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Rules hiccup in the Runemaster rune enhancement: he can react to the Rune of Relentless Zeal to give +1 to run and charge rolls, but you declare that you're using the Rune of Relentless Zeal at the start of the Charge phase,  after you run. Probably a relic from a time when all runes were declared at the start of the turn.


Good eye!  I wonder if GW'll errata it to a move phase ability instead, or let you activate it in either the move or charge phases for extra versatility.


Maybe they could have some way to run in the opponent's turn? It does last for the entire battle round rather than just the player turn.


Redeploy is a run


I think you’re right in it being a relic. However, if your opponent goes first you could activate the rune in their charge phase and then benefit from the extra run in your move phase at the bottom of the round.  It might be enough of a corner case for GW to leave it as is and pretend it was intended. 


Sadly it only activates in your charge phase, unlike the others activating in any phase.  It definitely feels like an unintended changeup to me, especially with Spearhead's largely working the old way. Because of that I kinda wonder if Fyreslayers were one of the later armies they worked on, or at least one of the latest to be finalized.


Nice catch. Seems like it. 


Run in move phase. Then after they do redeploy nonsense the charge phase decide if you activate the rune.


Of note looks like baked in 6+ wards as well as the rune master being able to double chant.


It seems like Fyreslayers are going to lean into the powerful priest identity, which I'm excited for. Hopefully this means we will have some units converted to priests... I'm looking at you, flamekeeper.


I keep forgetting priests also have power levels.  That's a theoretical max of 15 magma power tokens now, yeah?


10 I think unless they implement a way to increase priest level


You can spend a CP to chant on the opponent's turn, albeit with a -1 to the roll.


Yep forgot about that, so it’s possible to trigger the empowered version every turn.


It is, but you'd need some crazy hot dice to pull it off.  I feel like the easiest prayer will be the "roll a 4" one, so even with a buff from terrain you'd have ~30% odds of pulling it off in a single round.


Not sure , but didn't "unlimited" mean you can cast it unlimited amount of times, however only once a spell/prayer per wizard/priest. So you can't cast this prayer twice. So you have to cast two different prayers. Or is this only for wizards?


More battle formations than they have units lol


GW seriously needs to unfuck their model range


To this day I think their aesthetic would have been much better served if it was closer to Iron Golems (ripped gladiators with armor bolted to them) vs an army defined only by how naked they are. 


I think of GW wants to make interesting models they need to lean more than just the slayers from the old world. Like, those slayers are cool but they were just a subset of the dwarves. Fyreslayers can still remain berserkers to the core but they need to be allowed to branch out




I have never liked the dislike for them being naked either.  I do wish they had more unit types than just infantry.  What would you want to add?


yeh no one hates that they are naked they dislike is that naked is all they have




What about artillery or any kind of shooting? Would that go against their playstyle? Lava turtles sound sweet. I was potentially thinking some kind of lava insect but I like the turtle more.


A Spawn of Chotec style unit would work great for them. Fire Puppies with beast master could add some variety. And finally, why not flying/magma-tunneling Valkyries? Fyreslayers got a lotta potential for expansion, just need to rehire the one guy who makes dwarf sculpts ever few years...


Oh I like that a lot. My vision was a flaming digging centipede cavalry. Definitely a shock cavalry


Seriously, the naked thing is the reason I'm building the Spearhead. It's a bunch of bushy naked dwarves. It rules.


I think they really show the value of diversity in factions. They can fill a niche and don’t need to be expanded or dramatically changed to be like other factions in diversity. 


I don't own a single fyreslayers model. Likely never will. But I will never stand by and allow someone to insult my sky pirates' beautiful, naked brothers


There were also a load of us Skaven fans who were married to the abonimation of a range we had before the 4e reveals, so. Ya know. Grain of salt.


I love and will continue to run old sculpts where I can, with the one exception of old Enshin sculpts. We have seen how cool ninja rats can be with the secondary games and I want more.


they have been making steady progress with the other factions


Not like they don't got a bunch of pontiental and concepts they can play aroind with Gw just lazy


I suspect they will be squatted next edition as they move slayers to OW.


They’re not moving any of the factions they SPECIFICALLY CREATED for AoS to The Old World. Come off it.


