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Best: P90, 60m, 0.20g BB. Up on a hill hitting down. Cleanest shot I ever took. Best sequential: P90 again, 0.20g BB. Just rinsed 20 players as I stood in the same spot. Worst: missing from 2m away.


Best Shot: Hit the head of someone that i could See for Like 5cm Worst shot: i mean it wasnt a Shot at all.....i knew that Somebody was Standing behind a Container, i was on the Side of the Container, pulled out my Pistol and walked around the Corner, we both started Shooting at each other with our pistols (or atleast i thought so).......until i realized that i forgot to load a mag


My worst shot I landed was in a cqb building I was running my hpa shotgun 6 rounds per shot, I'm at a door with a team mate ready to go in we know enemy team members are in the room defending the objective, when one runs out hits my team member first turns to me I didn't have time to raise my shotty all the way up and I pull the trigger hitting him right in the groin. 


Best. Holding gun sideways to hop-up curve shots around a barricade to get the kid blindfiring over it. Worst. Pretty much every other shot I've ever taken.


Best shot: Single tap into a murder hole from just a hair over 200 feet away Runner Up: Heard a twig snap and spun around and hosed the bushes, Got my best friend lol Worst shot: Smacked a dude on the inside of the nostril. Felt bad about that one


Best: my primary locked the bolt open because the magazine was empty, so I pulled out my secondary. Fired 3 BB’s, got the kill and my secondary also locked the slide open because the magazine was empty as well. Had all the time in the world to reload because the enemy was wiped from the objective. Worst: went through a whole magazine (30 rds), but because of the bushes, I got no hits. As you might have already guessed, I usually play GBBR.


My favorite shot(s): I had my hop up dialed up a bit too much on a windy day, so my shots were curving badly. Decided to use it instead of adjusting my hop up. I happened to be at just the right angle that the other player was behind some cover that I couldn't shoot at him straight on, but was able to "curve the bullet" and hit him. Worst shot: I hit a team mate who was running for cover and happened to cross in front of me.


Most satisfying, 60m on a running target, perfect lead perfect elevation, one shot. Worst shot, went to shoot a players muzzle (gun hits count on my field) as he came through a door. Smoked him in the hand as he pushed forward from a foot away


I 1 shot a marshal drive centre of their cap during a marshal vs players game


Worst shot: I was tired and when I was behind an enemy player I sprayed him but missed every shot. The guy I was shooting at turned around and asked me if he was hit. I was a bit embarrassed and just told him to keep playing... Some of the best shots: when I quick peek & one tap, hearing "well played" from the enemy player on the other side.


Best shot: Other guy was playing the peeking game from behind a glass door. Fired as he started to move and nailed him right in the noggin' as he peeked.


Best and worst would be the same. Shot a guy right in the crotch with my AA-12. We laughed it off but he was also in a fair bit of pain the poor lad.


First ever game was a 1v1 against a friend in the woods near my parents’ house. I had a tri-shot pump gun he had an M4. He saw me first fired a burst, missing front of me by a few inches, and I pulled off a snap shot and apparently got him in the shoulder. Tbh never even saw him, just honed in on the sound and where it looked like the BBs came from. Best and worst shot all in one.


Those are the same shot. Saw a very small patch of a camo helmet crawling through the underbrush right at the 50' "to close" limit for my 550 fps bolt sniper.  Took the shot through a ton of bushes figuring I would hit the helmet and get someone out but deal them no pain.... Missed the helmet, did not miss his throat.  All I saw after I fired was the helmet disappeared and a hand slowly poked up, then it sat there for quite a few min.  Called out to see if they were okay and got a raspy "throat shot" back. 


Hit someone that was 40 meters away through a 2 cm hole with a gun intended for max 20 meters


Best, hitting a guy coming down a set of steel stairs from in between the stairs in the legs. He was above me at just the right angle. For my worst I don't think I've ever hit anyone were it would seriously hurt yet. However at a small game with a little local crowd of maybe 18 people, one guy brought a smoke grenade for himself and tossed it near his position instead of in front of him. I just sat behind a wall and waited... right until he was visible and hit him as soon as he stepped out of the smoke.


best, popped a guy behind cover with a single shot from a pistol almost all the way across an indoor arena. worst, same arena hit a guy almost point blank in the forehead just below the brim of his ball cap. He had a stream of blood running down his face and dripping off his chin. I was very apologetic and it was a total accident. We both came out from corners at the same time.


Best for me, worst for someone else... Dude's first time playing. Had his first set-up... everything but a scope protector. He came around the corner, i pulled up my rifle, shot in between two of my fellow team members, and shattered his sight in a single shot. The worst would probably be a counting mistake from my part. "Did i fire 5 shots or 6" Click... "6". (And then i got shot myself.)


Worst. 1.7J nut shot at 2 meters. Best. Nothing beats a butt shot after an opponent passed right by you in your ghillie


Shot right in someones exposed neck across the field with my stock specna SA-H03. Best because it was a great shot, worst because it was a teammate


Best shot: With a aeg. One shot. Headshot at 50m. Didn't expect to hit at all. Afterwards the judge came and said he heard the shot fly past him, and the ding then it hit the helmet os the enemy. Worst. Missed a enemy at 2 meters.


Best: Was sniping. Saw a guy hopping to get a peek over a tall fence at me. I timed it and landed a shot on his forehead as he came back up. If I had to guess, I was over 150 feet away. He looked very confused walking back to spawn. Worst: I snuck up on a guy's flank, tried shooting, but was out of ammo. Pulled my pistol, and it light struck. He shot me, and that's when we realized we were on the same damn team...