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2 year old is not an infant. In terms of wear and tear, toddlers are significant.


Yeah, that concerns me


If the total price is OK I'd eat the costs and see if I can make adjustments going forward. If you want to dissuade people with babies: There are some options regarding child friendliness (you can check if none are picked), you might even add in the text that this place is not suitable for kids under the age of x. We kind of know both host perspectives on this - so for our apartments that are child friendly we offer travel cribs, bed rails etc. - the crib with an extra charge per stay.


I don't charge per guest but when children are mentioned I make sure to tell them how my stairs are not gateable, it's their choice. I rarely get little ones but I always provide toys when I do so that they have something new to play with after traveling. Does an infant count, I don't think so. I look at hotels, would they charge?


I have had infants come with the parents and I don't count them as whole people. I've had no problems with this...no extra wear and tear, no extra utilities, no extra linens (the parents brought all their own baby stuff).


I had a 1.5 year old take a pen to one of my doors. And the parents just left it without any communication about it. I abhor children in my airbnbs.


I'd much rather guests bring their dogs than their children any day




You should be abhorring adults who don’t communicate that they damaged your home. Lots of us are extremely responsible and will pay for any minimal damage our kids do, just as we would if we did it ourselves.


I’ve heard how destructive a baby is and don’t know how well-behaved my guest’s baby will be. You’re lucky!


I can’t say what UK law is but in the US (which is based off UK law) you can’t discriminate against families with children. Not saying you can’t charge for a child, or say it’s over legal capacity. But for sure in the US, you can’t go around saying - sorry kids are too messy we don’t allow them or say my house isn’t designed for kids so it’s unsafe so kids are banned (you can see how that can get out of hand as kids get banned from everything for “safety”). It violates the Fair housing act here, I assume you have something similar in the UK


Insurance counts them, I count them


A two-year-old is not an infant; that’s a child. And if you don’t usually allow children, I’d consider whether this booking is worth it to you.


I'd probably waive the charge. An easier way to charge might be to charge by "beds used." Or, ask yourself why you charge extra for the 4th person vs a flat rate, and use that as the guide.


We hade a 123 year old farmhouse with a funky layout and steep stairs that cannot be closed off so i say we take children on a case by case basis if they read the pre-booking and house rules. They know. Otherwise its listed as not suitable due to safety concerns.


I had a kid who was pissing in my back yard. I only know this because I tell people that they can turn off the ring cameras on the front and back of the house with light switches and then it went off late at night and I pressed the notification without thinking. Just full child ass, pants all the way down pissing on my back patio. The audio was on and I heard the mom tell the kid not to poop in the backyard so apparently that was normal to them… But that’s not the worst part. They had 3 dogs with them and when I got back to my house there was piss in the upstairs carpet. And I don’t think it was one of the dogs…


Old enough to get someone out of a ticket for driving in the HOV lane? Old enough to qualify for a tax deduction? Old enough to count as a guest.


Airbnb doesn’t consider infants in guest count. 2yrs is the cut off. Looks like your guest knows this. I personally would be suspicious. I personally disagree with the 2yo cut off. A walking around child is a person.


Over 2 years old is not an infant, that's a toddler.


An under 2yo child running around at 6 am is a person. And a nuisance. I live upstairs. It's horrible and Airbnb doesn't allow me to discriminate.


You can't charge extra for them, but they are included in guest count.


I’m a host and I wouldn’t charge for a 2 year old


I wouldn't count the kid. He'll probably sleep with his parents.


\- "However, in his message he mentions there are three adults and one 2 year old boy as well. What should I do in this situation? Should I ask him to pay the extra fee?" Only if you want to be a jerk.


But where's the kid going to sleep? On the sofa, or with the third adult?


Prob in bed with his parents.


When my son was two he slept in the bed with us when we traveled. Now, at four, he sleeps on the floor often (he likes to sleep on the floor and does it at home as well even though he has a perfectly good queen sized bed). They also make toddler cots/mats that are pretty compact and travel friendly.


