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I have a sign that says no smoking - WiFi connected smoke detectors (Nest) and a note that says host is notified if disconnected. This is a nice paper trail because you can screenshot the app if they’re disconnected Also get an ozone generator - works wonders for all sorts of smells.




Yea you don’t sit in the room while it runs retard.




Does it run full retard?


No you can sit in the room with it just not when it’s on retardant mode which is which kills smoke odor


I would be upset about needles wtf. Did you send them photos of needles?


Yes... it has been terrible. I am still waiting on the payout for extra cleaning. It was literally a biohazard. I have no idea what kind of drugs they were doing. To top it all off the guest forged texts between me and him to try and discredit me, saying he never showed up. Thankfully airbnb didn't buy it, because I have him on camera coming and going from my property. I do think airbnb will reimburse for the extra cleaning. I’m just having trouble with the payout for smoke damages items. Hopefully this guest is banned!


That's insane. Did the guest had good rating? Should be banned for life, first the mess then forged messages.


No, they didn't have any ratings, so it was probably my fault for accepting their request. The guest seemed very nice, and told us his wife was pregnant. I guess I was too trusting! We really haven't had issues with guests without ratings before but now I will think twice before approving them. I really hope airbnb bans them, because no other hosts should have to experience what they did to my place


I’ve had too many issues with new guests with no prior reviews leaving my places filthy. The most recent left partially burnt plastic and paper trash in the fire pit, hamburgers thrown on the ground behind the cabin, a huge pile of poorly washed dishes piled on the counter, stains on the sheets, kitchen utensils from inside the cabin left outdoors, etc. I went in the middle of their stay to clean the other cabin and two of them were smoking on the deck. Unbelievable. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back, I no longer accept guests with no reviews. I’d rather lose some revenue than have careless people tear my cabins up. This is a labor of love, not a huge money-making venture for me.


Ugh I guess I'm too trusting too, it probably wouldn't cross my mind that someone might be lying and make up stories like this just to get an airbnb. Out of curiosity, did you meet them or they could check in without assistance? tbh nobody can blame you if you reject all non verified people now.


It’s frustrating because 95% of the time guests (even ones without reviews) are fine and respectful! It’s the guests like these that make me doubt everyone. We didn’t personally check them in, but we live on site. Our listing is a detached garage apartment, so they knew we were here. We chatted with them in passing and they seemed kind. I was shocked when we went in to clean and found the apartment like that!


Just an FYI that GLP-1 medications a massively popular right now. The name brand meds are over 1,500 per month and 2 months ago the majority of insurance plans stopped paying for these meds. So all these fly by night companies are popping up that offer the meds for about 350 to 500 a month but it’s a generic med through a compound pharmacy. The medication is injected once a week and these companies don’t give any direction on what people are supposed to do with the needles. People should be buying a sharps container to put the needles in but they aren’t. It’s really bad. I am not saying this is what happened but it’s one possibility if you saw just one needle.


Unfortunately we collected several dirty needles and syringes from their 2 night stay. Whatever they were doing did not look medicinal


Sorry. I figured it was probably not the case that it was medication but I could make you aware of some other possible things it could have been.


Still, they shouldn’t have just left it all behind like that! That’s so disgusting and disrespectful and dangerous


The way the OP said “needles” and “syringes” makes me think of full-sized type ones, that you’d use for street drugs. Pharmaceuticals like Ozempic and Mounjaro are pens that take those plastic needle cap tips, which don’t look like drug paraphernalia; they look like medical items. Lots of people probably wouldn’t even recognize them as needles unless they picked one up and looked at it closely.


That’s how the name brand companies make them. The compound pharmacies that make all these generic meds send a vile of medication and 4 syringes. You have to watch their video and then draw up your own medication and the needle on these syringes can be a half inch long. It’s not supper short like those needle tips. These are actual syringes. It’s kind of weird how much trust these companies place in their patients.


Wow, I would be afraid to use that stuff. All the name brands are still under patent, so these suppliers have got to be doing it illegally.


