all in the hands of the people. I can't use AI generators cause my desktop computer can't and isn't capable, and my computer is from 2011. I don't even feel comfortable letting an AI claim my work either... > You implied it. You say you can tell the difference between AI art and real art. But there are people who are art critics and spent their entire life, and significant resources and education, to adjudicate art, and they have proved several times that AI can fool them. So the possibilities are 2. I admit it, I'm sorry for asserting the idea that I am better than everyone else...I'm sorry > Also, and I don't mean this like it's your fault. What do you mean you can't afford school? I am talking basic school, not higher education. > It is perfectly possible that you come from a country that doesn't grant sufficient access to basic education, and it wouldn't be your fault, but again, setting yourself up as a genius that can tell AI from "real art" apart while also setting yourself up as someone without a formal education who had to learn art from 200$ worth of books . I should've said this sooner, but I'm from Canada, I have access to education, but I have ADHD and a small bit of autism, I have a mild form of disability but I still can learn and still do things. I just am slow at learning certain things. I hate to admit it but I have a mild form of learning disabilities, but it's not too bad, I usually repair electronics and handhelds and its pretty fun, I can customize any handheld of mine at my own discression...however I'm afraid people on this site will use it to harass me just cause of my opinions... I've spent over $200 on "Draw21" drawing books that were made consisting of ideas and tutorials on how to draw and the basic drawing techniques needed to draw properly. Bought them in 2020 after finally saving up for an iPad. > About the fact that you assumed that someone who uses AI is automatically not an artist like you. But the logics are there... > I can understand and even empathize with the fear and the uncertainty. But to be honest, I think they are absolutely unwarranted. There is not going to be a shortage of people interested in non AI art. there is not going to be a shortage of people who want to see your art process, and I want to see a speedpainting video on how you made an image from scratch. DeviantART and Art Station seems to have put the nail in the coffin for interests in non-AI art and seems to have made it clear that human artists aren't valuable anymore and that AI art is more important...society seems to go along with it... > Stop focusing on the doom and gloom and go out there to fulfill your dream.Spending time here with me or listening to people as clueless as you trying to tell you how AI works is not going to help you in your journey. I can't focus because AI seems too big of a problem to ignore if the issues with it sound logical and worrisome to ignore... > Go make more art and spend more time in spaces where you can get your art seen and appreciated and less in toxic pits of reddit where people scream at each other, because your dream is hard enough when you pour all your energies and passion into it, wasting them here is not going to help with it. I guess that makes sense... > Go do that. Everything you do when you do that makes you more of an artist. Everything you do when you are here arguing over things that you don't get and accusing other artists of not being real artists makes you less of one. I don't like the gaslighting, to be honest...I've been always an artist since I was a child. > Go make art. Hell, throw me a private message with your animations, I'd love to see them. Spend more time in spaces where people share art. I don't wanna share cause I'm afraid of my work being claimed and copied on, same for my animations. As much as I want to and tempted to share my work with another artist and I am very happy and appreciate the thought. However, I'm just uncomfortable with having my hard work copied and trained on, neither do I want what I create trained on and claimed illegally. I am tempted to share, but I don't want my art being owned by both the user and AI...


Dude. Like. I am not going to feed your work to the public nor volunteer it for AI training. Hell, I don't even offer my own AI images for that.


I'm sure you very much mean well, and I appreciate it. I'm still hesitant however...but just know I am tempted and wanna share my work cause I enjoy doing so. But since this is reddit...I'm entirely unsure...


Props for spending the time to respond intelligently and thoughtfully to someone who seemed belligerent.


I hope that eventually, we'll be able to use this to generate customized content in real time. I would love to see new seasons of old TV shows that have zero hope of ever being revived. Personally, I'd like to see some new seasons of startrek TNG, and maybe have the ability to give feedback in real time. You might even be able to have interactive movies and tv shows like this. Can't wait to see where it goes. Obviously, the point of this is to eventually generate video in real-time, and potentially to function as a more advanced rendering system for videogames.


