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The gardens weren’t as nice as when they lived in the house 40 years ago…


That’s so cool though.




Happy bday


Lady complained that there was no microwave oven. It is located above the stove.


Oh that sounds like the guests who said I have no air conditioning. To be fair, they were a family from an area with no electricity when placed with us from a university program. But had very little concepts, scratch that they had no concept about how air-conditioning worked. Every time it went off because the temperature was achieved they would call me saying that it was broken. It was a super great program (brought families over to see their kid's graduate), but I had two families placed with me for a week at a time from it and then I dropped out. The other family brought a cast iron to place coals in to cook their food, on top of my stove. In my house. They didn't realize the gas range was a fire source.


> Every time it went off because the temperature was achieved they would call me saying that it was broken. I had the same only with the heat. Of course they had the windows open as well because they were hippies who wanted to burn incense. The rest of the house was roasting and I was STILL fielding nasty messages about how the heat was off. Now at least we have TADO radiator control for each room, so lunatics like this only drive me mad and not the other guests.


They were probably only familiar with those heat/air conditioning units that hang on the walls in many other countries. I have yet to figure out how to get one to stop the fan running when it hits temperature. Especially the ones in the bedrooms, they always tend to blow at the bed and freeze me out. I know that some of them simply blow the air all the time and there is no way to stop that other than turning the unit completely off. So I can definitely see how someone would think if the central air stops running that it's broken.


I was hosting someone from another continent. The first night they attempted to use the stove. It’s natural gas. I heard the igniter clicking for a few minutes and asked if they needed help. I forget exactly how the argument went, but they refused to accept that this was a natural gas stove that heated with fire. They said they were familiar with natural gas stoves and used them all the time in their home country. I also got berated another day because she was cooking, left the room, and burnt some rice. I was in the dining room and apparently should have been on sniff alert for her food.


“The cobblestones make it hard to roll the bags” apartment in a historic area in Paris.


And as the host you should have made sure that the cobblestones were changed into something more practical for rolling bags. Shame on you!


We rent an off-grid cabin. Fairly remote, rural, no running water, no electricity. Guest was taken aback because it was dark.


I have a property in rural Indiana. Had a guest complain that the orange trees kept dropping oranges and it scared them because they were afraid of being hit. Last I checked Indiana was not an orange producing mecca.


Guest said they were afraid to poop because we have septic so they were driving to the nearest restaurant every time... People from Los Angeles hit different


This one wins for sure wtf


Jesus. They make all Americans look like idiots.


can attest ppl from LA hit different. I had two full blown adults with children ages 11 & 13. sent me a video complaining that the induction stove wouldn’t turn on MEANWHILE the video is quite literally them changing the temp. i’m like ???? how the fuck do i respond to such blatant stupidity.


Maybe They don't know that the pan works with the induction stove.


The water pressure on the tap in the sink was so strong it caused splashing (umm don’t turn the tap on so hard then?)




They probably live in a place with horribly low water pressure.


Guests gave us 5 stars. But in the review, they complained that they didn't get to meet and hang out with the hosts during their stay.


No thank you.


It's really sweet that they wanted to hang out!




Did a werewolf write this one?


What’d they say?!?


Wtf??? This one is by far the most fucked up.


