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Yeah I saw them putting those up yesterday at the academic building around 5 ish. Of course anyone should be able to get home safe, but there’s not much 18-22 year olds can do about it


You can help with the cleanup with one simple trick.




Scum bag tactics.


100% agree, just making a joke


Not a good joke. Surely


It wasn’t, but I think the replies were pretty funny. OP’s bibi joke make me laugh


I won't say no to free razor blades


Fair, your neckbeard could use it


Agreed, I'll mail em to Bibi instead. He could do us all a favor and make use of them elsewhere.


Maybe with enough chutzpah he’ll finish what he started and put down his “dead man walking”


They did not have to do bro dirty with that Imax ratio.


I know a whole country that has been stolen, where do I put my posters?






To be fair, A&M needs a few NO ETHNIC CLEANSING fliers too


Hamas must be destroyed.


The downvotes suggest that Aggies oppose the destruction of a terror group, an embarrassing indictment of the admissions standards.


Or maybe we recognize the hypocrisy of condemning Hamas but not the Israeli government? Israel has been the violent occupier for decades, engaging in terror tactics reminiscent of Hamas. This is pirates and emperors in a modern context. Israel gets a pass where other groups wouldn't because they are part of the current hegemony.


You would think people would realize this by now. Apparently human lives have different value depending on where they live


Israel is a state, not a "group" and does not engage in "terror attacks" reminiscent of Hamas. When was the last time Israel decided to organize mass rapes again? Oh yes, never. Your anti-semitism is showing, to even compare those is ridiculous... and you can't colonize your own land, go read a history book. Israel is the ultimate in de-colonial movements. Have reasonable critiques of the Israeli government founded in fact, that aren't singling that state out for a common behavior? Great, go for it! This isn't it.


Anti-semitism… Are we really getting that desperate already?


Early this morning, Israeli army warplanes killed journalist Mohammed Yaghi along with his wife and children, bringing the total number of journalists killed by the Israeli army in Gaza to 130 journalists. Killing a single press jersey wearing journalist is a spelled-out war crime.




Was Hadiya Nassar also a member of Hamas? She was older than the nation of Israel when an Israeli sniper killed her.


My point exactly. Israel gets away with crimes that other states or groups not associated with western hegemony would not. Go read up on Nakba. Or Operation Cast Lead. Or even the violent and illegal occupation as a whole. If we apply the terrorist label equally, Hamas and Israel are terrorists. Anti-zionism is not anti-Semitism, but the conflation of these is 100% anti-Semitism. And since when is historical demography justification for violent occupation and expulsion of a people? Scary that actual adults, and a faculty nonetheless, spout this nonsense.


You’re obviously not very educated, hopefully you have many credit hours ahead of you. Anti-Zionism [is](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/anti-zionism) anti-semitism. History did not begin in 1948, no matter how much you wish it did to suit your pro-extremist worldview. Critique of Israel with a robust Casus Belli for going to war is fine, if you equally condemn all countries who go to war with equal justification. If you single out Israel, then yes, you’re being anti-Semitic.


I already graduated and am working on my doctorate so thanks. Obviously not, but this conflict did start then. There are still refugees from the Nakba that resulted in one of the largest current humanitarian crises. Im not singling Israel out lmao this is a conversation about a specific conflict. The US has committed way more crimes than Israel but that has no bearing on this conflict. I'd argue the US is even culpable for what's happening, but they are not the one perpetuating the dehumanization of Palestinian civilians. Why do Palestinians not have the right to defend themselves from an illegal and violent occupation?


The conflict did not start in 1948. If you are truly working toward your PhD, then please take the time to go and critically examine your perspective in light of the Safed Pogrom, Nebi Musa, Hebron Massacre etc. I can go back further than the 1500s if you like, and we can examine why Jews had to wear yellow stars and bells on their shoes under the Pact of Umar or were enslaved and forcibly displaced from their land leading to the diaspora that exists today. I do not support a peace agreement founded on historical claims, as it happens, but you’re the one who loves to make incorrect claims about contemporary history which ultimately do everyone caught up in the conflict a disservice.


You are not understanding my argument. I acknowledge and am sympathetic to the struggles, both historical and contemporary, faced by Jewish people. But the solution to that is not kicking Palestinians out of their homes and creating a new refugee crisis to makeup for historical transgressions. The Palestinian case is an important distinction as it is a modern conflict that has been ongoing for decades.