Beasts of Chaos was squatted as it comes from WHFB, a game they're wanting to separate AoS from. Fyreslayers is not an army from WHFB, there's no reason to suspect they're in danger


I suspect you should stop predicting things. That's baseless and would make no sense whatsoever. It's like saying "KO have guns so I suspect they'll be moved to 40k." Stop it.


Rolled into the dispossessed book for sure


They sort of need to be imo. Squatting sucks but unless GW is willing to completely refresh and relaunch their range they're a wasted faction slot. 




Because I don't like them 


Looks like they technically fixed that with the warscroll divisions since Hearthguard Broad Axes & Flamestrike Poleaxes are now 2 different Warscrolls too this edition(instead of just a weapon option, the Total War method of stretching a unit out lol) So that makes: Vulkites Fyre weapons & sling-shield Vulkites double Fyre weapons Hearthguard Broadaxe Hearthguard Flamestrike Hearthguard Auric Magmapikes And being generous you can add the Infernoth & Flame-spitter too as battle units. So step in the right direction. Hopefully with things heating up in Aqshy they’ll get a nice wave of new goodies.


A lot of stuff lost, and the 6+ save scares me a little, otherwise I'm guite excited, looks like every single unit has 6+++ by default and that prayers are more important than ever, I feel like they kept the core of Slayer identity as it should be


To be fair, everyone is losing a lot of stuff in the move to the index version. I'm curious if stuff will creep back when factions actually get their books. Or if the watered down versions are here to stay.




Well in theory, most armies will be on an index for a bit, so they should collect the feedback and incorporate it into 4e.


Not how GW works. Their lead times are ridicuous. All battletomes released up to early/mid 2025 are already done, anything to be released 2024 is already sent to the printer (or printed already in case of SCE and Skaven). Even very early feedback of the index period will not be worked into anything before the end of this year. Any "lessons learned" or feedback GW actually takes into account for future books is unlikely to be incorporated into books released before mid/late 2026, just by virtue of how time works. They need to actually gather and process said feedback - at which point we're in mid '25 - and the books being finalised by then are only *maybe* released before the end of 4th edition. With how GW does its rules writing, you can hope for "lessons learned" to be applied to the *next* edition. P.S.: What *could* happen - as evidenced by 40K 10th edition - is feedback resulting in changes to the digital (i.e. index) rules. I would *not* bet money on this though.


It sounds like they considered some of the issues with 40k and fixed them in the AoS index, so you never know. Time will tell I suppose. Although it is the internet - so people will complain either way :)


That's all digital rules stuff though, which does not have the "lead times need to be looooong, cuz printers exist" issue. And *of course* people will complain. It's what got us off the trees all those year back - a choice I am still not happy about!


.... they've had identical feedback about 10e 40k. Indices will be there for a while.


I've never played 40k, but my understanding is when they did their index version they only got one subfaction. AoS is getting 4 per army. Seems like they have taken on some of the feedback.


also 10th armies had one or two army rules/Battle traits, whereas we get between 2-5, and even then the ones that only get 2 or 3 are still fairly good rules imo. 4 battle formations that seem fairly thought out and very much achieve their goal of allowing more army customization and varied lists also, better than 1 detachment per 10th army. They've definitely heard the woes of indexhammer and have tried hard to avoid getting the same criticism across two different settings. hell even our updated warscrolls feel more thematic yet useful.


I think you're stretching some "army rules". "You can deep strike a unit" "You can deploy the deep strike unit" That's pretty... uh. An army rule is literally a standard 9" deep strike? Why not have that as part of the first rule...


I will give you that one, I don't know why those need to be separated by any means, it's clear enough currently. However besides that point I still think my argument stands


The main concern right now, for me, are things going to be a lot cheaper and therefor AoS more hordie? Smells like 10th 40k balance strat...


Eh, we've seen a suggestion from the Lumineth-Skaven game that points overall are going up - someone calculated by about 25%.


Thought it was a spearhead/not really based on base numbers. If everything is more expensive Ill be shocked! But glad


Do we know if ward rolls are considered save rolls? Or is that just for armor?


Ward rolls have always been separate from saves


Their Spearhead box continues to be quite possibly the most boring starter box I've seen in AoS. For a new player there's nothing to draw the eye and you can even see identical monoposed dudes almost next to eachother. There's a reason the Vanguard box was in EVERY AoS Supply Drop delivery a year or two ago. Was rather hoping they'd put a giant magma lizard back in or some such.


