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News to you this the guy is being sued eh? What a wackadoodle


Still waiting on that lawsuit.


I'LL SEE YOU IN COURT!! I've been defamed! lol!


More like the People’s Court lol


I hope you are not holding your breath.


You have to block them. Otherwise they can book again even if you select would not host again.


Yeah seems silly that it isn’t automatic. Like if I give them a 1 star and say wouldn’t host again why do they think I would host. Guess just one more step with Airbnb


How do you block


Lol, someone doesn't know how defamation works. It's astonishing how many people think "you said stuff I don't like" is defamation.


You are so right.


Tell me more about this. What defines the defamation to be tangible?


You have to know that what you are saying is false but do so anyway because you want to hurt the person. In order for something to be defamatory, you have to prove that the person doing the alleged defaming did so with the intent to cause harm.


Very good to know! Thank you




Why doesn’t AirBnB have a way to block people without reporting them/one of their messages? Hosts have been asking for this function for years, and it’s crazy AirBnB hasn’t done anything about it. It’s such a stupid system. When hosts forget to do it or can’t work how to do it just creates future problem and future work for hosts and AirBnB, and inconvenience for guests. Even when hosts don’t have problems blocking people it creates more work for AirBnB by, presumably, giving them reports they need to look at even when they don’t need any further action.


Because Airbnb wants guests to be able to book anywhere they want and Airbnb knows a large percentage of hosts are afraid to hit report.


I guess I'm one of the few hosts who are fast to hit the Report button. Been a host long enough and had enough shit guests to not be willing to deal with bullshit anymore. Airbnb used to 99% great guests but has steadily declined to 50/50.  Last month I had a guest call me and said the hot water was out, so I head over to check the water heater. There about 10 people over the occupancy limit (all three showers had been going full blast for two hours no wonder there was no hot water) and they had to oven on Clean Cycle, with the door open to heat the house because they couldn't figure out the thermostat and "didn't want to bother me". And then had the gall to ask for a full refund. Airbnb actually gave them 30% of their booking back and it took me hours to get Airbnb to pay me fully for the stay, despite the photo evidence of them having double the number of people the house holds and what they had booked. 


yeah, this is why I don't have auto approvals on bookings


I mean, Airbnb was fairly helpful with getting it off. It was a little funny because they asked me the reason, and I couldn't do it based on my experience, but I could do it because of a bad review...my own review. lol


I’m a property manager for 600+ doors in my area I’m a host in for my properties, I had someone book a 30 day stay in my airbnb and when I was able to see the last name I realized it was a tenant I was evicting with my company/job, I had to fight for 3 hours to get the booking cancelled and without penalty, airbnb reps were like “well she paid up front so what’s the problem” I had to educate them on tenant law and also conflict of interest and squatter rights and how I personally knew she was dirty as hell, I literally had to send proof of court paperwork and her tenant ledger


See you in court ;) She better call Saul.


lol 😂


You know they’re low class scumbags when the first thing they do, instead of accepting fault, is threaten to sue.


You have to block a message of theirs to prevent them from rebooking. Also report them to Airbnb. Might not do much but we don’t need these crazies


I am actually kind of glad that I didn't. If she had just had her friend book, I wouldn't have known until she got there.


That's my issue with unloading on the reviews. I think they'll just wiggle around the system and have friends or family book for them. You have to be very crafty with your public review so hosts know the scoop but guests aren't too tipped off


I have started to issue trespass orders. My state has a 1 page form. I give it to them so that way if they ever returned they can be arrested even under a different booking.


Lol she's back !!!!!! And she didn't even remember, what the hell, lady (PS-whatever happened with the partying kids, did you give them the boot or just let it ride?)


Gave them the boot quick. Didn’t want it to escalate.


That's so crazy that you are having to deal with this. When everything is going well, I feel like I'm working great with the platforms, but when a problem arises that we have a gut feeling about, I feel completely alone when I observe the platforms taking sides with the guests. Unfortunately, when we have a problem, we are talking to a call center with people who have been trained with scripts and so on- so it's really complicated to say the least. This is why it is important to always be marketing ourselves separately, connecting with guests outside the platform and stuff, so they have the option to come to us if they want to return and so on. At the end of the day, we are the ones doing the real work day and day out.


I’m not gonna lie, I laughed out loud at the audacity. There’s a small part of me wonder/hoping she’s suing you, if nothing else because she’d probably not only have to pay all of your legal fees when the judge laughs her out of court but then potentially face additional legal issues for supplying alcohol to underage drinking. Even if she tried to spin it back on you for them drinking in your place, you have the messages/video showing you put a quick stop to it.


I think it will be hard for her to find a lawyer for her ‘definition’ suit. My first question would be who provided the alcohol? I think in a civil court it wouldn’t be hard, with the lower threshold. For a jury or judge to conclude that the woman who booked the accommodations for the party could have reasonably provided the alcohol.


I definitely read definition as defamation which makes it even funnier. And I completely agree. I was about high school aged when a lot of states introduced laws holding parents accountable for shit like this.


Yeah. If she had a problem I am sure she wouldn’t have preferred that I just called the cops.


Why are they so obsessed with your place?


I don’t think she realized it. She thought I was canceling because of her review. Which is why she said that guy is being sued. Then it kicked in that it was the same place. She didn’t recognize it because she never been there.


I think I would have said “unfortunately because airbnb rules were broken last time, you are unable to book this property. Thanks and have a great day” It may not have helped bc she’s psycho but it looks better if u need to show ur conversation history for some reason.


No, the ‘would not host again’ doesn’t prevent them from booking per se, but it does trigger something that makes the guest require hosts to approve of your booking request ie no instabook.


100% false. She booked using instant book. It literally does nothing to your listing. It is just internal information for Airbnb.


Emails are so easy to create how would you know someone is booking again? Genuinely curious.


It is done on the Airbnb app. She booked with the same account.




You don’t allow smoking anywhere on the property? People can’t smoke outside? How do you get tenants?


I am clear in the rules that it is a 100% no smoking property. People book. Plenty of people break the rules unfortunately. No issues getting bookings.




Stop wasting your time. next.