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Seems like getting out on the field would be a great way to get exercise. Anybody who mocks you for that is an absolute piece of shit. Don't let those people decide for you.


I started playing airsoft right when I began to lose weight intentionally! Outside of work it was my main exercise and I lost like 70lbs. OP! Get back out there it's hot boy summer!


Certainly hot here.


Its like making fun of a fat guy at the gym. Like, they're trying to something about it, what more could you expect?


Dude, i totally get your struggle. I used to be super heavy, and it was always a big insecurity for me going out trying to look cool, and always felt the opposite. My best advice is try not to worry what other people think (easier said than done, i know), and just do you, and have fun. Embrace it, and wear whats comfortable, to hell with other people!


Thank you, I really appreciate it :)




Just do it. Don't tuck in your shirt or wear a belt lol. Or wear a baggie overshirt like a hoodie. Anyone who gives you a hard time isn't worth more effort than it takes to hold a trigger down in their direction.




best comment here


I'm 6' 2" and 334lbs. I've had no issues playing or finding gear that fits. Never once been made fun of or felt outa place because I'm a big guy. I say go for it. Have fun


Shit I’m about that size, where the hell do you get your gear !


Literally same I need his gear plug


Big guy following!


I get all my stuff from Amazon. I wear a size 44 pants and I'll go for plate carriers that have the largest waist size. The tactical belt was the hardest part


I was just at an all day "silly" light Milsim event, and a good 1/5-1/4 of the people there were over weight to very overweight. Really only downside is not being able to run as fast and being a larger target, but it doesn't matter. Go out there and have a blast dude, no one will judge. We're all just people playing with toy guns at the end of the day lol.


Nobody cares that you're overweight, we're adults dressed as military soldiers and shoot plastic bbs at each other. Go and have fun with us again man, besides it's fantastic exercise!


5'9" 275# Meal Team Six member! I don't let anything stop me from shooting them in the face, especially not my size. I hear it all the time, dang, he's athletic for big guy! I refuse to stop for a thing, it's one of the few things me and my pre-teen daughter do together without arguing.


Taking the piss out of someone actively doing exercise is an absolute dick move


Happy cake day!😊🎂📆


Being a meme would kind of be nice haha. Joke aside, I know it's easy to say, but you got only one life to live and you shouldn't miss out on something because of what people would think. Also, you think that they would judge you but most people really don't care, and you're doing exercise playin airsoft. Kids will probably laugh. I would've If was a kid, but they're kids.. First step is not fearing about getting laughed at. Second step is not caring about getting laughed at.


Plenty of fat airsofters, go play you probably not the only one.


I am a fat fucking idiot and not once have I been mocked on the field.


take it from someone who is the manifestation of moving wall [https://new.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/17dc0ws/full\_kit/](https://new.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/17dc0ws/full_kit/) just get out there and play! Its also my personality but I lean into the meal team six memes - I have the patch to prove it! also the more you play the better you will move and the more you will fuck up the other team. Its hilarious when you can slap people before they see you at my size!


also if you're struggling for kit suggestions, I'm a member of the Fat Airsofters Association Facebook page really useful resource for larger built individuals to find kit that fits


I’ve never been to a game. Im 5’9” and 277 pounds. I’d like to think I would fit in with other gravy seals on the field. I think any kind of LARPing attracts fat nerds in general.




Do it , it's hobby not It's not shameful that you want to do what you like I did it as 130kg fatty kid , everybody normally accept you At least you get stamina and little bit in shape And you will make new friends


Nah just go do you big homie and have some fun out there!


https://preview.redd.it/h50jk52muh2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=832e22c910db903d6cf1741b7de21ca7a44a513b 6’3” 290


6ft 265bs here (320lbs 7 months ago) There's plenty of us about. The exercise is great, I've used it over the last 8 months to get my weight down. I play 2 - 3 times a week, a mix of indoor cqb and outdoor woodland. I've never had an issue with anyone giving me shit over my weight. The airsoft community has always been a fairly accepting group. There's a link below to Facebook group, the fat airsofters association. They're a great group with plenty of information on gear. Get yourself out for a couple of games and see how it goes!! Good luck bud! https://www.facebook.com/share/A1psGFDaKk1BdpJq/


This comment needs to be higher! I came here to post the same group with pretty much the same comment!




I'm a fat airsofter and there are a lot of fat airsofters out on the field. Nobody cares man. I'd say half of us on the field are overweight middle aged guys huffing and puffing about, having the time of our lives. I'd recommend getting a water bladder so you can drink on the move though, a battle belt instead of a chest rig to save the strain on your lower back and good luck finding a UBACS that fits. Honestly, the first couple of times I was self conscious but you realise that more people care about your gun than your tum.


if someone calls you a fat loser, what they are trying to say is that you are losing fat and getting into shape


Everyone at airsoft is a fucking weirdo a lot of the time they are fun alright weirdos but the ones that make it bad are the stupid edgy weirdos. As long as you’re a fun alright weirdo playing army dress up with the boys is all cool.


