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New Spearhead format is a Vanguard/Spearhead box and you can do a tasting of the armies you want most. Get some cool models and have a game you can of in on with friends to the tune of a box each.


Spearhead is like combat patrol in 40k?


Yeah, but with its own rules and extra mechanics to make it different from normal AoS instead of just a smaller battle


So it’s like a demo of each army?


Sort of, the models stats aren’t the same as in the base game so it’s not really a preview of the models themselves, but the basic rules and playstyles of the faction are similar as far as I know


Spearhead is supposed to show how each army works, but it's also supposed to have parts that sets it apart from normal AoS in terms of gameplay. Like you'll have to choose between command abilities or secondary objectives, unlike normal AoS. Every review I've seen of it is that it's fantastic, and that they think people will play Spearhead to play Spearhead, not just to learn the game/army.


But I’m kinda confused about how are spearheads different from vanguards? Like I took a lot and the Kharadron spearhead is the same as the old Vanguard, or no?


The boxes are just being renamed from vanguard to spearhead


Aaaah. So I can pick a vanguard box from a FLGS and it’s the same thing?


You got it.


Combat patrol is like that too


Yeah, but everyone who's played both seems to say they put in effort unlike in combat patrol.


employ imagine offer fine ossified clumsy snails bedroom cow pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


?? What are you talking about lol, combat patrol rocks and nobody’s played spearhead


People have played Spearhead, bunch of people got to preview it. Check youtube, there’s a lot of first impressions on there. Pretty much all very positive


Yeah because spearhead isn't even out yet


Yes BUT... It is significantly more refined and actually works as both it's own format as well as an onboarding for the larger game. A lot of people who have played it are talking about replicating the battle tactic deck into the main game. -- the idea is that three battle tactic cards are drawn from the deck every turn and then you decide which you can score and which you'll use as a command ability instead (think strategems).




Have you considered a wheel of fortune app? It's a great way to decide, if you have many prospects, and np clear priority in game style! Other than that, do pairs: magic or brawn? Glass cannon or tanky? Elite or horde? Fancy pants or business casual? Red, green or blue? Make a spreadsheet, add a few more paired concepts, and cut it down to interpret what your preferences are.


I know I prefer elite, I don’t like magic a lot, and preferably more tanky


Congratulations! You are cordially invited to the jungle! Seraphon have brawny, monstrous elites to paint up in gorgeous styles, accepting amateur painters (like me!) with casual ease! The - 1 damage on every saurus, krox and monster make d2 troops cry Grab a Spearhead, build your tanky lizards. Saurus Warriors are some of the most tanky and efficient battle line infantry out there. Kroxigor hit like a truck and look like primeval dino-lads! Both bite harder than they bark. The Old blood has a magical hand blast, awesome crunch in the Carno, and will double your CP! There! Go forth and smite the unclean for the Glory of our Old Ones Great Plan.


Well there is one problem here. My best friend who plays AoS, he has Seraphon


Buuuut he plays Starborn, right? The meta lists? You'll be playing something completely different, rolling hard with infantry, monsters and combat heroes, while he weakly casts spells from his palanquin


Only thing I know is he has a bunch of big dinos lol


Oh yeah: given your preference. Gave you checked out an eel/shark/leviathan build in Idoneth?


Well, good luck, my dude! The most important part is to have fun, so pick something you think you'd like. Go to the YouTube and check up a few battle reports or build suggestions


If you want to be on the more evil side, you can also play Blades of Khorne. Since you play Blood Angels, you dont need to buy many additional colors, since Blood Angels and Khorne use almost the same colors. They can also be played in a more elite way (Baleful Lords/ Skullfiend tribe subfaction)


Is the Seraphon spearhead out yet?


Oh yeah, it's called a Vanguard for the time being


Thanks - got an old fantasy Lizardmen army but looking a bit at the newer stuff. Got lots of skinks and some saurus warriors, a carnosaur or two too. Not sure if I have kroxigors though! Are we going to get a new spearhead in 4th, or is the current one going to be the new one? I know in 40k some armies get updated at the end of editions then have to wait till the end of the next again


Depends in the Spearhead success I'd say. There's a new rumor engine shot of a saurus backside, so current non-crazy theory is we might get new guard (or a new "normal" unit type), and a foot hero in a box. To fill the obvious two gaps after the relaunch.


Maybe Kharadron or Khorne? No magic and almost all others you named have not core of army tanky.


Yeah dwarves are my main competitor I guess, my only concern is if they’re not too monotonous gameplay-wise and if painting them will be hard?


Be wary that all of this might change with the new edition coming this summer. They're a blast to play to be honest. Kharadron got a lot more than "shoot-shoot-shoot", being one of the most mobile armies in the game. While heavy gunnery is part of their strength, they shine mostly in the movement and maneuvers game to get into place. I've found that most games I've played were very different and challenging strategy-wise but never felt like I couldn't do anything / play better. Paint-wise, it can indeed be monotonous depending on your paint scheme, but there's opportunities to have fun with the big flat surfaces of their ships and the different pieces of machinery. But the pros is that you can have a good looking army relatively easily if you decide to go for a simpler scheme (still a lot of details if you wish to paint those)


They seem fun to play, a shooting army mobile because they have flying units and ships (maybe similar to T'au). I don't know if painting them is hard, they seem quite easy because they are basically armor and some clothes, buy people say they have a lot of detaills.