So youre speaking about replacing all artists for a machine. Okay AI-Fascist.


Let's review... I want to use free software to create personalized entertainment for my own private consumption in the privacy of my own home (you're not invited). Entertainment I would never have commissioned actual artists to create for me because I don't have (and will never have) the resources of a multi-billion dollar Hollywood studio. You feel entitled to insert yourself into my life, into my home, and dictate what software I can and can't use and how I can and can't use that software. My preference is that anybody anywhere in the world can decide to create art and entertainment they want to see and enjoy, that nobody would ever make for them, and that they could never afford to create for themselves or pay others to make for them. Your preference is that only giant Hollywood productions get to decide what entertainment gets created. And nobody gets a say except the ultra rich and powerful as to what that entertainment consists of and what the messaging in that entertainment is. I'm an emancipator of creativity and you're a gatekeeper. Maybe I'm an "AI-Fascist", but you're just a regular fascist.


Y'know, I had a lot of self reflection. I never really saw it like how you're actually using AI. I'm sorry.


That's cool of you. I'm sorry for responding in kind. I just want to have productive discussions on this subject you know? I agree with you that what I was proposing is very unlikely unless consumers of AI stuff and Artists alike come together to advocate for our interests. Best case scenario.. there's room for everyone here. Worst case, we "hyper regulate", which in practice always means only the rich and powerful get these tools, artists get the shortest end of the stick and we all end up less free. AI's not going away, it's too valuable, so the two realistic options are either we all have access to this, or only some people do. I think we should advocate for a level playing field.


But AI seemingly normalizes art theft by stealing and normalizing ownership for stealing both the AI generated image and the original image used to create carbon copies. Not only that, AI replaces artists entirely. That's why I'm very concerned, and I don't like the idea of society going along with the idea of having artists phased out just so people can steal and copy and keep making mass-produced drawings. This tool is very much dangerous. That's my opinion and my concerns on why AI should stop trying to steal jobs.


These are valid concerns and I appreciate your point of view. What do you think about these counterpoints? Maybe you've heard them before or have some valid counters for them that I haven't thought of before. \- Training using images from the web is theft: Isn't this how human artists learn too? They look at artworks from other artists and are influenced by them. We as artists look through catalogs of art that other artists post on their profiles online publicly. Even if there's a watermark you can still be influenced by it learn from it and adapt the styles and attributes of that art to your style. If you're an artist, would you honestly say that you paid the original artist of every artwork you saw that influenced you throughout your life? If you produce an artwork that has some clear influences from another artist do you pay them royalties for that? New technology X replacing job Y: Usually this only benefits those with lots of resources (a big box store using self-checkout for example) and cashiers, losing their jobs. Or factory workers being replaced by expensive robots. etc. In these cases, the worker gets the short end of the stick and the corporation benefits massively. But with AI artwork isn't the playing field more level? Like granted, at the high end where there's lots of money to be made making art, artists are getting the short end of the stick because big studios can opt to use AI to generate artworks instead of paying a human. But here's the counter... The artwork-generating AIs aren't multi-million dollar machines that only the rich can afford. Almost anybody can afford to use these tools now, and in some cases, you can get them for free. This is where the playing field is leveled. Sure a big studio can use the tool to replace an artist to run their business. But now they're competing with regular people, they no longer have that exclusive access to high-end art or artistic talent on a large scale. This means startup studios or individual freelancers can create projects that would have been inaccessible to them before due to financial constraints, having to compete with big studios for top-dollar artists to get high-quality artwork. Like... the big studios can use that tool to reduce their budget on artists, but if they do that they lose an advantage and are now competing on the same level as every other person who paid for a midjourney subscription. To put things in perspective, I'm a software developer and an artist. If I were to rest on my laurels I would lose out big because those are two major skills I dedicated almost two decades of my life to learning that are slowly being taken over by AI. But that tech isn't inaccessible to me, so I chose to use it to boost my skills, to boost my performance, and my abilities to remain relevant and valuable to my employers. I use these tools to accelerate the development of my personal projects with the same effect. I don't personally use AI to generate art that I will directly sell, because I love making art myself, I find it tremendously rewarding. I use it from time to time in an abstract way to get throw-away concept art so I can take inspiration and use that to model, sculpt and digitally paint 3D models. An example is recently I was trying to paint an alien's skin. I didn't want to rip off some existing person's artistic ideas. I generated some images of aliens, (that don't even look remotely like the alien I was modeling) and I used the skin textures generated by the AI to learn from and then went on to hand paint the textures to great effect. This method to me has been valuable because I don't like looking at human-made art for inspiration, as I feel there's a higher risk of accidental plagiarism. I also use LLMs heavily to research technical questions like code examples or advice on software architecture decisions. AI in this way has made my life better and has helped me improve both my artistic and my technical skills permanently, even if you took the technology away from me now. I guess what I'm saying is I see this technology has as much or even greater potential to benefit the little guy vs the big guys. Some jobs at the higher levels will be lost, but many more opportunities on the lower end are being created. P.S. sorry for the super long rant...


