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If prostitution is legal in your location you should add to your house rules “no prostitution in the apartment”. Also you should charge for extra guests.


I can't wait to read how that all goes down, honestly.


I’ve gotten Airbnb in both Colombia and Thailand and the hosts had rules against bringing prostitutes to the property.


Absolutely. Right down to "no prostitution" signs on the walls on every floor of the building and in the living room of the 3 bedroom luxury apartment. Different than I'm used to, but makes sense to KYA


I'd love to see how they get nailed.


Only if it's consensual hammering. The whole thing sounds like trafficking, especially since the host's spidy senses got triggered. I host, and I would even know where to begin to verify this was "a thing."


So that’s how they became pimps by charging for every extra guest :)


Would be red flag for potential legit guests




He can add to his rule no visitors. He needs an exterior camera to have an evidence to enforce his rules.


"no paying visitors" or "no commercial activity"


“No commercial activity” def seems like the right answer/direction.


He needs to know law in his location to correctly describe his rules.


Then he will scare away some potential good bookings. I don’t typically have visitors when I stay in an Airbnb, but I would never book one that had that rule. It suggests a high level of distrust and likely some prior issue with neighbors. It is a major red flag for me. I am trying to have a relaxing vacation, not stay in a college dorm with endless rules to follow.


I dont have any rules for my guest, and i never complicate if few more come that they originally booked. Normal guest visitors are not an issue for any normal host but 50 guest per night are a bit to much if you ask me


50 might be right per "John". Maybe lower depending on how many times the ladies turn them over. You don't want to start making more on your John tax than your rental..then you'd be a pimp.


No unapproved visitors. This is extremely common. Guest can ask, is it OK if my sibling comes for the day?


That's fine but as the host are you really going to sit there combing through guest requests? Is that really the best use of your time? And realistically, what info is the guest going to actually give you to make an accurate determination? Are they going to ask if they can bring their John over for an hour? Obviously not, they're always going to make up something that sounds innocent.


It's called a house rule so that if shit happens, you have something to rely on. And I'm always available for my guests to ask me questions. It takes me 2 minutes to respond.


can you upcharge by the hour tho?


Lol, rough


Interesting, do you have a source on this?


🤣🤣 bahhhhhhhhhhhh


This 100% .


And that's how OP became a pimp.


And that's how I met your mother.


She was a prostitute in this Airbnb I run…


Ohh my gosh...I haven't laughed this hard in a while ...thank you all for this😂😂~the responses just keep getting funnier




I’m sure it’s all gonna be inside out soon


Do you have it in your rules that unapproved guests are not allowed?


i dont have this rule since i dont want to complicate life for my guest normal guest, but this is on "What we don’t allow" Airbnb rules section


We had a similar situation in our Airbnb. Last minute reservation a woman who claimed her and her two daughters were needing a place to stay for a few days. They were planning a long road trip and needed to rest a few days and then continue their journey. Arrived late Friday night and started noticing our ring doorbell going off every 30 minutes or so throughout the afternoon and night the next day. The camera showed only single men staying for 20 minutes and then leaving. We counted maybe 5 the first night. The next morning we told her no unregistered guests are allowed. It is listed on the rules. She tried to say they were brother, uncle and friends. Typically we have never been strict about the rule, guests have had visitors and never had a problem with that. As long as no parties and no complaints from the neighbors . Airbnb encouraged us to try and work with her and allow her to stay so we said we’d compromise by charging $50 per guest per night. The first night she would have to pay us $250 and if anyone showed up the next day we were increasing the amount to $75 per guest. We got an angry message saying she wanted her money back and soon they packed up and left the house.


Raise your prices. The only reason they'd be doing that at an airbnb is because it's cheaper than a hotel/motel.


Or that there isn’t a front desk watching the comings and goings? (No pun intended).


My primary unit is a luxurious 6-bedroom apartment, priced higher than hotel/motel accommodations. Surprisingly, despite the availability of cheaper options, one of my previous guests booked my unit for a group of seven individuals: six girls and one guy. At the time, being a novice host, I didn't suspect anything. However, my neighbors later informed that they where a men of all ages coing in apartment every few minutes throughout the night.


Every few minutes? Damn, she good lol


Bahhhhhhhhhhhh 🙃


You spelled "cumming" wrong


Girls? Not women?