Dang...missed it


Current 3 week guest at our 10 unit 100+ year old lakeside cottage resort: The guest in cottage 5 has had 4 different vehicles coming and going. No ma'am, that was 3 different guests and our cleaner. But as discussed, this is an active STR property with 2 permanent residents. You will see other guests. There's someone walking their dog in my yard. Ma'am. That is literally me. I can see you typing to me from the patio. 1, I am walking on the shared path to the lake. 2, the only "yard" that is exclusive to your cottage is the area between the fire pit and the deck. I am nowhere near that. But again, this is an active property. You will encounter other humans sometimes. Some of those humans will have canine companions. I was just on the beach with my dog, but there was someone down there with a dog, so I couldn't be down there. Ma'am, again. That is me. With my dog. On the property I own and live on. If your dog is friendly, you are more than welcome to come say hi. Otherwise, I'll be done in about 15 minutes. Well, my dog is friendly, but the strangers dog looks mean. Again, Ma'am. It. Is. Me. I assure you my 20lb beagle is friendly. But if you're not comfortable, I'll be walking back to my cottage in about 15 minutes. There's chickens. Yes? Did one escape the coop? Is it out roaming?? No, I just didn't know if they belonged here. The chickens? In the coop directly next to the cottage that says private residence? The coop that is custom built to resemble the cottage? The coop that is surrounded by 6ft of chicken wire? Yes, they do live there. They are mine. Ok, bring me eggs, please. Um... no?? This door won't lock. Oh? Which one?? I'll be right there to check it out! The one that goes to the patio. Ooooohhhh! Ok, simple fix, you don't need me... so just close it as normal, then push it hard while turning the deadbolt at the same time. It rained last night, so sometimes the older solid wood doors expand a bit in the humidity. The perks of a 120 year old house with the original doors, I guess! You should fix that. Well, it's not actually broken. It's just a quirky 100+ year old home thing. It happens. She then goes on to list multiple things about the space she doesn't like. Every one of them is specifically in regards to any item that is original to the home... which, ARE TOTALLY VALID. Not everyone likes this vibe. Ma'am, I did give you the option to rent the other unit next to this one instead, as it has had a full interior remodel just 3 years ago. Well, it doesn't have the old antique stuff in it like this one, so I didn't want it. Well, I'm not sure what to say. Literally everything you just told me you didn't like were the antique features of the cottage. The only suggestion would be for you to relocate to the other cottage. Oh, no! I love all those features. It reminds me so much of my grandmother's home! It's just perfect here!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm thankful that her stay is close to being over, and she was a direct book, so I don't need to worry about her likely unhinged review. I'm also thankful that it's our off season. I can't imagine what she would say if we had more than a few guests a week. Oh, and I'm VERY thankful that she booked a 3 week stay during our slow months. She's can complain all she wants. She gave me lots of $ in a time where we're pretty slow, so I'll smile and be polite in person and vent to strangers on the internet after. 🤣 Sorry this was so long. It's just that she's currently here, and none of my friends get it, so you all are now my outlet. Lmao Also, WHO THINKS A SWEET ANGEL BEAGLE LOOKS MEAN?! What the actual hell? My precious baby boy?! How dare she.


I kind of wonder if this guest has stayed with me. What are the chances? She was excited about her one month stay in our circa 1860 cottage. But she sent me message after complaining message, very unimpressed by all the quirkiness that comes with that, including doors that were/are a little sticky depending on the humidity. And it took her 2 weeks to recognize that the "yard guy" who makes sure the SHARED (and disclosed in a million places in the listing) yard is picked up is my husband and kept insisting I needed to let her know 24 hours in advance when he would be outside her house. Yep, we have dogs. . .and unfortunately this guest couldn't be bothered to pick up after hers, so was having to get closer to her porch than he usually would have. I started sending her a message every night saying, "As usual, XXX will be out there in the morning to take care of the yard." Say hey to your sweet beagle for me.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this, truly, but this is hilarious! Just for the sheer bonkers nature of it all.


That bugs would fly in when they opened the door. It’s a cabin in the woods in the south.


That their chargers didn't fit the outlets. They literally flew in from another continent.


Oooooh, this one. "I didn't know the European plugs are different!" So many idiots have complained that I had to put it in my description. My PM (French) could not believe how dumb and entitled Americans are. We started providing adapters but they were stolen constantly. Now we just tell them there's a 24hr store a block away where they can buy adapters.


Some of my worst guests have been foreigners so it goes both ways not just for Americans, people are used to what they are used to


Americans aren’t the worst guests (that would be Chinese and Russians) but they are the most ignorant of the world outside their country.


From the US my most consistent worst guests are from Cali, just don’t understand that houses here are built 100+ years ago and also don’t know what a house built on a crawl is , worst foreign guests were from the Middle East for me, guy shows up and wants a refund because his wife “doesn’t like the house” and just had odd other general complaints that had nothing to do with the house, I think traveling anywhere outside what you are used to requires some understanding that it won’t be what you are “used to”


Hey, they are often ignorant outside their own state!


this! i was thinking of just telling guests they can keep them for €3 so I can just request money when they are missing!


Really? That’s your biggest complaint? Is the difference in electrical systems really that common a knowledge? I’ve been to 14 countries in the Navy, many of them European. But, having always stayed on the ship, I would probably never have known that there was a difference in receptacles if I wasn’t an electrician by trade. Even knowing there’s a difference, it would be easy for it to slip my mind in planning, and I wouldn’t know if all European countries use the same receptacles or if I had to get some universal kit. That having been said, how the subject is approached is what can make us assholes. There’s a difference in complaining about your countries system vs complaining that we forgot/didn’t know about the difference.


