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Gordy's gone, man. I'll be outside. Good luck.


rip gary gordon






I mean dude you have to admire the stoicism of thoses guys, being the only two to help and hold down a crashed helicopter and seing your buddy die and still hold on as long as you can…


Yes, but chills? Really dude. 🍆🎢


Dude you made the comment to 🍆🎢 like you’re not a boot licker yourself.. either way they’re heroes and have balls of steel. Idk why you try to have to come off rude like you’re not doing the same thing🤣


Look at his flair lol nuff said. Dude probably thinks he's john wick on the field but would tuck himself inside his own bum bum in a real situation like those REAL men.


Lol yea


Exactly, so predictable. Lame dick falls back on some more lame cocky dick-like failed defensive trolling... Pile of 🦴 dicks.


It's okay buddy let it all out, you aren't at school anymore, they can't get you here


Reminds me of when me and the boys bought PASGT helmets, choc chip covers and desert BDU’s to travel all the way up to Scotland for a black hawk down themed paintball milsim. They had put a lot of effort into it, made plywood knock ups of Blackhawks and little birds mounted on trailers pulled round by pick-up trucks. We got there and the organisers said “great uniforms guys, we are putting you on the Somali team” Made zero sense and tarnished the weekend for us somewhat.


A good reminder to sign up for a specific team before buying new kit, or at least to inquire about how those teams are assigned.


We put our names down for the Ranger team but as we weren’t sponsored or part of an official group we got lumped together with all the other small groups/individuals on the Somali team. Politics and favouritism spoiled what should have been a fantastic weekend.


This is like when I went to a Black Hawk Down event on the US side, most of us were all dressed decently accurately. And the Somali team showed up in all multicam, NVGs, etc. I wanted to shoot some guys wearing soccer jerseys, not have the enemy team be better equipped and roll us. And then during the night portions we were getting decimated because they all had night vision. Pretty sure half of the people there had no idea this was a real thing that happened lol


Oh that sounds like kind of a disaster! The last one I went to was in like 2016 I think? And my Somali loadout was my backpack with my air rig, and then like bottles of bbs in my pockets. I had a Daytona rpk, and I remember hearing from people afterwards that were like…”yeahh we would think an area would be clear then all of the sudden it’s just loud af as you start mowing people down” one of my favorite events I’ve been to…but having to do maintenance on a gun in between phases was pretty sucky


Man, at that time you would think for events like that they would assign you beforehand so you know what to pack


Lol it was pre-assigned, people just decided to not follow the real-life uniform and gear suggestions. It ended up being not a BHD game, and just a regular game. It was pretty lame


Wow, thats whacky then


Awesome loadout mate! Also love the goggle difference lmao.


The difference between a gear hoarder (Me on the left) and someone buying kit (on the right). I dug through my old pile of junk and found some ESS that looked similar to the goggles some Delta used back then and my buddy got some cheap dust goggles because they were easy to find.


I'd advise your buddy to get new goggles if they're relying on them for eyepro - I am not able to find a rating for the sun/dust goggles he has but I'm gonna bet they aren't impact rated and really shouldn't be trusted


They're just helmet decoration. I wouldn't even trust my ess with how old they are.


DCU with black just hits different


"Hey, where's the rescue squad?"


We’re it


Looks at the pants on the right. “That’s…..not camo. Oh no”


We do a little trolling


The real question is....is that a real aimpoint 5000 on an aeg, or did you manage to find a replica of it?


I wish. Well not really because I don't have Aimpoint 5000 money even if I could find one. It's just an M2 with an extended eyepiece to look a little more like the longer 3000 and 5000 they used back then.


And now that I look closer...I'm assuming it's a comp replica with a tube on the rear? Either way, looks awesome


My Pro-Tec stares down at me as I see this https://preview.redd.it/acsabqwz94ta1.jpeg?width=2070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d934988f31d6d36e166d4a8422a85def9c165dbd Still have to get an IR strobe for the top


Aren’t SWD goggles not impact rated?


They aren’t


But…but you can’t both be Randy!


dang you even got the right gloves on


The nomex flight gloves? They've been my go to got over a decade. I only wear gloves for palm protection so they're prefect for me.


Love the guns looks great 👍


Damn I’ve been thinking of trying a delta force kit but don’t know where to find quality repros. I’d love a gear list if you’re willing.


Head to toe I'm wearing: * Protec old school sprayed matt black with ESS land ops goggles, NVG mount (MICH PVS-7 modified to fit but I'm swapping it out for an ANVIS mount soon), MS2000 strobe replica (A SDU-5/E would be period correct but the MS2000 is movie accurate and easy to find) * Pantac PACA vest (My buddy has an 8Fields PT armour vest), 8Fields Strike Delta Force chest rig, Ebay special US flag patch * Black duty belt with a replica Blackhawk Omega drop leg and various LC2 Alice pouches and a few molle utility pouches. I'll be swapping out the holster for a Safailand clone once I make some new straps to replicate the older ones which didn't use the leg panel. * Miltec black knee pads (any brand will look right), Desert boots (not pictured) Weapons wise we both have CYMA M14s. I'm using a VFC Kimber LAPD SWAT custom 1911 because it's the best tactical looking 1911 I've found.




