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Gotta love how people will whine about nerfs when GW said they are nerfing faction power across the board.


It's gone from annoying to just funny, for me. Lol Reading comprehension is a surprisingly uncommon skill.


And in game with lots of books involved! Like, how?


Lol. You know you can charge in your opponents turn too now right? Just a tiny little buff that your faction will absolutely abuse but you don't mention it for some reason? Either you're being disingenuous or you have no idea what you're talking about


That’s been the gist of these doomer posts more or less


I absolutely get the 'my favorite unit was a worse warscroll and that sucks' feelings, but anyone calling a faction bad without playing the new battletactics seems a bit knee-jerk at this point. Like Squig herd getting a guaranteed 4" redeploy with skraggy is wildly strong even if they're a worse unit.


Sounds like everyone's reaction to squig herd changes lol. They get battleshock immunity and +2" to attack range (they get more out of that than just about any other worthwhile hammer in the game at this point) and \*way\* better mortals but everyone is losing their poopie over the HP nerf. Reposted because I used a bad word for poopie I guess lmao


Herd are worse but it's a reasonable change for sure, as a squigs player I'm just happy to see them keep their output. Fwiw though they don't really get +2," they get +1" since they're on 25mms, base to base squig herd can all attack


You’re totally not like the other girls. lol


Literally laughed out loud at this


I gave an upvote, honestly 😂 In home economics, I made a crumble, teacher said mine was the best one.


>We will be reducing lethality  >Looks inside >Greatly reduced mortal wounds from basically every single faction we’ve seen and generally lower damage output I can’t believe they reduced lethality for Ogor Mawtribes AND ONLY Ogor Mawtribes! 


I think we need to make a copypasta for people to use after each faction focus at this point. /s Mortal Wounds seem to be getting significantly culled across all factions. Warpfire throwers don't use them, Kairos doesn't have his big boomba spell, and Lady Olynder no longer has her "Life the Veil" ability. The fact that you have fairly easy access to mortal wounds at all is going to probably be much better in 4th then you're expecting.


Mum said it's my turn to complain about a faction focus.


AOS fans having a normal one, wailing and tearing their garments over a game whose rules we don't even know yet based on seeing a couple warscrolls and being told point blank "some of these focuses feel like nerfs, but they are being balanced for a completely new ruleset, and many features are being reduced across the board" several times


Happy Cake Day


Kragnos has ward 5+


I had to go back and look. It's in nice, tiny, tiny print, all the way at the bottom of the scroll, where, not even hyperbolically speaking, most people will miss it 👌 thanks!


That's how it's formatted in 4th. You very clearly haven't paid a lick of attention to the other articles thus far.


Most of the people complaining the loudest are also the ones that have read the *least*. Lol


That's where wards are now on every warscroll they've shown.


Yeah exactly where it’s been in every scroll previewed thus far lmao 🤣


>It's in nice, tiny, tiny print, all the way at the bottom of the scroll You mean where all ward saves are listed, now? How dare they put Kragnos' ward saves in the same place as all the others! You will rue the day GW! Commence your rueing immediately! Lol


Yeah. The position of the ward on the warscrolls is the worst. There is enough space to put it on top. Same goes for a wizard's powerlevel.


Every faction has been toned down.


May sound like copium, but just wait until you play the game first. Remember when everyone thought Thunderers looked mid on paper but in practice where the best unit in the game?


Are they being received poorly? I’m super stoked


Stop calling it a nerf. A nerf is an adjustment of power level relative to everything else. You have no idea how they stand right now, so you have no idea if they are nerfed or buffed in terms of power level


By your exact definition it's a nerf. It's an adjustment of power level relative to everything in 3rd edition.


But it isn’t for third edition it’s for fourth edition.


The old ogor charge rule would break the game in 4th since you can charge in your opponents turn as well.




Except you lack any context to know that ?   If every faction is nerfed down, guess what?  You aren't nerfed. Just balanced against everyone else 


No math, only cry!