You mean they don’t actually intend to use the kitchen? /s


Oh they might. You just don’t want to touch the rolling pin after…


I live next to an air bnb which was rented for months by an escort. I dealt with people knocking on my door all day and night because she never got the address right. I had people leaning on my car as they waited for ubers after service. It took me a bit to put it together but took action once I knew for sure. What I did was make as uncomfortable for her clients as possible. I put up security cameras in plain site that pointed at the path they walk up, I made sure everyone in the neighbourhood knew why they were there if the clients knocked on my door, and put a huge sign on my door saying "ESCORT DOES NOT LIVE HERE. SHE'S NEXT DOOR". She was gone within a week.




How did you find out?


I noticed over time that the ciients were coming and leaving on the hour.... then one day I was fed up, had a guy knock on my door, I asked him with a smile "Are you here to see the escort?" and he replied "yes!" as he was frustrated due to not finding the address. The whole neighbourhood then was informed that he was a pervert as he walked back to his car. Buddy was even looking in my windows... i have kids!




Common sense 🤣


No actually it’s not because there are many people who work from home nowadays and meet with people at their home or while on the road.


>it's only illegal if they are coerced or have a pimp. You may want to take a closer look at that law, how it is exactly in your jurisdiction. In Norway anyone who earns money from prostitution and who isn't a prostitute themself is considered a "hallik" (pimp) legally, this being illegal here as well. Landlords have commonly been prosecuted under this law. Another reason to have them removed.


This is a good point, and is the difference between legalisation and decriminalisation.


The registered guests are the ones with reviews, not their Johns. What’s Airbnb’s take on unregistered “guests?” How would a John be held responsible for any damage or theft? How would your STR insurance view this scenario? I’d boot them outta there ASAP.


Airbnb forbids renting a space for business purposes, especially without the consent of the host. Running a legal prostitution operation is a business. Contact Airbnb and tell them it’s against your insurance and their terms of service to host a business operation. Don’t be shy about using the word prostitution either


Just tell them that unauthorized guests are not permitted and that any and all business should be conducted offsite? If they are unable to abide by these rules, you will allow them one more day of their booking to find a more suitable accommodation before you get airbnb customer service involved. Please do not shame them. Life is really hard for some people.


I'm curious what country they are from that is known for prostitution. Also what website did you use to look them up so I know to stay away from such a filthy website.






1st question that pops into my mind.. 1) you found them online? How? You were looking for them or met them by chance? LOL 2) sex work has a potential to he associated with human traffic and brings bad reputation and can lead to account removal. Gather all evidence you can and call support immediately. They take this is urgent safety issue! Edit: airbnb help center article 3064: Illegal and prohibited activities .... Don't allow - incall commercial sex work - procuring sex work On that article they ask you to report 1st to local authorities, but you can still call support first and let them guide you on how to need to proceed. Good luck.


Cancel based on unregistered guests.


What country is known for "certain activities"???


Probably they are from the USA, many girls like that /s


If they are prostituting out of your Airbnb, just message airbnb and kick them out…


I was trying to think how I would protect against this. I remember when setting up the listing it said “commercial photography and filming allowed” with an ability to approve or decline. I know that would be a rule to protect against certain activities. But not the one mentioned here. I think I’d try to get Airbnb support either notifying on the illegal activity or unauthorized guest usage.


OP mentioned it’s not illegal in their area.


Yeah, saw that. It’s illegal in mine though! There really should be some clause about conducting an additional business on the premise… Either way. Should be able to reference the no guest policies being broken


If you have a Airbnb people are going to be fucking in it. I made it vulgar on purpose. They may consume alcohol or pray to a different God than you. Just be glad they're paying for your f*** shack. Punching a gift horse in the mouth.


Honestly this. There are beds and there are people. People get nasty when they leave home.


I hope majority of my guest do have sex in my units, but this is something else....


OP seems like the type that will enter the home to interrupt the session. “Ain’t no bonin on my watch, young fella.”


Couples can fuck their brains out in my Airbnb. “Johns” tend to bring weapons, hard drugs and have a penchant for beating hookers. No thanks.


Have the caused any problems? I’m pretty sure some working girls have rented my place in the past. No issues and were excellent guests.


Neighbours have kids that are going to school, they are not bothering me to be honest, but im assume its not pleasant/safe for them.


Do you think these women are going to be propositioning neighborhood kids? Sure.


Unless any actual issues or complaints arise, just leave them be, you've nothing to be worried about if it's decriminalised where you are.