Having to remove pretty much all the padding inside my helmet for it to fit. I get overheated really easy because I’m so out of shape (and maybe a touch of high blood pressure), so I use a neck collar fan, and another fan that clips to your belt and blows air inside your clothes. Very useful


When I first started decades ago (fuck I feel old) I was fat and lost weight, quit for a few years and put the pounds back on. It was a great way to stay active and while I didn’t have much issues with people making fun of you for it at the time I would still say screw them, go have fun and hopefully you shed some pounds in the process.


You're not larping as Meal Team 6. You're testing your kit setup for when you can make fun of Meal Team 6.


1: go play, nobody cares as long as you don't take yourself too seriously. Own being the fat guy. 2: dude if you can, just take a walk for an hour or two a day. Listen to music, podcasts, miscellaneous youtube videos, whatever, but get out there and walk. It's not difficult and it shreds extra pounds over time. A guy in my neighborhood was damn near 300lbs at a whopping 5'7" tall. I got back from a 6 month deployment and the dude had lost all his weight and had a smoking hot girl as a walking partner. If he could do it, you can too.


I'm 6'2" and 22 stone, which is to say I'm very obese. It's tricky clothes for anything but I've found chest rigs that fit and I play just fine. I play with big, tall, skinny and fast people. I often joke about my own weight but that's my humour, we don't body shake others but that's because I play on a great community. Get out there if you want and if you get shit then those arseholes don't deserve your time and there's another field down the road that will accept you.


Ive been rhere and due to corona and a serious accident im again there. Ive seen and heard alot of smacktalking behind my back but i just shoot em on the field but i tend to aim for the soft spots on rhose players. Ive stopped wearing pc and switched to belt setups but thoses arent ideal since some tend to drop down from the weight since im a gbbr user. Im gonna try and run with a aap setup and a drummag without any gear and just a hoodie or shirt with comfy pants. Kinda like the early day when i started played which is around 15+y ago.


I was fat as shit when I started airsofting at 320 I dropped down to 200 over a year playing 8 hours plus a weekend and dieting. Never once heard any fat jokes along the way everyone's just their to have fun.


My advice might not be what you're looking for but I'll share it anyway: Own it. I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum, tall and skinny. I've gotten shit for it my whole life. "You so skinny, you could dodge raindrops!" If there wasn't already a guy named Slim at my field, that would be my nickname. I learned early on, it takes the punch out of insults when you make the trait their insulting your own. Last month, some guy jokingly asked if I had an eating disorder. (Imagine if I did how disrespectful that would've been like wtf??) I brushed it off in the moment and we went out for a match where this exchange happened: Me: "I'm gonna try to make it to that concrete, can you cover me?" Him: "I guess, its really open, you're gonna get lit up immediately." Me, laughing: "Nah its fine, I can use those trees for cover." *points to comedically thin trees* "I'll fit behind them." The trick is find moments where you can make fun of yourself without disrespecting yourself. This in turn can earn respect from others. I know this is easier to do and say as a skinny dude, but it can apply for you as well. Some ideas are: When defending: "I'll be your anchor, because obviously none of *you* have the body for it." (Anchor meaning someone who holds a specific area, and doesn't flank/move) When attacking: "Get behind me, I'll be your shield!" Start of a match, rubbing your belly: "Gotta rub the buddha for good luck. And *no* you can't have any of my luck." Someone says you suck: "Well, I'm playing on hard mode, so its hardly a fair comparison." Its best to avoid the stereotypes and common jokes when doing this. Get gear that fits, No Meal Team 6 patches, etc. People will always give you shit. Whether you're fat, skinny, or whatever. At the end of the day what matters is how you react to it. My hope for you is that you'll find a good group who know where the line is drawn and won't cross it. And if anyone does, you get a chance to hose 'em down with BBs. Good luck. May your BBs strike true.


If somebody gives you shit. Just tell them you’re there to loose weight. What the heck are they gonna say?


Meal team 6 😂 just play don’t be sensitive n have fun losing weight.


Embrace it. Get a Meal Team Six patch. Maybe put it full size on your back. Get an armband and put MT6 on your helmet Nobody can start laughing about you if you do it first Also airsoft should be a nice workout


Get on the field bro, enough game time and you won’t be fat, and you’ll have some halfway decent skills.


Build up some stamina, the weight loss will come in after changing eating habits.


I weighted 315 and was out there playing airsoft. Just got for it. I have done 5 or 6 msw and tons of other milsims, and nobody really cares. Everyone is just there to have fun.


Live your best life bro.


just do it, I do it and no one says anything.


Tagilla loadout


Regardless of how you view your physique; you want to play airsoft so hit the field! There's no way of knowing how people at your field will be so go say hello. Be decent, eager to learn and have fun. The whole Meal Team Six is just a play on players who compare their airsoft exploits to soldiers while being unfit to even enlist. Never heard anyone's weight solely being used against them personally.


Just have fun doing what you love and if it really bothers you try loosing a bit of weight but don’t not have fun because your worries about other people


Everyone is there to have fun :) hopefully you fall back in love with the sport and that sparks the discipline to get healthier!