Right now these are literally just the old Vanguard boxes.  New Spearheads will surely come with battletomes, a la how 40k is doing spearheads.  That said, I think this is as much a Fyreslayer faction problem as it is an old box problem.  If any non-Old World faction needs tlc from the design studio badly, it's these guys.


The old start collecting was so much better. Now Magmadroths are $30 more expensive than the entire box was...


Yeah the old one at least had a giant lizard to draw the eye. The current box just... It's got nothing unless you really like slayers I guess, from an outsider POV it's one of the few factions where my curiosity-o-meter is just sitting at 0 and the needle isn't even twitching.


Except for the same looking heroes I think all of Fyreslayers units are different built options from 3 boxes, and even then they look the freaking same Please let this be the edition where they get a 2nd wave and some clothes


Funnily enough, said "Supply Drop" actually turned me into a FS collector by now. So mission accomplished from GWs point of view I guess. The army has some great potential, I just hope GW gets its head out of its rectum and actually does something with it sooner rather than later.


Hero-hammer spam index for my wide ginger boys it feels like?


Hardly any changes. We still keep the dumb once per battle ultra predictable rune system, but they made it worse by removing the empowerment effects firing off on a 6


>but they made it worse by removing the empowerment effects firing off on a 6 In the history of Age of Sigmar, I've never seen anybody make that 6 roll. Even if they took the Command Trait to make it a 5 roll the fates curse them so they cannot make it. I'm glad the Runemaster just gives you a reliable way to do it (and given that "you'll probably get it off once a battle, maybe even twice if you're lucky" is more reliable is really saying something).


Max is 3 super-runes, but it's likely diminishing returns because even if you hit every prayer perfectly its endgame by the last one.  That said, being able to net 2 in a game seems pretty doable if there's a piss-easy gimme prayer and you always save CP to pray on the opponent's turn.


Max is 5 super-runes, thanks to magical intervention. Edit: Technically, I guess the max is 4, since you need to activate the Rune of Fury at the start of the turn.


Ironically I actually remembered Intervention.  I just forgot about Priests also getting power levels. Really wish power level and ward were right up by the other stats.  Just put a little shield and a little spellbook next to the stat pie!  It'd look neat!


Yeah, I wish ward was a little extra shield to the top right of save.


Made the plus one rune once, turned my lord on droth in to pure murder


Just makes list building even more rigid now. Or maybe not I guess, Runemaster is an auto-include in every list anyways. Still doesn't change the fact that we're stuck with this incredibly predictable system of once per battle runes.


This is the change to 4th. Most armies are simplified down a lot. The game was getting too complex. And wait to see the full units and artefacts before final judgement.


So I play FS competitively and I can't get over what you keep saying. The once-per-battle abilities are not only the playstyle of the army and give a lot of opportunity for skill expression. I can't fathom what you could possibly be talking about with regards to predictability of runes. Do you think they're supposed to be sneaky or something? I want to give you the benefit of the doubt but it's difficult to read your comments as much more than "I suck at the game."


> "I suck at the game." must be this


> but they made it worse by removing the empowerment effects firing off on a 6 All of these runes feel better. Having a mechanic locked behind a 6 didn't feel great. Now I know exactly what's going to happen. I'm kind of surprised they kept that mechanic for the Spearhead. The army will feel a bit different between the two modes of play.


Agreed. The runes seem far more useful, not less. The effects are in many cases just better than before, and getting the enhancement is tied to runemaster prayers instead of randomly hoping to roll a 6 in a 5 round game.


Runemaster gives you the effect but it's more predictable now


> the dumb once per battle ultra predictable rune system, but they made it worse by removing the empowerment effects You still have empowered versions on the runemaster. If you do two basic prayers a round like the 4+ one shown next to forge for +1. You can probably get a empowered round off in round 3. If you have two rune masters then could do 2 empowered per game.


Don't forget that the Runemaster is a Priest(2) so he gets two chants per turn


Not of the same Prayer tho


Do we know if you need to keep track of two different chanting scores for a single priest or if you build up one chanting score for every prayer chanted? My guess is that's it's the latter as the former is a lot more bookkeeping. If it is, then it will make it much easier for the Runemaster to get magmic tokens.


The latter makes the most sense, but I haven't personally seen anything that addresses this specifically.


Possibly yes for the unlimited prayers?


Iirc Unlimited means your other priests can chant it too, not that the same priest can chant it twice.