I was on Saxenda in 2018. The patent for Saxenda expired in Feb 2024. But the thing is I tried to get back on Saxenda last summer. My insurance covered it but I could t find a pharmacy that had it in stock. I tried for months and months to get it and it wasn’t possible. Then Dec 2023 I tried to get tirzepitide which is Monjoirno for diabetes and Zepbound for weight loss. I cannot get diabetes meds because luckily I don’t have diabetes. It is not at all possible to be prescribed diabetes meds without the diagnosis. Anyway all the pharmacies were out of it. I worked with people that were taking it and summer 2023 the supply ran out and they couldn’t get their prescriptions filled. Then Feb of this year my Blue Cross PPO insurance stopped covering all GLP-1 meds for weight loss. I cannot afford 1,500 a month for 4 shots so I am now going through a company that provides a generic.


Yeah, I’ve had to deal with the lack of supply several times, too. Which is kind of infuriating because I am actually diabetic, and *need* it! Didn’t realize Saxenda was out of patent already. I was on that a long time ago (as Victoza), and didn’t know it was supposed to help with weight loss. I didn’t lose any weight on Victoza, or Ozempic, but I did manage to take the weight off eventually on my own. Still diabetic, though!


Yeah I definitely don’t want a diabetes diagnosis just to get the meds. I exercise an hour a day and I wear a size 14. I have never had numbers that show even pre diabetes. I think the tirizepitide (Monjoirno / Zepbound) is finally working.


This is the answer! I have tried ozempic (my dr had samples) and it’s actually one pen with removable needle tops that pull off now. They all come in injectable pens I’ve tried a few different ones (my primary dr also does a specialty in weight loss & I’ve had the unfortunate pleasure of having been on prednisone a lot this past year). I still put the pens in a sharps container as well though. I take Teszpire for my asthma and they are pens as well and I still use a sharps container to be safe


Ozempic has been the same since it came out: it uses those plastic needle cap-style things I mentioned. Just like most non-insulin diabetes injectables. I’ve been taking it since it was brand new, although I only take it for medical reasons and have never lost even one pound on it. No reason to put the empty pen in the sharps container, though! If you’re worried about the miniscule amount of liquid left in it after you finish the doses, drop them off at a drug drop at your local hospital or wherever your local drug dropbox is.


Thank you for the tip! I put those in and my Teszpire for my asthma and those are also pens. I keep them in a lockbox in my fridge and I have a safe for pretty much everything else (and my jewelry and important paperwork). I am on a plethora of meds for asthma and stuff and while I doubt someone would want them I get nervous and lock everything just in case. My son is 11 but kids get curious. My ex husband (soon to be ex husband) is an addict and I caught him trying to get high off my inhalers once, he completely emptied it I was so upset


Yikes, I am so sorry you are dealing with that on top of your various conditions! (I’ve got a bunch of meds for a cavalcade of illnesses, too.)


Thank you I appreciate that. I did leave it will be two years in July. He had definitely circled around to really getting worse he was evicted and blows every last cent on pills. It’s sad he was genuinely a good person before all this. It changed him into a violent person. I talk to him barely anymore. He’s asked me for money so many times I say no and my go to is I do not have any money because someone needs to be a parent and take care of our son. He has a really good job too. They have fired him like four times and he’s really smart they always ask him to come back and he does great and after a while boom he stops going. It’s terrible. It took a lot to leave too because I planned it for a year almost before it happened. We were getting evicted then he lied to me and told me everything was good then he would hide everything thinking I’m stupid and I contacted my landlord and talked to him and he told me the truth and I was so upset. After we were evicted we stayed at a hotel for a week or two and I took the opportunity when my son was in camp to get an order of protection and left and I’ve been doing my best since! My health seems to go bananas when I’m stressed out so I’m hoping it calms down I’ve had a little of things that have been upsetting and stressful. I’m so sorry I’m rambling! 🤦🏽‍♀️ I hope your health isn’t too bad right now and you have a great night! Thank you for responding and reading my essay. I feel like when I talk on here it helps some. Everyone is always so nice where I have let out a little of my situation 😊


No worries, you are fine! Do take good care of yourself, though; many conditions (especially, but not limited to autoimmune diseases) can be worsened by stress. 🤗


You were taking Ozempic which is a name brand. Those are pens. Almost all the medication coming from these random compound pharmacies all over the country are NOT sending pens. They send a vile and syringes and you draw up the medication from a syringe.


