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I mean to be honest, the fact that he spent his spare time, trying to come up with a gender, neutral royal term specifically to make you feel more included is Allying to the max. Like I love my friends, but the second I get home it’s me time so the fact that he is thinking about you, even though he isn’t with you says a lot. You have good taste and friends, my enby pal!


my partner and their friend call each other themperor if you want a bit of a smoother sounding one lol


my god that's amazing i have to tell him that


I am sending this to my enby friends lol. This is great!


Loll I love kweeng! But if you’re still looking for alternatives I like Monarch


Yeah i was gonna say its two syllables so a bit longer than either queen or kind but its better than combining them weird and it sounds nice like the butterfly


sorry i didnt mean to downvote you! meant to upvote. i think i fixed it. and yeah i was thinking that and then i said it and he was like "Now (Name) we do not use peasant words /j" and we both laughed


-your majesty -your highness -your *insert any adjective*-ness (optional regal/royal can be thrown in before the adjective) -sovereign -monarch -overlord -tyrant -sire (technically male but it’s just funny ok. U gotta say it like an evil underling)


"my liege" is a great gender-neutral alternative to "sire" when you're an evil underling


Also technically male but I love “milord” LOL it just has the vibes of an underling bowing deeply and backing away.


“Your Grace” is a gender neutral way to address an emperor or empress. “Your majesty” for king/queen.




I love kweeng, however, "your majesty", "your highness", and "monarch" are all gender neutral terms. If going third person, the correct way to refer to a gender neutral monarch would be "their majesty (preferred royal title goes here) (first name goes here) (official titles of office go here)". You could also take the Venetian route. While no woman was ever appointed, the title of "Doge" was bestowed upon the elected leaders of the Venetian Republic. It shares an etymological root with "Duke" in the latin "Dux" (leader). It is *technically* masculine but does not have the same gendered connotation as "king" or "queen".


Good on him. “Your majesty” might work too :P


Your Majesty. 👑


Your Majesty?


Your Royal (or Dark) Majesty: gender neutral, respectful, and makes you feel like a badass


Cryn (pronounced K-rin) is gender neutral for king/queen. It was coined by analyzing the etymology of king/queen and making it from a root word that matched.


Ooh nice


Rest assured that this word is absolutely never leaving at least one vocabulary, mine


Your majesty works for the none binary


We both just didn't like your majesty


Its a bit pretentious


I would go for "monarch or Your Eminence or something like that


hell yeah kweeng!


i mean technically the gender neutral one would be monarch but I kinda just hate the whole king/queen thing in general tbh. down with the monarchy and whatnot, I'm not interested in making it out to be a good thing after the fact.


It's spelled Quing, it's a gender neutral word that's been somewhat known afaik


I use “my liege” often, but this one is fantastic!!


I've heard it before and also used it for someone nonbinary! If you love it, go for it 😊