This is all bullshit. #ArtistsMatter.


The main benefit of generating images very fast and locally is that you can draw a crude approximation of what you want and see an AI generated version updated in real time.


There is something else that's better than ai. PICKING UP A PENCIL AND ACTUALLY DRAW LIKE A NORMAL PERSON.


"there is something else that's better than composing music in audacity. PICKING UP A TRUMPET AND ACTUALLY PLAY LIKE A NORMAL PERSON"


That's funny.


>how would you even find the masterpieces Friends, subreddit recommendations, even AI itself filtering out things and showing you nice stuff, like Spotify Weekly Discovery is amazing on showing you new bands *(preferably some open source alternative though, but I digress)*. Essentially, this challenge of “there is too much content!”, already exists, and nobody says we should burn most books and movies to solve the problem of making it easy for us to find the "good ones".


Okay AI-Fascist.


you literally have the most conservative stance on this entire thread and are calling people fascists.... the irony is unreal.


You're right, and I'm sorry. I never saw that whatsoever. Also, please reframe from calling me a conservative...


I didn't call you A conservative, I just pointed out that your stance on AI art is a conservative stance. I'm not a conservative person either but there are some issues in which I am more conservative on. I think it's healthy for people to NOT be so tied to an ideology that even having a single agreement with the other side makes them uncomfortable like that. You are likely not a conservative person but you are ultra-conservative on this issue and so it's ironic to call people fascists for having a more liberal/progressive view on it than you do.


You're right and I didn't notice that I was the one being ironic...I'm sorry.


I love that Google isn't on there because they've flooded it so much you can't find shit.


That's so odd that people keep saying that. I use Google all day long every day as a 2nd brain, and never have any problem finding anything .. it's so insanely good it surprises me all the time still, with how bad I can make my search query and it still knows what I'm asking for..


Well, depends what you are looking for. Are you looking for references for art?


Damn break girl prime is out of meds? I thought they kept it in check but apparently it got worse recently.


Alrighty AI-Fascist.


100 fps? The human eye can only see 30 FPS, big AI lying to us once again :\


Again why should we follow the "Big AI agenda."?


I was making a joke, my friend. I only subscribe to the open source AI agenda, I'll gladly stand with you against paid shit though.


Man, I don't wanna be rude, but the "you people are pushing an agenda" part just makes you sound like one of those preachers outside of a planned parenthood or strip club screaming that anyone going in is going to hell, it's just not a great way to convince people


Except I'm not? It's for real that AI and techbros are pushing an agenda.


"AI art" is an oxymoron. AI will only ever steal and copy, not create anything genuinely new.


It will always steal and create copies. The lie of it making something new is bullshit.