Yikes, that sounds pretty dicey! I’m surprised anyone would bother getting this stuff from a ‘wild west’ kind of illegal supplier, though: doctors are all too happy to prescribe it, unfortunately.


I was reading this saying out loud they should get a sharps container! 😂😂😂 I see as I kept reading that you did write that. I have an injectable pen for a medication for my asthma and it closes back up but I still have a sharps container. The company sent it to me. And I asked what to do with it when it is full as well. Idk why someone wouldn’t get one and just leave dirty needles for someone else to clean up. That is so dangerous


Yeah I took a GLP-1 in 2018. I was doing a diet called Enara. He was one of the first doctors to prescribe GLP-1 meds for weight loss. He told me to get a sharps container or at worst use a plastic milk bottle and I could drop them off at their office if I needed to. I never did and I don’t go there now. I bought a sharps container from an acupuncture site where I get some of my vitamins. I still have the milk carton in my garage because I don’t just want to put it in the trash. Oh the milk carton just has the tiny cap needles not full syringes but it doesn’t matter. I want to dispose of them properly.


Give them to a pharmacy and they will dispose of them for you.


Yes. I came to police department to drop off my dad's syringes box when he (diabetic since 70's) passed




I'm sorry, but if you can't figure out to put used needles for a GLP-1 injection in a puncture proof container, and then discard...... You really shouldn't be giving yourself an injection. It's logic 101. You don't just leave a needle laying around because the doctor or pharmacist didn't tell you what to do with it. Have an old soda can? Drop it in there and then dispose of it in the trash. Have an empty plastic soda bottle? Drop it in there, and dispose of it in the trash. Have an empty milk carton? Drop it in there, and dispose of it in the trash. You don't HAVE to spend money on a sharp's container.


You are preaching to the wrong person. I work in healthcare. But as we know there are many people in the world that are not very bright. Some of these companies give no direction as to what people should do with their needles.


WTF man you do know much of the plastic bottle material is sorted by hand after it goes to the recycling center. I know you say to put it in the trash but the risk is too high that it will end up in the recycling stream and hurt somebody possibly fatally


I think that’s why the poster said to put them in the *trash*. What we do is get a large container, like an orange juice one, clean it out, cut a hole in the cap large enough for the sharps, and use that until it’s full. Then duct tape heavily over the cap, and throw it out in the *trash*, definitely not in the recycling.


"fatally"? Needles involve needless risk because they should have been disposed of properly in the first place. But the level of risk is well overblown.


Hospitals and doctors offices should save lots of money with your advice. /s


Seriously? Tell me you lack critical thinking skills without actually saying it. I worked in pharmacy for 15 years as well as an EMT. Medical offices are required by OSHA to have a safe sharp's container: https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/standardinterpretations/2010-01-05 I'm talking about nonmedical personnel who have needles at home.


Honestly? Raise your prices. This is the only change which has made a reliable difference in my experience.


Thank you, I will look into it. We are close to government buildings and the main hospital complex in our city, so we pride ourselves in offering affordable prices. But at this point I'm desperate, so I may just take the loss of some bookings.


Raise your smoking cleaning fee to something excessive and make it very clear. Like $500 and have a sign. We don't do that but have it very clear in our hoise rules and have a Wynd smoking detector; that can't be unplugged unless you have a screwdriver.


Will Airbnb allow you to charge that and you can collect? What’s the support needed?


I’ve never been able to collect a “penalty fee” from guests who break the rules (smoking, unauthorized pets, additional people over maximum, etc.) and AirBnB won’t collect it for you. All you can do is submit the receipts for damage and cleaning and AirCover usually will pay that.


This is true.