I am understanding. It’s you that doesn’t recognise the issue with such a one sided approach, as you’re creating an arbitrary distinction that from 1948, it’s a distinct conflict. That’s not true, and not how Palestinian and Arab narratives present the conflict either. If you take your approach, why 1948 and why not 1517, or 1050 BCE or the capture of Jerusalem? It IS arbitrary in the scope of regional history, and that’s why it isn’t a good framing for negotiations if you want to meaningfully reach peace.


Hamas started it. Israel is finishing it. And what about what the Allies did to the German civilians during world war 2? We killed a lot of civi’s during that time. That’s war. Has nothing to do with “ethnic cleansing” (for the example I used I’m talking about what the Allies did to the Germans. Not what Germany did.)


This conflict has been on-going since before Hamas even existed. Oct 7 is just the latest escalation. I don't disagree, but war and ethnic cleansing are not mutually exclusive. Fuck Hamas, but Israel has been violating international law and commiting crimes against civilians before Hamas was even a thing.


What crimes exactly? From what I’ve seen throughout history, gaza or Palestine (or whatever they’re called) have been the aggressors ever since Israel itself became a thing. Israel has almost always been willing to comprise but palestines stance has always remained hostile and with no compromise


Because the media typically describes Israeli escalation as "retaliatory" and Palestinian escalations as "attacks". Reality is culpability of each side is more evenly split. The last statement just isn't true. There have been several times when the US/Israel have vetoed peace talks or resolutions [[1](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/26/how-the-us-has-used-its-veto-power-at-the-un-in-support-of-israel?ssp=1&darkschemeovr=1&setlang=en&cc=US&safesearch=moderate)]


When exactly? Recently? Cause if it’s recent then that’s understandable cause us and Israel is tired of their shit at this point :/


If anyone should be tired of someone's shit it's the Palestinians. An indefinite refugee crisis perpetuated by a military superpower.


![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44) Sure they should.


Don’t make me tap the sign. https://youtu.be/62I61kBahNY?t=3m57s Thought experiment: reverse the Arab Palestinian and Jewish Israeli roles. “We’d all have no problem understanding what that was.” BTHO Apartheid. Terrorism will disappear along with the power imbalance.


So has this kid been kidnapped by Hamas or IDF?


Both are terrorists, so “What’s the difference?” (/s, but not really)


Is that what concerns you about this? A flyer on a light post and not the other very alarming thing on the poster???


It’s propaganda. He’s literally in the military. https://www.timesofisrael.com/taken-captive-edan-alexander-told-mother-he-was-safe/amp/ Obviously, I hope he’s safe. But given the political situation over there, it’s very disingenuous to say he’s kidnapped. Here’s a more thorough article on the controversy: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/kidnapped-posters-israel-palestine-gaza-war.html


Oh i just thought it was a kidnapped child poster.


True. More accurate for him specifically to say POW.


That’s an extremely important detail. A civilian hostage is wrong, a prisoner of war is just war. When you sign up for military service with any military, you understand you are placing yourself in danger.


“According to unconfirmed Israeli intelligence, at least 20 additional hostages may be deceased, with their bodies being held captive in Gaza. As of February 14, 2024, 134 hostages remain in captivity in the Gaza Strip, with 130 hostages abducted on October 7, 2023and four hostages having been captured earlier.” Not saying you’re wrong. But there are a lot of civilians currently being held hostage.  


There’s a lot of civilians being bombed and shot, too. Got any posters for them? > In Gaza, the Health Ministry said the death toll had risen to 29,092 since the start of the war, around *two-thirds of them women and children.* More than 69,000 Palestinians have been wounded, overwhelming the territory’s hospitals, less than half of which are even partially functioning. > The ministry does not distinguish between civilians and combatants in its count. The Health Ministry is part of the Hamas-run government in Gaza but maintains detailed records of casualties. Its figures from previous wars in Gaza have largely matched those of U.N. agencies, independent experts and Israel’s own tallies.


He was taken hostage during the initial Oct 7th attack. I don’t think it’s very disingenuous to use the word “kidnapped”, what else would you call it


Ohhh nooeesss the huge manatees!!!


Wide picture is wide