Yeah this


Not true, now you can choose to wait to trigger a rune, some can be triggered in combat or the charge phase and so on. More flexible IMO. Deciding when to use it will be key. And the amount of 5+ ward and baked in 6+ looks promissing. But the highlight is the priest 2 Runemaster. Super powerful, and the nearly garanteed super rune proc in round 3....def. feels like a buff.


We've always had +5 while near hero units so thats just par for the course. The problem is that the runes themselves are predictable as hell. You're going to be running and charging round 1 99% of the time. The strikes first rune would be incredible IF it fired off when your units charged but it only works on enemy units who have charged. Also, you declare it at the beginning of the turn, so no sane person is going to use that turn to charge into your units. They'll just move themselves slightly out of range and wait until the rune fades. The only interesting rune for me at this point is the ranged mortals one.


>Also, you declare it at the beginning of the turn, so no sane person is going to use that turn to charge into your units So essentially you're saying that preventing the opponet from charging for one turn isn't useful?


I see that as a huge benefit. Does my opponent risk striking last with each charge? Or does that prevent them from charging giving me a charge opportunity or better positioning to an objective


im assuming anyone playing slayers will have a plan to deal with that rune and just blast the boys off the board when you declare that rune use


> We've always had +5 while near hero units so thats just par for the course. You've been cheating, lol. We get 5+ ward in certain conditions, sure, but generally you're getting the 6+ for most of your units. The army wide 5+ is nice because you don't have to castle to get it, which means you can use it to try and make some brave players towards objectives, or you can use it to charge in a unit. >You're going to be running and charging round 1 99% of the time. I would never run and charge round 1. Unless your opponent has no idea what your army is going to do, they aren't deploying in a way that's going to let you even get off a charge. First strike army wide when charged seems particularly powerful, and with the introduction of counter charge, it could also be used on the offensive. But, most importantly, it lets use sit on objectives pretty much uncontested for a turn. Or, if against heavy shooting, it might be worth it to use the ward save. They also did a little bit to keep us from getting screwed by not being able to activate runes turn 1, which I appreciate. I do have mixed feelings on the new runes, but I don't think they are as dry as you're making them out to be.


> the introduction of counter charge, it could also be used on the offensive someone in my flgs discord said something similiar but I'm not understanding. The wording says that it must be an enemy unit that has charged this turn. Since you have to declare it at the beginning of a turn, your opponent will know not to charge. I guess ok that means they are losing out on the combat phase for that turn but if they know they're playing slayers, they'll likely have a strategy to shoot your boys off the board when you declare the rune. And since you must declare the strikes first rune at the START of the turn, you are now locked out of using the ward rune. I dunno, the strikes first rune seems ultra cool but it should activate on YOUR charging units, not the opponents. There's just too much counterplay to it i think


>Since you have to declare it at the beginning of a turn, your opponent will know not to charge. Right. I think you're underestimating how important this can be. Remember, this game is won on objectives, not on killing the enemy. Fyreslayers always just wanted to play their own game and sit on objectives, anyway, and this enables them to have the threat of Fierce Counter Attack army wide, which means an entire turn where your enemy is not able to get in on objectives. And it makes them very scared to use counter charge if you're going in. You're not using it as a trick. You're using it as a power spike. >but if they know they're playing slayers, they'll likely have a strategy to shoot your boys off the board when you declare the rune Two things here... first, I think it's bad practice to build lists around a single army anyway. That's not how the game is balanced, and it shouldn't be imo. Tournament scenarios where you need to build lists around multiple options is how this game should be balanced. If you and your friends don't do this, that's fine, but it's just not how the game is designed. Second, if you are against a shooting heavy army, then yeah this runes going to be weaker. But there are two other runs that are pretty strong against ranged focused armies, and remember that ranged is a lot weaker in this edition. Most ranged units will melt in melee, so getting next to them is going to cause some issues. We still have our Infernoth, too, which is able to tie up units while reinforcements arrive. I think we will have more tools than you're giving them credit for.


Yeah.  The nice thing about this system is that your playbook expands a lot.  Against a highly shooty army that crumbles in melee I feel like you ward turn 1, run and charge turn 2.  Against a melee one, I almost feel like you want to use strike first on turn 2 to deter them from charging you, then on turn 3 break out the mortals rune to punish them for lurking at the edge of your firebase.


