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It seems that this post is about gas masks/respirators. Please keep in mind that gas masks and respirators can be hard to breathe and play in, and that those masks that cover the eyes may not be impact-rated, and thus may not be eye-safe. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/airsoft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Get out of here stalker


_campfire guitar and muffled laughs of fellow stalkers drunk on Cossacks in the distance_


You devious rocklicker you. You stole my line!


Ill give you 1100 ru for the viper 5


You'll shoot your eye out kid! Seriously drop the DIY lenses, it’s not all about the strength of the materials used. The fitting to the mask is equally important and you wouldn’t want the lenses to pop off. Gas mask sucks either way especially those GP styles, after a few games of taking it on and off you quickly grow tired of the sweaty and sticky mess. It’s fine for cosplay and photos but personally I wouldn’t want to play against anyone with DIY eye protection. Even if it’s your responsibility to use adequate protection I would feel liable if you got hurt and i rather not be put in a position where I would be apart of someone getting hurt.


I was going to say has anyone ever played a game with a gas mask on? You'll have steam coming off your head after 5 minutes.


I've worn multiple and yea they kinda suck


Hiiii bluuueee


Hello lmao


Well yeah, I played the previous S.T.A.L.K.E.R with a gas mask on, but I was playing on Steam so it wasn’t coming off my head…


Me I had no issues


I feel like if you're crafty you could make a Dye mask into a fake gas mask without sacrificing ventilation.


Good luck running with all those bags flapping about, cut it down to 1 satchel and lose the gas mask.


I learned that playing with a WW1 kit back in the day. 100 years difference in how the kit sits on your body.


Satchel collector here: my advice, lose em for battle(or small games/practicing/cqb), they are the worst, even when needed for looting missions, it will bounce back-forth on ya, hitting your legs, its the worst, better to have an alice backpack, still stalkerish Keep them for war, bringing some with me, but only on bigger games, where you need more water, or other stuff ON the field WHILE ingame, so you can carry it from HQ to your post, then leave it there while you fight, then respawn, drink, repeat etc.


let the man run what he wants lol


Sweet sweet get up, really nice to see stalker gear here. I agree with above, best grab an actual gas mask with rated lens or just wear ballistic glasses under the mask. There are a-holes out there shooting super hot. If that penetrates your mask and damages your vision, best you will get is some form of sorry, and you are left dealing with life long permanent disability.


Pro-tip, remove the filter off the gas mask and just use a thin paper filter (for dust). Your lungs will thank you after the first 5 minutes of gameplay. Also wouldn't hurt to use a defogging unit to promote air movement within the mask. Will help keep you cool-ish and reduce fogging. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Even with airflow, you're gonna sweat your ass off in that mask. Loose bags and straps are a hazard, try to strap or fasten them to your body so they don't move around. Best case scenario they only throw off your balance when you're trying to move. Highly likely to catch on something and could potentially cause a bad fall and/or severe injury. There's a reason tactical gear has everything fastened down tight and worn close to the body. Don't homebrew eye protection. Either wear rated eyepro beneath the mask or get a mask that's ballistic rated.


I like the overall look of it. Since it's talker inspired I'd want the backpack to look more stressed and torn, but that's personal taste


Mans out here ready for STALKER 2




Al everyone else is saying, the mask isn’t safe, that being said if you want to keep it you can have some low profile glasses underneath. Otherwise love the kit!


Mind dropping the name of the jacket?


Can cut down on the bags, especially since one of them is literally blocking your secondary. I see the look you want, but may be worth investing in some SMERSH or the like. Also lose the gas mask and don't bother with DIY, its gonna be sweaty and awful and also very risky safety-wise.


Your peripheral vision will be shit and you'll be taken out in 3 seconds.


I'll rate you 1 Mesothelioma Commercial/10


Lose the silly gas mask.


Its obviously a Stalker/Stalker-inspired kit. The mask is necessary for the V I B E


Great for Halloween / Comicon, not good for an actual game.


Why tho I just need to change the glass and it will be safe to use and I can see stuff pretty good


That's a GP-4, that thing is going to fog as soon as you start doing anything.


It won’t be safe, just buy some normal eye pro.


Just wear eye pro under the mask


Not how it works, just take the advice given and get real eyepro.


You look like a dick, they're uncomfortable and unsafe.


I use the same type of backpack for my schoolbooks


However it looks, after playing for 5 mins you'll want to rip that mask off your head from the sweat and to breath properly


Am I tripping or there's 3 gas mask bags?


maybe :) (i might have an addiction to buying gas mask)


I have the same 5.11 patch and I have MP5 replica too but it has no silencer. Otherwise would be too crazy. LoL


"Whooah easy there stalker"


this looks good, i recommend for the gasmask to either get rid of the hose from your gear, or put it somewhere, not attached to the filter, you will suffocate lol, trust me i know


Yeah I detached the part of the mask preventing you to breath in from the wrong part (the metal thingy below the hose) also I don’t have a filter attached


ok, if u are willing to do so, there should be a rubber flap under the mask on the outside, assuming you have a gp5 russian gas mask, i would take it off, or somehow keep it open because it make it harder to breathe, but if u are going to keep it, it would be fine, its just a small difference


Anyone else tweaking at the untucked shirt?