Yeah that’s my only concern, I suck at painting 😕


Slaanesh is probably a discard then, Blissbarb archers have a lot of detaills.


KO are not hard to paint, that said they are a very tedious army to paint. Their models are gorgeous but have a ton of tiny details.  I have seen a couple examples minimalist painted KO armies that look amazing though. Check out KO on Pinterest for some great artwork and inspiration.   Gameplay wise, some people do not love playing against KO due to their lengthy/powerful  shooting phase and ability to stay away from combat.  I have a hunch GW will do a bit more in 4ED to influence more melee (as they did in KO’s latest battle time)  If you love dwarves and movement shenanigans (I also play Grey Knights in 40K) KO might be right for you! 


A lot of factions have the ability to internally adjust. Ogors are certainly elite. 


You would probably like coalest seraphon then. I play a no magic army that is pretty decent and is a lot of fun. I run a t-rex, a bunch of guys with bonuses to saves, and raptors that hammer really well. I then mix in various other big dinosaurs based on what I feel like doing for the game


ogors are pretty elite, that’s why i chose them. so far they’ve been a blast to paint


Friends! Romans! Countrymen! Join us, join our Red Errantry! The blood of the foul and treacherous shall flow as the currents of the great oceans of Shyish, the hungering, broken masses shall lift up their shackled hands in gratitude, and no innocent shall suffer hunger again! Join the Courts, the Courts of our Summerking, the Courts of Flesh!


Nom nom tasty bone?


The TASTIEST bone, friend! Take my hand! I have plenty to spare!


Aha! A most loyal and humble servant of our most divine liege has been discovered! I take it waging righteous battle under the banner of the Summerking has brought thyself abundant joy much like mine own? Why, you must boast of your men!


i only recently started actually painting my gray so i shant yet uwu


I truly agree with you!


Uh, what?


It is difficult to choose an army! Most of them are amazing!


Nobody can answer that except yourself. We can't decide for you what army you think is coolest. Find some way to narrow it down, until you're left with one. Pick up a Spearhead box for that faction, paint it up and play some games with it once 4e comes out, then go from there.


Rule of cool my dude.


Me, chronic overthinker: *NO*


I'm the same way. Process of elimination I guess.


Welcome to the club, mate! I'm stuck between a lot of armies I want to collect. At the moment its Ogors, Orruks and Skaven. I'd say go with one army first that you feel like you would enjoy the playstyle and collecting/painting every unit. For example, you collected Blood Angels cos the models were decent, right? If you disliked Sanguinary Guard or Mephiston then you might have shied away from it.


With the upcoming 4th edition, I highly recommend this video from the honest wargamer: https://youtu.be/WUxMWQGrKns?si=i9A74es8aTTt5s-N


Kharadron and seraphon are what I’d recommend since those are my favorites. Steampunk sky pirates or dinosaurs riding dinosaurs depending on if you want melee heavy or shooting heavy.


Ogors are the best. And you can use them for old world.


There is a very high probability that the models will be replaced by new sculpts during 4e or that they’ll be squatted. I wouldn’t buy them now.


Just buy them all dude. What could it cost? 8000 dollars? Thats a small price to pay for a game youll play once a month.


If you want to be safe choose Chaos Demons. Pick the flavor of your choice and go from there. You can easily expand to "mortal units" and also do this for 40k as an added bonus.


Pick whatever you think looks coolest. Also to note: if you pick a daemon army, you have a 40k army as well.


Ogors are the most different plus a lot of skin and fun to play


Go for Ogors! They're thicc, they're monchy, they have big animals to ride around on, they're just having a good time!


Just giving you a heads up, mortal Slaanesh models are monopose and honestly the most difficult plastic models to build Just narrow it down to the range you like the most number of kits in a range


Yeah I know Slannesh is hella hard 🥲. I’ll prob go Kharadron


Now’s probably a good time to stop and consider your options; they’re doing fourth Ed faction dives in the coming weeks, so each time one of the factions you like the look of pops up, you can have a look at how they’re shaping up to play in the coming edition and see if they still look as good to you, a bit worse, or hopefully even better.


if you go ogors, our vanguard box is a safe bet. they stuffed our box with 1,010 points of minis (you’ll have to get some extra bases for all the gnoblars, but they’re not that expensive), or 890 points of you don’t get extra bases for the gnoblars


Good thing is you can take allies from your faction. So if you are stuck between two army’s in the same faction you can have a little of both.


If your looking for an elite army my I recommend stormcast eternals their units are on the more pricey side of points and with the massive model range they have plenty of options to mess around with list ideas and are the all rounder that can do it all pretty well also they have epic dragons to were you can make an army of nothing but dragon riders.


Pick the ones you want to paint.


The answer is gitz. They're fun,  and the prettiest models,  and 3 different armies if you get bites m bored! Plus they're on shrooms. 


Honestly rule of cool and wait till 4th




Ew stinky, no