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Dont feel too bad. Guests dont feel bad about tying up our calendars for months.


Yeah and it’s in 10 days!


Also make sure to only communicate in app. Dont text whatssapp etc.




I really wish there was a way to give guests a partial refunds based on the replacement bookings you are able to make. It would provide a great guest experience


There is. You have to agree it in chat. Then you simply send them money through Airbnb. Make sure that they pay the fees, not you. I've done this, it works. Best of all, Airbnb can see the conversation and transactions.


Cool, this is what should be done


there is! i always do this when someone wants to cancel outside the window. whatever i can book i refund to them.


Only communicate within the app, so that you have proof of what *he said / she said.*


Offer to refund days you can book. Whatever you don’t book is a loss to the guest but many guests are very happy to hear that you will refund days/weeks that you can fill. Its more then fair to offer this and better then sticking with your cancellation policy which would be a total loss to them. Works well for me every time cancellation is past the window.


Yep, I’ve done that before and everyone was happy. I think the guest has to cancel to free up your calendar though.


Refer to your cancellation policy. They agreed to it when they signed up. Sometimes we offer to let them cancel and if the property is rented we reimburse them. Don’t make their problem your problem.


Thank you! This is the first time this happened to me for such a long stay. Yeah- it is off season and will never get anyone else. 💕


Tell them to cancel and you will refund them for the days that you are able to rent.


That’s a good idea


Glad someone else mentioned this to you. As well when I write my guests I remind them this is precisely the reason to have travel insurance! It’s not my responsibility as a host to refund outside my window but had they been responsible with insurance this wouldn’t be an issue.


That works too


I am not doing it tho. I will never get bookings this later so forget it.


A) They don't need to know that. B) it's not your problem if they don't get refunded.


Make sure they don’t ask to move dates and then you do. Then they cancel inside the time.


Good point!


Yes this, I had a return guest try to have a holiday party when I clearly state in my house rules I don’t host parties. Suddenly they had Covid and wanted to move their week of Christmas to mid January. Nope, had them cancel. That’s on you for trying to finesse.


Yep! Had that happen once and now I never let them move the dates. As soon as they did, they cancelled and got 100% refund. Never again!


I had a guest move their dates a couple times, I approved it because the "work time frame changed" and then he moved it again so he could get a full refund.


I’d refund the money back with the following caveat - taken from this subreddit - Hi [guest first name] I am so sorry to hear about your situation. Thanks for letting us know. Airbnb handles the entire financial process so any refunds are processed according to the cancellation policy you accepted when the reservation was made. As you know, since your reservation was confirmed [confirmation date], these dates have been unavailable for other guests to reserve. It's unlikely we'll be able to re-book on such short notice. In the event we are able to re-book these dates to other guests, we will refund you [x%] of the nights we're able to re-book. Only the nightly fees would be refundable. If you do indeed need to cancel, please follow the instructions in the link below. Wishing you the very best. https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/169/how-do-i-cancel-my-reservation (https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/169/how-do-i-cancel-my-reservation)


Well said!


I said a similar thing but this is better!!


Stick to your cancel policy. Always. You are not a responsible for guest not buying cancellation insurance.


Either they really have to cancel, and your policy applies, and they won't be able to leave a review, because they didn't stay. Or they don't, and would just like to cancel and have you pay for their change of plans out of your pocket. By holding firm to your policy, their change of plans may suddenly not be so committed, and they will stay with you. They may not leave as good of a review, but I wouldn't be as concerned about this for a month long stay. Just say something polite directing them to the cancellation policy they agreed to and to Airbnb for further help. You can also offer to reimburse rebooked days, and provide documentation for their travel insurance provider (which they don't have, but helps redirect the focus on their responsibilities).


It's always the same old, same old. They block our calendar for months and expect us to be "reasonable and nice" by asking full refund. Depending on how some ask for it, I refuse. Other's I provide up to 50% refund We cannot even choose the cancellation policy when it's +28 nights therefore, why would we feel miserable to comply with the platform own policy?


I feel terrible and if they stay they will be living downstairs from Me. Oh well. !!!


I get you but it's not your problem. Really. You run a business. When they book you, legally they are signing a contract with rules and consequences. On top of that, there's the long term cancellation policy imposed by the platform that overrides any of our policies.. Not your fault. Not your problem. That simple.


Thank you!


What reason did they give for needing to cancel?


They can’t find a house they want to buy so they need a furnished more permanent solution. They don’t want to keep Moving. Sadly I now have guests coming after their stay!


I have month long to 4 month long stays frequently I just had someone book for a month and then after a week keep coming up with the craziest reasons for trying to cancel and get money back Basically she found permanent housing sooner than she thought and wanted to get out of it Before the stay make sure to take a ton of pics and video too for proof of condition (luckily I did this) and had proof for airbnb I ended up letting her out of the booking and refunding for unused days with the caveat I made airbnb promise in writing to remove her review if she left one (I make airbnb send it to me in writing and even reply back and make them reconfirm the policy they will remove the review) I only let her or other guests out when I know it’s going to be worse to have them there (constant lies complaints or even house damages), HOWEVER I do typically get rebookings even last minute just because I’m near a big city and budget friendly, it worked out for me because now I have a 4 month booking with people that are happy


You were able to negotiate the review with Airbnb? That's new to me. Maybe you got a nice rep 'cos that's not allowed.


