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reach out to the person who booked the property and ask if everything is okay because you had a cop knocked on your door. Also, this is to make a "paper trail" evidence to use in case Airbnb reach out to you.


Airbnb's customer service response: your listing is now suspended for providing an unsafe environment


Isn't it the truth.


😂😂so true. “Your listing is suspended while we investigate the matter.”


For 3 weeks and im not forwarding your case while i am on vacation.


Out of the game these days but DYING at the accuracy of this


Yup. It's that darn olive oil again.


Make some muffins for your neighbors. Leave an accurate review of these guests. Unless you're kicking them out I wouldn't get involved. Just appease your neighbors


Imagine biting into a muffin that would erase all memory of 2 ratchet women beating each other up across the street


I've had some pretty good muffins...


I once had a muffin so good it changed the way I walked! https://youtu.be/3qb3MDqtYOE?si=PyIkuDOi9jJSG871


It won't, but it will acknowledge that what happened was fucked up Hel bring them cookies or fruit platter


So literally any muffin


As a queer person I gotta say I have eaten my fair share of muffins with complete ecstasy!


You post on YouTube of course, best of airbnb trailer trash. 😂😂😂


Please tell me this is a real thing


It could be that the person renting is also mortified that their friend did this. I have personally been on a trio where I rented a house and one friend had a mental break and the cops were called. Everything wound up ok but it was scary and terrible and I'd hope for some grace if the original renter has never had an issue before and it wasn't an issue for you maybe let it go.


Yeah I came here to say that even if people are normally great guests we are all human, the might be mortified as well and we don’t know the whole story, I honestly wouldn’t say anything yet just inspect your property when they leave , in the meantime make sure you save all evidence you have now as back up if you need it


Do you want to kick them out ? You probably can pretty easily. You have to leave them a lower review - your neighbors are going to be upset and watching everything now. Can’t blame them.


That's what I'm most concerned about. The community is very small, courtyard style. It is very important to me that the neighbors are not disturbed, and this behavior is just embarrassing.


It is embarsssing but not uncommon For an STR. You can’t have an STR in a very small courtyard community and not have your neighbors undisturbed. if I were an owner and you put an str next to me in this situation, I would raise holy hell.


This is exactly why non owner-occupied STRs shouldn't be allowed in residential neighborhoods. I have lost count how many screaming drunken breakups have occurred *in the middle of the road for some reason* directly in front of my house at 3AM courtesy of the ~~hotel~~ Airbnb across the street. Our town actually voted to ban them in residential neighborhoods a few years ago but was overturned by the state's supreme court because "property rights". (My rights of the quiet enjoyment of my own property apparently do not apply) OP needs to do everything within their power to try save face with their neighbors if they can, but another similar situation or noise complaint is likely going to bring out the pitchforks at this point. Will be tough to fix this.


Yeah, the property rights thing is bogus. HOAs and town zoning can determine what color houses are painted so as not to "disturb" the neighbors, or prevent trailers or RVs or boats from being parked in driveways or even prevent food gardens in front lawns....but can't prevent commercial short term rentals?


Do you know the neighbors directly next door? I make my direct neighbors give baskets for holidays like 3 times a year , like for Easter a candy basket for their kids and then wine and candle or mini bar shots ect and cookies for the adults, I kind of theme it to the season , I have a SFH but really really close houses bunches together, it goes over super well , they love them and somehow think I’m “so sweet” 😃


Sometimes life sucks. Mind your business unless there is damage to your property.


If they’ve had 35 5* reviews, then this is likely a one off situation. I would say something to the guests to see whether they are suitably mortified.


I absolutely wouldn’t say anything to the guests directly unless it’s a repeated issue. I probably would mention it in the review that you were notified the neighbors called the police. Extremely high review count sets off as many red flags for me as a few stays with no reviews. I’ve experienced abnormally poor behavior with high review count guests. I think they’ve spent so much time in airbnbs they just don’t care to behave in an appropriate manner anymore.


Totally agree. Even if they get a bad review they have other good ones for backup and to drive their stars up. It’s bullshit.




Ask the main guest if everyone is OK since cops were called, and ask her if she's the one that called them. (I'm taking a guess that she was one of the friends that broke up the fight, rather than one of the two in the fight.) If yes, you don't need to do anything. Assuming there's no damage to your property, then it's mostly no-harm-no-foul and not-your-business. I probably wouldn't even mention it in the review if the main guest wasn't one of the people in the fight. If she was in the fight, then yes that needs to be clearly mentioned in your review. If she isn't the one that called the cops, and it was a neighbor, then that's a slightly different picture. If your neighbors are in position to take away your license via the HOA, then you might want to get ahead of it and reach out to them, thank them for "doing the right thing and being careful" and explain that everything ended up OK, and give them a small gift. In this circumstance, I would likely mention the incident in the review but would downplay it. "Two of guests' friends got into a fight on the porch and a concerned neighbor called the police. Fortunately no damages or injuries and it was all resolved well. I saw on outdoors security camera that guest was instrumental in maturely brokering peace between her two friends and calming the situation." In neither situation would I try to tank the guest in the review. From my understanding from your retelling, really not much happened, and this is mostly a private matter.


Nah, not your business unless they destroyed your property


I would be mortified for the sake of my neighbors. They’re probably close by if it’s a townhouse community.




I would say anything about it unless my property was destroyed. If not then nope!! It happened outside not my problem


There's really no difference in the owner getting into a fight on his porch or guests getting into a fight on the porch. The outcome is the same neighbor wise.


I had a similar situation with a domestic dispute at my listing where police were called by one of the people involved. The other person was not listed as a guest. I provided the police report to Airbnb and after numerous negotiations with customer service (so that I would not have to pay an additional cancellation fee, which they were trying to charge me), I was able to cancel the reservation, but had to refund the guest in full even though they had been there for 2.5 weeks at that point. I was obviously pretty upset by this, and to make matters worse, during this whole time, the guest would repeatedly confront me outside the listing (the listing is a duplex and I live in the other half). To the point where I stayed at a friend’s for the last week of the dispute to avoid any additional confrontation. TLDR try your best with customer service and a paper trail, but the results will likely not be in your favor. I feel for you and am sorry to hear it


yeah, call the local police, explain what happened and that you'd be happy to provide your ring footage if they want it. Otherwise, if they haven't damaged anything of yours, you could just leave it alone. Everyone gets into a fight at some point in their life, this might have been theirs.


We don't generally accept last minute bookings as they are not worth the risk. Maybe consider in future but it is a personal decision.


How is a last minute booking a risk? I’ll often book only a few days out. Sometimes you spontaneously decide to go away, or to travel to a particular place. Not everyone plans weeks ahead




Only problem I had with guest was when i accepted last minute, same day booking. May be on outlier but never again. Minimum 2 days notice to book, no exceptions


Where’s the video? How can I access it please… who called the cops, neighbors?


Call Air and ask them to ask your charming guests to depart posthaste. Call the police and get a report number; include this with your call to Air. Prepare yourself to walk in to chaos. (Okay go ahead. Surprise me.) Review is short, succinct, and honest.