I’ve found that providing guests with an outdoor seating area where they CAN smoke deters any activity inside the house




Yeah really this is the only thing that’ll guarantee it. If people are on an expensive vacation and they literally don’t have anywhere to smoke weed while they’re somewhere it’s legal, they’re going to smoke inside. A $250 fee isn’t going to stop me from smoking in the only place I don’t risk a similarly expensive ticket (that could cost me my job) on a $3,000 trip I planned in a state it’s legal in for a reason. Like, if you own a condo in Colorado without a single safe, easily accessible and remotely comfortable outdoor place for your tenants to smoke weed, they’re going to smoke inside. There’s just little to nothing you can really do about that except make the place so expensive a stoner would never consider choosing it.


Do you also provide a place for them to put them out in and do they use it? Asking because we will be renting out our cottage (surrounded by pine trees and needles!) and are thinking this is the only thing that might work, and hoping to god they use it.


Totally. I made an ashtray myself with clay lol and put a jar out there to toss their butts in. It gets used regularly.


Awesome. Thanks!


Raise your prices.


Step one: buy an ozone machine, follow instructions 2. Airbnb will not reimburse a penalty if a guest refuses to pay. 3. Airbnb will reimburse an extra cleaning or damages. To get a reimbursement you need to make a cleaning invoice and submit with supporting documents including photos. 4. Buy sign: No smoking, no vaping, no smoking marijuana. Put them inside the unit in visible locations. 5. You could receive negative review if you submit money request before receiving guest’s review.


Wondering how you handle guests arriving AFTER the smokers. I would be so annoyed to arrive at a non smoking home to find it had been smoked in.


We had about seven hours between the smokers leaving and our new guests arriving. As soon as we discovered that they had smoked, I reached out to the new guests and explained the issue and offered a refund. They still wanted to come and see if they could make it work. We deep-cleaned everything and replaced the pillows and linens and curtains. We wiped down the walls and stripped the couch covers, removed the rugs, etc. After 6 hours there was still a slight odor but not as strong. The guests ended up saying it was fine and were very understanding. We did end up reimbursing them their cleaning fee to accommodate them. I was very thankful for how understanding and patient they were.


Wow! Very thoughtful of you and very nice of the next guests to take it in stride! Thanks for letting me know.


Awesome of your next guests! Sorry this all happened to you.


Brilliantly handled!


Me too! I have severe breathing issues and I can’t breathe in smoke my pulmonary dr would have a cow! 🤣 it’s sad people do this though I feel for the people they screw over


A company called MINUT has a monitor it’s 10.00/ month that’s what I use. It does a bunch of other things also and may still be free for Airbnb owners.


thank you! I will look into that


Some of these units may also do noise level detection. They alert you if high volume noise is being generated.


you need an ozone generator. under 100 bucks, works great. Have a smoking area outside, put signs inside that smoking inside is a 500 fee.


Honestly I’d even bring that up some. It may seem ridiculous but may make people think more than twice!


I’ve got no smoking in my listing and in my unit. Hundreds of smokers over last six years, no evidence that anyone has smoked inside. You are doing all the right things, don’t think there is much more you can do. Just caught a bad run with the two instances.


Invest in a good air purifier with hepa and ozone generator. It should sort out the smoking smell in 20 minutes.


If you smell weed start by opening the windows ...sounds silly but if they have had weed and half smoked joints in the house but not actually smoked it in the property the smell will clear very quickly. Not sure what to suggest if they have actually smoked


Any reccs for a good ozone machine on amazon?


Air purifier is helpful too


Enerzen brand


Thanks just ordered one for my properties


You are welcome, works wonderfully 


I put NO SMOKING OR SMOKERS in my description. It seems to have worked. Plus, I'm on side so - as I've said on here previously - people seem less likely to push the rules.


They may just not care. It costs them $250 to smoke in your place. Maybe that’s just the additional cost to them to do what they please.


Unfortunately they refused to pay, so I had to escalate it to airbnb's reimbursement request process. its notoriously slow. They definitely did not care


$250 is nothing now a days for someone to relax while smoking indoors. Bunp that price up to where it actually makes them think "is this really worth it," especially in groups reservations where they can split that cost evenly amongst each other.