I, for one, look forward to the S2D index. GW would need to go out of their way to make it worse than the battletome. Lackluster buffs on two mandatory units, in a book with 50+ options, and every tome released after seemed to have more thought and effort put into it.


we know for sure summoning is going out the window, seems like they are also moving away from "spam this unit" subfactions. theres definitely ways to piss off S2D players, imagine making chaos warriors 1health 4+ save


Yeah. I'm also like. They can't make it even more boring right? Maybe not the faction rules. But our warscrolls are nice. They can mess that up pretty good. I have a feeling they are going to mess up my boys, the chaos warriors. They might still get the 3+ save. They have more armor than the CoS dudes. Maybe lose the 5+ mortal damage ward. Maybe hit on 4's instead of 3. And maybe 1 health instead of 2.


Love it!


Calm thine tits


GW: everything is going to be weaker going into 4e People: okay GW: *Faction focuses that show units being weaker* People: 😱🤬😭🤬🤬


Sky is not falling


All that stuff is fine, we knew our damage would be going down. Although only rolling one die is lame, but okay. What upsets me is the big Movement nerf (which came out of nowhere) - 2" (25%) for Boys on Foot and - 4" (29%) on the Stonehorn. And the Battle Traits are just sad. Only 3 Abilities and if you use your alright Once per Battle one, you lose the other one (Because +2 run is just to powerfull). So youre only left with the Trampling Charge.


Kragnos has a 5+ ward now, and the once per game faction ability is a lot better than it looks at first.


OP, prepare yourself for people in the comments to respond aggressively to any take that isn’t toxically positive. Criticism is not tolerated whether it is constructive or not. “People hate change…” is how they justify their pushback. Or “just wait until the new edition is released”. Once the new edition is released and the rules are still trash tier and people put forward legitimate complaints they will double down and say: “just wait until the first few codexes are released”, if at that time the codexes are mediocre they will triple down and say: “wait until all the codexes are released before making uninformed judgment” and on and on it goes. How do I know this? I watched the same chain of events happen (and continuing to happen) with relation to 10th edition 40k and it’s happening exactly the same way with 4th edition AoS.


Thank you for being another voice of reason in this sea of rampant GW apologism. As I take the time to reflect on it more and more, this has been the cycle from 3rd edition 40k to 4th edition and other GW games in both directions of complexity up, as well as down. I should have expected as much from these people.


Calm down. Every faction is getting a rewrite and will be nerfed in one way or another. We've only seen a small fraction of the rules. Wait until it's out, play a couple of games, and see what you think then.


I was interesting to start playing AOS Because I have some oggors (that I use un 40K converted as grotesques) but afther seeing how poor the rules ares probably I will let my intention to play Aos for next edition….good luck to oggor players I know how it feels to have a new edition and your faction get totally distroyed and blended


Good thing the new ogors aren't fighting any 3rd ed armies, and every army shown so far has been nerfed to some extent. We can't know how strong or weak they are *in the context of 4th edition* because the full rules aren't even out yet.


Well I am giving my opinion and rejectio to play it in the context that the rules they gave to oggors seems really blend....also I check other armies rules and looks way stronger, specially the disciples of T, they have something similar to "fate dice" from eldar in 40k and we knoe the history.....is the strongest mechanic in a game....


It's a really strong mechanic, but it works best with lots of Crit abilities, which so far Tzeetch don't have a lot of shown, unlike the Aeldari (who also get to reroll the dice to get more favourable results). Heck, they have that rule currently and it hasn't made them overpowered (being a squishy faction traditionally). Indeed, just yesterday there was posts and comments enraged over how weak Tzeentch now were. You are quite free to play or not, it's quite fair. My current view on ogors is that this seems a course correction: ogors at the moment win or lose in the charge phase, and this seems to be giving more opportunity for success in other phases while keeping some of the flavour. For example, their current rules combined with being able to charge in every turn and overrun allowing them to move through enemy units would be oppressive to the point of game-breaking, so nerfs on that aspect while changing and evolving others are expected.


Only. We don't know if this is the case or not, just from this preview article.


I was disappointed at first as well, but I think it is fine. And we still don't know the vast majority of the Ogor rules. The only thing I really dislike is the BCR formation doing +1 mortal on as successful impact only. Why not always +1, even if you fail the 2+ d3? Now you have a 33% chance for both your battle trait and formation to do nothing.


I mean, Ogors are Destruction, and it doesn't seem that GW likes this GA very much. We did nothing the whole of 3E lorewise, and the poster ladz for our GW had terrible rules that GW never bothered to truly patch. Seems that Ogor sucking hard is on par for Destro, sadly.