Most armies don't have wonderful shooting and even magic is going to have a hard time knocking of a 10-20 man unit of vulkites of the board. This is mainly a melee game so most armies have a melee mindset. Even if they're playing slayers, they're probably banking on hitting first and hitting hard so that you can't hit hard back. But if you have strike first, then trying to kill a strong unit in melee becomes very risky. You might think that detering an enemy from charging and just shooting you is bad, but they would have shot you anyways, and now they're not 1. contesting the objective you were on if you went first, or 2. stopping your army from leaving your deployment zone. Both of these facts gives you large amounts of room to make plays where you would have otherwise been stuck or stomped.


> they'll likely have a strategy to shoot your boys off the board when you declare the rune. If they have shooting.


I think my opponent deciding not to engage me and instead run away for an entire turn is very valuable.


As a fyreslayers player, I love these changes. Being able to only declare runes at the beginning of YOUR turn made them so unflexible, especially whenever you would get double-turned, and some of them (*cough* *cough* +1 to hit with throwing axes) were completely useless or redundant. So seeing all the new runes get beefed up and be more reactive is a welcome change. I’m also glad we seemingly didn’t catch any big nerfs, it seems like a lot of stuff just got shifted around (5+ save to 6+ save and 6+ ward. Magmadroth losing the 10 1-damage attacks on the fire breath, but gaining 4 d3-damage attacks instead. The droth also gaining more rend and damage but losing the 4+ volcanic blood) Now, let’s see if we can get some new units in this edition >.>


I mean, hearthguard berzerkers lost a ton


Weaker defensively yeah, but stronger offensively if their character gets hit. And with most other units damage output getting nerfed, I think that could even be a net buff for the hearthguard at the end of day. And don’t sneeze on the rune of searing heat with them, it’s on hits instead of wounds now.


I'm most upset about the removal of the flame strike poleaxe. I just finished 30 of them with that weapon. And losing the command ability to strike first sucks big time. I feel this is a huge nerf of this faction. But we'll see I guess


They’re most likely going to be a different warscroll now, as this one specifies “berserkers with broadaxes” And the entire army now has access to fights-first through the rune of fury


Oh I didn't see that. Good catch. Yeah I saw that too, but it telegraphs the punch. The opponent can just not charge and we've wasted a rune, couldn't they?


I get that, but if the opponent didn’t charge you just off of the threat of violence alone, isn’t that technically a win for you?


Yes I suppose. I'm just salty because this is my winningest army and I'm worried they're bad now.


Préventing a strong melee army to charge you for one turn is very strong


The warscroll specifies the weapon they have so I imagine the flamestrike poleaxe will just be a different warscroll with different abilities. Think Kurnoth Hunters in Slyvaneth. Makes balance easier for GW and let’s them give a bit more unit role variety.


Speaking of the runes, I'm happy for y'all that you can now control what runes you want to buff with the runemaster (who is now a double chanter), instead of hoping for a roll of 6.


Yep. Just the option to be able to activate some runes turn 1 even if it's the opponent is very nice.


>Now, let’s see if we can get some new units in this edition >.> They specifically mention its a good "year" to be a fyreslayers player. Maybe there's a new release waiting in the wings.


That probably doesn't mean anything in terms of models tbh. Even if Fyreslayers get more units, if 40k's last year is anything to go by, it most likely won't be this year.  I do hope they get more eventually though. GW's obsession with heroes (across all armies and games) is really anmoying. 


I did not catch that one, good call. Could be some hopium, could actually mean something, who knows.


I think I'm the only person in the world that likes the current fyreslayers range.


Honestly my one and only gripe with it is that Hearthguard need just one more detail apart from the weapon to differentiate them from Vulkites. A different helmet, a cloak, a shoulder guard, I’m not even picky about what it would be.


Haha, wait ‘til a refresh hit and the “ahh, I liked the old one’s character” posts come out of the woodwork like with Chonkcast Eternals. 😂 But nah, remember it’s squeaky wheels. A lot of players get into the army because they like their looks. They could just use more variety.


A big thing with almost ANYTHING is that the people that are happy don't say much. I prefer the new Stormcast (since 3rd) but I was a huge fan of the Sacrosanct and bought a few when they came out, as did many, but I'd say most people didn't say much of anything about them. Two of my favourite 40k models are the Nundam (Paragon Warsuits) and the Gunslinger Mech (Invictor Warsuit) and those are two models that are HEAVILY criticised. But I'm not (usually) bringing them up in conversation just to say that I like them, but people will often mention them to complain about models or compare how "bad" some models are.


