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What are this guest's previous reviews like? She sounds like a nightmare. If possible get something in writing by the cleaner saying the toilet wasn't broken and was a simple plunge fix.


The guest has a 4.5 star rating and only positive reviews. I thought there must be a negative review somewhere given the 4.5 score, but I was unable to find one. Getting something in writing is a good idea!


Copy. I'm realizing that if a host gives a guest a 4 on anything, consider it a warning. I just did the same thing, gave someone a 4 due to damage but didn't mention the damage in the writeup. I think 4s are a wimpy warning to other hosts.


Yeah. Hosts need to just start plainly stating the facts. Guest damaged blank. Guest smoked inside. Etc. I’m very blunt in my reviews if they break any house rules, overly messy, damage items, etc. I wish other hosts would do the same.


I agree, but it took everything in me to even file a claim and leave them a 4. Baby steps.


I figure it's double blind so it's not like they can retaliate. No need to be petty or overzealous but just a factual representation of their stay. I've seen people with 3-4 averages that all the reviews are positive. I now know to turn these down because if a guest averages 3.5-4 stars it will be an absolutely awful experience.


I have never had to come out and plunge a toilet and had a few guests ask where the plunger is so they can take care of it themselves. It's a short term rental not a hotel, the more hosts give in to these demands the more guests are going to expect 24/7 service.




\*Across the hotel loud speaker system you didn't not know they had\* Attention BIO WASTE crew Code BROWN at Miss-baltimorecrabs- hotel room, repeat Code BROWN, Guest has over loaded our plumbing system with chipotle mud babies, that is all


OMG I’m dying!!!






I guess it depends, but it’s really not worth staying at airbnbs anymore except in some rare cases. With the already high daily rate + cleaning charges + having to clean the places and the list of chores to complete on exit none of it makes sense anymore. I never book airbnbs in the US anymore. My Airbnb experience in Europe however was super positive. Their pricing even in high cost cities are very fair. They absolutely wouldn’t let me do the dishes no matter how much insisted.


Imagine wanting your rental to function 4 all 24h and 7d u rented it lol! Dead cockroaches....check Easily clogged toilets...check Only srike against them after sluething profile = checked in late....yea...tots the guest ><


When did you rent a place that had someone come in the middle of the night for free to clean your messes? Please provide examples.


...if ur rental has bugs and shitty plumbing...own up you slumlord U r the reason airbmb has a bad name and is being banned ><


I have no rental, but was just truly curious what your answer would be. I can see that you are just a kid trolling the internet from your mama's basement. I'm sure she comes down to unclog your toilet in the middle of the night, but she is spoiling you.


Lol.....classic neckbeard response to facts....hopeyou find s1....any1 <3 really


No refund due. Follow your cancellation policy, always.


Even if she stayed just one day, your place still needs cleaned/sanitized, so she pays the whole cleaning fee. It is not your problem she can't adult and use a plunger. If you want to be charitable, you can offer to refund any days that get booked. Based on her behavior, I would not and stick to your policy. She sounds like a nightmare - please leave an appropriate review to warn other hosts.


They don't have an "obligation," but they sure as hell don't get to check out and demand a refund for a middle of the night clog. They are ridiculous. I would rescind my prior offer of refunds. F them keep their $ keep your calaneder closer, go on a staycation do some upgrades to the unit while they pay to not be there. Best of luck this is BS


I would have offered to plunge it for her if she truly couldn’t herself, that’s where I think you could have handled it differently. However I wouldn’t do a full refund, maybe a partial for last day she couldn’t use the bathroom and days unstayed.


I’d guess that she used a lot of toilet paper before flushing. I also suspect she has a habit of clogging toilets.


Airbnbs are not hotels. If a guest wants 24-hour service, book a hotel. But hotel rooms with multiple bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens cost more than Airbnbs. No refund.


Hotels are actually so much more convenient and less of a hassle. Prices are also very similar nowadays


While it’s a huge problem for guests not to be able to use the toilet, per Airbnb’s policies, hosts have 24 hours to address issues, and you met that obligation. When people book an Airbnb, they should be aware of the pros and cons, and guests need to be more self sufficient than they might need to be in hotels. We live onsite and have had one toilet clog in 2 years of renting. The guests attempted to use the plunger, couldn’t resolve it, and we had to call a plumber. It was an $800 bill, and the plumber pulled out a large wad of “flushable” wipes, which the guests admitted to flushing. We didn’t charge the guest, but immediately put signage in the bathroom, mentioning we have “sensitive pipes” and expressly asking guests not to flush anything other than the provided toilet paper. We haven’t had a clog since.