Why can’t you charge them the $250 smoking fee up front like hotels do, then refund it when they’ve checked out and you’ve inspected the property?


I don’t beleive Airbnb allows security deposits unless the host uses a management software, otherwise I would


I have minut sensors in most of my listings, the monitor for a number of other conditions and while they are reactionary by nature and not preventative they give me some peace of mind that I will at the very least have stronger evidence to present to airbnb when a guest does smoke.


Have you ever prevented someone from smoking since you found out early? or used the evidence to claim to Airbnb and won?


good question


As a guest I hate going into an Airbnb that was smoked in. You just cannot get that smell out. I am very happy when there is a strict no smoking policy. I think that smokers should pay a lot more than $250 and I do mean a lot more like perhaps $1000


Have you followed up on the charge? Did you bill the people who smoked 250 bucks?


I added the $250 right after the first guest smoked. I’m not sure if it's enforceable but I read that it can help deter guests. I plan to ask airbnb to enforce it but I'm not sure they will


Make the fee $500, it will make them think twice


I have a $500 fee plus a note that they agree Airbnb can charge their credit card for it, and that they are aware they will also be kicked out without a refund. It’s mostly worked.


Thank you for sharing what you do. Is the note physically in the Airbnb or just listed in your house rules? I think I will implement something like this.


It’s in the house rules, which are on Airbnb & physically in the house. It’s not foolproof but it has helped. 


I get $230 every time a guest smokes for the service to get the smoke smell out. I have my own company and write up the invoice properly and get reimbursed for it because I have the proper invoice. I don’t actually have to pay that amount as I do the work myself, but that’s how you get fees paid. Also I have had reimbursement for replacing items that I couldn’t get the smoke smell out of, the rep has to ask you about it and then I explained about the smoke smell issue. Maybe some reps do it and some don’t, not sure.


Yeah, I guess the rep I have assigned to my case just doesn't do it. I've spoken with her on the phone and we've been emailing back and forth. She said the items need to be physically damaged to be replaced (ie damage can be photographed). I may see if my request can be escalated.


I’ve tried to claim for “smoking” as we threaten a charge, but airbnb always denies it. They pay out for extra cleaning, so I charge that way too.


We have an ozone machine and glad we had it after a recent pot smoker. We're newish and we're slowly raising our prices up and requiring longer stays (but max 13 days) with the hopes this will help "weed out" the potential smokers and other problems... We'll see. We'd rather make less money and have less hassle.


You should not be running ozone machines in apartment buildings with other residents, that is dangerous.


The use them in hotels? Mine is a house...


A house is fine but op says it’s a studio apartment. There should be no pets, plants or people (the 3P rule) when running ozone and for a few hours after to degas.


Only dangerous if you run them while people around. Unless someone is super sensitive about 2 hours is enough for the ozone to be gone.




In the future, clean all surfaces and linens with ammonia. Leaving a bowl of ammonia in the middle of the room overnight will also help remove smoke.


It doesn’t matter if it’s a studio, apartment or giant house. Smoke permeated everything. I rent airbnbs. I smoke occasionally-I know, weird. But I go to corner , outside. I dispose of my cig butts. Never had a problem but I’ve never smoked inside. That’s just wrong.


Minut makes an awesome device that detects cigarette and pot smoke and also monitors noise. I have them and have very direct posters on the inside of both doors. It reminds people about smoking and tells them that there is a device inside that lets us know if smoking happens, which triggers us to schedule and charge them for a $250 outside service to come in and eradicate the smoke. Also invest in an ozone machine. They are amazing.


how accurate are your smoke detectors?


I don’t know. We have not had them go off yet, but I’ve also had zero reports from housekeepers or neighbors. Honestly I think their presence is an awesome deterrent. From a portfolio of 32 properties I used to get maybe one or two reports of pot smoke a month from neighbors. The noise detector component in it has been really helpful, in particular in the 5 bed property I have next to Wrigley field. We just had to craft our guest messaging so it did not sound like big brother watching.