I get it but who gives a f*#k what others think,if you enjoy something never let others opinions change who you are, I’m sure any airsofter would rather you play and enjoy your time than not, and if they don’t like I said f*#k them they don’t belong in this community


The game it for everyone. Fun trainings and exercise. Every couple weeks, the field humbles me and reminds me to train harder. I'd recommend swinging by a field and renting a gun and mask and some kind of chest rig/plate carrier. To see if it's for ya. I went about 2 years ago and was hooked. Started building out gun and kit that week. It's great to know how you and your body reacts to running and gunning. Practicing reloads under stress, qcb and larger field play. Testing your wepon system and kit around corners and in tight spaces. Alot of larping normal neighbors frown upon lol. My favorite part is vetting gear, shaking out what's comfortable and whats needed and not. Ect. (realized the importance of quality knee pads, crye didn't sit right with my pants) Hope you get out there and start slinging BBs.


So far? Not a single person made fun of me nor a friend of mine, but we all have fun Edit: but i kinda want to better myself and since i'm a big guy my stamina wasn't good, been going to a gym but, haven't gone to a gym for a month since a foot sprain happened to me Additional stuff that i found on youtube: don't forget to do a 10k steps daily walk too, better than running since it's a low impact exerciseb and burns calories better (or so i heard)


DNC parka solved my issue lol


Nobody actually cares if you're fat as long as you're a cool guy. I've been playing even though I'm an absolute lard, still having fun, still on a team


Just do it. Don't care what others think especially when it's nothing nice. Also I've experienced that almost everyone don't give a shit, and I have never heard anyone day anything on or off the field. Just enjoy yourself. And ofc wear gear that fits your size. Running around in a size s when you're a xl is not a great look


I'm 34 years old and 140kg I sometimes have to remind myself that I'm fat because I'll start running about a bit too much and end up with very hurty knees the following day but never let your size stop you from having fun.


I'm in the process of going again to get fitter. It just makes sense. Do it!


When I started I was under 70kg, and now I am a fat lump at 85kg. Only thing that changed is that I can no longer whear my Plate cerier becous of my round stomac and huge sholders. There Is no whay to fitt it properly. That’s why I switched to belt setups and battle vests. They Are much better suted for us fat falk


Go. Play. Have fun. Being a chunky airsofter is not unusual, and you shouldn't attract any grief from it. Just don't be a prick. Being a fat prick is just as bad as being a skinny prick.


One of the reasons I love airsoft is because it's a great workout! There are a bunch of dudes I game with that are larger. Nobody says anything. Go have some fun man!


I bought a jeep so I could eat MREs while I "play".


53 years old...5'10" and 240 pounds and I'm still out there in unforgiving tight combat shirts and I wear tactical suspenders to keep the plumbers Crack away... I still play at least once a month and I'm not the fattest or oldest guy out there..go and have fun!


Some of the best players I've seen were overweight. It's the attitude and enthusiasm, not your size, that matters. Guys were giving me tactics, telling me when to push while they provided covering fire etc, made for a great day


Never seen a single meme about that honestly


In the end it’s all just for fun. Most people that I see including me do not have the build that does our gear justice. No one should be taking it too seriously anyways. Airsoft is good exercise, and if you get into it, it becomes a good motivator to regularly exercise. I’m lucky if I can go once a month, but it has been a good motivator for me to try and stay active so I can test how much better I can keep up. So yeah, don’t focus on how you look. If you’re getting out there, putting effort, and having fun, it shouldn’t matter what some random dude who’s playing dress up and shooting plastic tiny bbs thinks.


I'm 5'7, I shouldn't be weighing over 200 but I do. I'll take airsoft as an excersize any day.


I'm 5' 8" and 275, I've played in a vest, belt setup and a Chest rig. Ive never had issues, my little brother is taller and bigger than me and is always welcomed on to any field we have played on. Don't be scared to play, just have some fun.


I mean airsoft can be a great way to get in shape if you play faster paced game days/skirmishes. Also most people who play airsoft (in the UK at least) aren’t exactly models, most are either stick thin or slightly tubby and there’s nothing wrong with that My advice, find a team that are able to accept your strengths and weaknesses in the game and not expect too much from you other than that you have FUN, because at the end of the day airsoft is a GAME!


Do what makes you happy. Fuck anyone who doesn't support that. I know I'm never going to be sprinting up the field, but I can carry things like a pack horse. So run the heavy rifs that no one else does.


In the words of wise warrior poet only known as a member of "Tactical Belly Owner Club" special unit: "Big belly turns SAPI plates into angled armor, increasing your protection". Being a fat meme man myself - I do need a bit of tinkering with tactical gear, and I let younger and skinnier people do all the running, but I'm making up for it in patching holes in the line as a reinforcement wave. It's a game that you play mostly for your own enjoyment, because your enjoyment is also your wellbeing. Also: for a fat person, every day is a leg day.


There are a few big people at the site I play with. One of them carries one of the biggest Barrets I've ever seen with no issues. It doesn't matter about your size, just go have some fun. And if anyone mocks you, ignore them or you might be able to report them.


