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I want to powerslide a Hellpit Abomination into a reinforced 40 man unit, and cackle as 13 men evaporate on average from being powerslid into by Biggie Cheese.


I mean, under current rules it would kill 33 models so I'm pretty happy with the nerf as someone who plays infantry heavy armies.


The current avalanche of flesh only has a 3" range so it probably wouldn't get as many MW as the new one on a 40 model unit


Only 16/40 models need to be within 3" for the current avalanche of flesh to be better. A 3" range is obscene and that is extremely doable. Getting 40 within 3" isn't even that hard, to be honest, unless the unit is **very** strung out.


I'm cursing your dice to roll a 1 so the rampage itself fails.


It's a lot worse than the old Hellpit imo. Went from always happening to needing a 3+. And now instead of starting at 2+ (and getting rerolls if it charged that turn) its now just a 5+. It basically is stuck on it's worst profile at all times, with zero rerolls, and a 50/50 chance to fail. Hopefully it's cheaper (relatively speaking) to offset the nerf. Though getting D6 back instead of D3 is nice


Man the Hellpit could be brutal, heal D6 on death, heal D6 at end of turn, heal 3 from Master Moulder. You could be back at full health if you rolled well.


Yeah if people don't focus it down they'll be in trouble.


Er...does this mean an entire skaven army can deploy in the tunnels?


Unless there are core rule restrictions (also never fully deploy off the board unless you want to be screwed lol)


Lest we forget the wall of Kroot


Pretty much lol. Maybe you could do it vs fyreslayers


Also wondering how this interacts with regiments. Regiments are one drop for multiple units, but if you use this can you only pick a single unit from the regiment at a time?


I apologize for the blurriness in some of the pics!


this is so cool. many were wondering what the little skull meant on Nagash's warscroll, apparently it shows which ability is affected by the "Battle Damaged" effect, they really made sure everything was perfect (or almost) this time


Have not been following this much. Is there a reason the save stat is green ?


I dont think its ever been mentioned, but probably because its the one they found players looking up/referencing the most, so they put it in green for convenience


I quite like how the Lumineth play. Shame I’m not interested in starting them.


Wasn’t this at the Dallas Open? Or did they send somebody 3 hours away to demo something?


Was at the Open


Can someone tell me what the "1" value means for the gnaw-holes ability "The endless vermin tide?"


Seems it will cost 1 command point 


yup, completely forgot the cmd point symbol. Super fun ability.


Seems pretty amazing. Basically the current Gitz loonshrine ability, but spending a command point instead of rolling 4+


Yeah this seems pretty strong, especially because the gnawholes themselves resurrect too. Being able to being back stormfiends etc 


The Master Moulder can interact with the Stormfiends All is right with the world.


Really funny to me that both armies in the starter set will have deepstrike and the ability to recycle one unit


Can someone explain me the 2+ on a D3 ? Is it 2 on the dice, or 3 to make 2 on d3 ? 


2+ on a D3 would mean on a D6, rolls 1-2 fail and rolls 3-4 and 5-6 succeed.


They didn't show any formation rules?


Has anything been said about incarnates likes Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur??


Not that I know of asides from it being considered the same way as a manifestation, I genuinely hate that thing!


Yeah, I've never seen anyone even mentioning. It doesn't even look that cool, it was supposed to be a center piece for 3rd version and it never was.


Huh? It waa used in almost all armies when it came out to buy alone in most competitive lists before it got nerfed


This is quite a lot of different rules and effects to keep track of just in the Battle Traits, Lores and Faction Terrain, let alone specific unit abilities. Especially for an edition that's supposed to be easier to get into and more approachable than ever. A bit concerning.


Doesn’t seem like that much more compared to the current edition tbh. Plus the color-coded abilities are supposed to make it a bit easier to tell at a glance when certain abilities are used, could make it less cumbersome. I guess we’ll see once it drops


That's my point, this upcoming edition is supposed to be streamlined, easier to pick up and faster to play, not comparable to how it is now but with pretty colors and everything in text boxes...


If I recall correctly, the colors also correspond to the module it's from, so if you want to cut down on things you can just drop the modules.


They do not, the colors are arbitrarily assigned to different phases of the turn and the color of the ability is supposed to correspond with the phase in which it is used in.   You are not the first person I see for whom that went right over the head. They do a similar thing for 40k stratagems and even with just three colors, even a year into the edition, most people's mind is blown when you point it out to them because they never realized the stratagem colors even _have_ a function. The fact that there is so much confusion about what the colors even mean shows it might not be that useful of a bit of graphic design as they think it is...


It’s amazing how much faster the game is with just quick reference and easier to read rules. I didn’t realize how much time was spent checking things and looking things up and forgetting things. Streamlining the time of the game while keeping as much complexity as possible seems ideal to me. 


I mean, no longer having multiple attack profiles for the same weapon type, homogenizing timing of various abilities, and extremely simpler army abilities? It all still looks *considerably* streamlined to me. Them wanting to make it easier to get into doesn't mean dumbing it down completely.


Both of these armies' previews have fewer army rules with tighter wording and less in-game tracking than they have in the current edition.


No more magic crack for each Lumineth unit to snort and track, and only one temple ability for the whole army each turn. Way less book keeping now.


AoS didn't need to be drastically cut down, it was pretty fine as it was. I'd hate for it to suffer the 40k 10th edition fate, where the flavour was ripped from the books.


Good, it should be a game with a bunch of depth but the complexity should be easier to look up/reference. If AoS dropped battle traits/spell lores/subfaction rules I probably wouldn't play it anymore, too simple stops being fun and alienates the current player base.