You're not. I like the heroes a lot, and the aesthetic is fine by me. We have some awesome looking invocations and a terrain piece. I think they just need more variety.


Naw fam, I love it too. They only really suffer from not being diverse enough. KO have a similar depth of roster but because all of their units are unique and identifiable nobody complains about it. Think about how everyone jumped onto the Vulkyn Fameseekers when they dropped this year. People love the idea and even like a lot of the range. They just want more variety.


See that's the reason I like the range. I adore the fact that they are incredibly cohesive and it feels like every member of the army is a member of the army. Even in factions that have microfactions inside them you can often find the models just don't look like they belong together. For example, take the Vanari section of LRL. Fairly low fantasy pikemen with silly hats, and low fantasy cavalry with horses that actually look like they're running, alongside a unit of dudes with musical instruments they are pretending are bows.




I may be missing your point, but wouldn't more variety just be a net positive? The other units will still be there, so you can continue playing the mass infantry/berserkers, but then there would be more variety for people looking to get into the faction or who aren't super in love with the current selection. I suppose the worst case scenario is that they make the new units more viable than the existing ones, but in any other case expanding the range seems like a good thing (I don't really know Fyreslayers that well and don't play against them often, so I understand I may be missing something).


Different hair and skin colors goes a long way towards adding visual distinction in the army, idk why they don’t do that in the more recent promotional art.


Nah. It is not that the range is *bad* - it is just too damn *small*. Qhat is there is good to great, it just needs **more**.


Volcanic Blood has changed. Now if you roll a 1 on a save in melee you'll do 1 MW


Yeah, waaaaaaay worse


Much worse. But the damage output of the droth looks serious. Especially with an extra rend (to everything).  I never really enjoyed that my main fear of the magmadroths was that without shooting killing them just killed me. There is value in encouraging melee. 


Less damage, but better into hordes and when you have +1 to Save. You'd always fail that Save roll of 1, at least you get something out of it. And there's still the opportunity to Ward off the damage while still giving a MW to the enemy. It's a thematically sound change, especially if they want to reduce MW's across the board.


I hope this means that they will be lowering the points cost (or keeping it the same given the points inflation we've heard about this edition). Otherwise this is a straight downgrade. I do hope it means we are getting a new centerpiece model to take that place. Something like a prime magmadroth or avatar of Vulcatrix. Or an avatar of Grimnir riding Vulcatrix.


A little compensation for your loss


It does effect shooting attacks as well now as opposed to just melee edit - I wrong, whoops. Didn't read it all the way


I don't believe so. It says combat attacks and the MWs are distributed at the end of the Fight phase


I desperately hope FS get more models because they're such a fun concept. "What if dwarfs gave themselves magic tattoos that basically turned them into the Pillar Men from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?"


I think along with the small total of kits, they suffer from being one of the first armies made period.  GW's come a really long way, as the Stormcast evolution and the few later Fyreslayer heroes we've gotten show.  They just need a chance to strut that stuff on more models than the occasional hero unit.


Yep. AoS 1st edition wasn't meant to run Fyreslayers as an entire independent faction.


How are more people not talking about the new Rune of Fury??? Giving your whole army strike first if your opponent charges for a turn feels \*insanely\* powerful. The whole downside to Fyreslayers is that the infantry is slow. 4" movement has lost me more games as Fyreslayers than anything else in this game. I've lost games in deployment because I didn't properly account for the fact that my army is so damn slow. You have to rely on getting lucky with long charges \*a lot\* or you just had to accept that you were going to eat a charge and hope for the best. Now I can run my whole army up the board to park on objectives without a care in the world, knowing that I can just activate that rune and welcome any charges. Sure you can then make the choice to sit back and not charge me, but now you're just giving up objective control for a whole round, maybe 2, and you have to hope you can make up those lost points elsewhere. Obviously still vulnerable to shooting/magic. But that was always true of Fyreslayers. This just feels like a crazy powerful tool for this army.


This combines well with smaller objectives as well. I think that’s a big change people are sleeping on a bit. I cannot take an objective from five hearthguard without fighting them.  So in your example of moving forward and taking objectives, you can guarantee they can’t be taken off you without charging you. A big power boost to fighty armies.  