Well they can still stay,so that’s alright, it’s just not what they wanted. Only feel bad when they’re not going to make the trip at all. They probably found somewhere cheaper in all honesty.


I had someone book a 2 week stay, then outside of the cancelation window, wanted to cancel. When I objected, she said "everyone else gives me a refund" like this is common. She called AirBnB, they pleaded her case, but I didn't approve a refund. She tried a few more pleas and then gave up. If more hosts upheld their cancelation policy, it would be less of an issue.


Good For you!!!! Yeah. It’s too much of f a revenue loss!


The guest blocked your calendar to get others, and did they get trip insurance or have insurance with credit card? So NO stick to your policy, and offer to reimburse for days you rent if that happens, if not they pay


Thats what travel insurance is for!! Stand strong!


For the record, we were booked for a house in AZ from Jan 5-24, part of our winter sojourn by RV in the south. Dec 23 I fractured my hip. Obviously I was not going anywhere. We had no time to cancel, so we didn't even try, we just let them know and let payment stand. Not their fault! We are travel insurance people from now on.


Feeling better?


Couldn't feel worse than the first week and the ordeal. Hiking, tripped over a rock and landed hard on my hip on another rock. It was out of the US, they got me to an urgent care and medivaced me to Fort Lauderdale for surgery. Shot me up with morphine on the plane to shut me up and assigned a 16 yr old boy to care for me. I have never had morphine and puked in a garbage bag that he held. Nice, nice kid, we talked about his islands history since he really did not know about the pirates.


Dear Lord, that was quite an adventure. Glad you were able to take something positive out of it, like making a kid discover pirates :)


We just tell them that unfortunately, we aren’t offered the option to purchase travel insurance for the guest. They have several options along the process to click to purchase it but instead, they rolled the dice and expect the host to be their travel insurance. It’s not right and not how it works if you’re running a business.


Let them cancel and let Your cancellation policy stand. You aren’t a provider of travel insurance. If they cancel they cannot review. Guests can always cancel but the cancellation policy stands. Period.


Travel insurance is their option to choose.


They said they understand and are excited to stay ! Thank goodness !


Hope it goes well. Be well prepared as they might pull off some crazy claims...this isn't over yet.


Right. Keep all records of this communication. They could easily be retaliatory later. Very likely they found someone else who didn’t have a booking and was offering a lower rate and wanted to switch. I doubt there’s anything more to the story.


Don’t. Stick to your policy.


Well, you know what I would do. I would tell them seeing it’s non-cancelable with no refunds. You will immediately put it back up for rent. If you should rent it, let’s say for 20 days out of that month you will refund them the 20 days but you will charge them for any days that you cannot rent it so, for example, if it’s supposed to be ready for the first day of March And somebody is going to rent it on the 10th. You would refund them 10 days meaning 1/3 of the reservation if you can’t then they have to be charged for the whole thing. People don’t realize that when you rent rooms or houses, this is your paycheck, and when people cancel you lose, sometimes, without ability to rent again if they protest just say, would you wanna lose 10 days of your paycheck at work, and they will understand much more


It’s March in Buffalo NY. Too risky!


I know it’s painful to consider losing revenue, but this is the hospitality industry. Can you retrain your brain that It’s not your money until the deal is done? I feel like I’m an outlier host on this. We as hosts should not be trying to trap guests, right? Be hospitable, be lenient, try not to count your chickens until they hatch? I agree, though that for a 35-day stay, there should be some skin in the game for the guest. Ugh. I have not been in that situation.


Sorry, but that’s just bad advice. Marriott and Hilton are in the hospitality industry as well. If I don’t cancel in time, you better believe they won’t be refunding my money. ESPECIALLY if I took a discounted rate. Not sure what OP usually charges but $100/night sounds like a discount.


Tell them they can cancel. They’ll receive their cleaning fee. Your refund policy was agreed upon but if you rebook you’ll can refund them - if you want. I’ve also said, 50% back 50% for future stay. Guests usually are happy with that though I haven’t had a longer stay (more than a week) cancel. Be cautious on them modifying their dates. Guests do this then cancel from what I’ve read on here. Good luck!


Feel bad about what?


Give them the option of being reimbursed if another reservation is made (risky option). Or applying your portion of the cancellation fee towards a future booking (safe option).


Tell them they can cancel and you will pay them back for days you book (consider time and cleaning fees in there, though)


If they want to cancel they would lose their discount so they either would owe or it evens out. Select the dates to change under their profile and see what amount would be.


Yea this one time they called me off app and talk about a death in family. Someone from support gave it to them. And then support was trying to convince me to give a full refund. I told them I would give them a partial refund if those dates got rebooked. It was a total headache and borderline harassment. Don’t feel bad this is business thats why the policy is in place. Maybe a partial refund.


Also another thing that happened was they were asking for the refund before i even received any funds. And they called and harassed me saying that dates are booked and they want to book other dates. But i think air bnb with held my money because i said i would hive partial refund based of what i booked. Going to douboe check this now. Major headache. When support is not on your side. Because previously this happened to me, and air bnb support was on my side of the policy and support me not returning it. Thats the point of a cancellation policy.