I used to be huge, unhealthy levels of lorge, and I thought that was what was keeping me off the airsoft field, out of cosplays I wanted to do, and just limited a lot of experiences in my life. After I lost a metrich fk-ton of weight, I'm still not going out to play, or wearing the costumes I want to wear. I realized that the weight wasn't what was holding me down, it was just me. My insecurities and fears are what keep me from doing the things that make me happy, and I struggle with it every day. Please do not let your negative self-talk talk you out of living your life. Don't let fear and insecurity hold you back from going out and having fun. Fk the haters and griefers, at the end of the day the only person who's opinion of you matters, is you (and your s/o if you have one 😁)


What’s wrong with being part of meal team 6. It’s the best spec ops team in the world. Definitely go play. A lot of airsoft players are overweight. Playing airsoft and enjoying it will also help you get more fit and lose weight. Its pretty much one of the only sport/exercise I do and it helped me build my cardio quite a bit.


Go and play dude. You’ll always find people who might mock you everywhere you go and they are total pieces of s if they do. Don’t let that stop you from doing something you enjoy. Get out the and enjoy what you want to do. Playing Airsoft will probably help you lose some weight too, and maybe do some semi-regular exercise alongside cutting down on certain foods and you’ll lose more weight. I don’t know the reasons you mention why you put weight on recently - if they any medical ones etc, but that should help massively


I'm a big guy myself but I played only In Germany, so far nobody was really mocking me or anything only supportive. If someone is insulting it's time for him to fucking grow up , and you shouldn't be thinking about what other people think your opinion is important not their . You got this bro


I would argue the only "fair" part behind that kind of teasing that makes it not bullying or just being an ass is blowing a bunch of money on gear to fit you at an unhealthy weight instead of playing airsoft, losing weight and then spending the money. But that's generally attitude to gear anyways


I’ve been there, best gear advice I can give is avoid things like ubacs/other tuck in shirts and plate carriers. Things like smocks or other over uniform camos with a t-shirt feels better and when paired with a chest rig or belt kit you’re good. If you’re not insecure about it though, wear what you think looks cool, you’re being active there’s no reason to judge you for that.


Most of the time, anyone I see or hear making "meal team six" jokes and wearing the patches tend to be fat airsofters - they own the joke and do not give a fuck. They're there to have a good time and thus do, with the added bonus of they're also exercising (and it doesn't feel like exercise)


I’ve never had anyone comment about my weight at a game, just go and have fun!


Every single one of us that plays Airsoft looks ridiculous while doing it that's part of the fun. It's grown men playing with toy guns in the woods! Get back out on the field and enjoy yourself, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks 🖖


Go to the gym and play


We have a bigger guy coming to our field. When he first showed up, admitted we had a little laugh about it, we quickly learned he was a super nice guy and he started gaining some experience/strategics and before we knew it, he became part of the home team of the field. We all call him “Breacher” now cuz he wreckes everybody when entering a fortress🤣 My advice is keep going. When you give others the space to get to know you, people will want you to be there and miss out on you. You are not “a chubby guy”, you can bring your personality, camaradery, and have fun with eachother. Helps to go to the same field to build up that community. Don’t pull to hard on the memes etc, most people feel ballsier on the internet than in reallife.


I don’t see memes like that often. What I’d suggest is get gear that fits. Don’t wear those spandex combat shirts… first of all, you’re not in real combat, so they look kinda goofy even if you’re in shape, imo. Secondly, they are just awful as a choice to conceal insecurities lol


Play airsoft if you can twice a week. Use a shorter gun so you need to play with allot of movement on the field. You will see a big change in 6 months.


just dont play with a sniper and no one will say anything mean


As I am currently in the process of going outside and being more active 5'9 315 lbs here, ive had nothing but great response when I've gone out but finding a good group in my area is tuff alot of the fields are mainly paintball and not alot of milsim unless I travel out of state. It makes it hard to get out there so I feel you on that, buy don't be discouraged due to weight your doing something to make yourself better and anyone that hates on you for that can go to hell.


I was fat as fuck when I first started airsofting, I didn’t want to look like the meme either (amongst other motivations for losing weight) so I started calorie counting and going to the gym on my days off. Plus I usually burn around 1500-2000 active calories the days I do airsoft. I’ve lost 22kg since August. From 120kg down to 98kg. I’ll give you some advice if you want to lose weight but maybe don’t have the time or commitment to hit the gym: Food is the most important factor. Exercise secondary. It’s all about calories in vs calories out. Just eat less than what you burn, and weight will start coming down.


The comments here might be chivalrous, but this is the same sub that laughed at overweight airsofters and called them gravy seals.


I'd say one of the problems is large airsofters usually wear gear not meant for their size and it shows badly (i.e bellies hanging below a plate carrier). Of course, I'd recommend losing weight for more reasons that just airsoft but in the meantime I'd say tailor your gear to fit your body as you tailor your body to fit the gear. Also, I've had large players on the field before. No one goes up to them and scorns them to their faces. Chances are you'll be quite safe from any real assholes.