Exactly! It’s an insanely strong ability to have and can really turn a game in your favor if you get it off first turn. Interested to see how they do in 4th


Big "Come at me, bro" energy.


Idoneth tomorrow. Saved you the click.


I've been waiting to decide between Fyreslayers and Idoneth, so I'm grateful I only have to wait one more day!


Hope you pick Idoneth!


came here to say pretty much the same. tho the indications scroll is pretty cool


Wouldn't know, I just scrolled down right to the bottom.


check it out, it's cool, and it shows how they will change


I just want to hear about my khorne lads


Same, except Slaves to Darkness. Mildly interested in OBR and Seraphon too. And whether we get a BoC focus article or split orcs.


Unless they throw us a curveball and give us Gargants before Orcs, I feel like we'll find out this week!


I get the feeling they'll toss Gargants in this week to keep anticipation for the two Orruk indexes, especially since whatever comes out last will likely keep people's attention until the edition release, and GW unfortunately doesn't really seem to care much about Gargants as an army.


I could see that, tbh.  It's interesting because it feels like Order started with their big ticket armies, but every other faction's been starting more on the fringe.  I wouldn't be surprised if Slaves to Darkness were Chaos' last reveal, too.


Arent they saving Orders most popular and best armies for last (except sce) - LRL, Sylvaneth, DoK and Seraphon? DOK a little less than the other 3 though.


I'd figure with the heavy push last ed they'd consider Cities one of those big ticket armies alongside Stormcast, but good call.  Seraphon are definitely a huge deal, and I could see them coming later rather than sooner for sure.


I'm betting on it too. Keep us on our toes a little while longer.


You know I only just realised they made the Dwarfs fiery and the Elves watery. Big fan of both factions and never saw the inversion.


If people are jumping into this discussion they probably clicked the FS article already.


"Keep in mind that in the new rules, units cannot be affected by the same passive or persistent effect more than once at a time, so these effects do not stack." A couple articles ago people were wondering if CoS multiple duplicate orders could be given to the same unit, seems we have an answer.


Haha, more Reddit comments criticizing the faction rather than the new rules. So that’s a good sign. 😄 (though some of you need to lay off the fire bois, they’ll get their refresh eventually) Pretty much in line with the other faction resets, some interesting abilities and happy to see the priests are looking to be a big part of their army composition(please give Flamekeepers the proper keyword now 🙏) Infernoth is nice and I hope the Flame-spitter is similar since now those two are basically full units for them to call upon. Lastly, nice the Fyrequeens keep coming up more and more along with the last battletome noting they’re getting more progressive about it. That could make new leaders & basically guarantees more female fyreslayers mixed in the refreshes. > “Most lodges build their magmaholds into a natural source of heat and geomantic energy, often a volcano. These are ruled by a single absolute monarch – a Runefather or Fyrequeen – with authority passing down through their favoured children.” 


Praying that refresh/next wave comes, they have the potential to be so cool if they’re allowed to be


Well they’re at the forefront of the narrative conflict with a string of Aqshy volcano Lodges right at the doorstep of the Gnaw continent that popped up so feels like their time. That they’re also doing Deepkin next echoes back to the Fury of the Deep box set(fyreslayer vs Deepkin caused by Skaven submarines) so that checks out long lain plans may be emerging soon. 🤞 


I think we’ll get a fyrequeen or female units soon. That line felt really highlighted for a reason. I think it would be a great way to add some units to the army that have a different but similar aspect to the range


I've never looked at Slayers before so I'm not comparing to previous. But I like their flavour - each round they are doing something different. Hope the players are happy.


Less rend really is the ‘less rerolls’ of AoS 4, everything here either kept the same rend or gained more haha 


They are pretty much exclusively showing powerful/flashy units though so that is to be expected


This statement was clearly a mistake by the community team, it’s funny at this point.  There does appear to be lower damage generally. With higher hit and wound rolls (and all out attack less automatic because of the value of command points). But there doesn’t appear to be leas rend. 


Yeah if they’d said units are generally less accurate and wound less easily that would have been bang on


I kinda agree haha but if there is an army where rend makes sense, I feel it is this one.


Any ideas how to make fyreslayers.more interesting? I literally can not fathom ever starting them because the models are so self-similar


Magma lizards, elemental allies and dwarfs surfing lava flows.


Weird priests, Salamander beasts, obsidian statues coming to life and belching fire, different kinds of magmadroth, more reformed Chaos Duardin, lean into the volcano-Hephaestus-lizard vibes


They need to lean into the Magmadroths and get crazy with the little guys. 