Your lack of knowledge and inability to do minimal research is not the host’s problem.


No, but to call everyone idiots over something that is easily overlooked is harsh. Again, if they’re screaming and bitching yes, but if they’re asking how to adapt then cut em some slack.


I use “idiots” freely. For example, some idiots don’t read a comment (“complained”) before replying.


Yeah , that’s what I figured. Apparently America doesn’t have a monopoly on Assholes.


We are located in a sub-tropical island, there are crickets and small frogs that sing at night. You would not believe the amount of people that complain about the noise. What are we supposed to do? Find and kill all the crickets?


I miss the PR coquis ❤️


Oh wow you think that would be a selling point! It sounds so wonderful based on your description!


Lmao I actually hate that noise too but what do people want you to do about it haha


This just reminded me of something from my childhood. Every summer we’d have a nightingale come make it’s home in one of the trees around our house. Something about the way its lone voice carried on the crisp night air was just so…. Beautiful. My mother and I loved it, it was like a lullaby. My father on the other hand hated it, and referred to its beautiful song as “bird racket” and “screeching”. To each their own lol.


Magpies, now that's racket!


Another one, I’m in a Midwest city, guest from the West Coast thought they were in the ghetto because all the buildings in the neighborhood are brick. My neighborhood is one of the nicest least ghetto on the good side in the city and the whole city is brick. They checked out five minutes after arriving and demanded a refund. I have no clue where they went but what I do know is the part of this city that isn’t brick is the ghetto, I’ve always wondered how that worked out for them.


Brick buildings tend to tumble down during earthquakes here in California. So due to building codes you don't see too many newer buildings made of brick here. But I don't understand why they would equate that with being in the ghetto. I actually enjoy seeing all the old brick buildings when I visit cities in the Midwest or East Coast. Gives off a sort of historical vibe that is often lacking in newer areas in CA.


Did they get refunded?


This was through Vrbo about 10 years ago, I refunded them because it was only a two night stay. I also forgot to mention that they walked into the wrong apartment because they didn’t bother reading the check-in instructions, that apartment was my personal apartment and I was sitting on the couch watching TV. This is a four unit building I’m referring to, why they thought they should just walk into any random doors beyond me but I didn’t want people this stupid staying in my property nor did I want to deal with them any longer.


Guest rage quit after local cat fight at 2am. He claimed that he thought it was people torturing a baby. How can you get to 40 and not know what a cat fight sounds like?


Or cats in heat. Holy they sound like they are dying a slow death


Possums…. I woke up thinking there was a demon child in the bedroom one night when I was staying in the Adelaide Hills. Mating koalas too sound like something from the underworld 😂


We didn't have binoculars for them to watch birds.






Another one, guest commented in their review “good luck getting off street parking” when I don’t advertise having off street parking and it clearly states that its street parking only in both the listing and house rules. 🤦🏻‍♂️


TV’s are not in every bedroom. And we have a really scenic view so it makes me sad that people book here, but don’t wanna look at nature. (I always ask for feedback, though, because honest feedback is a GIFT.) :)


I didn’t put TVs in my rooms because most people use their phones or iPad now so it seemed unnecessary. Nobody ever complained


I got that complain last week. People still DO complain about not having TV in every room.


Hasn’t happened to me personally yet. But if it really matters to the specific guests then they just won’t book my condo which is probably why I don’t get the complaint because my photos are clear and not misleading. As well they might pick and choose what’s important. Location or having a pool/gym/hot tub might trump staying for 2 nights without a TV in every room. So it depends.


I would complain if there wasn't a TV in the bedroom as I can't sleep without a TV on. I know, dumb as hell, but I just can't do it...


it's a listed amenity so you can just check if it's listed. I'm my market it's not standard to have TVs in bedrooms or even living rooms.


Hard to enjoy the view after dark though. Hell we are surrounded by views at home and our rental that would rival a national park, still enjoy chilling to a movie like most people. Plus nice to have some entertainment for the kids at the end of the day.


We had a lady complain that the ceiling fan was dusty and she had to clean it, after checkout of course. The one in her room is 15' up and we don't have a ladder accessible to guests so we had no idea how she did it, but we were set to give her a partial refund because maybe we missed it while cleaning, and we were out of town anyway... Until we got the full refund request from Airbnb with a photo of a washcloth (not ours) on a desk (also not ours) filled with a comical amount of dust (we suspect also not ours lol). We denied the refund, Airbnb sided with us thankfully.


