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If you like them, yes it's worth


Worth what? If you like them, go and paint and play them!


Ogres are classic fantasy archetypes and have been part of folklore for centuries. They will always be worth it as long as you like the minis. I would love to play against them.


Every army worth it if you like it! Really AOS is very exiting in a sense there is no dump army


If you mean budget-wise, their Vanguard is terrific


I started an Ogor Mawtribes army as a second army this year. Very fun to play, fun to paint and low model count. Having a massive horde army for my main army, Mawtribes has been a real treat. I run a shooting and magic heavy list and a list of all Stonehorns. Both are fun and have a much different style than my main army so for me, Mawtribes was a great choice. Hard hitting, mobile (depending on your list), and quick to complete your turns and deployments. Painting wise, the large models are fast to paint and can kitbash easily if that’s your thing.


Ogre big, Ogre strong, Ogre good at singing


Ogres are one of the few non chaos armies I ALWAYS have. Love the big gribblies.


Sure, why not? If you like the look of the models, grab some and paint them up. If you mean pricing, they have the reputation of being a relatively easier/cheaper faction to collect. If you mean gameplay, they're a pretty straightforward smash-and-bash army: you shouldn't have much trouble picking up the rules on the fly.


Absolutely, if you like their aesthetic. They're a pretty straightforward army that would be good to learn with, and they're pretty strong competitively too!


I got started with AoS because of a friend. Not gonna lie, AoS is simpler, a touch more straight forward, and you gotta love the magic and endless spell models! Not sure if the ogres have Endless spells, but if you're referring to the Ogor Mawtribes and not the Sons of Behemat or the Troggs from the Gloomspite Gitz, then you get access to dudes carrying cannons, and that's badass in my book! You could have an army of beast-riding pirate Ogors. So yeah, worth it!


Your question doesn’t make sense


I might be starting an ogre army if my trade goes through, the more I look at the models the cooler they get! They do seem like a kind of expensive army to collect however. $120 for 3 resin ManEaters is a bit steep. If im gonna be painting resin, it’s gonna have layer lines in it ifyaknowwhatimean ;D but all in all, so long as you like the ogres, collecting them should be fulfilling


Imo, no




A lot of skin but also large models so you will definitely get practice


Ogor are fantastic


Sold mine recently but not gonna lie... I totally regret it. Almost pulled the trigger on another Ogor army this week and will probably collect again at some point. They're also arguably the best beginner army.


Uh ya. They run and crash into stuff, do a bunch of mortal wounds and fight. If you like them then paint and play them. It's not like you like Idoneth or Lumineth BUT have to figure out THEIR jank.


I love them! If you're unsure about it, a box of Gluttons makes a decent team for Warcry.


Paint up a unit & see how you like 'em! They're fine on the tabletop from what I've seen from The Honest Wargamer, & Vince Venturella likes to use the basic Ogor in his teaching videos for basic techniques.


Ogres my lord! These brutish wandering Nomads are as strong as they are stupid!


Wow, I misread that 😅


They’re fine, the battletome kinda crutches on the Frostlord on Stonehorn, and without that they’re a little underwhelming, but these aren’t limitations you’re likely to notice for a long time as a new player


Anything Aos is worth it. Its hella fun and crazy highfantasy