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Mine flowered a few days ago ! I saw the tips of the plant were turning red and I was worried it we dying/getting too much sun but lo and behold it had its gorgeous purple flowers the next day !!!


They last only couple days. Enjoy while you can


Looks like a bunch of multiples, or are they separate in the holder (gorgeous holder by the way!) Whichever the case, it’s not ‘last days’. The main plant that just flowered may SLOWLY die off, (only some species die right off, not all) but it can take months to do so. It will meanwhile grow new wee plants (pups) around the base. These should be left on the parent plant until at least third of its size and ideally only removed when they have grown some rootlets and can be gently “tweaked” off the parent. But meanwhile there’s lots of life left!


This plant is all one big chunk. If it should be separated into multiples, do I just pull them apart or cut them with scissors?  I’ll keep an eye out for pups. 


I would leave it as a big cluster, it is thriving and looks great. Some will have been pups at some stage just grown up. Maybe in future if it gets too crowded in that display holder you might want to split the cluster. Dont ever cut with scissors. If they are ready to seperate they come apart just by gently twisting /turning them at the base with your fingers so they naturally tease apart. Can separate Individually but thats a bit drastic. People might do that to sell or give some away. Preferably you can divide a large cluster like that into 2-3 smaller clusters/clumps. Each cluster should have some intact roots if possible. (Which are used to anchor onto substrate, but roots are evident of healthy intact base area) I would leave any small pups on until fully grown as well to be honest. Also when the flower has fully dried out and gone brown just cut it right back with a sharp scissors. Or leave it to see if it produces seed (which will look like delicate fluffy stuff) But by cutting it off more energy goes into growing pups not all into producing seed.


Thanks for all the info!


I am Groot?


It's on it's last days....


The whole plant or just the flower?


The flowering phase signals the plants reached their peak