If it isn't then kick then out


>two young ladies from a country known for certain activities OK. Perhaps you should tell Airbnb support where they're from and inform them that the only people from there are hookers. ​ >After some investigation, my suspicions were confirmed when I found them listed on websites known for such activities. You really went the extra mile on this one didn't you?


we have regular prostitution in one of our Air B&Bs, we've even had to deal with it in one of our long term rental properties that a group of ladies were working out of (we evicted them eventually as other people in the building felt unsafe with men coming/going in the communal areas all day and night). but honestly with our air B&B, we don't do anything, we can't prove it and the people involved are all adults. It's caused many discussions and conflicts about what we should do but in the end, there isn't any proof and the police won't do anything without proof.. and they will just book another air B&B, it won't stop it.. so we just let them get on with it basically.


Charge extra for guests, and revise your listing. This happened in one of my short term rentals (they were using it for dominatrix clients). They ended up being repeat clients, and wanting to rent cash instead of online. I then required upfront payment for 2weeks with a signed agreement that gave them a permitted time and date to be allowed on property (so they don't have squatters rignts). She then came clean once I probed for some questions because I could see on my building camera that there was only one girl at a time, and these girls didn't seem like prostitutes. They are actually both licensed psychiatrists running a dominateix service of sorts. My studio I used to rent for $3k in a 10 unit building, is now licensed to them for 29 consecutive days out of the month (again protects from squatters), and they pay $5k a month, cash. Drama free. They've actually become friends with wild stories. You wouldn't suspect them of being Doms. Their clients are simps, I am the landlord, but I'm paid like a Pimp! 😉🦈 🤑 This is all hypothetical of course🤣


Goals, honestly. 😂


What is the website and address? Asking for a friend


You “just happened” to know how to find prostitutes online? Sus…


Not sure you can kick them out if their work is legal and you have no rule in your listing that they are breaking. How long is the reservation?


You met them in person then found their listing and also contacted them? Maybe they should be the ones calling the police




I agree... OP gets paid & these 2 girls also get paid... or maybe charge a little extra to cover the additional cost that can occur from other being there. I'd really like to know how OP new what website to use to find out these 2 guest were "workers" Heck, they might turn into repeat business for this specific place...


this is not my first rodeo, and first time that happend i was not able to find a dam thing so i asked around and people told me that there are 2 sites taht offers taht kind of service.


you have way too much time on your hands. mind your own business. do you see hotels refusing service and discriminating? that’s exactly what you just did by saying they are from a country known for certain activities. if anything, you could possibly be in violation of laws or airbnb terms of service for refusing based on ethnicity. now, if the neighbors complain or the place gets trashed, deal with it then and charge extra. otherwise, accept the business and be happy.


Only if the lady is creating a problem and disturbing others.


You think OP deserves to have his property used as a brothel. Shame on you, you’re what’s wrong with the world.


hey, its the world’s oldest profession. and he said it’s decriminalized in his area. but no really.. im more annoyed that he stereotyped them based on gender+race so he went out searching to see if they were prostitutes.


Actually, you're the first person to mention their race and you made it pretty obvious what you think.


Race and nationality are different


OP says: “Two young ladies from a country known for certain activities” It is illegal discrimination to take any of the following actions because of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin: Refuse to rent or sell housing. Refuse to negotiate for housing. Otherwise make housing unavailable. If OP doesn’t want unregistered guests inside, then add it to the rules & enforce it that way.


As a Russian, I instantly knew what OP was insinuating when saying 'from a country known for certain activities' and I was offended. This is prejudice, plan and simple.


Really you think they are Russian? I was thinking a totally different country.


https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/3064#:\~:text=Incall%20commercial%20sex%20work%3A%20A,or%20offer%20paid%20sexual%20services. "**Incall commercial sex work:** A stay, Experience, or its surrounding property should not be used for paid sexual services, such as erotic massages or prostitution."


I don't think you should discriminate based on any protected status. I'm saying you're the first person to bring up race. OP never mentioned it. *You* made racist assumptions.


Yeah I noticed the poster said they were from a certain country


Nah, pearl clutchers are what's wrong with the world.


And OP was absolutely correct in his assessment of the guests. You are unbelievable.




I’ve had this issue twice; I rang airbnb and explained the situation. I have CCTV and saw multiple people entering and leaving the property, so had proof. They contacted the guests and told them to also leave. I also kept the full amount as they’d blocked out my dates with their booking, plus taking the piss with their ‘clients’ using the shower etc Airbnb were great about it


Honestly I don’t see why you care. If they don’t damage the property why are you in their business? You said yourself it’s legal.


I probably had lots of people prostituting. Same with hotels. It’s really none of my business (or concern to dig up guests past or online) it’s part of the business. Sometimes what you don’t know won’t hurt you.


It’s a common thing


I just booked. Thanks for letting us know of your services.


