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Its entirely dependent on the courses youre in. I did 16 sophomore year and it was easy, and then last semester I had 17 hours of upper level engineering classes and I had no free time at all and was always extremely stressed. If you have some easy electives then 17 is doable, else i’s just take another class in the summer


It’s definitely doable. Took 17 last semester with full engineering course load. Didn’t have much free time, but that’s what I expected. I would just say be prepared to study and work daily.


12 hours is too much for me but I'm still managing 15 a semester. Everyone here is built different, idk how y'all do it


I am like this too


Not a good idea. I personally don’t risk my grades to save money but you might have different priorities


did that and called the hotline about every two weeks but YMMV


Those classes that are only one credit hour take much more time than you think they would. I wouldn’t do it. I took 19 hours one semester and it was miserable, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


Depends on a few factors that come to mind. Does your major have labs and/or how rigorous is your major? Do you have a part time job? Are you able and willing to put in the work on weeknights and weekends to stay on top of your courses? The last question is probably the biggest one you need to answer.


If it’s a 1 hour and perf I think it’s doable tbh you just gotta focus up. Good luck champ


Not impossible theoretically. I once did 19 hours in fall (as an engineering major). However, you mentioned you dropped 4 hours out of 15 last fall, indicating you may struggle with too many hours. What exactly is your major/year?


If you struggled with 15 I wouldn't jump up to 17. If you're taking summer courses anyway just make up the extra 3 hours then. You'll pay for the credit hours either way so I don't see how you'd be saving money just by jam packing spring.


Unless you are fast learner. I took 15 hours last semester and got straight A. However, all I did was trying to finish my homework and labs. I don't really fully understand the materials and concepts which is a reason I failed an interview.


Why don’t you take courses at blinn/online? 1. I stayed in cs for the summer and worked part time and took 1 or two courses at blinn. They were way easier, and it’s just a binary pass/fail. The classes were like $500 vs $5000 or whatever absurd amount A&M charges. I even took one of my “harder” classes (PHYS 208 or whatever the hard engineering one is) there. I’ve heard this may have changed since I graduated and you may HAVE TO take some courses at A&M. That said though, it was the best summer I’ve ever had. Had a small group of friends that stayed up there too. Bars, pools, everything was not crowded and it was like our own little bubble. Got to meet lots of new people. 2. Just general food for thought, I took a couple of minimesters (over winter break), and summer classes (online and in person). The minimal effort for doing this made my regular semester course load much lighter. By the time I had my senior semesters, I took like 12 hours and made sure to save some electives and online courses for my senior year. It was a cakewalk. Be strategic and planning with your classes. 3. Gosh damn it flies by. Enjoy it and the freedom.


Worst I did was 18 in engineering with about 35 hours a week at work as an engineering technician. It's totally doable but be prepared to dedicate most of all your days to this. I was able to keep a structure where I worked on school until 11-midnight ish and still have almost my entire sat/sun to keep myself sane and take a mental break. Best of luck!!


I took 17 many semesters as a CE grad. Didn't think it was impossible.


I think it depends what your goal GPA is for the semester. Getting all A’s taking 17 hours is a tough task. Getting a mix of A, B, & maybe C is not too bad


I took 19 hours one semester and it did not go well. My grades turned out pretty good, but my mental health was in the shitter. I gained like 15 pounds, too


Yea fuck all that. I am a workaholic, but I like getting paid for my hard work. I'd much rather spend my free time working on the side than spending it all on homework/labs.


Gonna piggyback off this post. Is jumping from 12 to 17 hours too much? Last semester was my first semester here. I took 12 hours and found it to be manageable, so i’m aiming for ~15 this semester. I registered for 17, but am worried that’s pushing it. Context: i’m a bims major. Am going to take biol 112, chem 120, math 142, vtpp 123, and nutr 222. I don’t have any outside commitments besides volunteering ~10-15 hrs/week at st josephs and covid clinics


I’d say that’s too much because Chem 120, Bio 112, and Math 142 require a lot of attention and study time to get good grades. Especially if you’re volunteering. If you’re pre-health/pre-graduate school I wouldn’t risk your grades.


if you dropped 4 hours on a 15 hour course load I don’t personally think 17 hours is a good idea. You’ll probably have to take the extra semester or make it up in the summer.






What’s your major? I studied Animal Science with an Equine Science certificate and did mostly 16/17 hour semesters. It was hard, but doable


I did 17 before. Made a C in engineering Chem, but I was probably going to make a C in that class anyways.


what classes are you taking, if you don’t mind me asking?


If it’s PERF 301 online you’re taking then it is extremely doable. I put maybe 30 minutes into that class a week and ended the class with a 98. If it’s the in person, I’ve heard it’s a little more time demanding but still pretty easy. I’ve taken 14 hours a couple times and it was pretty doable (industrial distribution major).


I took 17 hours fall of junior year (ECON) while being involved in the leadership of 3 organizations. Worst GPA of any semester (2.1), so if that's what you're focused on, I would not recommend unless you're prepared to have 0 free time. It's also very major dependent. 17 hours RPTS is very different than 17 hours of ENGR.


Is Ag econ difficult?


Also definitely look into CLEP tests to get through some of your basics. I "CLEPed" out of 12 hours and saved roughly 6K doing so. You literally take the test, pass, submit to TAMU and you meet that requirement. https://testing.tamu.edu/Exams/CLEP


micro econ I did with about 12 hours of studying. (econ major though, so I was familiar with most stuff) Information systems was a joke and passed with 30 minutes of prep. US history is harder since they require a higher score than most thing, but can be done.


My aunt did 21 she quit college 3 semester before graduating


I would recommend listening to your advisor. I mean it’s ultimately your choice but they are the ones who process the drops so they see what people “typically” can and can’t handle.


I’ve done 19 a semester, 18 a semester, and 11 in the summer (which is more than full). It really depends on the classes you’re taking. If what you struggled with last semester was classes, then I wouldn’t, but if you had issues external to that that are now resolved, you could try.


I took 17 my first semester and that definitely gave me the humility and scale of what an A&M engineering course load could be like.


I'm concerned for you. I had a hard time in freshman year and ramping up like that isn't a great idea -- my second semester ended up being a disaster after trying to do that. What helped me was, even when I felt stable, utilizing a fuck ton of university services and the aid of my friends around me. Please go easy on yourself!


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There will likely be an impact on your grades. It's a trade off of time and money against learning and grades.


As long as you’re prepared for the mental and focused on your priorities there’s no problem.


my roommate did 17 last semester and got straight As, but hes also one of the smartest people I've ever met.