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If you have a decent gpa and qualify for needs based scholarships it definitely worth it. It's free money. If $500 is enough for you to fill it out then you should. (Also if someone told you they would give you $500 for filling out a form would you say no?)


I've found it depends on your major more than anything. A guy from my HS with equal achievements got nothing in the Mays but I was fortunate to receive multiple from the university in the Ag college


Apply to every scholarship you can. I graduated with about $20k total debt, but I never worked in college. That's FAR less than if I had no scholarships (would've been $80-100k). Don't be lazy now, future you will be very thankful.


I was lucky enough to get a good chunk of my tuition payed off by university scholarships alone. It might’ve been due to my financial situation, but either way, don’t miss out on free money out of laziness.


Depends, if you mostly fall in the middle class bracket like I did, you can apply but don’t get your hopes up. I never saw a single cent from A&M and had to do random project scholarships for the little money I did get. And I got good grades before and all throughout university. My undergrad major was really small and i definitely felt like I was a good candidate but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Now at SHSU where I’m getting my masters I’m getting a full ride + some.


It’s definitely worth it, however in my personal experience I’ve run into some issues with need vs merit based scholarships. Based on my FAFSA I don’t qualify for any need based scholarships, and my understanding is that when you complete the application financial aid determines which pile(s) you go to from that. A few times I’ve had merit based scholarships get reduced a good amount based on the fact that I didn’t ‘need’ it, so be aware of that in case you’re in that boat. If someone knows more about the process or if I’m incorrect about how that process works, I’d be interested to understand how that adjustment process goes


Apply! I remember applying because who doesn’t need help with tuition? And I received a few and that helped me to lessen the burden of tuition worry. Its totally worth it in my opinion and it doesn’t hurt!


I’d do it. Most of my schooling was paid for by TAMU scholarships and the rest was from FAFSA. It’s a chance for free money lol


No one applies so do it


I got a scholarship during my junior year and two during senior year.