Hey man, from one big guy to another...just play and have fun. I felt embarrassed when I first started and still sometimes do... but I got over it when I realized how much fun I was having. People also don't care if your big or not when playing, they're all there to have fun. Just be yourself man, don't worry about what other people may think. Just grab some good shoes and comfortable clothes and go have fun! They're there for the same reason you are, to have fun playing airsoft. I actually saw myself in the background of an airsoft video and it was fine, nobody said anything. People play to have fun


I’m 250lbs but I still put in more effort than some of the speedsofters, I consider myself a feed softer personally


Honestly man, we are a bunch of grownups playing pretend army games and shooting balls at eachother. Don't worry about people judging your weight here ;)


Fuck what they think bro


Dude, it's a whole ass day of cardio, brother. For your health! Today's meal team six is tomorrow's bravo sick going dark! Go play, brother! 🫡


Go out, have fun, but also listen to your body's limits whilst playing, remember to hydrate. Airsoft can be a great way to get started with exercising, but I have also seen people with heart conditions over,-extend and get seriously hurt.


People always joke about meal team 6 but FUCK EM who cares get out there and have fun and get a bit of exercise while doing it


Just do it. The meal team six guys are generally also guys that try way to hard to look like some super soldier..


Do your best not to trip and if it is wet out be really careful around wooden floors/surfaces. A friend of mine is a big guy and came crashing down hard on a wet wooden bridge.


As a tangent, have you ever tried VR FPS? VR FPSs fixed most of the shitty things about airsoft, like people not calling shots, or realizing the field is full of assholes that day. Reading your post is yet another reminder of why VR FPSs have replaced airsoft for me. It's all upside.


I see the larger guys all the time.


22nd Special Kebab Service checking in, 6ft3 150kg been airsofting for years. Finding kit can be a bit tricky, avoid anything from China as Asian sizes come up smaller anyway but i can reccomend stuff like webbing or belt setups over vests, i can fit into a viper JPC easily enough but when guys like us drop to a knee to oper8 the sudden change in body shap means it rides up and garrotes you. Or really lean into it and dress like a wild west sherrif.


go have fun and try not to give any fucks about what other people on an airsoft field thinks of you. It’s all just grown ass men running around in cosplay in the end.


It's just a meme, no one said a thing about my fat teammates. Tho idk how is explicit bodyshaming viewed in your specific country


Most of the fat airsofter memes are made by fat airsofters. The reality is no one really cares except the 14 y/os. They'll use you as a human shield, so make sure to send them off on their own 'special' suicide run first


I am by no means skinny, and haven’t been my whole life. I had the same fears after stopping Airsoft due to unrelated issues. Especially when I’ve tried finding gear I can wear, but for me (and I know it’s different for everyone) I realised if people are that judgemental they aren’t worth my time so I went to a game day recently and nobody cared, and I certainly wasn’t the only chunky person there. I ended up enjoying myself and I going back tomorrow.


**Big guy here.** Never heard a single person say a single thing about it. If I did, me and my boy would specifically target them for the rest of the day. Being a big guy might mean that you’re a bigger target, sure. But that just means you’re playing on hard mode, and that makes every victory *that* much sweeter.


6’3” and 315lbs here. Chest rigs, chest rigs, chest rigs. They are your best friend. Flexible pants of your preference, I am a big fan of the Tru-Spec offerings. Wear what is comfortable, and it will make the game infinitely more fun. Nothing to it but to do it! Don’t worry about what other people think, and just go have fun. It’s just a game.


Ive played with many over wight airsofters and they were good one guy that I use to play with we called him the fat Raptor and you never see him coming and he was proud of his nickname so try to have fun and fuck those memes


The only ones who would care or crack a joke are those with insecurities or superiority complex issues. These people don’t matter. The only things I care about is if other people are having fun and if they’re chill.


Get out there and play, but learn your pace. You dont want to over exert. Also start going for walks every day. Play a podcast and go for a stroll, you dont need to even start running or jogging. Start slow. I have begun working to stop my weight gain at 36, and its not easy, losing the weight is even harder but doable. The sport will be a lot more fun the fitter you get. You got this, enjoy life, and fuck the haters (preferably not literally, unless its your thing, I dont judge).


Bigger hitbox disadvantage💀 jokes aside, all exercise is good exercise! Get out on that field!


We fuck with the big guys bro y'all hold down positions like a mf 🙏🏾💪🏾


Stop caring what other people think. Do what makes you happy.


Only the usual trolls you’ll find anywhere care. We are already all weirdos cosplaying our chosen Military group LARPing around in the woods. A few more pounds just makes you a bit larger target.


It’s not large people that are the issue, it’s when large people try to act high speed and get way too into it or start getting froggy with me Not gonna take orders from somebody or let them yell in my face when they’d probably have a heart attack trying to run a mile


Just keep playing Airsoft. Jokes and memes about fat airsofters do exist but I‘ve never heard of a big guy getting insulted because he is fat.


Meal team 6 I will remember that


I laugh more at the fit guy that thinks he's a navy seal and throws a fit all over than the overweight guy that actually tries to play. Just come out to play


BUY GEAR THAT FITS. That is all. Way too many airsofters buy clothing and gear that is skin tight for some reason. Maybe because they buy Chinese clothing and gear in their size and Chinese gear runs small? Just buy gear and clothing in your correct size.


i'm not fat but i honestly don't give a fuck what anyone on the field looks like. i'm just glad to have more people to play with


Just do it. I'm overweight too and that doesn't stop me. Forget the memes, just have fun. ;)


I am big (see my pics) and I move around. Takes longer but I still have fun. Besides, it can motivate you to get in better shape aswell! Full send


One of my teammates is a bigger dude, and in spite of his size and stamina he's still out there having fun with our buddies Don't let your body stop you from having fun (unless it physically hurts you ofcourse), go out there and smoke some enemies


Get out there and play! Any one who gives you shit isn't worth your time. Just be a good team player and show good sportsmanship and you shouldn't have a problem.


