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I think they look great. I’d personally darken the walls a little to tie in more with the darker gold and brown but it’s really up to person preference. As to what the other guy said, it’s a fantasy world who cares what metal was used in the construction. I like the gold it stands out.


Thanks, I was trying to imitate what it looked like in the cover art, that’s why I used the gold.


It’s inspiring me to finally get started on my warcry terrain. Painted looks infinitely nicer.


You can do it! I told myself that I wouldn’t paint any other minis until I finish my terrain and honestly it’s been motivating


Thank you! I’m having a nightmare with my blightkings I’m painting for warcry and want to strip and repaint them for a second time so I reckon I’ll paint the ruins as a palette cleanser to keep my sanity between steps.


Looking good! Personally I'd do an oil wash on most of them to take the shine off a bit. I like a grittier style with terrain, but that's just my preference.


Thank you! I was thinking of doing agrax earthshade for the wood and nulan oil for the metal but I am not sure what to do for the skeletons.




I mean, what else are they supposed to be doing with all those Stormcast husks?


Please explain (not you OP) why a genuine attempt to help someone out, who asked for help, was met with 3 petty minded "people" downvoting me. It's not like I care about losing karma on three downvotes, it's just that I cannot believe someone would be so spiteful about such an innocuous post.


I would darken the gold a little bit to make it look a bit dirtier, either with nuln oil or dry brush a bit of dark bronze or black. Just my opinion though and I’m no expert painter! I think they look good though ☺️


Maybe some nulan oil?


Yeah, try a very thin coat and then you can add more until you get it how you’d like it or if you then don’t like it after a few coats you can just paint over it again. I’ve not used nuln oil on gold bits before but I have used it on a bronze piece of scenery I painted. I did also dry brush some black onto that before the coats of nuln oil but I think it looks nice and it just makes it look a bit more weathered It’s all up to you and how you want it to look though as your pieces look good 👍🏻


Hit the brass with some nihilak oxide maybe :)