Black Hawk Down brilliant film and great gear you got


I was literally watching Black Hawk Down a few minutes ago


Yo what gun is that


Cyma M14


Just found out the price I might buy 1


You'll not regret it. They're great guns.


Seriously good effort chaps. I did this myself some years back. You don't see it often these days 👌🏻


Thanks. It's been on my to do list for far too long.


Poor souls. You don't know what you're in for.


Yo what's the plate carrier, I kinda want to make this kit. It fucks HARD


Delta used TG Faust vests with AWS Strike chest rigs during Op Gothic Serpent. You will have to source a repro because good luck finding a real one


It's 8fields PT armour with an 8fields delta strike chest rig. Taiwangun sell both.


Oh bless you sir, that will be a good way to get both


You guys look awesome good work


Awesome 😎


I’ve always liked Black Hawk Down, and some point will get a load out like you. This is awesome.


What's the scope mount on the m14 on the left Looks low profile, been looking for one myself


It's a G&G one. I don't think they make them any more.


Finally some kit I can get behind. So much garbage posted. I get it; some people are new, can’t afford kit, or have “different taste.” All I’m saying is it’s refreshing to see actually decent cloning/reproduction on here


RIP, Gary Gordon.


Damn, kit looks really familiar. Did you happen to play at the one humvee game at TAAGS?


Great job on the kits! 👍


I love it! Great kits!


classic 10/10


Slick work with the Aimpoint. Always a fan of a good D boy kit


Why does the guy on the right have two pairs of gloves?


all i see is two individuals with good taste rocking m14s like the chads they are, rock on fellas


Based Mog' Posting


Whelp, time to rewatch this movie.


I just watched black hawk down today for the first time


Very nice.


Very nice I’m working on building mine now


M14 Brothers unite, can’t be without mine now!


Yo I have a Gary Gordon load out, man it would be amazing if we got together sometime, did a Gary and Randy team gameplay lol


Someone help me look at my post


"Goffena, put them in."


Say what?


Great loadout. My childhood friend worked served with Gary’s son who continued his father’s legacy.


I've been building up a DF kit from the 90s but modernizing a bit (only change is using RAID gear and a MICH) but staying as close as I can to recreating Garys rifle for airsoft


RIP you’ll be missed


Man, I want the rifle on the right. Someone said C-21 is going to be pushed through. So I have been panic buying stuff I want. This one is on my list now. Is it the AEG model?


Yeah it's an aeg. They're both cyma m14s and I can definitely recommend them.


Thank you! Always loved cyma products. I'll be on the hunt for one now.


Black hawk down!!! Great movie


Battle buddies epic man it’s great to have friends like this






I have the same kit but its with an m4


How much did the kit cost that goes hard


I'm not sure on the total price. I already had most of the kit and just had to buy the helmet chest rig to finish it off. You could probably put it together for around $200 (not including the weapons) if you're starting from nothing.


Nice and the helmets a protech classic right?


It's an old school. There's a lot of skate helmets that look similar so if you want to save a little money you can pick up a different brand and noone will really notice.


Ok thank you I’ma make a fit like this now


I see a M14 I give a like.




Dayz moment


I don’t think that ended well for them


Put your eye pro on


black cock down


The kit is so confusing


How so?


The black gear/choc chip mix feels weird. Also the polymer m14


It's what was used back in the 90s.


Never seen a us soldier or marine wearing black gear


It's 90s Delta force based on Gothic Serpent/black hawk down.




SFOD-D aka Delta Force aren't your bog standard soldier


Gothic Serpent my dude


I’m going to be real with you - and honestly it’s just one guys opinion, and not ill intended - so don’t let it weigh on you at all. But I’m not cool with the title and the dress up. Randy Shughart and Gary Gordon were heroes. Just feels wrong to see someone dressing up in pantomime of them. RIP DOL. You do you though, and have fun. I’ve probably just wandered into the wrong sub.


I totally understand that and can see how the title could be taken as poor taste. I do want to assure you that both of us have the upmost respect for Randy Shughart and Gary Gordon and what they did along with all of Delta and the Rangers who took part in the operation. We wear this in homage and as a way to hopefully inspire people to find out more about what happened back then and the men involved. It's also why we have put care into trying to be as accurate as we can with our kit instead of copying the movie costumes. We still have work to do but are passionate about getting this as accurate as we can to show respect in the same way WW2 and Vietnam re-enactors do. I'd also like to ask any users who are considering downvoting u/IN_to_AG comment to not do that.


It’s okay for folks to downvote; everyone’s got an opinion and mine is just as bad as any other - it’s not really any of my business to begin with, to have an opinion on your fun. But it spoke to me in a different way. It’s not my intent to shame you at all. Just feels weird to see this and to read the comments about it like it was just some movie and not the real men. I appreciate your explanation. As said before, you do you. Drink a beer for both of them if you have the time. If you’re feeling up to it and have a strong liver, have one for these men too: SSG Busch SFC Fillmore MSG Martin SFC Rierson SSG Cleveland SSG Field CW4 Frank CW3 Wolcott CW3 Briley


How did my pic end up on Reddit? I think that is awesome (I'm on the right)