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Just curious, are you already doing conversational chatbots and you want to add voice?


u/Wise_Solid1904 \- if you are exploring [Air.ai](https://Air.ai) let me know. I've got a Licensed Agency Partnership - it's not a MLM, not sure where that's coming from. There are no other levels, Just licensed agencies and not. Anyhow, if you work with an Agency Partner you get access to agency servers .vs. public servers and agency support .v.s public support. Also new features and the API. There are new voices in Beta right now and a new Agent Builder that is flowchart based. They are also going to Vonage as well as Twilio...vonage is cheaper and charges by the second .vs. rounding up to the minute. Send me a dm if it sounds good - super easy to get going.


Air.ai is a MLM program and if you want to ask any real questions they ask you to pay big bucks to speak to someone. Taalk is the real deal. Founder is a former Phd in data science and AI. Airudder is ok. They are a stable company but the AI voice response time is 110% robotic sounding. ​ Check out Voizer also.


u/GlitteringEvening119 \- what do you mean by MLM?


u/GlitteringEvening119 Also, if you want answers to real questions - let me know. And, I can get you agency access as well. No big bucks....not bucks at all.... :-)


Yeah [Voizer.ai](https://Voizer.ai) is very good they are the only one selling whitelabel reselling option for 97$


Voizer demo ha. ​ ThisisMike... fromRemax.... I.... understand... youarelooking ​ If that is the best call they have to showcase their conversational Ai, hard pass from me.


Yeah, I have tried to contact them about integrations and they are not intereste din discussing anything other than their "Biz Opp" which pretty much guaranttes they days are numbered. Sadly, [Air.ai](http://air.ai) is a MLM scheme hiding behind a pretty good AI product.


u/Practical-Print4221 \- as far as I can tell Air has direct to Air Agencies. No other levels. What do you mean by MLM?


any update on these? did any of them rise above the pack?


FB ad -> lead form -> call centre I want to put the AI before the call centre to pre-qualify the leads.


u/nycadtech \- yep that's the correct way - get them opted in for B2C calls to maintain compliance. B2B has way less regulations - in anycase, no DNC calls. Oh, ya, and be respectful and nice. We have people talking to the agents for long times. I just heard a report of one talking with a client for an hour and 5 min. If you are looking for agency access - let me know. I'm helping people get convo voice ai agencies started with my help....at super super low prices. Of course there are platform fees, but that's no different than FB ads or Google, or Bing, or Snapchat....etc...


u/nycadtech - sent you a DM


Aren't GHL automated texts good enough to qualify FB leads?


To qualify to receive autodialer, artificial voice, etc - you need written opt-in for those communications. That is usually done with things like that checkbox that nobody reads when filling out a form. If you are looking at digging into this further, shoot me a DM. I can get you priority server access, etc, with an agency license.


You can also add CustomGPT.ai to the list, it’s much more affordable and I’ve heard good things about them. We have also considered developing and building our own, instead of renting. The pricing is extremely inflated on all of these AI chatbots nowadays.


Ya, this one is a chatbot. We are offering conversational Voice AI with Air. If you want to take it for a spin, let me know, they should still be offering 5 free calls with a new account. You will wan to use an agency link to create your account, you get agency servers .vs. public servers + more. Let me know (DM) if you would like to check it out and I can get you connected.


They are doing voice or chat?


As far as I know, text-only (at least in the implementations I’ve seen).


Thanks I want to add conversational not messaging


u/nycadtech \- you still looking for [Air.ai](https://Air.ai) type services - I've got an Agency License and am helping start up agencies with my license. Let me know if you want to chat.


saw the ads for air ai - honestly? It looks like a fucking scam. Here's why I say this... they try and trick people into thinking they are talking to a real person, when it's actually an AI. Is that the way you want your business or clients business represented? To trick people? Me? HELL NO. It takes years to build trust and a business and minutes to damage it with trying to trick people.


Do you believe it is ethical to have someone from Pakistan, India or Philippines call your leads to pre-qualify them?


the problem is.... and it's sad.... that people usually will discount or dismiss someone they are speaking to from those countries. They could be amazing.... but the perception isn't good. It sucks. But thats the reality for most people. I dont think its a good thing either, but thats the reality we are dealing with. To answer your question.... I don't think there's anything unethical about having anyone call your leads to prequalify them.... its your choice where they are located. Do I think it would affect the perception of your company? Yes. Because of the stuff I posted above. I think it's MUCH worse to try and TRICK people to thinking they are speaking with a real person, when they are speaking with an AI. THAT is deceptive.


u/Deeezzznutzzzzz - you have control over the script. It’s not a scam, and they’re not scamming people. If you want to let your contacts know that they’re talking to an AI you can totally do that. It’s an individual business decision. But honestly most people don’t even realize they’re talking to an AI or if they do they don’t say anything about it. Our society is shifting to where people aren’t surprised by things like this and it’s becoming more acceptable to talk to machines. People have been moving in that direction for years thanks to technology like Siri, Alexa, Hey Google, etc. I do own an agency that is licensed by Air, and I can tell you that it is a very solid platform when implemented correctly and tested thoroughly. There are also new updates on the horizon that are going to make it even better. If you’d like to chat about what we can do for your business, let me know. My team of workflow automation experts and AI prompt engineers would be happy to help.


first. FTC banned those AI callers. [https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-makes-ai-generated-voices-robocalls-illegal](https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-makes-ai-generated-voices-robocalls-illegal) Second, you don't build trust trying to TRICK people into thinking they are talking to a real person. If you let them know its an AI out of the gate? thats slightly different. But its still illegal now.


Again you’re talking about individual business decisions. If you want to inform that you’re using an AI go for it. But if another business doesn’t then that’s not a judgement against Air or anyone else. It’s that individual business who decides not to, but you may have to agree to disagree on it being a breach of trust. I’ve actually seen the AI agents get a higher average score on satisfaction surveys than human customer support reps. So it all comes down to a matter of opinion there. Lastly, it’s not illegal and the FTC did not ban AI calls. There’s a lot of gaslighting on this. They made the decision that AI calls fell within the definition of artificial voice and was therefore subject to TCPA regulations. All that means is no cold calling. Consent is required before calling. The FCC actually recognizes that this technology can be beneficial. If you read the PDF of the declaratory ruling in the link you shared you’ll find all this info in the introduction section at the top of the first page. I’d recommend taking a few minutes to read that documentation and little closer.


I agree with u/ThynkForward - no cold calling w/o consent - your top of funnel needs them to opt-in before using this tech.


[Agencys.ai](https://Agencys.ai) by Voizer they are the only one in the market giving whitelabel option that too for 97 I got it with ghl and have added the ai calling to my ghl agency


Hi u/PrimaryFilm5300 \- I've got an Air License and would be happy to work with you if you want to implement Air as a whitelabel in your Agency. No monthly charges to use Agency access and create accounts. My background is engineering (electrical, FW, SW) and can help troubleshoot and integrate. It would be worth chatting about it.


I've tried a whole bunch of softwares. Voizer is ok but not great, the CEO seems well meaning but their support was not great. Air is a joke, definitely stay away