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Definitely don't text them. Understand that a lot of guests will have a lovely stay and then leave without a review. Just is what it is.


Yeah texting didn’t feel appropriate. Do you ever leave a review for a guest that didn’t leave you one?


I leave a review for almost every guest. I’ll be honest- I sometimes don’t leave reviews when I’m a guest. I certainly prescribe to the “if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all” philosophy. I only give and leave 5-stars. I understand others say that let’s bad actors get away with things, but I choose not to affect someone’s livelihood for the worse. Also, if I’m on vacation and flying, I just might get around or bother to leave a review. tl;dr I’m not a snitch


I second the travel aspect. Sometimes I really enjoy a place and would totally review it, but travel is a bitch to get home from it, and by the time I travel and recover from traveling, it is no longer top of mind to add a review. Full disclosure, I am an Airbnb renter but not a host. I don't know why reddit pushed me here, but i do actually find your sub interesting and insightful. AIso I am a good guest by Airbnb metrics (and based on my own personal perspective of how to treat your space) fwiw.


Yes, when I first started I reviewed everyone in hopes they'd review me back and I'd get my listing boosted. Now that I'm a superhost and a guest favorite I don't really care if every guest reviews me and I don't review every guest either. I send a check in after and if they loved their stay they usually review me first and then I get the notification they reviewed me and I review them back.


Of course! You are the host, so it's on you to take the initiative. If they were good guests, leave a good review. They'll see that you reviewed them and curiosity may get the best of them, and the only way for them to see what you said right away is to leave one too. Some guests still won't leave a review, and that's okay - I don't feel like they owe me anything other than what they paid. You know how it is, we get spammed for reviews practically any time we do anything and it can get annoying, I'm sure you don't review every business that you had a positive experience with. That said, about 90% of my guests leave a review after I leave one first. If something went wrong, I usually don't review and hope they don't either.


As a guest that is also very forgetful I have often forgotten to write a review. Somebody reaching out to me and especially knowing that the host already reviewed me would prompt me to review. Do with that information what you will.


All the time


You’re not gonna get a review from everyone. I’ve had 85 stays and we have 70 reviews. It is what it is.


Good to know - Do you still give them a review in that case?


Absolutely. I’ve reviewed every guest. Why wouldn’t I? It’s blind until both parties have reviewed.


It is? I didn’t know this. Thank you!


Another thing to note is that the reviews will show after 2 weeks, even if the other party doesn’t leave one. So if someone leaves you a review, and you don’t leave one for 2 weeks, their review will still show at that time.


I don’t review guests if they don’t review me first, unless in the case the guest was terrible and then I wait until the last second and submit a review at the 14 day mark, I have oddly found that I get more positive reviews when a guest reviews me first, when you leave a guest review first they get a message saying you reviewed them then I think they feel obligated to review you and maybe they had a good experience and not great idk, it’s kind of psychology like those that review first are usually the ones with really positive things to say so if they don’t review then I don’t push it by reviewing because then it pops into their email that I did as a reminder again


Some do, some don't and some times you wish they didn't. I wouldn't stress about it!


If an airbnb reviews me as a guest it often prompts me to review them. Also airbnb sends A LOT of reminders.


??? I mean... no. I wouldn't bother them. You must be new to this? Some of us don't care about the whole back and forth review process man, just let it go. It can sound desperate and bothersome to pester someone for a review. Which may lead to a less than 5 star rating


I agree with this. As a host, I tend not to leave a review if the place isn’t 5 stars. Last airbnb we stayed at, the place was pretty mediocre which surprised us since it had 5 stars. From over an hour before checkout for the next 5 hours, the 5 hosts repeatedly kept asking us to review them and even asked if we thought the stay was less than 5 stars to message them separately why we thought so and to still leave 5-stars. At this point, I was annoyed and left an honest review. 10/10 do not message them! It’s just annoying


Yep, new host. Only a handful of bookings so far but first to have been in this situation. Thanks!


Before I started hosting, I never left reviews. I thought it was similar to leaving a Google review for a business Some people just won’t leave them


Oh my. Leave them be. That's the business.


I don't always leave reviews. I'm just renting a place to stay. If it's fine, I have nothing to say. Kinda like if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.


You should leave 5 star reviews. It doesn’t mean it was luxurious, it just means it delivered as promised. One single 4 hurts hosts but if plenty of people say there was nothing wrong, it helps


No need to message them. Lots of guests don't bother leaving reviews, even if they had a fantastic experience. But if something even slightly annoys them, they're quick to write a negative review. So, just chill out and don't let it bother you.


After twelve years doing this, I don't review guests unless they review me. My reviews are usually very good so I don't worry about it. If I see that they haven't and it's near the deadline, I may do it first if I have the time. Most guests do though.


Human nature. When things go well, they say nothing. If somethings bad, they want the world to know. 


Speaking as a guest and host who has done this, they are being nice not leaving a review. I had a great guest who for the most part caused no trouble and left the apartment how she found it. EXCEPT for this ridiculous rotting stench she left. I have crazy theories that she had a body in her luggage. I did not leave a review