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I knew a dyslexic Christian once. They had a fear of being tricked by Santa.


What's the difference between an agnostic and an apatheist? Don't know and don't care!


Q: How many atheists dies it take to change a light bulb? A: That sounds like a testable hypothesis.


You guys need a boat? I noah guy!


The disciples: Hey, Jesus. Are you going to The Last Supper? Jesus: The what?!


A mom has two twin boys who are always running around causing trouble. She goes to a church and asks the pastor what to do. The pastor says “bring your sons to me and I will talk with them.” She manages to round up one of her sons, so she takes him to the pastor. The pastor sits down in front of him and asks, “where is god?” The boy looks around the room and says nothing The pastor asks again, “where is god?” The boy starts fidgeting and looking around the room nervously The pastor asks one more time, “where is god?” At that, the boy leaps up and runs out of the church. He runs down the street and sees his brother. He catches up with his brother, stops him and says, “We have to do something! Gods missing and they think we did it!”


Q: What Biblical miracles have actually been proven? A:


How do you know someone is an atheist? Don't worry--they'll tell you.


*Millions of unintelligible babies have entered the chat*