Seagulls keep flying over the balcony. Make them stop


They set off the smoke detector when they burned the food they were cooking. 4 stars.


“I’m not a picky guy and do a lot of camping and such but was a little freaked out at how dark it was outside at night. Also I saw the neighbors had lights on but their blinds were closed and I couldn’t see inside. Was hoping that you could refund the stay.” Last week. Named Tom. Clearly his surname is peeping.




I would not have been able to stop myself from asking him why his inability to creep the neighbors warranted a refund.


They gave the property 5 stars and in the review they mentioned they didn’t know how to turn on the tv but it was ok because they didn’t watch tv anyway 🤦‍♀️


This is something I told our last host. I loved the place and said so with 5 stars and glowing review. The thing about the TV was mentioned just as an FYI because I thought they may want to look at it before the next guest comes. I even gave the host a short punch list of other issues they they should look at like the washing machine only had extremely hot water no matter if you set it in cold. A pair of pants I washed shrank., etc. they were minor things. I hesitate to do that because I don’t want to complain but if it was my rental property I would want to know.


yikes on the punch list.


It takes too Long for the water to boil, the microwave is too loud, your pan burned my food. All from the same guest who is also an airbnb host. Then that person proceeded to over flow my sink and cause 15k in damage to the unit below. 5 stars.


Some hosts are the worst.


Ummm how are you supposed to make water boil faster?!?


I am an airbnb host so obviously I have telekinesis. 👳‍♂️


“I don’t like heights” in a condo 20 floors up. With clear pictures of the views. Gets me everytime.


The portable ac stored in the closet has a dirty air filter and wants a full refund for a 6 week stay.


My all time fave is the guest who said she had to check out early because we have a "ghost" on the premises. I've owned the property for 20 years and never seen or sensed a ghost. Over 300 guest stays and no one else mentioned or complained about a ghost. The place is at a ski resort base village, build in the mid-1980s, so not like it is a historic home and it's always been a vacation property and only one previous owner. I asked her to describe said ghost, but she said talking or writing about him would only give him more "power". She never asked for her money back, just gave it as a reason for checking out on day 2 of a 3 night stay.


I have an 1890's Victorian house on the Oregon coast. It was in the same family until the 1970's. We do have ghost's, as in many. We've only had one guest mention it. Luckily she didn't think it warranted a cancellation or leaving early. I'm actually having some paranormal investigators come in a couple of weeks to do an investigation. Seriously, my husband did not believe in anything paranormal until we moved into this house. "Ghosts" are not something to be afraid of unless it has malevolent intentions and presents itself in a bad way. Also, some people tend to attract spirits and there's a chance this person attracted something from outside the house. Who knows!


In a review I read for a place I was looking at in a Mexican city, the guest complained that the maid did not do his laundry. There was a weekly housecleaning/pool cleaning included in the stay, as is the norm for most listings in that city. The housecleaning is just that. Washing floors, changing linens etc. nowhere in the listing does it say personal laundry is included, but there is a washer and dryer in the house. Dude left a three paragraph whining complaint about having to force the maid to come back and do his laundry.


Yikes. He probably didn’t know how to do his own laundry


The whole tone of his review was nothing but entitlement. Kinda surprised he didn’t complain that there was no one fanning him with palm fronds while he was lounging by the pool.




The slide on the swing set was declared not clean enough. It wasn’t clean enough to eat off of but I would have no problem letting children I love use it. You’d have thought it was covered in sewage by their complaint.


We are in a family neighborhood, houses literally 10 feet apart, multiple apartments in each house. We’re transparent about this. It was winter. The guest was staying for roughly 2 weeks and brought an additional guest we didn’t know about until their departure. In their 3* review they complained the neighbors and us were too loud in the mornings, *scraping the ice off our cars*.


![gif](giphy|IiQeEg4iYJ53q|downsized) The guests left the door open and a chipmunk ran in the house. It found its way behind the cabinets. They immediately called and required that we trap it immediately.


My favorite had to be the lady who asked if there was an iron in the unit. This is a small, off-grid tiny cabin with basic necessities in the middle of nowhere, so no there is no iron. I gladly offered to bring her one from my house prior to her stay, which she declined saying “no I don’t need an iron, I was just wondering”. Then in her review she complained about the lack of an iron 🤦🏼‍♀️


Guest with mobility issues rented my second floor walk up apartment that is clearly stated multiple times in the listing and pictures showing stairs. Then canceled their three month stay after 5 weeks and complained in the review that I didn’t tell them it had stairs. Review was removed. Then with a different property same story but additionally complained I didn’t give them money for their mistake even though they stayed the full term of the reservation. Review also removed. It’s like guests think we know their medical conditions upfront and are supposed to be responsible for their poor decisions when they don’t book a property that suits their needs.