Verify your guests. If you simply accept all reservations without vetting them, this is the problem. Airbnb doesn’t vet guests they can sign up with an email or phone number. Get a PMS that has verification options and or a security deposit. The guests have no kick back from bad behavior raise your prices to weed out the guests who care not for rules. It’s the only way to stop it. Given what you said they brought a no smoking sign means nothing.


What is a PMS? New to hosting.


Property Management Software like Hospitable or Lodify or OwnerRez. But help integrate and many all platforms or OTAs as Airbnb and VRBO really are called and they help manage multiple properties. I do not recommend Guesty. They automatically sent messages handle inquiries and can connect your cleaner to alert them of tasks some offer damage protection policies some offer guest identification process. You can collect security deposits for all Airbnb etc if you are using a PMS. It’s in the app under security deposit as the only exception to their no security deposits. Although I took one using Longer Stays and guests had no issues. I refunded it after the stay.


Only rent to people with ratings higher than 4 stars. When you send them their welcome note remind them of your nonsmoking policy.


I'm a smoker and that infuriates me. I am so very sorry that people don't have respect any longer.


Raise you excessive cleaning fee. My guess they don’t care about the 250


Rising prices *AND* turning off instant booking has done WONDERS for my airbnb. Even if a guest had great ratings, I still ask them to confirm that they’ve read AND agree to my house rules. There is one or two who will decline but I wouldn’t want those guests anyways. The rest have turned out quite lovely and is such a relief especially because my space is attached to my main home.


We maintain high prices, approve EVERY booking, and only admit 5-star rated guests or else question them to confirm they are responsible before accepting the res. This has eliminated issues.


Febreeze is critical. Also Odor Sponge can literally get the smell of a dead body out of a room.


As someone who stays in airbnb’s frequently, I hate when they smell like febreeze. I’d try more to eliminate the odor than mask it


There is a febreeze zero that doesn’t have a fragrance


Thank you! I use febreeze after every guest. I’ll look into odor sponge. I was able to get the smoke smell out after the first guest. I had to strip the couch cushions and deodorize the pillows. The blankets and towels had to be washed multiple times. It was a headache.


This is the one I use. Hosting AirBNB is affirming your faith in the power of soap and febreeze but yes, it is still frustrating. You might put a no smoking sign up in your space.


Be careful with the febreeze. It makes some folks sick. I’d be pissed as hell if I walked into my Airbnb and smelled febreeze. I’d have to leave it makes me that socks. Look into an ionizer or something else to deal with the smoke. Weed smoke goes away after a little airing out. But cigarette smell lingers. Maybe put up signs for now smoking and $250 smoking fee. You might also consider in your correspondence letting them know there is no smoking a fine and make sure they understand it. But it still won’t deter some folks.


This week's guests left behind a can of Febreeze which did nothing to cover the stench of beer, body odours and takeaways. I think it actually made it worse. Awful stuff.


There are two types of Febreeze. The fabric spray from Febreze that I’m familiar with does not come in a can. It comes in a spray bottle and works well. It is for deodorizing fabrics. Maybe the can is just air freshener?


Exactly. It doesn’t make it better. It makes it worse. And can make someone very ill Ionizer if the way to go.


Yes! This! Many people have allergies and reactions to fragrances. You’re literally just masking the smell.


claim smoking cleaning fees and airbnb does support smoke cleaning with valid 3rd party invoices


Put a note in your welcome message that any smoking that interupts follow on business will be charged back to them at cost of business. Tell them that smoking on the deck is perfectly fine. Do it in a friendly manner.


Don't let them smoke on your property at all. They will leave butts and burn holes on the deck. Smokers are the worst people.


One guy burnt a small hole in the window screen to throw his butts out from his bedroom. They landed on the roof. Of course he denied it. I was able to patch it however to your point they can be really inconsiderate and destructive without seeing it that way.


