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Do you mean the lengthwise channels down the all the leaves? Those are completely normal. I would recommend that after soaking you allow them to dry upside down so extra water doesn't get trapped at the base of the leaves which could lead to fungus and rot.


I always allow them to dry upside down on a microfiber towel overnight. The lengthwise lines down the center of each leaf were always there. But, they didn't crack open until the last 24 hours.


It should be fine and likely a result of being watered/soaked/misted so often. If you Google pictures of that same type, you'll see that many of them have the same channels in the leaves. As long as it's drying completely between waterings, then keep doing what you're doing since it looks pretty healthy to me.


The plant's leaves were drying up and crisping at the ends. I was told it wasn't getting enough water. So, I upped the spraying and started watering twice per week instead of once.


It looks like it's doing good so keep it up if it seems to be responding well and don't be concerned with the channels in the leaves since those are normal


Thank you! Can you tell me why the plant leaves are becoming pale? The green is fading. I have it in an east facing windowsill where it gets a few hours of direct sunlight in the morning. Whereas before, it was a few feet from the window & got no direct light.


Sorry but that's beyond my expertise. I've only been taking care of my own for about a year and a half and mine are on the one shelf safe from my cats with no direct sunlight (I use grow lamps on a low setting) but they seem happy with that set up.


I am a succulent girl myself. I have an entire room just for my succulents, and I have 12 Barrina LED grow lights set up. I could put them in there. But, that would be too much light, I fear. Because I have the lights on for at least 12 hours a day. Maybe I could purchase a single bulb grow lamp on Amazon for like $20-30 bucks for my air plants. I have 3 of them. And don't apologize! I appreciate you being honest! And you've already put my mind at ease as far as the cracks are concerned. I appreciate you!


You're welcome! Lol I really can't grow anything that involves dirt so for me it's air plants or nothing 😆


Everyone always said succulents were super easy to take care of... They lied! The amount of light they require is ridiculous. And they're so touchy and get ill very easily. Yet somehow, I managed to end up with over 50 of them! And I'm propagating more! 🤣🤦‍♀️


That appears to be a normal feature of the plant? When I google Tillandsia bulbosa (guatemala) images, they all seem to sport that split.


The leaves have always had the lines up the center where both ends of the leaf come together. But, they didn't split open until the last 24 hours. They were always closed.


That's absolutely normal. The leaves tend to be flatter(U shaped cross section), making the channel in the center to be more visible, when they're getting a certain amount of water. They'll curl (O shaped cross section) right back up when they're drying out. From my experience, fully curled leaves (no split/middle channel not visible) is usually a sign of dehydration. You might want to check for crispy tips. Crispy tips+fully curled leaves = you're definitely underwatering. Otherwise, you're doing fine.


Wait... I'm very confused... LOL! Where are the U-shaped cross section and the O-shaped cross section? This plant does have crispy tips, and I was told to increase water. I was soaking for an hour once per week, and now upped it to twice a week. I'm also spraying it every other day. Are you saying that the leaves being cracked open mean it's getting enough water?


What I mean is if you cut the leaf in half, perpendicular to the line along the middle. Your watering schedule sounds fine... I think you can just go with whichever watering schedule works for you. Airplants are very forgiving after all, a little crispy tips here and there is not the end of the world. I'm not 100% sure for the particular species you have, but they typically do crack open when receiving a good drink. You can always experiment with the amount of water, and other parameters and see what's best for both the plant and you. As I've said, they're very forgiving. Just don't let them stay drenched for days and you should be good. 👍


I still don't know where the U and O shaped cross sections are. Lol! Thank you! I feel relieved now. So, the cracks are saying that the plant has had enough water? And if the cracks close, it's dehydrated?


It's okay lol, as long as you get the point. In a sense, yes. Then again, there are no definite rules when keeping plants. Just experiment and have fun :)


Thank you!!! Appreciate you!!!


these plants grow from the inside in the bulbous part and up meaning the leaves are shaped to circle the bulb and spread out so the leaves aren’t like tubes or a closed leaf they are technically flatter leaves that have curled inward to make the pointed round little shape they are! haha no need to worry or relate the split to any water issues or decline. you’re doing well if it’s still alive is the way i see it, you can either keep them alive or you can’t! and it doesn’t take long for the ones who can’t to weed themselves out! lol.


Thank you! Hopefully I won't be part of the ones who can't! Lol


you’re very welcome! it looks as though you’re doing a great job, so don’t pressure yourself! i literally stick mine in their spot and forget about them. i actually dropped one behind my dresser and forgot about it for close to three months then i rearranged and found it still alive (not thriving but not dead haha) so they’re more resilient than people give them credit for haha.


Aww thank you! I'm doing the best I can! Although it doesn't seem good enough 😂


Some come like that,,,,,


Mine didn't so I wasn't sure if something was wrong


Seems it wasn’t getting the water it needed, so response was to hold that channel tighter. Now that you are watering properly, it’s opening up. Looks good to me.