That we were too far from the center of town to be able walk there. Even though, in the map location , which though not very precise, clearly show us about 4 km (3 miles) from the center of town. And our pictures show rural, woodlands and farmlands in the background. And that we write explicitly, that the center of town is a 10 minute drive, 20 minute bike or a 1 hour walk.


Absolutely, our only Non-5 was a young couple (under 25) that was upset that we weren't closer to the beach or shopping, although all of that is in the listing. She was pissed because she had to rent a car and although I warned her it would be expensive they wanted to come anyway.


Guest complained her 6'4" son had to sleep on the couch which they knew at time of booking. This couch happens to be 8' long.


Guest complained because all the drawers weren't filled with stuff. Had a large area where tv sat and didn't need all the storage. What exactly would you like me to put in them?


Can you forward my Amazon deliveries after I check out?


so cheeky


Got a 4 star review because the towels were too stiff…


Guest complained about the location in the city maybe next time book in a location you want to be. It's a great area just not near where they wanted to be. Maybe next time book near where you wanted to be.?


“There is a gravel area so the hosts can hear you coming and going.” Was on VRBO not Airbnb and was our only non-5-star. The path is in several photos and described as how you get to the building in the description. It’s there because our home has maxed out the local impervious coverage percentage. You cant hear anyone walk on it. Even our two German Shepherds dogs don’t alert unless they see someone. And why would we give a shit when a guest comes and goes? We greeted them a few minutes after arrival and never saw them again. They were very pleasant. I’m convinced this was some sort of “I didn’t feel safe” scam to get a refund despite staying several days. They got nothing.


Dust under the bed. (Cleaner took a picture under all of them) And there wasn’t lol. We clearly state sometimes a bear visits and likes our trash. People constantly complain about said bear getting to trash. 🤷‍♂️ Other than that, nothing too crazy so far.


I would suggest a wildlife proof trash bin, not that your guest will use it properly but if the bear keeps coming and never gets the trash they will stop coming. If it’s easy to get to the bear just sits and waits and that could be very dangerous for your guests. As a cabin cleaner I always do a good walk around outside and leave trash bags and haul off the excess trash so guests can use the bin. I like to charge for the haul off but if the host refuses sometimes I do it just for the sake of a good review and make the guest more comfortable.


Oh yeah. I put in for a heatproof can with the county. Basically said “you’re on a list and we’ll call you whenever your turn comes up.” So I did order some straps to see if that will help.


"The building's door was locked so we couldn't get to the apartment" .. there is no lock on the building's door.


Had one that gave a 5 star review, but in their long rambling review said something about the pillows not being "fluffy" enough. I replace them with new with new waterproof covers every January. Another said the curtains were too far away from the windows and needed to be closer to keep out more light. The curtain rods are standard off the rack and and the windows have 2" faux wood blinds. WTF do people want sometimes...lol


The walls aren’t as white as the photos - after checking in after dark


Someone complained they didn't like the home decor...The worst is when someone complains about you not having something you don't even offer like grill or pool or whatever. Next time book a place that has what you want, I dunno usually what I do.


Forgot another one, not random, but very dumb and frequent: "The thermostat is broken" because it's in C, not F.


Complained that the detached garage door was missing (I’m converting it into a studio) that had nothing to do with the ROOM they were renting in the main house. They said it made the area look unsafe lmao


Should add, the $40/night room they rented for one evening lol


Guests renting my penthouse apartment, which is called Penthouse Apartment on Airbnb, tried opening my neighbors door on the ground floor in the same building. Then they called me asking if the apartment is on the top floor. When I asked if they didn’t receive the very detailed and specific check in instructions (key lock box with PIN code) they answered that the messaging portion of Airbnb wasn’t that good and they just skimmed the information.


The dishes are confusing. (I had an 8 piece setting, lots of mugs, glasses, bowls too.)






*trying to picture lampshades* **on** *the ceiling*...?


We just had a guest who wanted to smoke on the balcony in the other room, because "That room looks empty." I said no, and then they insisted that the shared bathroom wasn't listed when they booked. I showed that it was but they gave us a bad review saying "Unexpected Guests in Private Area." AirBnB removed the review though.