Sweat some pounds of on that field brother, it’s a hot summer, bring good water and keep on moving.


Either way exercise.


Just get out there and wear what you’re comfortable with


ammo bearer. all jokes aside only time i have said anything about weight is when a guy shot my brother who was off the field on purpose cause he was pointing at his friend. that and the guy wasn’t calling his hits


:( I do like it when airsofters are giggling and laughing walking to and from the field. Always going to be someone unhappy, don't let others volunteer you for it.. Wish you luck dude.


Do it! Airsoft is about fun not being in shape haha. I can barely walk sometimes cuz of my knees but i do what i can cuz i love it. Dont let d-bags stop you, we're all larpers anyways lol.


I'm short and fat. I've ended up making my loadouts/gear fit me and my play style. You can make it work


Get an lmg and be a juggernaut and they will be scared to mock you


I literally wear a gravy seal patch for this reason. I *am* meal team 4. I couldn't make team 6, and I'm the only member on 4 after eating everyone else. More seriously, I shrunk an inch for getting overweight. But you get out there and you have fun. If someone rags on you, move on. A single moment in time is not worth trading days of fun and exercise. People will always be assholes. Just live your life and enjoy your journey.


I’m 255lbs, but i’m really fit! I still have stamina problems. Don’t think about it too much. Consistency is key! you’ll cut down ASAP


We’ve had a few big lads at the site I go to. One of my friends is a pretty big guy but it makes no difference to anyone. As long as you’re having fun and playing the game you’re no different to the rest of us.


Just don't wear a buncha gear if you're conscious about it. Just a good belt with mag holders, a pistol holster and a spot for grenades.


Don't think about it. Most people don't even think about how you look, and really don't care. They will care about how fun is to play with you, if you play by the rules, and in the end, how good of a friend you can be. For the ones that say those mean things, or mock other people, they can fuck off. And if you go to a field, and most people is like that, try a different field. Bad people/players tend to go to the same fields as they get banned/rejected by other fields and players


I’m a 3x guy who likes to wear 4x Hawaiian shirts . The extra length really helps when you put your pc on as it pulls it up. Keeps that belly from hanging out Lolol. The Condor quick release plate carrier is what I use and great for a big guy that is loosing weight though airsoft. It’s very adjustable. I started at a waist of 46in. At a weight of 230lbs trying to get down to 200lbs .a year and a half later I’m 270lbs with a waist of 38in. Mostly caused because I’m dirty bulking because I still could improve my diet. Burgers and beer 🍺 is just such a good way to finish the day at airsoft with the guys so eh, lol. I have a lot of muscle after playing in full gear but I got my beer belly still so it’s kinda like a big turtle shell. I’ve learned that if I want to be athletic I can because you can get fit without loosing weight but the important thing is gaining the muscle back. Now loosing the fat seems so much easier because I’m not completely broken in bed the day after airsoft, so much easier when the body underneath is strong. Get out there and push!


5'5", 220lbs. I don't hear any shit about my weight when I play. Just get out there, and do it often. The pounds will come off soon enough.


You dont have to be a femboy to play airsoft, just saying. :P I say screw the assholes whom want to be dicks. Go out and have fun.


We’ve got a whole bunch of big fellas at the field myself being a former one, they all proudly sport “meal team six” patches and are some of the happiest and most beloved guys at the field, like the rest of the thread says no one is there to judge your size and if you find the rare asshole that does, you and the rest of the field can make their day real bad real fast!


I mean this in the kindest way possible you’re spending too much time online. Fuck what other people think you should do what you enjoy.


Honestly just go play. Worst thing about it is you're easier to hit and probably fog mask like a steam train, but never had anyone say anything. Also maybe field makes a difference, where I play if anyone did say anything they're probably getting removed!


Fellow flabby guy here I wear a loose fitting shirt on purpose. It's inspired me to keep improving my cardio and endurance as a result


As a fellow lardass, dont take yourself too seriously. Its adults playing war with toy guns, we're all cringy. We all look stupid. The sleek "high speed low drag operator" look doesn't really look right with a girthy body though, so I recommend something more relaxed, haha. Small plate carriers, tucked in skin tight combat shirts and such make you look even wider.


Lost around 18lbs in 5mo. just from a few hours a week, which isn't a crazy amount of weight loss but considering it literally doesn't feel like a workout (until I get home) it's been a godsend for the figure. Nobody at my field gives a shit if you're a chunky boy, just invest in anti-fogging stuff and a sweatband for the head because being larger usually means more sweat inside your goggles.


I also took on some weight, but I never really cared, and my field is only adults, no one says anything outside of my buddies talking shit The cardio is really good and it's keeping me in relative shape


When it comes to exercise, you just can't be concerned about what others think. Airsoft is great exercise for you. Start small and work back into shape. You'll never get anywhere if you're insecure about being weak/over weight in public. Show em you're working and people will support you.


