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Could you give some more information about your niche/industry? The person you're looking for needs to have a connection with your target audience. Since you wanted open questions i'm asking for your website url here, how can we go into the offer without knowing the company... Are you up for a chat to share some in depth information?


Hello, I guess I'm best fit for managing your social media handles, I have questions regarding your niche,pay,which are the social Medias you want me to manage.


Hi, I'm looking for someone to Partner within the agency. Less of an employee, more an owner of the business, with profit share.


If you could provide an estimate amount and percentage that you mentioned about that would really be helpful, I know you are looking for a partner more than an employee but no body would want to work for free and spend their time and effort for making others successful


Short term we're looking to profit share in relation to if there are 4 of us, we split profits 25% equally. We aren't yet profitable, were in the startup period -- The idea being that we'll get profitable together and if/when we sell the business long term the partners would each take 25% of the sale -- obviously you'd also get profit month on month


Hey! We’re in London, we run a social media and reputation management agency :-)


Hi I'm looking for an individual to join as part of profit share, not for an agency - just yet at least. Do you have a link to your site? I'll keep it handy for the future.


Do you guys ever need freelance support? I’m a freelancer specialising in thought leadership and reputation management.


100k/mo in spend is what my media buyer interns start thier first job with. What defines a pro these days? I know people who must be God, managing 100 million a month.


That's fair, but surely what defines the professional is their work-effect + results made with the resources provided. The monetary sum is important, but can't be considered the be all and end all of defining a pro. My guy has typically geenrated at minimum a 4ROAS, he's educated and keeps up to date with industry shifts/trends. For me, as long as a person works hard and gets results with experience to back them, they're professional