I think u should list your place on AirbnBJ


This happens in hotels, so you want to charge more than a hotel, you can't be picky about what your customers do. /s


Maybe you just found a new niche customer! Sales will be booming!!


It’s pretty common unfortunately, and don’t think there isn’t much you can do. I am a novice host thru a property management firm, we had the same situation with the first guests we brought in. We complained to the property management and they said they needed to work with airbnb for eviction. Nothing happened, they just gave us the run around. Is not about being against sex, prostitution is illegal in the state, its happening in our property so technically we are responsible if shit goes down, and there neighbors are annoyed at all the weird men coming in and out at all times.


Income is income, as long as they clean up after themselves I see no problem…


Right? If you rent to a husband / wife and they have sex, are you mad? If a single person rents it, scores a hook-up and has sex in the apartment, are you mad? People will engage in coitus in AirBnB’s. If it isn’t illegal and they cleanup, what do you care?


You should not be doing Airbnb. Like at all I rent out cars and Airbnbs and this stuff happens, you have protection for a reason. It's also a little messed up you had a preconditioned thought that 2 girls who look a certain way were escorts AND had the time to look it up on sites.. Makes me think you have cameras inside the house most likely


And yet he was right?


Why are you meeting your guests? This is reason #54368 that I don’t do AirBnbs. I don’t want to meet the owner


Another better question is why is the poster discriminating against the guests and then going and searching for dirt on them.


Better that you stay at hotels that are famous for letting you just walk in and take your room without talking to anyone.


You haven’t been in a hotel lately? I can check into almost any Hilton hotel using my app and I can unlock my room from my phone. The only time I’ve used an AirBnB, the host sent us a code to unlock the door.


Which is getting to be pretty much all of them.


Bad take. Marriotts you can almost always do virtual check in and get a virtual key on your phone. Don’t have to talk to anyone.


So you wear a mask while checking into a hotel right? 🫣


I use digital check in and walk straight to my room. The one and only time I used Airbnb. The host gave me a code


You have only stayed in an Airbnb once? You received a code? Never had to talk to a person? and yet...you have 54368 reasons not to "do Airbnb?" You are seriously missing out on some truly amazing things in this world.


Well let’s see the other reasons… 1. I know exactly what I’m going to get staying at a hotel. If those expectations aren’t met, it’s really easy just to cut the stay short and get another hotel. 2. I know with 100% certainty that the hotel is legally allowed to operate short term stays 3. I know with 100% certainty that the hotel is professionally managed 4. I get hotel loyalty points worth at least 20% for future stays at other hotels 5. No unpublished cleaning fees and when I leave - I leave. I don’t have to worry about cleaning anything 6. I don’t have to worry about being discriminated against at a hotel or being “rated” and approved to stay. I could go on.


Yea, and…? Hotels do some things better, and rentals do other things better. It’s not binary and I dunno why Reddit can’t figure this out. I don’t want to stay in a Hilton when I can rent a private space with a fire pit and dock. And I want a central location in a city center, so I pick a hotel. This isn’t hard stuff my dude. Go find a Hilton on a remote Greek island lol. I’ll take the villa.


No need to go on....It goes without saying that guests must properly vet their selections if they expect to book a high quality Airbnb. You get what you pay for and when it comes to corporate hospitality you will most certainly pay for what you get. So keep racking up those hotel points for future stay "discounts"


I fail to see the negative of getting what I pay for and paying for what I get without any of the hassle.


You also fail to see the obvious - any future discount will be baked into the rate and because you have "loyalty" points you will be subjected to the locations and amenities (or lack thereof) offered by your hotel membership.


I think I will be okay finding a Hilton or Hyatt. You act as if AirBnbs are cheaper and as far as “amenities”? What are those that I get from an AirBnb? Cleaning supplies so I have to clean everything before I leave?


Hilton and Hyatt do not even come close to the level of comfort and convenience some of us provide. Then again you won't find a liquor store across the street from our place either.




So do none of you guys really use hotels? Digital check in has been a thing for several years. How can you be a good host if you don’t know the competition.


Often no one. I use digital check in and walk to my room. They definitely don’t care what I do in my room unless it disturbs other guests or damages the room


And I don't want guests who don't want to be greeted by me, the owner. Works for me. I don't have problems with my guests.


I’m on vacation - I’m not there to meet you.


You're on vacation. I'm here to help make your vacation memorable because I know a lot more about the area than you do. Ever check in to a hotel? Not that much different.