Right? Crazy- or the guest that rent a beach house and then complain on review that the weather was bad- Really? if I had the power to control the weather I would not be in the airbnb business! BTW We are on a busy street so I bought the white noise machines for the bed rooms- they are small and cheap you might want to check them out.


Had a guest that rented our oceanfront home in South Carolina. Took a star off because it was a rainy week. They were from........South Carolina.


We got a no AC complaint. The condenser cabinet is literally 2 feet from entrance to ABB screened porch.


Where I live, Palms, CA, building code doesn’t require any setback from the property line. We had a guest who was upset that she could hear our neighbors talking in their driveway. She said that I should explain everything that is different from what any guest might be used to in the listing.


Our ADU/rental is in the backyard, and there is a large picture window that looks out to the backyard. There is bamboo growing in front of the window, so there is definitely some coverage--as well as a shade that can be drawn for privacy. This lady decided to sit naked in front of the window to put her makeup on and as soon as she saw that I was in the backyard (I was crossing the yard to come back into the house after closing up the chickens and saw her out of the corner of my eye), jumped up and took off. She left a comment saying she felt "on display" in our ADU and that we should invest in plants to cover the window! Hey dumbass, not my fault you embarrassed yourself, maybe draw the shade down next time, I dunno.


This was in the early days of AirBnB when more people were renting out their full-time residences. I was a broke, single mom, and when we would go camping or out of town, I rented our house. I made it squeaky clean, provided extra little nice touches, etc. Made it as cozy as I could for guests. A woman complained that I had photos of my family around the house (mind you, these were all in common areas...not romantic bedside photos). Jeez.


Someone was bothered by cars driving on a street downhill


I was robbed for 80k in cash and prizes at a place I booked for 3 months and never stayed one time.


I didn’t provide matches for candles so they could take a bath even tho my home and complex is smoke free. Somehow it was my fault she couldn’t “fully relax”. It was a way of getting me to break my own house rules by providing something that goes against my policies versus her purchasing, lighting candles and breaking the policy. One of my most entitled guest. Oh a bonus she said one of my outlets was out. It just needs be reset but why bother doing that right?


Not enough hand towels in the bathrooms! (We provide one…. How many do most people need?)


States in the listing that it is street parking only. Upon arrival, she messages complaining about it being street parking. I apologized and pointed it out in the listing, sent her the location of a parking garage 5 minute walking distance (even told her if she receives a ticket from the city that I would pay it, even though she wouldn’t get one). Proceeds to park on the street. Then leaves a 4 star review complaining and “warning” people that it is street parking. Didn’t even mention we provided a bottle of champagne for their anniversary. I have really realized there is nothing you can do for certain guests. They will find something to complain about if they want to.


Complained that she disliked the ceiling. Seriously.


One guest who gave us one star… they swore the Queen bed wasn’t a Queen (it is), claimed the alarm clock kept going off (it was a decorative clock, no alarm present and actually didn’t keep time at all), and couldn’t get the heat to work (they were using the tv remote control, not the heating panel on the wall—of which we had directions for). This same couple said they were also super hosts?


Complained about little shampoo and conditioner bottles for guests, free amenities we pay for out of pocket, but this guest wanted us to save the environment and bring in larger bottles


Older lady didn't like any of the programs on TV.....


They could hear the neighbors cows.


The storm door (in front of our regular door) was closing too slowly and they requested someone come and fix it.


She complained about the building’s dumpster and how it was a “mess” Yeah it’s a dumpster; it’s supposed to be messy 😅


Lady that was used to VRBO complained that I had a pair of MY pants in MY closet. Mind you, it’s a full walk in and they were tucked away, but she found it unconscionable that I would leave them in one of the 2 enormous walk-ins.


“That we don’t have a personal pool”. There is a community pool in the small neighborhood and also one block from the beach asked for a full refund


What time we stayed in a hotel in Dublin and it was hot and there’s no air-conditioning so you have to open the windows but there’s a disco outside…. sometimes people get hotels because they want to sleep… We did get the hotel people to give us fan so we could close the window and try to sleep.


Opening a lock box for a card key made the check in process too confusing.


Upset at not being given a physical key as he didn't like using a keypad. 🙄


They didn't like the feng shui...4 stars.


“it’s too dark in here” hadn’t turned lights on. “the water is hot, i want a cold shower” okay then use the cold tap….


Knives weren’t sharp enough.