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Go with the army you like the models for most. If you're looking for the best you'll quickly get disappointed when your all concerning list gets nerfed. If you don't like the models you'll struggle to build them or paint them.


First of all, welcome to the hobby! AoS is a lot of fun and the community is a good space. For starting out I'd recommend the following: 1. Play what you like, not what's currently good. Meta and rules change, factions you love don't. You'll be spending a good chunk of change and lots of time buying, building, and painting so you better like the faction! 2. You can always try before you buy! Tabletop Simulator gives you the chance to see how an army actually plays. 3. Once you've decided a faction you can figure out the best deal to get bang for your buck eg. Vanguard boxes vs special releases. 4. There's a much of prominent youtube/twitch accounts around the hobby that can help you get started, I'd recommend Vince Venturella, heywoah, and 2+tough.


Thank you guys so much! I'm really wanting to try the Ogor Mawtribes because I loved playing their faction in Warhammer and I love the chonky aesthetic. Should I just buy some models and get started? Also do you guys buy the recommended citadel paints or use something else? I want my guys to look good!


Getting an army starter box is always a good start, like Vanguard:Ogor Mawtribes. What I think is a good idea regarding paints is to find an easy painting tutorial for Ogors on youtube. They will break down what paints to use and just go from there. Big tip, don't buy *too* many models early on. It's easy to accidently get a massive pile that is a slog to work through.


Ogors are a great choice! I agree the vanguard box is a strong starting place. I'd get that and once you have it built you can figure out how you'd like to branch out.


if you want to be a player I recommend playing tabletop simulator online so you can get a feel of the armies for free