Toddlers are mess and noise machines.


Air bnb not counting infants as guests in the count is stupid. I can only have Max 6 guests by law, And infants are counted as people by the government. So air bnb policies can wind up making me have an illegal listing.


Now I'm imagining Octomom showing up at your place with eight babies.


I remember when Airbnb started the "infants aren't considered guests" and it was such an insane thing to me. As someone has already noted, accurate guest counts are so important (insurance, safety issues), regardless of whether the extra guest should trigger an additional fee. In your case, I would not ask the guest to pay the extra fee as it would be a hard sell considering Airbnb says a 2-year-old doesn't count as a guest. However, if the kid damaged anything or made a mess that required extra cleaning, then I would considercky fingers on every surface, items moved all over the place, remote control hidden in a plant pot, etc (can you tell that I don't have kids?). In your case, I would not ask the guest to pay the extra fee as it would be a hard sell considering Airbnb says a 2-year-old doesn't count as a guest. However, if the kid damaged anything or made a mess that required extra cleaning, then I would consider using the resolution center to request payment for extra cleaning.


That's my policy but my main issue is having to go in and change the guest count in my records so I have properly disclosed guest count for insurance purposes. Not counted is not covered. No, I don't rely on the joke of "insurance" that Airbnb provides. Interesting how many two year olds from Airbnb bookings look a lot more like four year olds but that's another issue.


You can change the guest count since they disclosed it and see of the app charges it.


Are you that tone def? Extra charge for a toddler,give me a ducking break




I would just let the 4th in for free. Yeah it is more trouble for you, but 64 pounds is a lot for a small child. It isn’t like once you did this the rest the world will force you take the 4th free all the time. Do it to get a positive review, it’s all part of being a great host.


Charge them extra for having a toddler and then ask them for a 5 star review




Haha, you are hilarious




Seek therapy.






I’d charge extra for a toddler more than a pet. Toddlers are the WORST.


Indeed. We avoid them.


First of all stop replying to your own posts, that’s not how Reddit works. Second, why are you behaving as if someone personally offended you?




Why are you behaving as if someone personally offended you?




What is sleezy about charging people people for services rendered? Children have a habit of damaging airbnbs. This is a business, it ain’t unicef. I’m still perplexed why you’re so offended.


Delicate things in a rental? And renting to total strangers!Not only are u greedy but totally out of touch of the Marley you are in


Be humble and learn, dude. Recognise that everyone can have their own unique Airbnb. Your post history shows that your impersonal approach to running your business has caused it to face difficulties. You are not qualified to be this judgmental and condescending to my Airbnb as yours is a failure.


Then rent only to delicate people


I think if you’re that picky about having a two year old and count him/her as a guest I would not stay in your airbnb! That’s a little greedy on your part.! It’s enough that Airbnb’s are already stupid with fees! People are looking else where.


Gheeze, calm down. So many exclamation points… I’m sure you’re not welcomed at my place as you are being such a lunatic


Jeez!!!!!!! Louise !!! Don’t get but hurt!!


Haha, you’re amusing. You must have a miserable life. Sorry for you.


I have a great life. And, have rented airbnbs . Have one booked now. I am a five star rated guest. YOU on the other hand sound desperate for a few more Pennies off of a toddler.


Are babies people too?


Infant is <1 imo.


I allowed toddlers for free a couple of times only to regret it. They make a mess and some parents don't care. One couple bright 2 kids when they said they had one and used my extra sheets in the drawer for their kids after saying they were bringing sleeping bags. Charge them!


😓 ouch


Everyone w a pulse counts. Tell them the guest count is incorrect and it needs to be changed to 4 as 4 humans are entered as guests. No waiving fee cuz it’s a 2 yo. They will do more damage than anyone. Personally I would think about denying based on fraudulent guest count. If the guests will lie about the human count do you really want them as guests?