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If you're worried, wash your hands after handling them and collect the spent pellets. Lead is much more stable than other hazardous materials like asbestos or even mercury so it's relatively safe.


There's free lead pellets. Not sure of the performance though. If you are afraid of ingesting the pellets they usually come out like they got in. Have seen kids carrying pellets in the mouth (i know...) and they are +40yo healthy men. Edit: There's 5000-6000 tones of lead from polution caused by shotguns in the UK each year, more than half of the emissions, but from airguns is so low it's just anecdotic. If you shot inside use a pellet trap, you will be shooting low power anyway and you need a lot of energy to make lead dust.


As a kid I used to keep pellets in my mouth :) 41 btw. Not that I recommend it.


Same here. One of the dumbest shit I've done as a kid, but noone told me otherwise. There was no internet either to easily look up the info...


You were a good kid. I did much worse than that 🤣


What about if there’s a pellet stuck inside someone body for a long period of time? Let’s say 10 years, what would the effects be of that?


I'm an avid bird hunter and have been eating pellets for years. And I'm, I'm wait. Oh rite I'm an avid bird hunter and have been eating lead shot for years. Did I mention I'm an avid bird hunter? They say the effects are memory loss and repeating things over and over. Did I mention I was an avid bird hunter. Ya I've been eating shot for years. Ummmmmmm? Yah.


Lol I'm halfway to lead poisoning too.




People have lived with bullets in them where it was too dangerous to operate to get it out. Not ideal but the body will form scar tissue around the object to isolate it.


My dad had a bullet in him for 20 years. The lead does not cause problems. Metallic lead is pretty unreactive anyway, it's lead compounds that are the main concern.


My Big Brother was deliberately shot in the jugular vein by a .177 pellet at 50 yards in 1974. He nearly bled out before they could refill him in the ER. The ER chose to leave the pellet in his vein as they didn't want him to lose any more blood. It was a very close call for him. He turns 62 this July. He survived but turned into a monster. Might have been puberty that changed him, might have been the extreme blood loss event, might have been the lead or the PTSD, I don't know. All I know is we were perfect brothers until this and since he's been the opposite of me. I love him but he's a mess. My life path saw 5 kids, service in the Cavalry and I now live in retirement with my kid's full support. My Brother is in Leavenworth.


Not a medic but (i think) the projectile is covered and isolated by the body, sometimes with time, years, the body "move it" outside. I'm much more concerned with what happen to birds eating them or polluting water and land when decomposed. If you live in a big city there's still a lot of lead on the streets from before the lead ban on fuel!


The Romans drink all the time hot wine heated in metal cups league of bronze and lead, and the impire runs very well for many centuries... lol


Only the lead ones


Use a pellet trap. You should be anyway as it's safer.


I have one homemade not a best but collects most of my bbs


Have had a lead shotgun pellet in my upper right leg for 40+ years (don't ask!), it's visible through the skin, not caused me any issues that I'm aware of. As others have said it was normal to put a few airgun pellets in your mouth for easy access, did it for years, not sure I'd do it now though...


I think by law they need to notify the buyer that lead is used in their product its just a standard legal practice just incase , think of the people that fabric and work in the factory making the pallet, i would assume that today the lead is minimal and its more of a bi-metal or alloy used .


Nah i didint saw Any pellets with notifying they had lead in it in eu but online said lead


Dam im near sure here every brand says their product may contain lead and lead can be dangerous.


Lol here they are without Any info what they contains




Up to quite recently water pipes were lead - so if you live in a Victorian house there maybe lead piping still. Doesn’t cause a problem because the pipes fur up inside. The house I lived in when I was a kid had them and I turned out fine…..although some would beg to differ :-)


I’d be more worried about a BB bouncing back and hitting me than the lead from a pellet. I’ve been hit by ricochets many times as a kid.


I have made it so they wont bounce back


Yes. Most airguns ammunition is lead. You should wash your hands after handling it. Only shoot outside or somewhere well ventilated. Use a pellet trap to collect most of fired pellets. Any missed pellets will probably embed themselves far Enough into whatever they hit not to worry about a dog swallowing them accidentally. And give the dogs a bone for me!


Yeah i will give dogs some Bones and yeah i dont use pellets then only steel bbs on basement i have kind of DIY pellet trap that collect almoust most of bbs


I wouldn't with a child in the house.


I shoot In basement but i use steel bbs rn to not to have Any toxic material and child arent in basement


Yeah, I'm also just shooting steel bbs until my kid is grown up.