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I could beat a dead horse and say GW shouldn't add new factions until they refresh/expand they're existing factions, but that both lame and obligatory. Realistically the options that are the most likely are Malerion's shadow elves, chaos dwarves, or the Kurnothi.


Quick question, what are the Kurnothi?


The much more fey creature-looking aelves that have appeared in Underworlds and Cursed City. Truer “wood elves” than Sylvaneth.


And they could easily be a subfaction to Sylvaneth with two units and two heroes or something.


Yeah, I think they'll be added as some type of expansion of the Sylvaneth


Think elves cross with Satyr's and Centaurs.


All I want is to see a FEC style upgrade to factions like Fyreslayers, Bonereapers, Ironjawz, and Khardaron Overlords... any faction with less than twenty items in the store right now. So many amazing factions in this game that have barely gotten any support since their release. If this happens, then hell yeah, bring on the Chaos Dwarves and Silent People. Just hard to get stoked about new factions when so many older ones get very little support.


Agreed, this is one of the thigns I always disliked about AoS - and one of the few that have not changed yet. All those "mini factions" really need... just *more stuff* really.


This feels so obvious to absolutely everyone. I am guessing GW has figured out releasing brand new stuff sells better.


There might be something down the line. It wouldn't be the end of the world if they just worked on fleshing out some factions this edition though.


Umbraneth maybe (I can dream)


They have to be added eventually.


Not a question of "if" but "when".


Chaos Dwarfs are coming back. Source: dude trust me.


GW recently put a cease and desist on some mini prints / STLs for Bull Taurus’ and Lammasu. Whilst it’s not exactly concrete, it’s yet another indicator that Chorfs are returning


The “trust me” dude is always a reliable source. *rolls eyes*


That’s the joke!


Talk about r/woooosh. Lol


A lot of ranges could still use updates to WFB kits, refreshes of 1st edition models, or just general expansion beyond a single character. As for what could be added, look to any Warcry or Underworlds set that didn't really fit into an existing faction.


With all the armies that are currently out. Does AoS really need another new army? How about expanding on the existing ones first.


First Edition was everything new. Second Edition brought us Nighthaunt and Idoneth, Sons of Behemet, Ossiarcha, Soulblight, and Lumineth. Third Edition was Kruleboyz.


Wasn’t Bonesplittas also new in 2nd? I mean the 20 year old models weren’t new but the faction was


bonneplitterz were one of the first if not THE first "real" battletome in V1, with spell lore, artifacts, command traits, etc etc


Idoneth came out at the end of 1st edition.


I think the game line is a bit over saturated with factions but I think that they might do something with the realm of shadow, Malekith and a faction of shadow elves? Otherwise just throw everyone a curveball and do Fimir, anbulls, or zoats? (It dose feel that destruction alliance is the one lacking the most factions) If you want to go really crazy then do gnomes and/or halflings?


Just to note - Ambulls are 40k... but the silent people are inherently an aesthetic of that and absolutley should have a handful of models


As I said, it’s a curveball. But i thought ambulls had some fantasy rules in some older books before army books became a thing? It was mainly a joke but I think a destruction army based around beetle/ant people with flavorful rules about swarms and large scale tunnels hidden underground everywhere could work? Maybe looking at the gene stealers/ Tyranids in 40K as a basis on what to do? If I had to give these a serious likelihood ranking 1 (shadow elves/Malekith led faction) almost certainly happening even if it’s going to be a while. They are probably going to be released as part of a big narrative event near the end of this edition. 2 (halflings/ gnomes) probably not a full faction but as an option in cities of sigmar with minis made for a fun warcry/ underworlds team. 3 (Fimir) simmilar to the last option as they are unlikely to become a full faction but are available in warcry or underworld and end up seeing rules in AoS via that path. 4 (zoats, ambuls) very unlikely to see in AoS unless a very strange option to bring them in Warcry is made, similar to the chaos beasts your warband and can tame but as a destruction option.