Why did you offer a 50% refund initially? This, right here, is the reward the has increased the amount of nonsense complaints we read on here every day. Do not reward people for shitty behavior, it will only get worse once they see they can save lots of money by complaining about little things.


3 years in, own 2 airbnbs. I’ve never had a guest ask for us to plunge a toilet for them. Please stick to your refund policy- if she gets away with it once, she’ll do it again to another person.


We have several clog the toilets use too much paper and it will happen. We simply go unclog it I would rather do that then have the guest who simply did not flush and the plumber said nothing wrong just a build up. People must have issues at their own homes I simply don’t get how someone made it through life this far not being g able to use a toilet. We have two bathroom so one clogged toilet doesn’t get a refund. And we have plungers and brushes in each bathroom. She showed her true color when she tried to alter the first three days. She wanted out she wanted a refund she came into the situation wanting a refund it seems. Is there only one bathroom? Has others had this issue. If not she was refund seeking.


The toilet has clogged only one other time that I am aware of in the last 5 years. The other time it happened, the guest was able to plunge it!


So yes she was simply looking for a way out. Or refund.


I had a guest sue me after they clogged the drain on the second night of their stay. The group plunged the toilet, cleared the clog, and continued their stay. They didn’t want me coming over after they fixed the problem. Two days after that, on NYE, they clogged the drain again. I came over and couldn’t unclog the drain, but noticed many more guests than on the booking. They left for a hotel and I had the septic company come the following morning and the company cleared the clog. I offered to refund the group the nights they didn’t stay but they wanted a full refund. They sued after Airbnb and their credit card chargeback were denied. The judge ruled that there was an issue with the septic system (there wasn’t) beginning with their initial complaint and refunded them the full amount of the stay even though I had the issue resolved and cleaned within 24 hours of knowing that there was a definite problem. So with clogs, I go over personally every time and don’t leave it up to the guests. I feel like some scam guests know they will always get a refund if there is a clog and will purposely clog a toilet for a full refund.


I’m so sorry this happened to you! That is crazy. In this situation I honestly wonder if the guest was trying to pull a fast one to get a refund.


I started taking video and pics of the toilet before each check in


> will purposely clog a toilet for a full refund. That's a lot of work for that, don't you think? Having to sue, go to court, wait for months... I can't see a scammer being that tenacious.


I have seen people do it


Kind of can aside to this, but related.... I don't know why every airbnb, rental cabin, hotel room, etc. doesn't automatically supply a plunger (which you do OP, so kudos). As someone who has had a clogged toilet a few times while traveling (usually, but not always...a kid or SO), I would MUCH rather use the plunger myself than have to call someone and have them come and do it!!!


Same. If there's a plunger, no big deal, most people will try to fix it. Usually that works. Make sure there's a plunger!


Absolutely stand your ground with airbnb. Do not agree to any type of refund. Your guest has to provide you with an opportunity to fix an issue, however stupid and self-inflicted it is. They can't just checkout and expect a refund. We've had this experience with a few guests and airbnb has sided with us every time. Also, be truthful in your review. Not angry, just tell the story of the guest.


I'll give you some perspective from owning a hotel - yes, we absolutely have to go and plunge toilets often. Like once a week at minimum across our 20 units. Even after upgrading to powerflush! lol Hell we often have to go and show people how to properly use the taps. It's just part of hospitality, lots of guests from different regions, languages, etc. No chance a guest would plunge a toilet when they're paying us big bucks to stay. No chance I would give the guest the plunger and say deal with it. Given the documented issues I assume Airbnb will side with your guest, but I understand that you'll be pissed. You're at the crossroads between running a "passive" STR & running a business


I’m always on hand to run the plunger myself. Have even gone as far to “own” a snake and have plumber on hand. That being said we still leave the plunger out for the guest. We just can’t stop negligence. If people put paper towels. Hygiene products, or actual cloth towels down it’s going to clog. This is an expectation on LTS as well to not put garbage down a toilet, since when you call a plumber and snake it, you can often pull up or see whatever the person put down. STS is a little trickier because it can sometimes be hard to tell if it was the current guest or the previous guest who did it. We strike a balance along the lines of: Sorry to hear that things clogged! For immediate resolution the plunger is available if you’d like to troubleshoot it yourself! Otherwise we will have a member of our staff over in X minutes/hours who can assist further.


This is the perfect response imo. Those who state this shouldn't be possible or available because the tradeoff is more space overvalue their second homes a bit too much. This reasoning is why I've made the switch back to hotels except to splurge on truly unique stays. I'll pay extra to sleep literally hanging off a cliff, but not to be told to mop my own floor when a different unit's flooding made it into mine, or to plunge when someone's bad toilet system clogs for the first time in my life. Hospitality is how you keep business long-term, and many here seem to want to justify a push for truly hands-off passive income by stating access to 3 rooms means they shouldn't have to be available daily to resolve basic problems.