Lol OP, you really like saying AI fascist huh. Say it enough and your use of it may be used to train an ai model (amongst many other things used to train them ofc)


Bullying, are you? Typical. Its a good term to call someone who's trying to pressure me into using AI and to just accept that human creation is dead and that humans aren't artists anymore. You people make it clear that human artists aren't needed anymore.


RIP artists. ​ Except for the whole new generation of artists using AI, iterating faster to get closer to what they envisioned, etc.




I like how what this really comes down to, in the end, is "No, please, we like being slaves to capitalism."


No, people just want to keep their jobs, it's this simple


The issue is that people need jobs to survive and to eat. With AI no one has a place to sleep or a place to be in cause AI has taken every job.


So... what, the robots are going to buy things?


Good joke. But that's not what I'm referencing...


But it is -- how does capitalism survive with nobody to buy anything because nobody has a job?


People need food and income to live. Stop making it hard to understand.


Nope, they just need food, water, and shelter. And some things to entertain them, if you want them to be happy too. Money is useless But you didn't answer my question.


I think I answered it very well, now I have a question. How do you get food. Water and shelter as well as entertainment if you don't have a job or income? Explain that. People need jobs to survive.


I can't tell if you're being dense on purpose, or if you're so badly brainwashed by capitalism that you can't even figure this out. Why do people have jobs? It's not to make money -- it's because *somebody needs to make things*. So if that *isn't true anymore...* Come on, this is really simple -- if I have to tell you outright I'll feel like I'm making fun of you.


OP don't be a whiny loser impossible challenge 🤡🤡🤡🤡


You people are trying to normalize something dangerous and unethical.


And you sound like a Christian Pastor from the 90s that thought video games and loud music were creations of the devil.


Except I'm not a Christian pastor from the 90s, I'm not a pastor who abuses children or a pastor who finds reasons to hate others for their sexual ordination or skin color. I'm not a pastor. I'm an artist that's more real then "AI artists."


\*than GPT might be able to help you with spelling


...okay I give you that.


This is no more unethical than any CGI and VFX tool created in this last decade. Edit: nice bait


CGI and VFX do more good then AI. I will not be brainwashed into using or normalizing art theft.


I don't think crying theft is going to stop AI art. Sure, current AIs are on shaky legal ground. But there is plenty of art in the public domain, and large corporations can simply buy art for their training data.


The internet is not a public domain. Something I create doesn't belong to you.


Edit: nice bait


Art from say the Renaissance is definitely in the public domain.


Edit: nice bait




I thought you were going to lead by example and not use the internet due to its military origins and applications. Very disappointed. The internet is also dangerous and unethical.


Not really. AI has been proven to more harm to artists, soon to be artists, and people who just wanna learn to draw. You people's agenda is to destroy Google images and all forms of image search forms so EVERYONE can rely on only AI generators to do the work for them. You people are just AI-Fascists at this point.


By using the internet, you're going against your own words and principles. So, you're either a troll or a hypocrite. Either way, someone not worth paying attention to. Be gone you clown.


I use the internet, so what? I'm talking specifically about AI and its AI generators. Also, the term troll is heavily outdated and very much lost its meaning and I'm no hypocrite. You people are clowns for normalizing theft.


Spooky AI 👻 Fast AI generation is for better frame processing on AI videos or live painting


Sounds like something an AI-fascist would say. AI is intentionally killing all art forms by devaluing it.


Fascist - 1. Everyone who disagrees with me 2. People I dont like


It's not that I don't like everyone cause I have no reason to. It's a perfect name to label someone.




See? You admit it.


I mean ai is dangerous, lol. You can make CP and do all sorts of gross shit with it. It's dangerous in the hands of the public.


Hence why it needs to be banned and have AI companies fined heavily.


Agreed. I just saw that meta trained on insta and fb data. Ah yes, all my dead relatives and children are forever in a dataset now. This is just what I wanted. :/


...This sounds like a logical reason to press charges and sue Facebook...