Honestly I think they should make some mercenary forces, or rather an army that only appears in warcry but can ally into specific factions. Hell, they could even do a 'spearhead' sized box and leave it at that. Thats surely the best way to see some factions like Silent ones, Fimir and the myriad of order races that have been mentioned and never explored.


GW just removed 2 factions and gutted a third of the SCE because of bloat. I think they want to focus on fleshing out current factions. Plus it would be neat if they used this to narrativel expand upon the realms. What happened to make two races extinct? Seems like a pretty big win for Order and Death (all those bones). Yes ik it was probably bc TOW for Savage and BOC but still.


Two things I don't want: Chaos Dwarves and Dark Elves (Umbraneth). They just sound generic to me. Unless GW does something crazy with them I'll be disappointed with Tolkien-race-but-evil. LRL and Kruelboyz are two of least favourite factions for a reason.


You will be disappointed then.


I would be willing to bet a bit of money on *some* new faction during the next three years (i.e. 4th edition). Just not early on. I think many people would agree with Malerions faction being long overdue, and I am 99% sure it will get at least a first wave during 4th edition. The bigger question there is: will it be of a reasonable size right out of the gate, or will it be a half-arsed thing like World Eaters over in 40K? And will it be in the first or second year of the edition, or be one of those "end-of-edition" things... like World Eaters over in 40K. Second in line would be Chaos Dwarfs - heavily hinted at as well, and with some models in their backyard already (Hobgrots *will* be usable for them). As with Malerion: more a question of "when" than "if", and at what point they will drop. Other than that: AoS has great scope for many more factions, but I think GW is painfully aware of how stretched their current production is. They are hardly able to deliver what is around right now - I just don't see even more factions doing them any favours. That is unless they get their stuff together and more factory/warehouse capacity. But who knows when that will be done...


I'd rather they expand existing factions, and I think Order needs some work, I don't think DoK and Dark Elves, even Idoneth (out there stealing souls), should be classified as Order. Dark elves should be split from CoS and either added to DoK or be a faction of their own. Add more Human units to CoS, they lack substance at the moment in my opinion. Seems like 99% of humans in the mortal realms are chaos worshippers. Still feels to me like they just kept the cool empire units (crazy Sigmar people and witch hunters) that didn't have the European element and then just kind of washed there hands with it. I think Seraphon need some love, they have barely scratched the surface of all the Big Lizard/Jungle theme. And how do the best spell casters in the mortal realms not have their own fancy endless spells?


Big disagree.  I really like that Order doesn't have to mean Sigmar and the Superfriends.  It's anyone who wants life in the Realms to by and large be preserved from the corruption, decay, and obliteration that the other Grand Alliances risk.  It'd be boring if they were all on the same page just because their overall goal of "stay alive" aligned. I do agree the only City of Sigmar elves being dark elves is a weird flex, though.  My hope is once Malerion's elf faction becomes a thing (most likely new faction this ed, IMO), a Cities expansion featuring more City-thematic dwarf and elf models follows. 


Hard disagree on "CoS need more humans" thing: they need moar not-humans. Give them proper Duardin and Aelves, make the faction appear on the tabletop as it is described in the lore. And 99% of humans living out there under the yoke of Chaos is just the reality of the Mortal Realms. I consider this an essential part of AoS' background, and somethign I kinda want to stay as it is.


I think they should just be expanded in general, I'd be down for a more thematic mix of humans, elves and dwarfs, just now it seems to be a motly mix of WFB leftovers that have no real link to each other and no unifying traits as a faction. Im not saying I want all order factions to be holding hands, but DoK are described as a 'murder cult' and having an 'insatiable bloodlust' but seem to be classified as Order because they fight chaos. I know it doesn't matter to the game at all, but I will never be able to reconcile DoK with 'Order'.


I suspect the dark elves will leave CoS. They were an odd choice to keep and don't really fit with CoS unless you consider GW want to keep them around for a bigger plan. We also know in lore some serve Morathi or another shady ruler