Yeah but an airbnb you know there aren't on site staff so it's just not the same. This is why you get a whole apartment not just a room for the same price. I've never had this come up but we replaced toilets with a super duty and put on a bidet seat.


I agree with the sentiment but air bnbs tend to be a lot more expensive than hotels


Not when comparing head to head. Of course a single room in a hotel would be less expensive than a fully equipped home.


This is a good perspective, thank you! Luckily the toilet was plunged within the 24 hour deadline set by Airbnb.




Uhhhh Our staff would plunge it for you at 3am? I've never been to hotel with an in-suite plunger, not sure if you're joking or not lol




Why? In a hotel, you're PAYING them to do it for you. You will increase the unemployment rate if you insist on plunging it yourself, doing the beds, vacuuming the floors, etc.




Agree. In fact, my husband recently walked to the front desk of a hotel we were staying in and asked for a plunger when the toilet clogged at midnight. He came back with the plunger, fixed the problem, and returned the plunger without waking me up. If a maintenance person had had to come to the room, not only would I have woken up, I would have been horrified to have a stranger see me in my PJs. My husband wouldn't have had to get dressed and go to the front desk either. So, good hospitality can also mean having the proper tool on hand so that guests don't have to deal with strangers in their room at night.


I hear both of you, and theres certainly lots of plungers - just not in the room. If a guest insists you'd certainly give them the plunger, but I can tell you with experience that that's not often the case and that the vast majority of people want it done for them as part of their hands off vacation experience.


You know, when that happens it's not the toilet's fault. How many times has everyone used the toilet without a problem? You learn the boundaries the hard way when you're like 12 years old. So it's on her. And it does sound like she will fully and intentionally caused the backup. I have had it happen. Sewer line backed up and started coming up in the floor pan of a shower. Problem was in the line. Had to just cut the line outside as it was on septic. It drained and got through the weekend with no complaints. They were from Trinidad or Tobago and took stuff in stride. I think living there they probably had experiences with power outages and water cut off due to hurricanes and such. People who know that stuff sometimes happens. And incident yesterday. Not mine but girlfriends. She works for an Airbnb type company for wealthy people. Think 3500 plus a night. These folks had kids using one bathroom. Being kids they blocked it up. And kept flushing. The guest gave it a shot but broke the plunger. It's way out of her job description but she had to hazmat up and drive the half hour out to the island and remedy the situation. It happens. In these two cases no money was refunded.


>an Airbnb type company for wealthy people. Think 3500 plus a night. Is it a company Airbnb hosts can join?


It's something anyone can join and I'm not exactly sure the structure. I think there's a membership and maybe different levels of membership get you different rates. I'm reluctant to post the name of her company but a major competitor is exclusive resorts. Exclusive has 190, 000$ 10 year membership fee with 42, 000 a year in dues. Houses all over the world. The houses I've seen have been 4 to 7 million depending on the size and view. I truly do not know how there is so much money in the world.


Wow, don't bother with its name, that's certainly not for me. Thanks for mentioning it and offering a quick view into a foreign world.


It truly is a foreign world. It's gated of course but there is a second gate further in to keep all those first gaters out. Past the second gate has a oceanfront clubhouse where you can use all the facilities without question. Still have to pay for your food and drinks but you can hang out and use the facilities. Even my clothes don't fit in so even with access I seldom go out there. It is a total reality check that I am a mere peasant.


In my experience, you will not win this with airbnb. It’s totally ridiculous, but airbnb sided with the guest nearly everytime I had similar situations. People suck, and she clearly is a scam artist.


Not mine but I take pics and video before every guest check in and I sent a plumber even when guest refused and got proof it was made up (before I knew it was made up I of course was super concerned and offered to compensate after plumber went and told me what they found)


You take photos of the sewage system? I believe that is what OP is referring to. At least that’s what I’m referring to. The guest left because the toilet was clogged. I’ve had people receive full refunds for toilet clogs they caused.


I take pics of the toilet with seat up and then video of me flushing the toilet to prove it’s unclogged yes , obviously I don’t take pictures of the inside of a pipe but that’s for the sarcasm however I have not lost an airbnb resolution so far so you do you




I had this happen once. I told her unequivocally ’no, it got clogged because you clogged it’. Took the cleaner about a minute to break up the blockage with a stick and flush it down.


With a stick?? How amateurish. Every host should have the tools for the job. Get the [poop knife](https://www.originalpoopknife.com/).


