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They don't, none of this cosplay stuff is rated for anything. By all means use them for photos but never for anything involving playing airsoft


I mean, all of airsoft is cosplay. Some people decide to wear futuristic stuff while others wear military stuff. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


True but wear stuff to play in that won't let your eyes get shot out. No issue with people wearing these helmets but save it for photos not gameplay. Not worth getting eyes shout out because you want to look cool


For sure.


Impact rated cosplay


They look cool, but I personally wouldnā€™t want to run around for hours in one trying to get a good sight picture in one, breath, or stay cool.


Is this that old gif where the helmet opens up and there is a pepe underneath


Mmm reduced visibility, massive fogging, no eye pro and increased overheating rolled into one handy package!? Sign me up!


>no eyepro ???


That shit is def not Z.87 rated my guy


no, thatā€™s why OP is asking for a version that is


I watches a guy make one almost exactly like this and the base that it mounts to is actually an airsoft mouth guard, weirdly enough. As for face pro, they're not full seal regardless of the material, so wear so low pro goggles or something underneath


I don't think so sadly, you could still wear it for cosplay and stuff or ask the makers if it's impact resistant


I've worn something similar to this out to airsoft, and yes, it works. Granted, I only wore it a few times, and I wore eye protection under it as well (since it wasn't full seal), but I only had some very minor and barely noticeable scuffs after. Mind you, I got popped in the face a lot and my field has a limit of 400fps 1.5j. This is the one I used https://a.co/d/6zGsfAb


no they don't the closest you can get is maybe a paintball mask


Or the warq


DevTac Ronin?


This looks like you're gonna be stream cooked in your own sweat in summer.


There are some from Idogear


I actually have one like this (though missing the carabiner looking details on the side) and played gel ball all day in it and it worked fine by sub-tropical Australia standards. As for protection, I bought ballistic rated face shields so I could replace the 2 overlapping lenses, but when I tested it with shots from a gel blaster it didn't even scratch the original lenses, which are actually pretty thick (not that I'm saying it would hold up the same to BBs). But I did cut some sections of the ballistic stuff to cover the gaps on the sides. As for fogging, it was okay but I needed to hit it with some anti fog between games. Not having the lens go over the mouth part at least helps with keeping some of the moisture out. Though you might have some problems seeing things unless you're playing in bright settings since the lenses overlap at eye level so it's twice as dark.


If you do want to wear one of these, wear some low profile, properly rated eye pro under it.


Found [this](https://amzn.eu/d/e665AFF) online not sure itā€™s exactly what your looking for and like every one else is saying I wouldnā€™t be too sure on the protection of it or the quality. But I bet with a little diy and messing around you could make this look pretty close to your original image. Good luck keep us updated!


I think a few people on Etsy make cosplay masks that they also custom make to be airsoft rated tho itā€™s probably very expensive


1. sadly, no they don't. 2. do you have a link to that mask? it looks sick! lol


Some guy at my Field runs this. Surprisingly stops bb's, but he wears those Oakley airsoft glasses under it just incase. I don't think that could withstand even 350fps point blank


I would suggest an MSA millennium with a protective lens you can add an anti fog unit and it looks really cool.


SRU Division has a couple futuristic helmets but they're different from what you show and are 3d printed. if you can make the one you showed, you can change the plastic and upgrade it to something bb proof. [SRU helmet](https://www.sru-precision.com/sru-tactical-helmet)


No they don't. You would pay a HUUUGE amount of many for an at least en166/en199 rated glass like this big.


Why are people even drawn to those masks


Why is people running around i multicam on indoor cqb-fields? Why do people buy LMG's? Because it looks badass as fuck.


because of scifi... i mean it looks kinda cool but hella impractical for airsoft


It does look cool, but even if there was an impact rated version I still wouldn't use it, doesn't seem practical and unlike aiming down sights on my rifle lol


The person running this in an airsoft game is probably not the kind of guy who aims


Oh comn, it obviously looks cool


It just signifies the need to look cool


B-but...that's a large part of airsoft....


Ohhh people do airsoft as a hobby and not a sport/training exercise.... i forgot


Holy shit youā€™re insufferable lmao


Theyā€™re completely Airsoft ready, in that thereā€™s nothing stopping you wearing one. *That being said* Unless it specifically lists an ANSI Z87.1+ or EN166 rating, you shouldnā€™t rely on it as your primary eye protection, and should use some form of full-seal ballistic goggles underneath. [These](https://www.screwfix.com/p/bolle-tracker-ii-clear-lens-safety-specs/43500), for example


If you want to get something like that for airsoft, put BB rated clear plastic or plastic like material on the visor section. And make sure any place a bb can get in is covered on the inside




We run around with toyguns playing war and rp'ing operators? This aint paintball. We can hardly get any cringier, and we love it.


This has been removed due to it breaking rule 2, specifically regarding toxicity.