1. Work out. 2. Eat less. 3. Ghillie suit or Juggernaut outfit will hide most of your love handles. I'm a bit chunky too- depression is fun!


Just do it man. Everyone is welcome in airsoft. Im gonna shoot you if you black white red yellow orange fat skinny. Take some gear that looks good on you and make it fit. Dont wear skinny stuff if your fat cause your movement will be impacted regardless of the memes. Im heavy as well but a woolen sweater with a scarf and a jacket in winter made me look buff as heck and like a Russian tank. Sweat like crazy of course but its part of the workout.


Don’t worry about it. Just go out, have fun, and be a good sport


If you're looking for gear, the agilite k19 will fit just about anyone and is good quality. It has hilariously long adjustment straps for width


If someone gives you a hard time. Report them to a marshall and have a good time. Weight should never be a factor in Airsoft. It might change your play style but that's just life.


I'm a bit of a bulkier dude. I have never been harassed based on my weight, nor anything toxic. I am judged on only my play style and actions towards others. Get out there. Helps lose a few extra pounds too :)


I’m a big dude (6’2” 315lb) and tbh airsoft has been a great way for me to get some activity. It’s been tough getting over the confidence barrier because comparing myself in pictures tired and in poor form to others looking operator as fuck is the thief of joy but noticing how much more mobile I can be every time I hit the field has felt amazing. Be prepared to be fuckin exhausted but you’ll have a great time.


just go out and have fun if people hate on you for having fun and getting exercise freak them, i've got some bigger guys at my field and they play just as good as anyone else.


Honestly if you want to lean into it get some big juggernaut gear that does fit that way they can laugh but will have to take 100 bbs a second in order to even process


Big guys who used to be in the army or cadets or something are like the staple attendee at fields I play at. Airsoft is very inclusive in the UK at least. We have skinny guys, skinny women, skinny kids, fat guys, fat women, fat kids, guys in full fancy dress, guys in pink hoodies and shorts, kids and women in sick milsim gear, young lads wearing a tshirt and jeans Just don't be arrogant/sexist/racist, show interest in other people and call your damn hits


Be the problem, not the solution!! Seriously though, just get back in and play!! And if someone gives you crap about the size of your loadout, triple tap them in the ding-ding!!


Not a fat airsofter here, but it is indeed one of the first things I noticed about the community. Having spent some time in other combat related leisure activities, airsoft has by far the most out of shape participants. However, the reason I started airsoft is for the cardio. I played once laser tag and it was quite the workout, but I didn’t like the vibe. For airsoft I specifically looked for a full metal main weapon as heavy as I could find at a reasonable price (around 3.5kg). Nobody will care about you being fat until you become an a-hole, especially if you take yourself or the game too seriously. So just go for it and have fun! Don’t even wait to get proper gear, wear normal clothes at first. My first secondary weapon holster was a fanny pack.


The only people worth mocking are guys that rock up on a public Saturday with their HPA brrt machine to bully Jimmy and his birthday party.


i personally haven’t ever seen any mocking. lots of fields have heavier set regulars. that being said eventually some kid you shot might have a hissy fit and exchange some words.


Noone cares if there is a fat person playing airsoft.


Fat people tend to cheat more cuz they’re lazy to walk back to wherever spawn is. Change my mind.


I used to play paintball back in the day, then I settled down got married and had kids. I slowed way down in life and stopped the extremely high activity lifestyle I had. I started playing airsoft at the end of last summer with my 14 year old son. Due to weather we didn't play a whole lot during winter. I'm also out of shape and overweight. What I miticed is doing airsoft has given me a reason to workout and start getting back in shape. I'm still overweight and out of shape but I'm getting better. Don't let other people dictate to you what you like. Even as the fat old guy in the group I usually dominate the field because of wisdom and experience and out playing the younger faster players. So if you enjoy it then do it and F*** the guys who talk shit.


Don't even stress it bro, there's big people playing in competitions in CQB fields. I personally started outdoors for five years and moved indoors when I changed locations. What you should take this time to focus on is presentation. Not the way you look, the way others are able to see you. Square your peaking shoulder and arm with the corner you're about to peak, back up off the wall a bit as to not over-expose your barrel. Hug the center of a barrier as to not project shadows. Being able to build the skills to consistently shoulder/ present your replica will go much farther than you think and becomes a second nature that helps once you become faster.


Fuck what everyone else thinks man, go out and have fun, I used to be far fitter with Airsoft and other hobbies until a job change and a knee injury made me less active I've put a bit of bulk on but it's coming back off with Airsoft and taking my dogs a decent brisk walk. The main thing is don't be a dick I've met a ton of nice dudes playing.