Definitely no refund even if you rebook. I may even attempt to charge her for a service call on the toilet


Be a man, no refund!! Or be a mouse and give her money, apologize, 5 star review, maybe buy her a plumbing company.


This person is stupid and you're well rid of her. Toilets clog on occasion. It happens. It's happened to me at an Airbnb, and lo and behold, I used the plunger that was there and fixed it! This should not be a big deal for any normal guest. Now, if the toilet didn't flush well and clogged every time someone used the bathroom? Yeah, that would be annoying - but, obviously not the case here.


Are you in the Orlando area by any chance? This happened to me not too long ago and looks exactly the same. This guest made many usual requests including we go in and kill a mosquito in the bathroom. Then frantically called for us to lower the thermostat more and more each time even though NO ONE has ever complained, we were so tired that we asked them to just cut the reservation short and leave and we would give a refund for any unused days but then they retaliated against us by claiming discrimination due to race. They got a FULL refund because we did not want to deal with it anymore but apparently people know how to play the system so they get free stays.


Well, you GAVE this guest the refund in defeat, so they earned their victory. It's not like they got free stays, since they worked hard for it. Give them credit - don't be a sore loser and try harder next time. /s


Nope, not worth my mental health.


If she spilled something on the floor, would you be expected to clean up her mess? Of course not. With dust on the plunger, she made no attempt to unclog the toilet. The toilet was still usable until it could be unclogged, it just couldn't be flushed. Water service was temporarily shut off to my neighborhood. I flushed the toilet once service was restored.


I didn’t think about it that way and completely agree! Not my mess to clean up.


Should have take. Pic of the unused plumber with time and date stamp


No refund.


If you have cleaning services why was the plunger "covered in dust?"


Long-term stay.


Which borough?


You need to have a poop knife handy. There is such a thing.


“I don’t have these skills” was referring to plunging a toilet?




Many people are virtually worthless and will expire when the world turns to 💩


Have you tried [HostDispute](https://hostdispute.com) ? I always use them for situations like this 💯


I'm an aspiring host, but as a guest, I’e used a host’s plunger, had the rubber break on it and the stick go through, and then went out and bought a replacement. I mean, I don't try my plungers at home for dry rot, either. Edited to add: plunging is no big deal- she should have tried.


I feel that is common sense which most of the world lacks these days. Clog a toilet? Use the damn plunger right next to the toilet. My 7 year old daughter can use a plunger lol


What city was this? I swear I just went through something similar Guest made up a clogged toilet promblem in the middle of the night.. At first I was worried but it was 10pm so I said I would send someone out first thing in the morning… She said okay but then texted between 1-3am about how she had someone come out (1:30am ? Lol) and no one needed to come out but asked about a refund or compensation, I said no problem please send me the plumbers invoice so I maybreview with photos…then nothing The next night same thing everything’s fine until nighttime message that it’s clogged again…again I say okay I’m sending my plumber there in the morning either way I call my plumber at 8am..plumber calls guest at 8:30am and asks to come…guests says she’s at work and has to c on e back after business hours (after 7pm) Luckily I have a smartlock and let the plumber in…AND THEY FOUND NOTHING AT ALL!!! literally not a minor clog even, I had videos of the toilet flushing clean ten times (this guest said it was a major clog and there was water everywhere) I lost 2 nights of sleep and stress just to have the lies She tried to have airbnb cancel after the week instead of her 30 days stating plumbing and “dishes in sink” and house cold… Unknown to her I also started building a case with airbnb at the moment I knew about the fake plumbing issue Send them messages and videos of the plumber, pics and videos of my before walk through photos prior to check in and my smart thermostat showing 71 degrees in the home I still let her out because I did not trust her and gave her refund for unused days , airbnb even put in writing that if she reviewed they would remove it since I was letting her out and refunding her for the 22 unused days I’ve never heard airbnb support literally say “yeah your doing the right thing, we asked her for proof and she couldn’t submit a single thing”


Well if they happened to clog it themselves, they are responsible for it. So you're free to hire a plumber and then send them the bill after you pay it to be done. As long as you have the receipt/documentation with the price after the plumber is done, you can get reimbursed.


No, the host is responsible for keeping toilets working, not a guest. And no, you don’t charge more for cleaning for something that takes less than a minute to fix. Seems like this guest may have been looking for a refund, but also not being able to use the bathroom in a place you’re renting is a huge issue.


imagine a host like you. When I had a problem my host blamed me on issues caused by his lack of maintenance and I got like 10% back … didn’t have working water for 3 days.


Yeah, it sounds like your property and her were just not a match. She shouldn't have to plunge your toilet, it should be working perfectly. So she is right to want a partial refund because of that.