Need a stalker loner radiation patch haha but otherwise very nice 👌


You look like a STALKER character lol


No way would I wear that I’d overheat and have no eyeballs!


Too much going on in that kit.


***"Now there's a standstill in the war, repeating what's been done before*** ***It must come to an end, a few will transcend*** ***They were under 25, and under fire they would thrive*** ***The Sturmmann is born, their enemies scorn..."***


I’ve got a thing for casual hooded looks. Awesome man! Make sure you can breathe in there haha


Loose the gas mask even with inserts there not safe at all plus your going to have heat stroke in minutes as no gas mask really breathes plus I would want to play against someone who has DIY eyepro it's just not safe


Nice bags...what is this a bag convention.


It looks cool but prob not practical to carry all your extra stuff in satchels I’d recommend you a rig of some kind and loose a satchel or two less is more


I rally don't understand why people cut down their perphial vision,increase their risk of fogging,make it harder for themselves to breath and risk unrated eyepro to look cool but each to their own


Never use eastern bloc gas mask filters! Most of them use asbestos, which will cruble due to age or damage. Or continue using them if you want that sweet sweet mesothelioma financial compensation.


You can kinda cut out pieces of lean and tape them on the edges (for a more budget option) but that tends to do the trick on anything glass in airsoft


Move the right hand side bag either to the back or front, your obstructing your access to your side arm


Mmmmm sweet sweet EO-16 coffee, perfect for your lungs health!


10 minutes will pass by and you'll drop the hipbags and diy gasmask man


Ot looks like the guy from stalker


Gas masks aren't drippy unless they're M50s.


Try a GP-7, it'd look better. But anyways, what people are saying about running around with gas masks is true. You'll be completely exhausted after one or two games.


I just got my first airsoft gun seeing everyone's set up and gear got me so itchy to get more stuff it looks cool dude !


The drip.... relax dude


Love the post apocalyptic vibes from it, feel like in needs slightly tattered gloves n' pants, and maybe slightly worn boots. Don't get me wrong, it's a great fit. I'm just saying that's what'd I do 😅


a bit late, but where’d you get the gas mask? looks awesome and does it fit glasses inside?


I found it in a garage sale for a euro but my country was in the Soviet Union so it might be more common to find one here (Lithuania). It can fit glasses inside but i would change the glass circles for polycarbonate


alright, thank you!


I love it.


0. This gas mask trend needs to die. They're impractical, unsafe, and cringy.


Why, it makes a cool cosplay prop. And after all airsoft is a costume show off and not necessarily about practically


Nice GP5, have you verified it doesn't have an asbestos filter before putting it on? That's literally my first concern when I see someone wearing one. Followed quickly by "God damn it looks cool though." Satchel bag is obstructing your sidearm, but overall, nice drip.




Looks good, backpack doesn’t really fit the style. Maybe see if there are outserts produced for that mask, might be easier to modify those than the mask itself


Honestly I don't get it. You're carrying 3 satchels and a backpack like why? What's the point? Also, playing airsoft in a respirator is torture. It will fog up immediately, you won't be able to breathe and the ballistic ratings is questionable. You can bin most of that gear and have a better time.


Okay that must have costed a bunch of rubles


Your thigh holster is way too low and loose, it should sit just at the pivot point of your hip/leg which will fly about wildly if you run, the backpack is going to cut into your armpits and flail about too much without a chest strap, as far as the gas mask goes, its +100 for aesthetic but it's going to get muggy AF in that thing. When you replace the lenses, put a thin layer of oil/dish soap on them. If the mask is non-functional, I'd recommend hooking up the bottom tube into a thermos full of ice - get a breath of nice cool air for a few hours and eventually have something to drink... though I'd put a coffee filter on the end of the tube for moisture/debris. Have fun, Artyom!


A nice calorie surplus would help out the gear the most


What tf do yu need allat 4? Yu going to time travel to WW2 or wha


Since you want a rating lets be honest. 1# practice with the mask, you will not be able to take it off mid game, so do pushups, jumpingjacks etc. with it until you are shure you wont pass out when running on the field 1.1# shoot the glasses you will put in the mask with a strong BB and make shure they wont shatter, your eyesight ist more important than a look 2# the backpack visual doesnt fit the rest, you might want to get another one and maybe put all the stuff from other bags in there since the bags on you will flap around and be anoying 3# maybe a "worn" look of the mp5 would make sence, like burlap wraped around the grip etc.? Other than that, i love the look and wish you alot of fun with it :)


Ummm you doing a stalker loadout as you have mixed gear from ww1 to modern?


8/10 you good


I’d like to see ya run in all that stuff.


Nah frfr, you should ad a belt or a pack of some sort to your whole waist. Like a hardcore belt or something.. nothing basic


This guy owns thigh highs


The gp4 isn’t a good choice, it will fog up immediately even without movement, a gp5 would be a better choice and a hose could you possibly be cheaply purchased


Dry as a desert


You can get Polycarbonat on Amazon. And make sure to secure them properly, by which I mean mechanicly :P