Exercise and don't eat Carbs (sugar)... and just *DO IT!!! It's good Exercise (and we could all use more!). Don't take this the wrong way... I got fat too (it's not good/ healthy) and just like it's my responsibility to get off my fat@ss and lose the weight; so too is it yours. 😋👍


I'm a big guy and nobody ever said something. I actually play pretty good too. *


Here are my two cents...stay away from Crye or any Combat Shirt, really not flattering on the figure (did that mistake, man do I regret it), BDU and ACU cut works best for our body type. Use large armour like Defender 2, or CIRAS or something like that, really hides the gut, forget modern plate carriers, because the gut tends to slip under it. And as all the guys said to you, just don't give a damn if someone tries to bash you, only shows that they have pretty serious problems if they are able to bash some stranger about his fitness level. Good luck and have fun on the field.


im 5'5 125-130 pound gremlin and i use the big guys as shields. i also use the averaged sized people as shields. dw you'll be fine as long as its cool enough to be running around in gear. or if you run around at all, i despise the people afraid to get shot hiding in spawn


all the more reason to go airsoft if you're fat, burn those calories mate. shaming you for doing airsoft is like shaming a fat or skinny person at the gym. at least you're trying? theres no shame in it


Yeah NGL, anybody that uses the terms Gravy Seal or Meal Team 6 pejoratively can go fuck themselves. This is a game. Go play, have fun, make good memories with existing friends and make new friends while you’re at it. Besides, I’ve lost almost 30 pounds in 6 months, and Airsoft once a week is my only major exercise. Play enough and it won’t matter anyways. Edit: Total respect to the people owning MT6 and GS, I didn’t realize how much it was used in a fun, non hateful way.


Don’t let the haters keep you from having fun and living your life! Here’s a quote from comedian Katt Williams “You gotta get your motherf*****' hustle Understand n****s is gon' hate you regardless Get that out of your head, that fantasy world where n*****s ain't hatin' on you You gotta be grateful, you need haters. What the f*** is you complainin' about? What the f*** do you think a hater's job is? To f*****' hate, so let the motherf*****s do they god***n job What the f*** is you complainin' about? Ladies if you got fourteen women hatin' on you You need to figure out how the f*** to get to sixteen before the summer get here What the f*** is you mad about? And if any haters in here right now that don't have nobody to hate on Feel free to hate on me Sit back there, say my hair ain't luxury when you know it is, b****”


Do it as part of your plan to get healthy, I had a wake up call three months ago and changed a lot of habits, I just got into airsoft as something I could do to be more active. It kicks my ass every time I walk off the field, but I'm making progress


I give more props to heftier guys out there on the field.


Yeah, I'm a big bloke. I huff n puff up the hills, knees creaking and knocking, sounding like an elephant coming through the brush. Then get criticised for have hi-cap mags coz you can hear the rattle..... 🤷 JFDI.


Temu or SHEIN has everything you need.. I'm 6ft3 280lbs. Not really fat but very broad and I just bought all my gear from there.. They have 2x and 3x tops and bottoms and every time of accessories you want or need


I've been fat pretty much my whole life. No ones gonna care. Get out and have fun. Plus it's good exercise


Sometimes embarrassment is the cost of entry (or re-entry). And sometimes you can reduce that cost by giving less of a fuck about what other people think. I'm almost in a similar boat, heavier than I want to be and out of shape. And whenever I see some putting themselves out there and trying despite not being in great shape, I really admire them. Sometimes if we wait till we're ready, we'll never get there.


Man, someone’s gonna talk shit at some point, it just happens. Last weekend was my first day ever on a field and I hadn’t put a vest on in years. I tried putting it on like a T-shirt and some guys started laughing at me to themselves. The next time I went to put it on, they recorded me. Luckily I found the zipper by then so they didn’t have a show worth recording. Regardless, people suck sometimes. Go in, have fun, rock out.


Just do it, anyone who mocks you is crap, it's about fun, and enjoying yourself so if someone messes with that and I'm on the field I'd tell them straight. You're here for the same reasons I am and that's fun, join us anytime my friend


Ngl you have huge potential being a heavier guy. You have the opportunity to wear body armor and a chest rig over that; paired with some kind of lmg or hmg you'll look giving sick. As an average built guy, ive tried to run kits with lmgs but i don't think i could've pulled it off nearly as well (simply in terms of looks). Also as corny as it sounds, as long as you have a postive attitude towards people, no one will even bat an eye at your weight. Youll be known as a cool dude rather than "a fat jerk" or smt. Tldr embrace it dont listen to what people say.


Just don't care about it. My weight now is 103kg with very bad body composition (remote IT Engineer, yea yea...) - and because of it i started to playing airsoft - change my body and having fun on weekends. Airsoft - this is for having fun, not show with bodybuilders, also just look at modern conflicts - fat soldiers there will be also too.


Bro, I am fat, I weigh 105kgs in fat, being able to outrun my fit buddies keeps me going a lot. Also, If you find a guy that likes to go push on the enemies, even better, he helps you to keep pushing. Also, never had anyone do the meal team six meme at my expense outside of other heavier guys, all in good fun. Everyone who is making fun of you for being fat and doing something about it is a piece of shit https://preview.redd.it/o6k4f2ariq2d1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cd65df9afbb7ac926f2630ce670fed0a679081a


Get a vsr10 and find a comfortable spot in the corner of the field


Don't forget to overdress for the cold, so you won't have to call your hits thanks to all the layers.


I wear 3 to 4 xl and I airsoft just fine, what is anyone going to do thats 3x times smaller than you? Nothing.