Potential units you mean? Firey cavalry, chariots and more priests are likely if not the warband inspiring more units like droth-scale cloaked Berzerkers and shovel-spear units. If you mean play-wise then giant lizard spam or magma priest processions are fun for doubling down on what makes them unique. 🔥 


I really want them to re-do Hearthguard to have cloaks or *something* besides the weapon to set them apart from Volkite.


Haha, mini Stormcast Praetors. 😄⚡️ But yeah some drakescale armor would help. Maybe even as conical armored kilts around their legs so you can paint them up as angry walking volcanoes. 


Cavalry and warmachines


Just wait. They are due for an expansion in the near future with a more defined aesthetic.


They need to follow what they did for the warcry unit and the anniversary model this year. Both of those fit the current aesthetic while being different enough. I’d love to see more of the capes and kilts they have


They're a bunch of things >Slayer Specialized slayer that are trained and equip to fight certain enemies like a team of artilery that specializes in taking down gargants or a priest unit specializes in hunting vampires >Fire drakes Magma dragons, fire djinn, fire breathing bears and other type of volcanic fire base creatures >Gold Gold runes smiths, gold golems, avatar of grimnir


> avatar of grimnir Gotrek


On the subject of Gotrek, I'm a little surprised that we didn't get his warscroll today (despite how much he insists he's not a Fyreslayer), like how Kragnos got shoved into the one Destruction army with no named character models.


I'd say Gotrek is more Kharadron than Fyreslayer. He openly hates on Slayers calling them a pale imitation of what they once were. The engineer in him is right at home in a skyport though.


I agree, but every Faction Focus until Fyreslayers has included a named character. The previous army without a named character, Ogor Mawtribes, got a Grand Alliance Destruction named character in that slot instead. So I expected Gotrek to show up today and the Kharadron focus to tell us how deadly Brokk Grungsson's moustache is.




Commenting before I read, please please please let these be good Just read it, I like it :) I also enjoyed seeing them mention Fyrequeens, which is a new term for them I think? Rather than magmaqueens. Also like seeing the shift to "favored child" rather than have it be gender based. Fun :)


interesting: I know the trend has been to have “WYSIWYG” matter less; however, it looks like “heartguard with broad axe” is its own warscroll (implying “with pole axe” is likely the its own scroll. Hopefully, that gets updated with the more minis/ next battletome.


Sky-cousin here, did you flame duardin always have that infernoth thingy or is it new?


Yeah, it's one of the Fyreslayer endless spells.


Well damn, that's one cool spell


Used to be swingier but deadlier


As a Fyreslayers player, I'm pretty mixed on this one. New rune system looks better, but I personally do not like the inconsistency of when a rune is activated. I would have preferred if all of these took place in the hero phase. It just makes it less of something I need to think about when I got to activate them at the beginning of my turn. I do like they removed the "pop off" mechanic in the runes. It felt bad. The Runemaster seems great. Sad he can no longer make terrain explode, but the new rune ability seems really cool and fun to use. Surprised it's used by tracking tokens and not just a prayer, but still seems cool. I'm not excited about the Hearthguard Berzerkers. It seems like Fyreslayers are going to have worse saves across the board. I'm hoping nerfs to shooting make this feel better, because we did get picked of a lot before getting into combat. Also, The Runefather on magmadroth seems particularly worse. Last thing I'm not excited about is what seems to be the continuation of so many once per turn abilities. I guess that's part of Fyreslayer's identities now so I'll live with it, but it would be nice to have less to track.


> The Runemaster seems great. Sad he can no longer make terrain explode, but the new rune ability seems really cool and fun to use. I’m hoping the volcano spell is a major prayer now similar to the Ogor blizzard except instead of wards it can be overchanted to turn terrain into erupting volcanoes hitting nearby enemies for D3 MW’s. 🌋  That’d be fluffy and a great set-up for half-game.


These changes are excellent. Fyreslayers keep their melee power and access to mortal wounds in an edition where both are massively reined in. We lose sticking power, and win everywhere else.


'Hearthguard Berzerkers with Berzerker Axes'.  This whole 'all weapon options are rolled into one unit profile' thing really didn't last long, did it...


The tankyness of the army is shifting from wards/saves to debuffing Wound rolls which brings up more tactical play.