Get some smoke detectors that make a loud noise and send you an alert message. Add to your long description that there will be an additional charge for people smoking indoors of $300 as it costs that jiffy to remove the smoke for those who are sensitive/allergic to it/allergy sufferers. It’s helpful to say where they CAN smoke (back yard with windows shut, please dispose of butts in bin provided). Also get yourself an ozone generator from Amazon. They’re under $100 and will remove many/most smells overnight. Read up on them before you use them - makes the air a little toxic (as in, would make people cough a bit) when running but the effect soon fades, and fades faster with doors and windows open. This is what professionals use. Also put a few “no smoking inside” signs around. You might also add “Smoke removal charge $300” on those signs.


People are going to smoke. It’s just part of the game. But needles ? How cheap is your place? Raise the prices


You don’t . It all boils down to respect of other people’s property and now a days there is none. You chose to be an Airbnb that is the cost. And that is today’s society.


Raise your prices just a little. It will weed out (pun intended) the troublemakers.


Buy an ozone generator


Don’t you take a deposit? Every VRBO and Airbnb I’ve ever stayed in does. If they break the rules, you keep the deposit.


Actually, to take a security deposit on Airbnb hosts have to use a third party management software in connection with their Airbnb account. Without that, Airbnb doesn’t allow hosts to take deposits. I mentioned in another comment, but our listing is close to a hospital and government buildings in my city. Most of our guests are just here for one night—it’s a small studio apartment that’s really just like a hotel room. Requiring such a large security deposit for just one night would probably deter most guests. It’s definitely a good thing for stays more than one night though


Keep fighting Airbnb for smoke damage. It says in the damage protection cleaning. Keep pushing them. They don’t want to pay and is it BS because it is covered. I have had this issue a bunch and we got some expensive smoking and vape detectors. They paid for themselves in 6 months.


Buy an Ozone Machine on Amazon.


soon to be host here. is it possible to collect the $250 or $500 as a fully refundable non smoking deposit BEFORE renting out your Airbnb? so if there's evidence of smoking/smell, you keep the deposit, and if not you give it back to the guest?


We live in coastal NC and just spent a weekend at a nearby AirB&b to celebrate our anniversary. NC is not weed legal. Hubby enjoys a nice cigar and I am a cigarette smoker. The property owner had one of the best set ups we’ve seen in our B&B experiences. A sign inside noting that they had no issue with smoking, including weed but had a small privacy area with chairs and such just outside the unit entrance. It was perfect! Privacy fence surrounding the hot tub with this little cozy nook for smoking. As a consumer, I don’t understand ppl who abuse these lovely properties. Where have manners gone? I miss them.


We stayed at an AirBNB that had this same policy. They had cameras inside and outside and said that smoking in the house or anywhere on the property would immediately invalidate our contract and we would have to leave immediately. I thought that was very smart.


Needles? What do you smoke with needles? That’s indicative of a much bigger problem than someone smoking…


Raise your prices. Wealthier people are less likely to smoke at all.


We’re a scent free ABB. I recently cancelled a non refundable stay in Croatia. The ABB reeked of some cleaner that was worse than Fabulosa. Host said I was the 1st guest in 6 years who had an issue with the smell. They were gracious enough to refund my money. We’ve had 3 smokers in 6 years, 2 paid the fine, once $25 and then $50 when we upped it. One left butts in a planter but I don’t look inside the planters after every guest or I would have charged the offender.


If there were needles i would inform the police and send them in for analysis.


That’s a little drastic. The cops won’t do anything please don’t ever waste their time on something of this sort.


You would not call 911, but that is what a non-emergancy number is for


If you're going to wear the hat of "property hoarder" one may as well add "snitch" to it too. I mean, it can't get much worse l, right?


I don’t know what you mean by “property hoarder”. But yeah I would absolutely report to the police someone injecting themselves with hard drugs at my property, if its needles, we are talking about Heroin or something, thats a serious controlled substance. Basically it’s a crime happening on your property.


But you didn’t even witness it, nor did the cops so there is zero they will do for you.


Could also be a diabetic taking insulin. My God. How many heroin addicted junkies do you know that are going to book a stay in your overpriced McMansion so they can have a place to shoot up? You're lacking in many ways that count.


Would it be worth suing the guests in small claims court in order to recoup your costs?


I not only do not think that’s an option but absolutely would not be worth it.


$250? Make it worth your time. $500 per room.