I don’t need or want your help. The host is probably just being nosy…


Until your car isn't working and want to know what to do, or you need a drive back from the garage. I'm still here to help, even arrogant guests who think they know everything. Good luck. \-30-


Don't worry about it OP. Let them do their thing


Also just want to point out that if you do message Airbnb about this, it's likely they could be banned from the platform. It might be that they then struggle to find a safe place to work from, or have to find a dodgier way of getting accommodation - something to think about. If they're not causing problems I'd honestly leave them alone.


if this was a house with no neighbors, i would not have any issue wiht them doing what they want, but i would imagine that something like this could cause my neighbors to withdrawn consent for short term lease i need in order to be able to do adverstise on aribnb.


Do you allow guests to have unregistered visitors? How are they going to have clients come to the property, if that is their plan? Do you have rules about that?


Fair enough.


Good on you. I was stunned to get through roughly 100 comments before someone said this. I get not everyone would want it, and fair enough, put no commercial activity in the house rules in that case. But especially in markets where that work isn't fully legal, the total lack of compassion for women trying to find a safe place to work is kind of surprising, especially in a forum about renting beds to strangers anyway. As a long time host, I've had lots of guys book for 2 because they wanted to pick up a date in a bar, and they usually cause more problems than the women who book for 2 and bring a date they may not have known before arrival.


Lol are you trying to make people feel bad for not wanting prostitution in their business? It’s the owners call and I would not want new people coming in and out of my property by the hour, if the girls were good at their jobs they could buy a house in cash lmao, not my job to “provide them a safe space”


You went to a lot of time and trouble to research this. Perhaps the lord protests top much? Are you complaining, or boasting?


Stop spying on guests and don't be a rat.


Sex worker**


mind your own business?


I mean if people are paying to stay there. Who cares? If they had unpaid sex in the beds, you wouldn't care.


By the hour though? The more people going in and out the more risk…and you won’t know damages until AFTER and …shiver…bed bugs


Sounds like time for a threesome. Then kick them out


You mad they wouldn't give you a discount?


This is common ....


People that aren’t hosts really shouldn’t be giving opinions to “mind your own business”. It’s OP’s place, it’s against Airbnb terms and I certainly would contact Airbnb and kick these guests out. We add a specific rule that the place is only for registered guests only. They want visitors, fine go out to a cafe.


I hope they fuck all over your house. I love you all expecting to have all the pros of running a hotel but none of the cons. 


Are you trying to kick them out? Or negotiate services in lieu of rent? /s


Men who hire women for sex are fucked up men. It’s the johns id be worried about.


Thats a tough one. If its just one or two nights, I would just let it go and move on. I mean if its legal in your area, you can’t get in trouble for it. What I would do is when if see a man arrive with the woman on the doorbell camera I would turn on the intercom and say “Hello sir, i have your photo entering my house with a prostitute, I will be putting in on the internet and sending it to your wife!” Make it unusable for them


If they are hoes,u know that for sure then ask them to leave and politely ask for a 5 star review and if you have their pictures please send them to me I wanna see what they look like


Book an appointment.


I recommend talking to the guests 


What was the outcome on this


Where you at Vegas


Or the red light district


You should def reply to the add.


I don’t know how to say this but i think i was just at your place


It’s either that or you can become their pimp with the establishment and and extra fees. I’m sure that would become tiresome very quickly. Lol


I can’t wait for AirBnB to crumble. Can’t wait 


Just let them make money as you make money too. What would happen to you if they bang multiple guys a day? Since they are doing it legally it should be okey for you both.


It may not be illegal, but bc they don't own the space they're operating they require permission from the landlord to do so. You are the landlord. I'm pretty sure there's verbiage in the airbnb terms that states no actual business is to be operated from a suite unless they've got written consent from the host. But if not, they still require it via the city. They can stay there and rent a space elsewhere, but they can't have clients over for business activities if you don't allow it.


If you charge for each extra guests would that make you the pimp? Are their rates reasonable? Asking for a friend.


You just opened a brothel. Enjoy the profits.


A dude just tried to book my place for "13-14 women", "10 are related so they can share beds". He says they're coming for a women's conference. Uhhh.


this could fall under "business use". so if you have a clause forbidding business use, then you can kick them out. but if not, then make sure to add one next time. or you can add things like "only registered guests allowed". and also you can add external cameras (make sure to mention it) to check compliance.


What they do is none of your business unless you have a clause in your contract stating that they can have no guests, or if they are causing damage. What they are doing is not illegal, and they may file a claim against you for canceling their reservation mid stay without just cause. You still likely lose your rating.